• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 20,282 Views, 388 Comments

Boast Busted - RainbowDoubleDash

A sort of reverse of Boast Busters. Read the long description

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5. Shining Armor

It was a rare thing for Shining Armor to receive a personal summons from the Princess; rarer, still, to receive one so early in the day. True, it was past noon, but the reigning monarch of Equestria was, by preference, nocturnal, typically going to bed almost immediately after setting the moon and raising the sun, and sleeping straight through the midday. As it stood, Her Majesty couldn’t have been awake for much more than an hour at this point.

Not that Shining Armor meeting with the Princess was a rare thing; he did so every day, in fact, as part of the general cabinet meeting of her personal staff, reporting on the defensive readiness of Canterlot, both the palace and the capital city as a whole, an exercise that had once been largely a formality, but which the return of Corona had turned into a decidedly more serious endeavor. Things had been tense in Canterlot for the past few months, as nopony knew when Corona planned to strike next, or how, and so all that the Royal Guard could do was hope that they were prepared for whatever came.

Still, as Shining Armor approached the core of Canterlot Castle, he was trying to remember the last time the Princess had held a personal audience with him. The only one he could recall was when she had appointed him Captain of the Royal Guard, and that had been more of an interview than anything.

Shining Armor was nearing his destination, now, the personal offices of Her Majesty the Princess. He was passing an increasing number of the castle’s staff – maids and servants, of course, but also members of the Royal Guard, dressed in armor and armed with weapons that were considerably more ornate than the standard issue, but which were no less functional. He recognized each and every one, of course: they were the personal guard of the Princess, and he had personally hoof-picked each and every one for their skill, loyalty, and adherence to duty.

This last quality was demonstrated as he approached the doors to the Princess’ office. Despite recognizing who Shining Armor was, despite his technically being their commanding officer, the pegasus and earth pony who stood guard at the door both assumed a defensive posture as he approached, crossing their halberds in front of the door in challenge. He could have easily, after all, been an assassin wearing an illusion or having shape-shifted into his current form.

Paranoid? Yes. But it was the job of the Royal Guard to be paranoid, and especially these two. If they hadn’t reacted as they had, then each of them would have soon found themselves off of guard duty and on to latrine duty.

Shining Armor stopped a respectful distance from the two. “I’m here to see Her Majesty,” he stated. “I was summoned.”

The two guards looked to each other, before the pegasus turned and opened the door, announcing Shining Armor’s arrival, while the earth pony’s eyes remained fixed on the unicorn captain of the guard. After a moment, the pegasus looked back to his companion and nodded, and the two guards stepped aside, allowing Shining Armor entrance into the Princess’ office.

In stark contrast to most of Canterlot, the private office of Princess Luna Equestris was constructed from, or at least made to look like, wooden paneling, rather than the granite that most of Canterlot was made from. Further contrasting with the blue-and-silver decorations strung up throughout the castle, Luna’s office was decorated primarily in shades of warm, inviting reds, complimenting the large fireplace that warmed it in the winter. It otherwise looked surprisingly mundane for the royal office – there were comfortable but hardly lavish cushions sitting on either side of a normal-looking mahogany desk, a book case filled with volumes of both legal code and political philosophy, a map of Equestria and its neighbors on one wall, and various other trinkets scattered about, both useful ones like the abacus sitting at the Princess' desk, and mere curiosities, such as a buffalo peace pipe hanging from one wall. Without changing a single thing about it, one could have transported the room to a normal, albeit wealthy, barrister’s or bookkeeper’s office in Manehattan or Stalliongrad, and not have been able to detect anything out of place.

Despite all that, it wasn’t the simplicity of the office that made Shining Armor pause as he entered, as he had been in here before and knew what to expect. He had even anticipated seeing Princess Luna sitting on the other side of the her desk, horn glowing as she looked over her schedule for the day and reports of what had occurred while she slept. It wasn’t even surprising to see that she was not wearing her black crown, nor the rest of the royal regalia, though those sat nearby on a special stand prepared for them.

No, the thing that caught him off guard was that Princess Luna Equestris was wearing glasses.

Thin, red-rimmed glasses, that somehow managed to make the Shepherd of the Moon, the Caretaker of the Sun, the impossibly ancient yet eternally youthful alicorn princess of Equestria, look almost cute –

No, no, not going there, not even thinking about going there, Shining Armor declared sternly to himself as he approached the desk, and offered a deep bow. “Your Majesty,” he said. “You sent for me?”

