• Published 17th Sep 2013
  • 1,030 Views, 18 Comments

The Captain and the Crusaders - AlfieTrotter

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike, reunite to rescue Babs Seed from vicious pirates, facing temptation of treasure and the fancy of a pirate captain

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Smoke and the Sun’s Rays

Apple Bloom leaped across the picket fences surrounding the farm, ducking and weaving to keep away from watchful eyes. The sounds of battle and baying dogs could be heard even from the outer orchards, every time a sharp bark or pony’s whinny pierced the far-off dissonance of battle she would look over her shoulder to be sure that no creature was following her. She paused to take in her surroundings; the farm building was untouched by the torch bearing Diamond Dogs, but the barns were emptied of their harvest, the thieves had carried the majority of the apple crop off. As if that was not enough to add insult to injury, a single lone apple tree burned, sending embers flowing freely into the air. Rage boiled in Apple Bloom’s stomach, she gritted her teeth and suppressed the urge to charge off like a mad buffalo, reminding herself to make sure Babs and Spike were safe. No creature insults an Apple by burning their trees. The farmyard was deserted; the door swung lazily in the wind, Apple Bloom glanced inside; nothing remained of the fancy vases and the pantries were stripped of all Apple products, she was just thankful the whole building was burned to ash. Judging by the faint yet familiar smoky aroma emanating from upstairs, she deduced that Spike was indeed safe. She noted the evidence of a scuffle earlier; paw prints, hoof prints, some belonging to the Minotaur, she wondered if Babs’ were among them. She knelt low to determine the scents of the interlopers and any defenders around, a natural skill honed after years helping to cultivate the orchards and learning from Granny Smith’s vast reserve of quality savvy. Her acute sense of smell picked up her uncle Calville’s, he had already galloped north to the Hayseed Harbour’s defence. Then, her breath hitched, she had detected Babs’ scent, intermingled with the acrid brimstone stench of Red-Scale Bones, the trail headed through the eastern orchards by the coast. With a renewed wind, she darted through the orchards.


Apple Bloom followed the trail as keenly as she could, being careful not to run headfirst into the trees. The smoke had fallen again, as though the dark of night was not enough to give her reason for caution, followed by that familiar stench of brimstone, no doubt this was that dragon’s handiwork. Worse still, it masked Babs’ scent, she could not tell if they’d doubled back or taken to the skies. Just as she began to focus on her sense of hearing to work out her location, a sharp voice pierced the quiet.

“This way, you seadogs! I’ve got a longboat hidden in this ‘ere inlet, room enough for Miss Seed. ” the salty voice of Bolton was unmistakable.

Apple Bloom’s heart quickened at the mention of Babs’ second name. The orchards gave way to tall grass, and the sound of the sea ran loudly in her ears. Apple Bloom knelt low, following the sound of the pirate voices. She came to the edge of a high precipice overlooking a beach, and there indeed was the longboat. Further out at sea, a fleet of several longboats dotted the waves, manned by Diamond Dogs and bringing in cargo from her family’s orchards. She could only make out the vague shape of the Jolly Crook through the thick veil of smoke.

“So, Babs Seed, you think you got what it takes to take plunder and take lives?” asked Bones, looking at her expectantly.

“Um, yeah, I guess.” uttered Babs uneasily, Apple Bloom’s ears sank, she did not want to hear this.

“That didn’t sound very convincing. Say it, but with more bloodlust in that pathetic voice of yours.” sneered Bolton. Babs squirmed on the spot, but something dark came across her face; fear became rage. Apple Bloom felt sick.

“Yeah! I am. I’m sick of being a landlocked failure! Forget family, forget friends! Give me gold and plunder and gizzards to slit!” snarled Babs, sounding fully convinced of her words and turned on Bolton, “Don’t like that, do ya, blondie!

“Ha! So you do have fire in your blood, excellent! Consider yourself part of the crew, lass.” commended Bones, rewarding Babs a slow singular applause, but his tone darkened, “However, there’s one thing you need to be before you can join us.”

“What’s that?” asked Babs, suddenly devoid of her earlier confidence.


