• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 5,737 Views, 217 Comments

Of Kingdoms and Cutie-Marks - GreyGuardPony

The threat of The Collector has been vanquished. However, the nations beyond Equestria's borders stare at the land of the dual monarchs in suspicion. Meanwhile Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her new home. Sequel to A Skitch in Time.

  • ...

Consequences and Curses

Skitch stalked through the streets of Ponyville, her right eye twitching, her body trembling with rage as she dragged the “Go Home Human” banner a long with her. Ponies parted before her the expressions on their face easy enough for Skitch to read. Fear.

Yes. Everyone cower at the human!

The world suddenly seemed much nastier to her. Somepony had just broken into her house and completely trashed her ability to make a living. She had lived on earth for almost thirty years, and not suffered the feeling of violation at having her home broken into. It was like a snake squirming in her stomach.

And this is Equestria! This is supposed to be a nice, happy world! This isn't supposed to happen here.

So lost in her own thoughts as she was, Skitch didn't notice Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come around the corner and take a seat on one of the benches that lined the street. The pair of fillies exchanged a simple glance before Silver Spoon opened up with a prepared line.

“What was with those two pegasai tearing across town like Tarturus was chasing them anyway?”

Skitch snapped her head around, spying the little brat Diamond Tiara talking with her friend Silver Spoon. The pair were sipping milkshakes, sitting on a low bench as they gossiped and nattered away. Skitch quickly stomped over to the pair, her intensity causing the pair to flinch back for a moment.

“What did you two see!”

Diamond Tiara quickly recovered her haughty air.

“Two pegasai. Flying across town like a dragon was chasing them. Why do you care?”

...Resist urge to break haughty bitch in half with bare hooves.

“Just tell me what they look like.” She growled, inching even closer.

Diamond blinked. “F-Fine! One was pink with a blue mane and tail and blue lightning bolt cutie-marks. The other was mustard yellow with dark pink mane and tail and a circle of flower cutie-marks. I think they're staying at the inn.”

Skitch blinked, making the connection in her head.

Pink with blue mane, mustard yellow with dark pink mane. That sounds like Firefly and...Posey? Really? I guess they have to be somepony's parents, probably Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's... Would they really do that to me? This is Diamond Tiara for crying out loud. Not the most trustworthy source of information.

Still, she had to know for sure. Muttering under her breath, she turned and stalked towards where she remembered the inn was on the town map.

It was a simple two story affair and was one of the buildings that had a shingled roof over the usual thatch roof that dominated most of the rest of Ponyville's skyline. Otherwise, it would have been indistinguishable from the rest of the buildings.

Trotting inside, she ignored the workers and marched right upstairs. Once she was in the hallway, she walked very slowly from door to door, pressing her ear up to each one. At the third door on the right hand side she could hear familiar voices talking. Frowning, she listed as closely as she could.

- - - -

“Okay mom, I dragged all of my friends here.” Rainbow Dash said as she sat down in her mother's hotel room. “What did you want to tell us?”

Firefly and Posey were sitting on one side of the room, Rainbow and her friends, plus Spike on the other. The mane six were mostly wondering what the elder ponies wanted, though Twilight had other concerns kicking around in her head.

“Well, it's about your friend Skitch-Sketch.” Firefly began. “We both think that you might want to not hang around her anymore...”

“This again?” Rainbow groaned. “We had this conversation already. I think she's loyal to us.”

“Rainbow, she has plans on how to fight and kill you all!” Posey yelled.

The room got very quiet as the element bearers exchanged nervous and confused looks. Only Spike seemed to be unconcerned as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Well...duh. She is an inter-dimensional traveller.” He explained, as if this should be obvious to everypony. “And they always have plans to deal with evil alternate universe versions of themselves and their friends. They run into them enough.”

There was another long pause at that statement.

“Spike...ya've been readin too many of those comic books from Manehatten.”

Twilight shook her head.

“I don't believe it, anyway. Where did you hear that?”

“We read it!” Firefly said. “We were in her house an-”


The door to the room was kicked open with such horrible force, that every pony almost jumped out of their skin as they turned to see what caused it. Skitch stood in the doorway, breathing deeply, muzzle twisted into a snarl and her eyes a crazed glare. A balled up wad of fabric was suspended in her magic aura.

“YOU. House. Break.” She sputtered out as her right eye twitched. “Destroy everything. Cowards.”

She threw the ball of fabric at the hooves of Firefly and Posey. It spilled open at the impact revealing the “Go Home Human” message.

“Explain. Now, please. Ruin life. Why?”

The mane six didn't know what to make of this. They had seen Skitch angry before, but this was different. When she was fighting The Collector, it was a mix of anger and mockery as she tried to get under his skin. This was pure, unhinged, rage.

Posey was the first to regain her voice. “We didn't destroy anything! But I want an explanation as to why you have a plan to try and hurt my daughter, who's supposed to be your friend!”