Luna had looked up from whatever she was doing as Shining Armor had bowed, and nodded as he spoke and rose from his bow. “Yes, captain,” she said as she stood, walking out from behind her desk to join him. “There is a…is something the matter?”

Shining Armor blinked a few times, and suddenly realized that he must have been staring. “Uh – no, Majesty. I just – I didn’t know you needed glasses.”

Luna paused a moment, then chuckled slightly as her horn glowed, and she levitated the glasses off of her face and set them down on her desk. “I don’t, but I find they help me concentrate on work, especially so soon after waking up, when work is the furthest thing from my mind.”

“Yes, Majesty,” Shining Armor said. “What is on your mind?”

“Several things,” Luna responded, pressing her lips tightly together for a moment after doing so. “Several things…breakfast, for one, but I’ve put that off for the moment.” She motioned with one hoof towards the cushions at her desk, as she herself walked over to the office’s window, ruffling her wings slightly in agitation. “Please have a seat, Shining Armor.”

In truth, he would have preferred to remain standing, but when the Princess of the Night offered one a seat, one took it. He settled down on the large cushions on his side of the desk, watching Luna closely. “Does this concern the Cavallian envoy that will be arriving in a few weeks, Majesty?” Shining Armor asked. With Corona returned from her exile into the heart of the sun, Luna had been reaching out to the various nations surrounding Equestria, looking for support and aid in finding her. First and foremost, of course, was a planned meeting with Cavallia, Equestria’s oldest ally despite also technically being a breakaway state.

Luna shook her head as she turned to regard Shining Armor. “No. Your plans to safeguard Princess Mi Amore Cadenza during her stay are exemplary. This matter doesn’t concern Equestria as a whole…it concerns the Starlight family.”

Shining Armor blinked at the mention of his own family, one of the oldest and most respected – and influential – families of the Night Court. His father, Nightlight, was Viceroy of Latigo, one of Equestria’s largest provinces in the northeast that bordered the Griffin Kingdoms, the independent nation of Gryphos, and the protected city-states of Hippopotamia. “Has something happened to my father?” Shining Armor asked.

Luna shook her head. “No. Your father is just fine, as is your mother. For that matter, to my knowledge your sister, is alive and…unharmed…as well, but this matter concerns her – ”

“Twilie?” Shining Armor asked, standing suddenly and forgetting decorum and proper etiquette at the mention of his sister. “What’s happened to her?”

Luna raised a hoof, trying to calm Shining Armor down. “Please, captain. Sit down.”

Shining Armor obeyed, but only after a moment as his gaze remained locked on Luna’s. The Princess of the Night’s lips were pressed tightly together as she waited for Shining Armor to at least look like he had calmed down. “Last night,” Luna began, “Twilight Sparkle arrived in Ponyville, where she met with my student, Trixie Lulamoon. Do you know her?”

Shining Armor tried to stop his grimace, but failed. “Yes,” he said after a moment. “I met her several times when she lived in the castle, though we never spoke directly. She has a…memorable…personality.”

“That is a charitable way of phrasing it, yes,” Luna confirmed. Shining Armor knew that Luna was rarely so kind with her adjectives. “In any event, your sister met with Trixie. Their meeting did not go well. According to my student, Twilight accused Trixie of being a two-bit hedge mage and a waste of magical talent.” She held up a hoof before Shining Armor could respond to that. “I believe my student, captain, but given the severity of what followed, I am arranging to have the matter thoroughly investigated, and I will of course allow the Starlights to arrange for their own investigation.”

“Severity of what followed?” Shining Armor echoed.

Luna winced slightly. “Trixie, displaying far less control than I would like, goaded your sister into making herself seem like a unicorn-supremacist in front of all of Ponyville. Now, if the matter had progressed no further than this, I would not be talking to you, Shining Armor. Harsh words between two young mares are not worth the attentions of the Night Court, nor the Royal Guard.”

They’re worth my attentions, Shining Armor thought. Not that he would, in any way, abuse his position as captain of the guard to come down on Trixie like a ton of bricks like he wanted to - but that didn't mean that he wouldn't abuse it a little to get back at Trixie for doing that to his sister. Perhaps just a very thorough security check next time she came to Canterlot. Something inconvenient and drawn out. It was amazing what one could do when one was part of the group that strung up the red tape.