With a single thump of his hoof, Bolton sent Babs Seed face down into the sand. Apple Bloom gasped at this seemingly random act of violence, and wanted to rush down, get Babs away from the pirates and yell at Babs until she lost her voice for sheer worry at the situation.

“Don’t take it personally, rookie, you really had that coming, after what you pulled back at the farm.” said Bolton smugly to the unconscious Babs, looking as though he could just as happily kill her as he could continue to mock her prone form.

“If she has any second thoughts, they’ll be out of the question once she’s aboard the Crook. Make sure she gets aboard without a fuss, Bolton. I’ll cover our escape.” commanded Bones, looking suspiciously about him, his keen sense of smell tasting for ponies watching them leave.

Apple Bloom dug at the ground and scooped out some grass and loam from the ground and covered herself from head to hoof to mask her scent, slowly edging away from the precipice, keeping her eye to the sea in case Red-Scale Bones noticed her. She lay perfectly still as Bones ascended into the sky, and through a series of ungodly belches, sent thick clouds of black smoke into the sky, fanning them out with his wings. The lapping of the longboats’ oars upon the waves was the only farewell Apple Bloom had for Babs Seed, as she discerned her form aboard the boat floating into the black mist. Apple Bloom looked once more towards the bay; flames soared into the sky from ships blasted by the Jolly Crook’s cannons, fishing rigs that posed no threat to her. The white sails of the pirates’ flagship were once again obscured by the smoky veil encircling around it. Apple Bloom tried to peer through the smoke, but knew any attempt to get a closer look would lead to being exposed for Bones to finish her off, and she felt almost certain that Bones suspected her presence; a sudden glance from the airborne dragon towards her hiding place solidified that fear. Torn between certain death by dragon fire and losing sight of Babs and her captors, or worse, co-conspirators, Apple Bloom stayed put, unable to save her cousin, the crushing feeling of failure weighed her down.

After a long time in hiding, possibly mere minutes or possibly hours, Apple Bloom rose from her hollow in the field; Red-Scale Bones had finally flown off to rejoin his cohorts. The flag of Celestia and Luna sailed atop the town centre; the Diamond Dogs must have been repelled. The light from the flames were being extinguished by the local Pegasi of the weather team, bringing in rainclouds from the highlands, darkening the land and covering the town in thick showers. Apple Bloom rose, her joints ached from being stuck in one place for so long. She wandered north towards the city, stumbling a bit along the way, desperately trying to reach Hayseed Harbour before the lights went out; there were no stars to guide her back. Unexpectedly, a flash of colour pierced the night; Apple Bloom spotted a white coated Pegasus soaring through the night sky, his royal golden armour faintly glistening against his lantern. Apple Bloom’s heartbeat quickened, and bounded up and down, waving her hooves, crying out; “Over here! Over here!” The young Pegasus guard glanced below and swooped down to Apple Bloom, giving a reassuring smile, in spite of the seriousness of the situation, she guessed he was no older than Apple Bloom or Babs.

“Miss, I believe the town is much safer than out in the orchards. Only a few stragglers remain.” announced the guard warmly, much to Apple Bloom’s own comfort.

“Can you guide me back to Hayseed Harbour? Are my friends still there?” pleaded Apple Bloom.

“We can find out together.” assured the guard, “The infirmary is packed tight with ponies, and they might still be there. By the way, my name is Max Speed.”


Spike dreamed. His thoughts wondered away from thoughts of the sea and Hayseed Harbour, thinking of his old home of Ponyville, recalling the warmth of Celestia’s sun and the oaky scent of the library. He held a bowl of shiny, succulent garnets to dine on, and there was absolutely nothing related to the sea, cider or angry bar-ponies. Twilight Sparkle was there, amidst her books by the window, she gave him a warm smile, and it was almost time to meet up with her friends at Sugarcube Corner. There, he truly felt he was at home, content to assist Twilight Sparkle and be her No. 1 assistant, now and for always. But a chill fell. The warmth of Celestia’s sun was gone, the lights blown out, Twilight’s friends were nowhere to be seen, but Twilight stood before him, stern and sour, staring at him with bitter, reproachful eyes. Spike felt cold inside, and dread hung over him from this particular memory he did not want to relive in his mind.

