• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,160 Views, 142 Comments

A Day in the Roots of Fluttertree - Carmine

Fluttertree awakes one morning, and waits for the sensual touch of Applejack.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Many months had passed since Fluttertree’s first juicy apple explosion on Applejack. Or had it been merely days? Fluttertree still didn’t have a calender, so she couldn’t tell. She’d have to ask Applejack one day, if she ever got a tree-mouth. Back to the story though: Applejack had come to visit her on the same day over the last few months. Every time ended up in an eruption of sap, and Applejack getting drenched while holding a giant glass jar. The jar was filled each time of course, since Fluttertree was huge and she had a lot of sap to extricate onto the expectant orange earth pony.

Ever since the first time it happened, each release felt increasingly pleasurable. Of course, Fluttertree had no nerve endings around her sap hole, so she truly couldn’t feel it. Still, she moaned because it just felt like it was something that sounded right for the moment. As usual, she tried her hardest every day to make her apples grow. They seemed to grow at the exact same rate every time though, except when she dehydrated herself by panting a lot. This lead to a shortage of water in her leaves somehow, while she blocked off her roots. Blocking off her roots was hard, but Fluttertree was a professional at blocking things off. She just had skills like that. In that time, her apples didn’t grow at all though, and that made Fluttertree sad.

Suddenly, due to something wrong happening with the space time continuum, Fluttertree was suddenly thrust into the future. She went through a worm hole or some strange shit, that featured images of Hugh Jelly, Ditzy Doo without her crossed eyes, and the infamous giant rock Tom Sedimentary Cruise, or some obscure name like that. He was obviously the best pony. She flew through the circling purple and blue time hole, until she realized she was in the exact same spot as before. It was night time now though.

Somewhere, a purple unicorn was dancing very badly while listening to a gramophone. Fluttertree didn’t know how she knew this, but she just did, so go with it. She tried to nod her head along with what she thought this unicorn was dancing to, but all she ended up managing was causing to her branches to sway in an apparent wind. This was good enough though, trees aren’t known for their ability to dance, and Fluttertree was no exception.

Fluttertree looked around with her invisible tree-eyes. The future didn’t look that different. The ever-familiar feeling of tranquility from being surrounded by rows upon rows of apple trees soothed the anxious tree. The grass was a magnificent dark blue, contrasting the bright pink and yellow of various flowers that scattered the nearby landscape. The moon was rising in the far horizon, pushing itself farther into the sky with each passing second. The stars twinkled like fireflies in the vast night sky, starlight radiating towards Fluttertree as if it was trying to reach out to her. Obviously the color scheme of the ground was wrong, but Fluttertree didn’t care. It was a break from the norm that she had become used to.

In the distance, a red stallion with an orange mane could be seen. He was wearing a top hat and a monocle, obviously a fashionably dapper fellow. Oh, he also had a gold watch on his front hoof. He looked high-class; fancy, rich. I forgot to mention the bling necklace he was wearing. It was a gold piece of jewellery fashioned into the letters BM, encrusted with diamonds of various sizes. He was truly a pimp.

Fluttertree remembered him though, despite his distinctly novel appearance. The stallion was Big Mac. While Fluttertree lusted after Applejack, she had to admit that Big Mac was rather fine looking. The way he chewed on those hay stalks was enticing, it made her sap churn. She wished it was her bark he was chewing on. The way he also maintained that stoic expression no matter the scenario, keeping that beautiful yet peaceful demeanor. The fact that he was the single largest and most well endowed stallion in all of Ponyville.

Big Mac trotted with swag. He had a lot of that. It was a surprise he didn’t have a harem of mares on him at the exact moment. He probably had one inside his barn though, because he was straight up pimpin’.

Fluttertree watched as her heart fluttered. Well, it would’ve if she actually had a heart, but since she was a tree, her chloroplasts or something fluttered instead.

Big Mac shot her a serious expression suddenly, like that really popular gopher. Fifty mares got pregnant at that exact moment, from the sheer stallionliness of his gaze. Also, somewhere, a bird exploded. Yes, Big Mac is simply that awesome. His eyes rolled across her bark, taking in every groove and curve her ligneous extent had to offer. He raised one of his eyebrows, and cantered over to Fluttertree.