Of course, then what Luna had specified sank in. “What happened?” he asked.

Luna grimaced again. “There is no easy way to phrase this,” she stated, “So I will simply say it. Twilight Sparkle responded by going into the Everfree Forest and using fantastically illegal enchantment magic to take control of an Ursa Minor. She then proceeded to bring the Ursa Minor into the center of Ponyville. I do not know her intentions, because at that point, she lost control of the Ursa Minor, and it proceeded to go on a rampage through the town square, causing thousands of bits in property damage.”

Shining Armor stared, wide-eyed. “N…no,” he stated. “Twilie…Twilie wouldn’t do that.”

“There are dozens of eyewitnesses, Shining Armor. The evidence is irrefutable. Now, there were no casualties, and there are also dozens of eyewitnesses that confirm that, while Trixie distracted the Ursa Minor, your sister was able to teleport it away, back into the Everfree. But she then teleported away herself. Nopony has seen nor heard from her since, but then it has only been a few hours. And that does not change the fact that she used illegal magic in the first place, illegal magic she could have learned only by breaking and entering into secure vaults in one of the great libraries of Equestria.” Luna’s grimace worsened. “I am sorry, Shining Armor, but under the circumstances I have no choice but to issue an arrest warrant for your sister…and as you are aware, she is a sorceress of considerable power, so in addition to the Guard I must also involve the Shadowbolts in this matter.”

Shining Armor blinked at that. Popular myth liked to paint the Shadowbolts as Luna’s personal team of ponies devoted to black operations, both within Equestria and outside of it, responsible for blackmail, extortion, and assassination. Shining Armor, having worked with them in the past, knew that in actuality, for the most part, being a Shadowbolt meant long hours of investigation, surveillance, and paperwork, and that it could actually be a fairly boring job most of the time, and was further fully constrained by all the normal laws of Equestria.

But one did not become a Shadowbolt by being a desk jockey and paper-pusher. They were called in only to deal with threats that the Guard could not, by itself, handle. “Is…is that really necessary?” Shining Armor asked.

Luna nodded morosely. “It is, I’m afraid. Nothing can change that. I summoned you here to personally inform you, rather than risk letting you find out by overhearing gossip or learning by reading in tomorrow’s paper.”

Shining Armor looked up at that. “Tomorrow’s?”

“The…the incident…happened too late at night for the news to reach the Canterlot printers. I also pulled some strings at the press. I cannot – I will not – stop the story from running. But I believe I have managed to convince most of the major newspapers to bury the story on page seventeen, or where they like, rather than the front page, for now. That will not last, but it should give your family time to decide how to respond.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Thank-you, Majesty.”

“There is no need, Shining Armor. I owe your family much, and you in particular as well.” Luna eyed Shining Armor. “But this also comes with an expectation. If your sister contacts you, you must inform the Shadowbolts. I want your word as captain of my Royal Guard, and as a scion of the Starlight family.”

Shining Armor nodded slightly. “I will,” he promised. “What…what will you do with Twilight?”

Luna grimaced again. “That depends heavily on the circumstances surrounding her arrest. At the moment, I am willing to take her emotional state into account, and her contribution of banishing the Ursa Minor back to the Everfree. But there will be some form of punitive action, captain, likely several years in prison, or at the very least under house arrest, either in Canterlot or Latigo.”

The unicorn captain of the guard nodded again, still trying to wrap his mind around the idea of his sister, of little Twilie, causing so much trouble. They had used to be so close, but ever since she had set out on her journey through Equestria to learn as much about magic as possible, they had begun to grow distant, letters from her coming less and less frequently, and of course Shining Armor – and indeed, his father and mother as well – had a difficult time ever contacting her due to her constantly being on the move in that caravan of hers…

“You must have some leave time coming up,” Luna said, interrupting Shining Armor’s ruminations. “In fact, it doesn’t matter if you do. Take the next week off, captain. Go and see your family.”

Shining Armor started to object, but the look in Luna’s eyes brooked no argument. Instead, he nodded. “Yes, Majesty. I’ll do that.”

“Very good,” Luna said. “I’m…I’m sorry, captain. I know how this feels, to have a sibling act in a way you didn’t think possible. But Twilight has done nothing unforgiveable. If you speak to her at all, please, make sure she knows that.”