“I am not happy, Spike, I am more disappointed now than ever before.” stated Twilight angrily, “You made complete fools of us in front of all of Canterlot!”

“Like I said, I never meant to actually crash Rarity’s stupid party!” retorted Spike defensively.

“Your accidental destruction does not change the fact that you hurt Rarity’s feelings and reduced her to a shrieking, crying mess of a mare.” responded Twilight, even angrier.

“She asked for it when she called me a jealous reptile who’s always wanted more!”

“Right, because calling her a vain, fickle attention seeker can just as easily be forgotten.”

Twilight’s words stung Spike, he felt foul after having insulted Rarity, but it was hardly his fault that the cake he landed in would unleash its content all over her famous purple Gala dress, again. Rarity lost her temper and he reacted in kind.

“Well, I’m not sorry. My only regret was spending years of my life ogling her.” growled Spike. He turned to leave, but found a thick magical barrier blocking his path. Twilight was not finished yet.

“You condemn yourself with your own words, Spike. Ever since you grew out of your baby dragon skin, you’ve grown more selfish and hot-headed. You’ve hurt all your friends, not just Rarity. Rainbow Dash is barely coping with the tension within the Wonderbolts as it is.”

“So? Let them talk, they’ll see things my way, eventually.” spat the young dragon, as he pounded on Twilight’s barrier to reach his bed to be by himself. He glared at Twilight, but his glare faltered when he saw what Twilight had in her magical aura. Her furrowed brow portrayed her cold anger, but her eyes were inconsolably sad.

“Celestia herself sent a letter, via post, to suggest a change.” She said flatly.

“Oh, great, she’s heard about it too?! Maybe she can shut those Canterlot snobs at Rarity’s party in a dungeon.” retorted Spike, more petulant than his age would allow. Twilight unfolded the letter, revealing the official seal of the Princess of the Sun.

“She’s not about to do that Spike. I consulted her after the party about your loss of temper, and we’ve reached an agreement. For the improvement of your behaviour in the light of recent events, Spike, I am retiring you as my assistant, and now ask you to leave.”

The words hit Spike like a bullet to the heart. All warmth left him, and yet he felt no cold, indeed he felt nothing, because nothing could counteract the overwhelming pain inside of him.

“Twilight, wait, please! Don’t do this! I’m sorry I was mad, I’ll be good! I’ll be good, I promise!!” cried Spike brokenly, tears flowing from his eyes like water from thawing ice. He fell to his knees and felt the icy tears drench him, and he felt himself sinking into the dark bottomless chasm below the waves, where the warmth of the sun and of friendship’s glow would never find him.

Spike awoke with a start. His nightmare had ended just as he found himself drenched in cold water. It was barely dawn, and yet the tall imposing figure of Apple Bloom’s uncle, Calville stood sternly over him. Spike quickly rose and brushed the splashes of water off his scales.

“Oh, uh, morning Mr Calville.” said Spike as awkwardly as he tried amiably.

“Up and at ‘em, lazybones! We barely survived the night, and yet you’re still here, untouched!” barked Calville gruffly, “Now get your sorry hiney out there and help with the repairs! OUT!”

Spike, frightened out of his scales by the stallion’s loud orders, bolted out of the room, thorugh the house and into the open air before anypony could say ‘apples’. The sun rose red over Hayseed Harbour, and Spike feared that there had been bloodshed that night. The local members of the Apple Family gave him unfriendly glances, judging by the heavy bags under their eyes, frizzy manes and overall gruff demeanour, Spike deduced something had gone drastically wrong that night. Something caught his nose, a burnt, rotten odour emanating from the scorch marks around the farm. Spike sampled some of the burnt earth from the ground with his finger and sniffed it. There was something familiar about the scorches, he froze in realisation; another dragon was here. Not wanting to be under even more condemning eyes, he gathered his wits, and jogged out through the fence gate and on towards the smoky houses of Hayseed Harbour.


