• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 7,007 Views, 206 Comments

Truth or Scare - RainbowJack2000

Rainbow Dash invites her friends over for a slumber party but things get out of hand when they play Truth or Dare.

  • ...

Being Loyal while drunk

Here they are, 9 o'clock P.M. in front of Soarin's house where he was having his birthday party. His parents were not around to supervise since they had family business to take care of in Manhattan, so he was throwing the party with alcoholic drinks, cigars, hot babes, and so much more. Rainbow Dash was nervous, but was willing to take the risk.

"What's my dare again Pinkie?" she asked.

"You have to drink at his party and go third base with him! Here, use this protection thingy, just in case." Pinkie explained, handing it over to Rainbow.

"Awesome! You're the best, Pinkie!"

"Now hold on a second, partner," Applejack said, moving up," Are ya sure ya wanna do this?"

"Fuck yeah I am! You know me AJ, I never chicken out from a dare!" Rainbow beamed.

"But this is different. Third base, RD. Third. I can't even go first."

"I'm different, Applejack. Besides, I got protection, see?" Rainbow waved the cover-thingy in Applejack's face.

"Well, don't you start screamin' when ya got a full twelve inches up your asshole." Applejack muttered.

"10, actually." Rarity clarified.

Everyone looked at her with shocked faces, wondering how she knew that.

"What? It's in the record book at school in the nurse's office. I was...curious and took a peek." Rarity defended herself.

"Yeah, sure Rarity." Rainbow rolled her eyes, knocking on Soarin's front door. It opened up and Soarin's face popped out.

"Glad you girls could make it. How's the slumber party going?" he asked.

"Meh, it could go bettter, but it's cool." Rainbow replied, acting like the slumber party was boring.

The girls rolled their eyes and smiled. Rainbow knew the slumber party was off-the-hook, but admitting it to Soarin would make her look "girly". This has been going on for years now.

"Cool. Come on in," he stops Pinkie, "Did you bring...'it'?"

A wide grin spread across her face. She ran to the back of the large van which was driven by Rainbow, took out her party cannon, ran back to the house and confetti blasted everywhere. Then she went to the DJ stand, pulled Vinyl Scratch out of nowhere and said, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

Now everyone was really having fun.

Rainbow Dash went downstairs to get herself some booze. There were other teens there, giggling hysterically, lap-dancing (yes I am that type of kid), and apparently...


Rarity and Fluttershy were also down there, drinking some Hawaiian Punch since Rarity claims drinking alcohol would ruin her reputation. And Fluttershy was...well, Fluttershy. Rainbow grabbed a bottle of champagne, poured it in a glass and chugged down.

"Rainbow, slow down, you're drinking like a crazed buffoon." Rarity said.

"Hey! I don't want to lose a dare tonight! I need to get boozed up!" Rainbow snapped back.

"But Rainbow, you might not even remember what you did by tomorrow." Fluttershy said.

"Like they say Fluttershy, better now than never."

"Are you doing this because you have a crush on Soarin or for wanting to complete the dare?" Rarity asked.

"Both." Rainbow said, grabbing another glass.

7 drinks and 3 slaps from AJ later...

Rainbow was indeed, drunk. Her friends were not, since they were having so much fun hanging out with each other. But Rainbow was drunk. She didn't know what was going on, and for some reason, was hanging out with Soarin and his friends, who weren't really that drunk, but appreciated the fact she was making things more "fun."

Applejack pulled Rainbow Dash from the crowd and took her outside.

"Look at you, drunk as my great-aunt Sally. You shouldn't be drinkin' so much, Rainbow." Applejack said.

"Nonsense, Abbletact! I'm not enen drunk!" Rainbow slurred.

"Well, ya are, and ya shouldn't be either. Yer still a teenager, Rainbow Dash. I dunno if you're ready-"

Cutting Applejack off, Rainbow gave her a big, fat, sloppy kiss. Her mouth tasted like alcohol, which made Applejack pull away in five seconds.

"Disgustin'! I can't believe ya did that!" Applejack yelled.

"Aw, come on! Don't act like ya didn't enjoy it." Rainbow said, getting closer.

"Yer...yer sick! Don't come fifty steps near me, ya hear!" Applejack said, backing away.

"Pleeze! Abbletact, I-"

"Hey Rainbow Dash and Applejack! They're going to light Soarin's cake! Come on in!" Twilight yelled.