Shining Armor nodded, as Luna gave him leave to depart. He did so stiffly, without even acknowledging the guards on the other side of the door as he did, letting his hooves fall almost mechanically to the floor as he made his way from the Princess’ office.

Twilie…Shining Armor thought. What have you done?

Comments ( 133 )

... And that's exactly why I subscribe to all stories I liked, even if they are marked as completed. :twilightsmile:

Wow. Glad to see Twi's idiocy has consequences.


With the Lunaverse more developed now, it just seemed like a good idea to add this chapter. Had the Lunaverse been as developed as it is now back when this was first written, it certainly would have been there.

Now THAT is some pretty interesting set-up! Nice job RDD!

Shining Armor is in a bit of a pinch there, hope he'll be able to stop his sister from doing something too harsh.

Ouch; poor Shining. :fluttershysad:

You mean her entirely reasonable fear of being beaten up by an angry mob?

I hope it doesn't prevent him from catching the eye of Mi Amore Cadenza... and hoping the "Lunaversing" of the characters doesn't make Chrysalis the more attractive bride.

Ooh, wonderful. I love the portrayal of Shining Armor here. You really did a good job of showing his devotion to Luna and the country, as well as his family, as well as his willing to be a bit of a jerk in revenge against Twilight. I like how you portrayed Luna as well. The glasses were a great touch.

My only comment would be that house arrest seems kind of a light punishment for everything Twilight did. Especially if her family is nobles, that could easily turn into 'stay in your luxurious castle for five years.' And as Twilight is so introverted anyway, as long as she got someone to deliver her books, she might not even care that she can't leave the grounds.

Ooohhh, I was wondering if you would expand on this once Shining Armour was introduced into the show. And it looks like he hasn't met up with Cadence yet either.

It's a small scene you've written here but it's a powerful one. It raises that moral question of, "What do you do when your own family is in trouble with the law?" Do you turn them in, or do you try your best to keep them from getting caught?

If this continues, I'll definitely be interested to see where this goes!

It's also nice to see that Trixie's abrasive nature is going to be answered for. Her lack of tact is why she got sent to Ponyville in the first place and, well, House Starlight is going to see to it that a certain brash upstart is going to eat her words.

So the story goes on, huh?
It's always good to read a parallel universe story, especially if it's as good as this.
Make more as soon as possible!

That was really good to see this story updated.
Only question - are you going to continue that? I would really like to see what happens next with Twi. Although I understand that it is Trixie who is the main focus of Lunaverse (as was Twilight in the Canon).

Now we need to see what happens when Shining Armor and Trixie meet up. That should be funny.

Great chapter RDD. Wanted to say if you include Changeling's perhaps you can depart from making them monsters or misunderstood people. Maybe have them as one of Equestria's military allies.

I feel bad for Shining, especially after we saw him protecting Canterlot against Corona Blaze. :heart: Hope he can convince Twilight to turn herself in before she does something stupid like awaken Discord. Actually that would be awesome, Twilight releasing Discord but I'm getting ahead of myself. Looking forward to reading more Lunaverse stories :eeyup:

Wow, depending on how the eventual arrest/trial/punishment goes, Trixie has potentially made herself some serious enemies here.

Can't wait to see what happens when Shining Armor catches up with her, despite Luna's involvement of the Shadowbolts I'm assuming that is why he just got a week off?

We have been.

And Twilight is slated to appear in "Crisis on Two Equestrias," at the very least. Both Twilights.

Actually he got a week off because Luna knows what it's like to have a sibling do something stupid that you'd never think them capable of doing. She's also sympathetic to the fact that it can't be easy, having a sister who's a wanted criminal.

She did say "at the very least." Plus there's a bit of the way the Lunaverse's politics at work here: House Starlight is very close to the monarch, and there are benefits to that, though the benefits only go so far.

Luna may have also been partially extending an olive branch to the Starlights. "I'll just have her under house arrest in Latigo or Canterlot. In return, please don't screw over my apprentice. I'm going to deal with her."

Nope. They are all mentioned in-story, but it's kind of in an off-hand, casual way, to further the idea that we're beginning in media res, which is the best kind of res.