Through the sooty streets of Hayseed Harbour, ponies rushed to and fro about their hurried errands, while Royal Guards marched in pairs escorting injured ponies, or stood by the charred remains of the odd burnt out house, overlooking the beach in case the pirates returned. Spike felt a pang of guilt; if he had not been drunk, gotten himself unconscious and stayed with Apple Bloom and her friends, he might have been able to help with the fighting. The more he passed ponies in distress and took in the ruined state of the town and the ships in the bay, the more he felt guilty and ashamed of himself. He had failed Twilight and her friends, had he failed Apple Bloom and her friends as well? Finally, he noticed the red cross on the white background, representing the area of tents around the town hall reserved as the infirmary. Spike picked up his pace and entered the tents, the nurses and doctors too busy to stop him. Upon entering, watching out for occupied sick beds, he glanced towards a corner in the infirmary and noticed Apple Bloom looking as gloomy as Big Macintosh after a bad year’s harvest, Sweetie Belle asleep on the bedside table of an injured guardspony and Scootaloo pacing back and forth.

“Hey guys!” he called out awkwardly, but neither seemed particularly keen to acknowledge him, “Eh, sorry about last night, just a bit emotionally fragile that night.”

The three young mares remained silent still, Scootaloo only vaguely acknowledged him with an indifferent glare. Spike anxiously continued.

“So, I noticed that the down took a bit of a beating last night, and there was some sort of disaster, and has anypony noticed that Babs hasn’t shown up?”

“Of course Ah’ve noticed, you big dummy!!” shouted Apple Bloom, “Ah was there!”

“Apple Bloom told us; Babs was either press-ganged into a gang of pirates or she actually joined them.” explained Sweetie Belle, slightly rising from her position atop the bedside table.

“We haven’t been getting a lot of sleep, but I see you have.” remarked Scootaloo, much to Spike’s own enhanced feelings of self-doubt, in addition to the shock that Babs would willingly join the company of pirates. He almost wanted to fall back into shame, but brushed such thoughts aside.

“Look, I’m sorry, I really am, but what could I have done?” asked Spike, “This is not my fault.”

“Nopony’s sayin’ it’s your fault,” reassured Apple Bloom gently, tired of being angry all the time, “But you still could have helped if you weren’t all…”

“Plastered?” offered Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle came over to Spike's side and placed her hoof warmly over his shoulders, giving Scootaloo a reproachful look.

“Right, but now that we’re all awake, sort of, Ah ain’t about to leave Babs with those mongrels!” declared Apple Bloom defiantly, stomping her hoof.

“Then, what are you all doing here, shouldn’t you be asleep?” said Spike.

“We’ve had a few hours of rest earlier, but now we’re just waiting for the one of the Pegasus scouts to return with news on the pirates’ location.” answered Scootaloo.

A low groaning noise came from behind her, Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened and brightened as Storm Sword shifted in his bed, coughing and quickly regaining consciousness.

“Storm Sword! Thank goodness, I thought you’d never wake up!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, gently grasping his hoof, and smiling warmly. Storm Sword returned the smile in spite of his injury.

“It takes more than a single pirate to get the best of me, Miss Belle!” he chuckled, before snapping back to seriousness, “I may have been incapacitated, but I’m not entirely unaware of the events of last night. I know it was pirates, but did they say which vessel they belonged to?”

“Ah think they were from… what was it? Oh yeah, the Jolly Crook! I saw the outline of their ship, it was huge!!” said Apple Bloom, gesticulating wildly.

“I see.” growled Storm Sword, his eyes filled with vengeance, “So it was him. I’ll see him caught and condemned for this.”

“What? Have who caught?” asked Spike, even more confused. Storm Sword hoisted himself up to allow his voice to carry further.

“Captain Peregrin, pirate, thief and murderer. If you’re from Ponyville, like these good mares, you may have known him as Pipsqueak.” Spike gasped and his pupils shrank.

“You don’t mean that! But, he was such a sweet little colt!” he said, equal parts shocked and saddened, much to the verification of the three former Crusaders in the tent, “Wow! Who’d have thought he could go so wrong in life?”

“Ah didn’t want to believe it at first, but Ah think Storm Sword is right! Pip did this, it was his ship and his crew, and needs to be brought to justice.” said Apple Bloom with steel in her voice.

“Wait, how do you know it was Pip? For all we know it could have been some random pirate who managed to pirate Pip’s pirate ship for his own pirating pleasures!” said Spike, cautiously optimistic.

