• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,429 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Nathan was walking and rolling alongside Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike towards Twilight's castle, he had just faced up to Diamond Tiara when nopony else would and was getting a big reward for his braveness, they were now entering the center of Ponyville, as they got closer, Nathan saw what appeared to be a gigantic crystal tree-like castle, it was shiny, had two balconies, a flag, and it had a giant star like statue on the top and behind this weird tree was some kind of a pond or lake with beautiful waterfalls.

"Twilight, is this..." Nathan was about to ask

"Yes, Nathan, this is The Rainbow Kingdom Castle, this is where I live me and Spike."

"It looks expensive to live in."

"Well it was just....built." Twilight said blushing, "Come I'll show you my throne room, and then we'll go upstairs and give you your big reward."

Twilight used her horn to unlock and open the doors, when Nathan saw the inside it was amazing, a long crystal hallway that he walked down, and at the end were two big doors, when Twilight opened them, it revealed seven throne chairs, and each one of them had Twilight and her friends' cutie marks.

"Wow Twilight, yer' so lucky." Nathan said, Twilight giggled

"Come on Nathan, follow me sweetie." Nathan did as he was told and followed Twilight upstairs, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, along with Spike, followed Nathan for safety sake and to make sure nothing would go wrong. Once they reached the top of the stairs, Twilight and Nathan went inside her quarters, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike tried to follow her in but were stopped in their tracks by Twilight's hoof.

"I need you all to stay out here, this will require just me and Nathan." Twilight said, everypony understood, all except Spike.

"But Twilight...." Spike whined

"No 'buts' Spike, stay out here." Twilight said.

Spike sighed, "Yes Twilight." he muttered in a spoiled attitude

"Spike?!" Twilight warned.

"Sorry." Spike said, and so Nathan and Twilight went on.

"All right Nathan, stand in that circle." Twilight said

"Why?" he asked

"For your surprise, but first you have to close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."

Nathan did what he was told and closed his eyes, once they were shut tight, Twilight lit her horn up and shot a beam of magic light at him Nathan started to float but he couldn't feel it, from outside the door, Spike peeped in through a crack at the bottom of the door, and saw the magical light reflecting at the bottom.

"What's going on in there?" He asked

"Beats me." Rainbow Dash said as they continued to ponder what was happening.

Meanwhile inside, Twilight was putting the finishing touches on her surprise for Nathan, soon her horn stopped and Nathan collapsed to the ground.

"Can ah' open mah' eyes now?"

"All right."

Nathan opened his eyes and looked in Twilight's make up mirror, but what he saw on his back gave him a gasp of surprise, what his big surprise was...a pair of bat wings, this really got him nervous he was a human and humans didn't have wings of a bat nor a bird, pegasus, or alicorn.

"Twilight is this real?" he asked

"Well give them a tug."

When Nathan did, he couldn't believe it, he was now probably the first human to ever have wings, when Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike entered they couldn't believe it either. And from a second look his wings looked exactly like Rouge's from Sonic X.

"Twilight are those wings you gave him?" Spike asked

Fluttershy was speechless

Rainbow Dash was messing with them and then turned to Twilight, "Why aren't they Pegasus or alicorn wings, why are they bat wings?" she asked

"Well I've done research on humans and apparently they're mammals and the closest flying mammal to them is a bat, so if humans were to ever fly with wings they would most likely have the wings of a bat. Well Nathan what do you think?" Twilight asked her response was a big hug from Nathan.

"Thanks T, this is probably the coolest thing that anyone's ever given to me." Nathan said while hugging her.

"You're welcome Nathan." Twilight said hugging him back.

"Now how about some dinner huh?" Twilight said, that's when Nathan look at the clock, nearly 5:30 in the evening, was it really time for dinner already?

"What are we havin'?" Nathan asked

"Well it's Friday night, and me and my friends gather at the Telstar Tavern on Friday nights, we go there, eat dinner, and just talk and chat, you want to join us?" Twilight asked.

"Ah'd love it, what do they have?" Nathan asked

"Eh, their menus are in and out with selections." Rainbow Dash said.

"They do have some of the best sandwiches in all of Equestria." Fluttershy said

"And not to mention the best lettuce sticks and dipping sauce." Spike said

As Nathan was chatting with them about the food there, Twilight looked at the clock and saw it was nearly time to go.

"All right, Nathan, enough chit chat go get your jacket and shoes on." Twilight said, that's when it hit him again, there was no way he could be able to put on his jacket because of his new wings.