Trixie - Magic
Lyra - Loyalty
Raindrops - Honesty
Ditzy - Kindness
Cheerilee - Laughter
Carrot Top - Generosity

747344 Ahh, OK. I had guessed she was unofficially sending him after his sister, but apparently not.

The plot thickens! About Shining's personality and his thoughts on Trixie, that's about how I see him in the canon universe: completely loyal to crown and family, but not afraid to bend the law and pull a few strings if one were to mess with a relative.

Some might disagree with me here; but as far as what would happen should Shining Armor approach Trixie, I can actually see her apologizing to him about what she said to Twilight. That is, as long as he doesn't initiate a verbal slug-fest from the start. If he keeps his actions and words civil, I'd bet Trixie would be sincerely apologetic about what she's done; perhaps even going so far as to prostrate herself in front of him after some "gentle" prodding from her friends. (i.e. Raindrops threatening to clock her if she doesn't)

Following the standard list of plot-line cliches, I could easily see Twilight falling in under Corona with the promise of "knowledge and magic of which she can only dream" before anyone else manages to catch up to her. One might say she would become Corona's "most faithful student".

Note to self: next time I write L!Twilight, make sure to include a full chapter devoted to her explaining to somepony exactly why she'd never team up with Corona, starting with "she's pure evil and completely insane, and also tried to kill my brother."


I mean breaking in forbidden archives and learning illegal magic. Which she did herself without Trixie's provocation.

Wasn't saying she would. I was just using the cliche to make a (rather terrible) joke about her being Celestia's student.:twilightblush:

so is this story not completed? cos i sooo wanna see where this goes :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Where is this "Crisis on Two Equestrias" you speak of?

It's planned, but not yet written. This story has become just the first entry in a larger shared universe, with not just me writing it.

This the group, with the list of stories written for it.

"Crisis on Two Equestrias" is basically going to be the season finale.

Awesome, can't wait and will be keeping tabs on that group.

Oh wow...poor Shining Armor. In spite of it all I still feel bad for Twilight a bit too. I mean, she never seemed the most emotionally stable of ponies and in Lunaverse it seems to be even worse. I really wish Luna hadn't asked Shining Armor to report his sister if she made contact with him. It's one of those orders that even issuing them you *know* they're not going to be obeyed. All it can do is get Shining Armor in trouble for trying to help his little sister.

I like the parallel between Luna and Shining's position vis a vis their siblings, Luna's glasses were a great touch and so was Shining Armor's kneejerk reaction to get back at Trixie and defend Twilight. It's what makes it all so heartbreaking.

Incidentally, I do hope we get a chapter detailing SA's and Twi's next meeting. That'll be an awkward family reunion.

Very well done, par usual. Twilight... *Shakes head* Although IIRC Twilight kinda did the whole 'Unicorn supremacy' thing with zero goading from Trixie. Did you change that bit, yet?

I made it a little clearer that Trixie was trying to get Twilight angry enough to say something stupid without thinking through what she was saying. Trixie also didn't try to make her look like a tribalist, specifically, but she did want to make a fool out of her.

Twilight really doesn't think that unicorns are better than other ponies, but at the same time she doesn't think what earth ponies or pegasi do is magic.


And that is why people complaining about their finished stories being tracked instead of favorited ruined tracks and faves for everyone.

...I wish I wasn't still butthurt about that but urggggggggg

All I know is I don't even use the "read later" button. Either a story I read is favorited, or it isn't.


Great addition to the original story.

As always, a great story.

One small issue that stood out for me: You slipped an extra n into Pony Su- I mean, Cadence's name.

Princess Mi Amore Candenza.

I hardly blame you: Nobody seems to be able to spell any of her names eight times out of ten. (You have no idea how many times I've seen Candace), but I thought I'd point it out.

Nice development, I'll look forward to seeing how this turns out. And also...


I see what you did there. :trixieshiftright:

I loved the way Shining forcibly talks himself down from thinking of Luna as cute, but continues to stare anyway.

Alright, my heart just completely stopped when Shining first says "Twilie?", all the more so because of the way Luna stressed "unharmed" beforehand. As a big brother myself to a very talented, but recently somewhat distant, sister this probably has extra resonance. And the buildup only gets increasingly nerve-wracking, “Severity of what followed?” His discipline is commendable, I'd have probably been leaping across the table and demanding to know everything, and when the hammer final does hit the floor I am continued to be impressed by his outwardly at-least patient resolve.

Ooh, and confirmation of the Shadowbolts. That was good.