"Comin' Twi!" Applejack yelled back. She looked at Rainbow one more time, shook her head and went in.


"Thanks for coming! See you guys soon! Ta-ta!" Soarin said, watching everyone leaving his house after his great big party. He hasn't had this much fun in ages.

"Soarin, when can I host your next big party?!" Pinkie said, standing in the doorway.

Soarin chuckled, "Maybe before I leave for college, Pinkie."

"Fair enough! See ya at school on Monday!"

"See ya!"

Rainbow Dash crookedly walked up to Soarin, still drunk as ever, "Hey, Soarin, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure Rainbow. Is something wrong?" he asked, leading them to the couch. They sat.

"Well, yes...no...maybe, I don't know."

"I don't follow."

Rainbow Dash seemed to somehow snap out of her drunken state and back into reality. She had no idea what she was doing until now. She shook her head several times to snap out of it.

"Uh, Rainbow," Soarin asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Anyway, I...um...well, I have a secret that I've been keeping from you."

"Really? What is it?"

He moved closer, and Rainbow could feel the butterflies in her stomach. She took a deep breath and said this fast, but clearly:

"I've always had a crush on you, Soarin. Everytime you're near me, I get goosebumps or butterflies in my stomach. You know, all that mushy stuff. I've always hoped I could spend some time with you instead of being around my friends all day. At our slumber party, Pinkie dared me to go third base with you if I was drunk, but somehow, here I am back into the real world. But that's not the point. The point is:...do you have feelings for me...too?"

Soarin stared at Rainbow and her at him. He seemed that he was going to look like that forever. Rainbow Dash felt anger rise up in her body, but stopped when he started blinking. Soarin sighed.

"Rainbow, I...I thought I had feelings for you. Everything you said about me when I'm around you is the same feeling I get when you're around me...but..."

"But?" Rainbow repeated.

"I saw you kiss Applejack before they lit my birthday cake. I closed the shutters after she broke the kiss."

"We did WHAT?! Who- how the- I was- HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN?!"

Soarin moved back a little, scared at how angry she was getting, "Don't ask me! She's the person you kissed. Anyway, I believe you two would make a great couple, since...obviously you love each other."

"Soarin, no. Just...no. We like each other but not in that way! Hear me out!"

"Hear me out, Rainbow. You are obviously in love with her. She loves you back. There's nothing else to say."

"Soarin, I-" There were tears in her eyes. One drop and he would know she was a baby.

"Sorry Rainbow. There's nothing else to say. I'm going to ask you to leave please."

Rainbow sniffed a little and slowly got off the couch, heading towards the door. She stopped in the doorway, looked back at Soarin who was cleaning the mess up, and closed the door behind her.


The girls were waiting for Rainbow Dash to hurry up in the house while they sat in the car. When she came out, they could see she was really angry about something. Fluttershy opened the door for Rainbow and she got in.

"Um, Rainbow, are you-"

"YOU!" Rainbow yelled, grabbing Applejack's collar. The girls gasped while Applejack gulped.

"M-me?" she studdered.

"You did this to me! You son of a bitch! How the fuck could you do that to me?!" Rainbow growled.

"What in tarnation-"

"Don't use your 'what in tarnation' shit with me, Applejack! You kissed me! And Soarin saw the whole damn thing! You motherfucking asshole!"

"Now hold up! I didn't kiss ya! You were a freakin' drunk-ass who wouldn't know where yer hair was if it weren't attached to yer big-ass head! You pulled that shit on me and speakin' all types of nonsense! I told ya that it was a bad idea!"

"You didn't tell me nothing! I swear Applejack, you're becoming a bigger pain in the ass every motherfucking day!"

"Throw me in hell then, would ya? And get the hell offa me! Rarity, drive! I'm grabbing' ma stuff so I can get the fuck home."

Rarity hesitated, but went into the driver's seat and started the car. Rainbow sat in the front of the car, muttering some words that children should never hear. Ever. Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy looked at each other sadly and sat in the back of the car, sighing. Applejack had her head buried in her knees, weeping terribly.

It was going to be a long drive.

Author's Note:

Even though I kind of rushed the chapter a bit, it's probably going to have an effect on AJ's dare. Ooooh la la!

Poor Rainbow and Applejack! :(