“And how are you going to find him? He’s gone out to sea and won’t want anpony following his trail.” remarked Sweetie Belle, just as puzzled.

“We need to know where he’s heading before we can pursue him.” admitted Scootaloo.

“Commander! Aerial Scout Max Speed reporting, Sir!” called out the young Pegasus guard as he swooped into the tent at full pelt before decelerating firmly, and saluting his superior.

“Have you located the Crook, what is her course, Max?” asked Storm Sword.

“Affirmative, Sir, the winds are taking the Jolly Crook south-east at fifteen knots towards Zebrica.”

“Did you see my cousin, Babs? She’s an orange pony with red hair.” interrupted Apple Bloom.

“I’m afraid not, Miss, I couldn’t get close enough without some Pegasus, intercepting me.” explained Max Speed, “No sign of Captain Pip on board either, Sir.”

“Fifteen knots you say? Curses, that’s faster than a first-rate ship of the line can accomplish. Pip must have some advanced machinery or magic to increase its speed, or worse: slaves.” murmured Storm Sword, much to the strong discomfort of the civilians around him.

“If it’s true that he’s stolen the Quarter-Map, sir, then there’s a good chance we know where exactly he’s headed.” said Max Speed stoically, but Apple Bloom looked at both stallions, confused.

“Pardon me, but what exactly is this ‘Quarter-Map’ you mentioned?” asked Apple Bloom. Curiosity stirred within her once again, the prospect of a map to buried treasure stirred memories of her Crusading days. As Storm Sword relayed his account, the faces of her friend's lightened up around her.

“The Quarter-Map is one part of four cloth pieces of an ancient map charting course to an island far to the south of the vast Zebrican coast.” explained Storm Sword, his voice now clearer thanks to the pain in his shoulder subsiding, “I’ve carried one of the Quarters with me ever since it’s half was snatched right out of my hooves by Captain Pip when I last duelled him all those years ago. I foolishly left it in my office at Town Hall the night I met you and your friends in the Sea Turtle.”

“That would explain why he would bother with a tiny seaside village,” said Apple Bloom pensively, before hardening again, “But it don’t explain why his crew would steal my family apples!”

“To gather food and supplies or to add insult to injury, most likely.” said Storm Sword grimly.

“It would explain the pirate reports in Manehatten and other cities. What’s on the island?” asked Sweetie Belle, intrigued.

“We don’t rightly know; most rumours seem to suggest a temple filled with gold and jewels beyond count. Though Pip’s been pirating for years, I can hardly see why he needs more riches! With that amount of gold, his naval power will grow.” said Storm Sword ominously.

“Well, it seems we have a need to go after Captain Pip and bring him to justice.” declared Scootaloo, determination across her face, “Apple Bloom’s lost her cousin to his pirates, they stole my Airship Corps badge and many ponies have been hurt, or worse, because of them.”

“All well and good, Scoots, but you’ve surely noticed they blasted all the ships in the port, we’re stuck!” countered Apple Bloom. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and even Spike shared knowing smiles.

“Would you like to see how we came to Hayseed Harbour?” offered Scootaloo.


Scootaloo led them a good half a mile west from Hayseed Harbour, with Max Speed pushing the bandaged Storm Sword in a wheelchair from the infirmary boundaries, after much persuasion. The trek led them uphill towards the protective cliff faces overlooking the sea. They reached a copse of elm trees and nestled among them was a large green canvas, Scootaloo took the canvas in her mouth and with a single competent pull she unveiled her pride and joy. The airship was a vast machine, fitted with propellers and a rear rudder and stabilizers, ideally sized for a crew of four or more, dominated by a large red gas envelope, fastened by a tight rigging, hoof-painted with cloud and lightning bolt motifs over a spacious metal framed gondola, protecting the occupants from the elements.

“Well, Ah’ll be!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, her eyes wide with wonder, “Scoots, it’s beautiful!”

“You mean she is beautiful. Airships aren’t that different from normal ships in their naming.” said Scootaloo, tapping the framework with her hoof, “Rainbow Dash let me name this beauty the Red Mistress.”