I use the "read later" button for stories that look interesting, but I don't have the time or inclination start yet. Basically a way to make sure I can find them later when I have time to start something new or the mood fancies me. I also have a few "favorites" double marked that way to make sure I remember to read them again someday

748752 Abacus x Luna is my OTP

That was a good way to round it all off (in this story), and now I REALLY can't wait for Crisis. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Trixie_lolface_1.png

I've got to say though, reading this felt really weird after all of the mane-verse stuff I read after you posted chapter 4. Not bad weird, just "oh, wait, all of this stuff happened, I remember now" combined with a small dose of having WAY too many fics to read that haven't finished and that aren't Lunaverse, among other things.

Somehow, this just seems like the start of another story rather than an epilogue.

Having taken some time to think on the matter, part of me thinks that the word "map" in chapter 5 should be a link to the official Lunaverse map, or maybe a blog post featuring said map + additional details. It seems an appropriate place to put some cool extra details that readers who don't track the Lunaverse board might still be interested in.

Then again, part of me also thinks thinks that in chapter 3 the "---" between Trixie's visit to the wagon and Twilight's encounter with the Cockatrice should be a link to my sub-chapter, but that's mostly just me being silly/greedy.

Actually, I think I'll do both those things.

When I read "mahogany desk" all I could think of was King Yemma. Great epilogue, overall. Shining Armor still seems like a chill dude. :moustache:

So that description makes me think that the Shadowbolts are not composed of only pegasi, and in fact probably don't do stunt flying at all. Are the Wonderbolts still in this ~verse, and what is Rainbow Dash's goal in life right now?

The Wonderbolts are mentioned in chapter 1, but beyond that, hasn't been defined yet.

Join the group! Sooner or later someone will answer the question.

"In my sister's defence, Princess Luna, I should point out that teleporting away without learning anything is a Starlight family tradition. It's not one we're proud of, but it's still a tradition."

Luna does bring out the severity of Twilight's crimes quite starkly here, especially the bit about breaking into the sealed archives and learning very illegal magic. Still better than trying to stop time, though. I feel bad for Shining Armor - he's doing all the right things, and now his sister has gone and done something exceptionally foolish. Poor Twily. I wonder why she ran away, and I wonder where she will stay?

I have a feeling that the next time we see Twilight, it'll be at Shining Armor's wedding. I suspect she'll risk recapture in order to make sure that her BBBFF isn't marrying somepony unsuitable.

Great epilogue! Sad for everypony.

A very good chapter. Depending on how this goes, this is could do a lot of foreshadowing about how similar/different the wedding will be. If Twilight IS punished but is given permission to attend the wedding anyway, then it'll be very understandable that nopony wants to trust her if she sees something odd about Cadance.

Hey, uh, would you mind if I did that? I've got this idea involving Twilight and Spike...:twilightsheepish:

Something had been nagging me about the new epilogue here for the past few days, which I only just put together and figured bared repeating. While Trixie magiced a report direct to Luna, should word of the ursa incident really have spread so quickly as to be in major national level papers as early as a mere two days after the fact?

Ponyville may be less than a day's journey from Canterlot, but it's also a nowhere town on the edge of the Everfree. Would the fact that a star beast trampled some of it really be all that big a story? Sure Twilight was involved and she's the daughter of a noble family, but no one in Ponyville seemed to be aware of that fact, to most of the town she was just a random traveler. Yes, it would be a big story once some reporter put all the facts together, but it would seems to me the kind of thing that should take longer, week or more maybe. In our modern e-society news can travel and be compiled and cross referenced quickly, but should that really be the case in Equestria?

I suppose that an agent for one of the Starlights' political rivals might have done the leg work, but if that were the case it would paint the Starlights as being pretty bad at the political game if they didn't already have their own counter agents in place to run interference on things like that. They might be an honest enough family so as not to conceal the truth, but I'd still think them reasonable in throwing a wrench in the works if only to give themselves time to verify all the facts.

Not saying that the premise of the incident's inevitable publicity is wrong, I just sorta feel like maybe the time-frame involved should be tweaked.

I did a marathon reread of Longest Day, Longest Night and The Night After and this. It occurred to me that the epilogues in here and LDLN, plus The Night After would probably be short online webisodes or something. Other than that meta little thing, not much new to say that hasn't already been said. Keep up the good work, and I'm excited for Crisis!

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