“Why, I do believe we haven’t met, my fair sylvan,” he drawled, his head held high. His voice was a higher pitch than the other Big Mac that Fluttertree knew, giving him a snobbish disposition.

Fluttertree was surprised at the fact that Big Mac didn’t know her. I mean, she had been on Sweet Apple Acres for years! She was ingrained in the soil, a legend on the family tree of Apples!

“I mean, I’ve never seen a tree with such a lovely bark as yours before, madame!” Big Mac appraised. “So beautiful... the yellow really matches your pink leaves!” he laid his hoof with his pimpin’ gold watch on it on Fluttertree’s bark.

Fluttertree felt her sap begin to bubble, wanting to be released from her saphole. Fluttertree still had skills with holding her sap in though, so she restrained the immediate urges of her herbaceous longing.

Big Mac stared at her saphole. It was the perfect size, such a nice, tight, solid, wet fit. He was a dendrophile for some reason. Just go with it. Trees made him get in the mood, which is why he worked at Sweet Apple Acres. He felt his member get hard, pimpin’ Big Mac had a tree to explore.

Fluttertree stared at Big Mac’s throbbing branch. It was so huge, but there was something wrong with it! It had no leaves! It still looked nice however, besides its obvious leaf problem. She had to do something about it. She wiggled her own branches, until a couple of leaves fell out of it. They drifted lazily towards the ground, before landing on Big Mac’s muzzle.

The pimpin’ stallion stared cross-eyed at the leaves. He raised his other eyebrow. “Well, madame. I believe I mustache you a question.”

Fluttertree branchbarked at that moment at the egregious joke. Well, she would have if her branches ever reached where ever it was her facial bark was.

Big Mac blew both of the leaves off of his muzzle. “Are you ready to get bucked?”

Fluttertree attempted to nod, before realizing she was still a tree. It should be noted that trees don’t have a good memory and constantly forget that they are trees. Fluttertree was no exception.

Big Mac placed his hoof on the outer rim of Fluttertree’s saphole.

Fluttertree moaned as a wave of pleasure swept through her plant cells. Well, she would have felt pleasure if she had nerve endings around her saphole, but she didn’t, so no pleasure was actually felt, but Fluttertree released her sap anyways with a force that rivaled the strength of a maddened mare in her menstrual cycle.

Big Mac found himself being thrown back by the power of Fluttertree sapping, his member and entire underbelly was covered in the gooey substance. landing on his side many meters away; He got up, and attempted to shake the coat of sticky residue off of his member, but to no avail. Big Mac returned his attention to Fluttertree, while raising both of his eyebrows even more.

“Barks got bite...” he stated solemnly. “I’ll be back tomorrow, treebabe. BM, out!” he yelled, starting to canter away. “Oh, and tomorrow, I’m getting my friend to look at you. You’re not a normal tree, you’re extra special, babe!” he called out.

Fluttertree pondered his statement. She was just a tree, nothing special about her at all! It was getting dark out though, so Fluttertree closed her invisible tree-eyes. Minutes passed, before Fluttertree remembered that trees don’t sleep unless they cut off the chloroplasts that make photosynthesis happen. She was such a silly tree at times.

A myriad of thoughts drifted through her tree-mind, before concluding that she was still a tree, and as such, didn’t have a tree-mind. How this happened, I don’t know. She fixated her tree-eyes on a spot of blue grass that had a fair amount of sap on it, left-over from her intimate moment with pimpin’ Big Mac. There was always the question of who Big Mac would bring over tomorrow. He had lots of friends in where ever she was originally from, so maybe she’ll remember that friend!

There were a few things Fluttertree knew at that moment.

First was that she missed Applejack, she had never sapped on anypony else before and it felt awkward.

Second was that this wasn’t the future, but an alternate time-line where she didn’t exist, which is why this Big Mac had never known her.

Third was that the unicorn was STILL dancing very badly to music from a gramophone for some reason. That unicorn sure had a lot of energy, dancing like nothing mattered.

Fluttertree looked both ways somehow, before noting that nopony was nearby. She waved her branches through the cold night air, imitating dance moves. She was definitely the best tree dancer in all of Equestria.