“So she’s yours?” asked Apple Bloom, struggling to get the entire airship in one glance and instead settling for looking up close at every little aspect.

“Yep, with Sweetie Belle as navigator, Spike as temporary chief engineer,” Scootaloo gave Spike a punitive look, to which Spike snapped to attention, “and myself as the qualified pilot.”

“You realize, miss, without your badge, you have no proof of your pilot credentials.” said Storm Sword sharply, which stung Scootaloo as she understood the rules of having a pilot’s badge at hoof at all times when taking the airship, but his expression softened “No matter, for this one occasion, I give you dispensation to fly this airship on the condition that you return with your silver badge.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” squeak Sweetie Belle, tightly hugging Storm Sword around the neck, while Scootaloo shook his hoof rapidly, grinning and saying ‘thank you’ at a pace that could give an excited Rainbow Dash a run for her money. The formal commander was fairly overwhelmed by the sudden and affectionate reactions of the young mares, but smiled in spite of it all.

“So is this for sure, Scoots?” said Apple Bloom, wide eyed and immensely gratified for the chance to take action, “Are we really gonna go out into the wild blue yonder on an adventure?”

“You bet!” replied Scootaloo with a fiery look of daring, “We’ll have an adventure of our own and see a bit of the world while we’re at it.”

“Can I still come?” asked Spike tentatively, Scootaloo deferred this decision to her two friends.

“Of course you can, Spike!” said Apple Bloom, feeling all the more genial and in control of her earlier negative emotions, “We’ll need all the help we can get. But you gotta do exactly what we say!”

“All right, Spike, you heard the lady! Get this tin can ready for flight!” commanded Scootaloo.

“Yes, ma’am!” saluted Spike, before dashing off to prepare the take-off wheels and channel the gas into the envelope to provide lift.

“You four are absolutely certain about this venture?” said Storm Sword in the cautionary tone of a concerned uncle, “You may be brave but you’re not soldiers.”

“It’s the only way to make sure Babs isn’t hurt by those pirates,” said Sweetie Belle earnestly, “who knows, maybe Pip will realise what he’s done and put an end to it.”

“That may well be, but I’m through being lenient with him.” Retorted Storm Sword bitterly, much to the cold discomfort of the three friends reluctant to have the blood of an old friend on their hooves.

“Any last minute advice?” asked Apple Bloom. Storm Sword nodded and drew himself closer to the young mares to whom he owed his life.

“Continue south-east for as long as you can, the Crook should be easy to spot from the sky. Observe her, take note of the actions of her crew. If you manage to, find a way to get the Quarter-Maps away from him, he'll never have his treasure that way. Once I’m recovered, I’ll lead a fleet to track down Pip. Rescue your friend and find out what he’s after, our forces will see to the battle. Good luck and may Celestia’s light shine on you.”

The piebald unicorn and his silent compatriot saluted the young mares and dragon, in a moment of kinship just beginning to grow. The Red Mistress started to gain lift as gas channelled into the envelope, the three mares ascended the stairs into the cockpit, and sealed the door. Propellers began to spin rapidly and Spike gave the airship a solid push, sending it forward from the copse down the hill. The young dragon, running as fast as he could, grabbed hold of the free-flowing rope ladder and gained his passage on board. With a quick wave to Storm Sword and Max Speed, he descended down the narrow chute into the gondola. Once within, he saw the land rushing past him as the cliffs grew ever closer. With the gas gaining strength and propellers and full power, the airship gracefully ascended from the cliffs. Scootaloo’s firm hold on the controls kept her steady as she set her course south-west into the unknown, and the full light of Celestia’s day basked them in heart lifting warmth.

“Wait! We haven’t said the thing!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.

“What thing?” asked Scootaloo, her eyebrow raised, fearing it was not what she thought she was.

“Oh, I know! The thing you three did whenever you were about to do something crazy or dangerous to get your cutie marks!” Spike pitched in.

“Go on, Scootaloo! You know you really want to!” chimed in Apple Bloom, beaming, ready to savour the moment. Sweetie Belle's eyes went wide and dangerously closer to watering up, Scootaloo felt guilty just looking at them

“Oh, all right.” moaned Scootaloo, slowly caving in, “On three. One - two - three!”