"Wait a minute, Twilight, how can ah' put on mah' jacket with these wings on me?" he asked, Twilight came up with the best idea yet, she went downstairs, cut two wing sized holes in his jacket, and came back upstairs, when Nathan looked at what Twilight did to his jacket he was a little furious.

"Twilight that's a brand new jacket, why did ya' cut holes in it?" he whined

"It's the only answer to your clothes and wings problem, and come to think of it, you might have to pin some holes in your clothes Rarity made for you."

"Aww man." Nathan pouted

"I'm sorry Nathan, but if you wanna wear clothes and wings at the same time the only way is to cut holes."

Nathan sighed and put on his jacket, luckily, it still fitted him, but in a funny kind of way, with his new wings. As Nathan was getting ready, Spike was putting on a sweater that Rarity made for him, while Twilight put on a scarf. They rejoined Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who had managed to make it to the door before them.

"Well are we ready?" Rainbow Dash asked

"If ya'll are." Nathan said

Out the door they went with Twilight locking the door behind her as she followed Spike and the others to the Telstar Tavern with Nathan riding on her back. Nathan looked at Celestia's sun starting to go down, then he looked over to the east side and saw the moon starting to come up.

"Watching Luna raise the moon?" Twilight said, snapping Nathan out of his trance

"Wha..what, oh yeah, hehe." Nathan stammered.

"Wait, did you just say, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia raise the sun and moon?' Nathan asked

"Yes." Twilight answered

"Whoa, cool!" Nathan said in surprise.

"Why the 'whoa cool'?" Spike asked

"Well it's jus' that, it don't work like that on mah' world, the sun and moon rise on their own."

Pretty soon everypony, including Twilight, stopped in their tracks at what Nathan just said.

"Did you say the sun and moon rise on their own on your world?" Rainbow Dash asked

"Yes, ah' did, why?" Nathan asked.

"What is your world called?" Spike asked

"Earth." Nathan said

"How astounding, we have the exact same name for our planet." Twilight said

Nathan's stomach continued to growl, "Can we hold off the talkin' ah' really am famished." Nathan said

Instead of continuing with their game of 20 questions, they continued on to the Telstar Tavern, where everypony else was waiting.


They had approached midtown Ponyville where a long line awaited them, luckily they had managed to ram into Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rairty, along with their sisters and Scootaloo who ran up to Rainbow Dash for a hug, Nathan smiled at this, but he still knew for all that he was an orphan and tried his best to hold back his sadness.

"Hey Nathan." Applebloom said walking up to Nathan who was still on Twilight's back.

"Oh, hey Applebloom, look what Twilight gave me." Nathan hopped off of Twilight and unfolded his new bat wings, Applebloom was surprised yet a little jealous.

"How come you get wings?" she asked

"Ah' don' know, maybe she likes me." Nathan said.

"Hey Nathan." Said Applejack out of nowhere, she seemed very proud of Nathan, because she put a hoof on his shoulder.

"What ya' did today was very brave, ah've never heard of kid yer' age havin' the courage to stand up to a bully," Applejack picked Nathan up and hugged him, "Ah'm very proud of you."

"Thanks Applejack." Nathan said returning the embrace,, "And look what Twilight gave me as a reward." again Nathan unfolded his new bat wings Applejack thought it was awesome too.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, Rarity, look what Twi' gave Nathan." she said, Rarity and Pinkie Pie ran up to Nathan and saw his bat wings, now they were just as surprised as Applejack and Applebloom were.

"Well I must say, how astounding." Rarity said

"Yeah, Twilight gave the-ow!" He was cut off by a feeling of someone biting his wings he turned and saw that it was Pinkie Pie, nipping on them to see if they were just dress-up wings, but for Pinkie Pie they were real bat wings.

"Sorry Nathan, I was just seeing if they were fake." Pinkie Pie said.

"By yankin' them?" He growled.

"Hehe sorry." Pinkie said nervously.

"Hey Nathan." said two fillies who walked up on Applebloom's side.

"Nathan, these are mah' friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle." Applebloom said

"Nice you meet ya'll." Nathan said

"That was really cool, how you totally outweighed Diamond Tiara." Scootaloo said

"Yeah, nopony's ever stood up to her like that before." Sweetie Belle.

"Well, Sweetie Belle, on mah' world if anyone is messin' with ya' like that, sock em' hard!" Nathan said

"COME ON EVERYPONY THE LINE'S MOVING!!!" Twilight said, Nathan and his new friends managed to catch up and they got closer to The Telstar Tavern.


Author's Note:

Don't comment on why a five-year-old would get a pair of bat wings as a reward, I just think it's cool for a little boy like Nathan to have bat wings so he can fly with Twilight, Pegasus, and Alicorns.