“SHUT UP!” Skitch roared as she stalked over to Firefly, getting uncomfortably close. “My only chance to save my house is gone thanks to you! I heard you saying that you were in my house! And everything art related I have is gone! Now I have no chance of saving my house before I loose my cutie-mark. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!”

Her mane and tail began to ripple, licks of flame dancing along them as her out of control anger interacted with her natural magic.

Having seen this happen before with Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy took a deep breath, took a step forward and glared right into Skitch's eyes as she unleashed her infamous stare. Taken completely off guard the anger drained from Skitch, as she gave a soft squeak and toppled over; her legs locked.

“Everypony calm down.” Her voice stern but still soft, which was about as close to yelling as Fluttershy tended to get. “I want to hear explanations from everypony here, starting with you mom.” She shrunk back down, looking fearful again. “Umm...if it's no trouble.”

Posey frowned as she folded her hooves in front of her.

“Firefly and I were in her house, but we didn't break anything. We heard someone else coming in the front door and we escaped out the window. I may not want you hanging around my daughter, but I would never ruin somepony's life.”

Fluttershy looked to Skitch next, who was starting to come out of the effects of the stare.

“Skitch-Sketch. You don't really have files on how to hurt us, do you?”

Skitch opened her mouth to respond, then closed it again. Her anger had been broken by Fluttershy's actions and now she was uncomfortably aware of the nature of the explanation that she would have to give.

“Well...yes and no...” She nervously answered.

“What's that supposed ta mean?” Applejack asked, an edge of anger in her voice.

Skitch winced, as she shifted to a defensive stance.

“The files and plans are mostly for evil alternate universe versions of yourselves.”

“HA! I told you so!” Spike grinned.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “For sake of argument, why don't you tell us exactly what you mean.”

“Uhh...okay.” Skitch nervously tapped her hooves together. “Remember when I said that your world was fictional to me? There was this whole thing in my world called fan fiction, where fans of your movies would write...hypothetical scenarios, really. And I realized when I was returning the things The Collector stole, that if all these worlds that were fictional to me were actually real; then, well...why couldn't fan fiction universes be to?”

She looked from pony to pony. “And some of those universes have versions of you that are kind of...evil. And if I can find a way here, there's a chance they can find a way here. It's a small one, admittedly, but I wanted to be ready.”

“Well...ah suppose that makes sense.” Applejack frowned deeply, clearly disturbed by the thought of an evil version of herself. “...But yah said that they were “mostly” for them.”

Skitch frowned. “Well...I suppose that on the very, very, very rare chance that any of you went evil I could use them...on...you.”

She trailed off as the revelation really began to sink into the room's occupants. Applejack looked incensed, the hurt at the thought of the betrayal very clearly wrought on her features. Pinkie's mane and tail had deflated, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Fluttershy had taken up a position of cowering behind her mother, who was glaring daggers at her.

She looked to the others, desperately looking for someone to support her. Twilight seemed to be deep in contemplation, as was Rarity. The only creatures that seemed to be perfectly okay with her revelation were Rainbow Dash, who was nodding; and Spike.

“Dash?” Skitch asked hopefully. “You understand...right?”

“Well...yeah. I mean, The Collector controlled me. If other things could do that, we'd need some kind of backup plan. Cause the Elements wouldn't work, right?”

Twilight rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “Yeah, that makes sense. The Elements would only work with all of us.”

“Ah can't believe this!” Applejack shouted. “She's had plans ta kill us if need be and yer just okay with this?”

“AJ, please...” Skitch pleaded. “I would never do it unless it was the very, very, very last resort...”

“Just...just be quiet Skitch. Ah can't look at you right now.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Come on, she's helped us out to. Doesn't she deserve the benefit of the doubt?”

“She's been hidin' the truth since she met us!”

“I...I threw you a party Skitchy. How could you?” Pinkie seemed to be on the verge of a complete meltdown.

Fluttershy continued to cower as the arguments grew, Rarity stepping in at this point.

“Please, we need to think this over. She did come back to help us...”

“Did she? Or did she come back ta control us? We sure did make friends with her right quick! Maybe she was doin some kinda mind control herself!”

“You have no proof of that!” Rarity snapped. “I know you're angry, but now isn't the time for rash decisions.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash threw in. “You weren't forced to almost kill somepony AJ! You don't know what it was like!”

“No, no, no, no, NO!” Skitch yelled, shaking her head. “Y-you're the element bearers, you're best friends, you can't be fighting like this!”

“Stop applyin' the standards of yer fiction to our real world!”

“Everypony calm down!” Twilight shouted. “This isn't getting us anywhere!”

Skitch squeezed her eyes closed and took a few deep breaths, before speaking again.

“How hard do you think this was for me? Let's say this plan worked, and I did it, and one or more of you wound up dead. Apple Bloom has Mac and Granny. Sweetie's got Magnum and Pearl. Everyone has someone! What do I have?!”

She switched to a sad smile as she looked to each pony in the room.

“But, Twilight is right. Tempers are high right now. And while friends do try to cheer each other up, they also know when to back off and give each other space. I'll see you all tomorrow and we can discuss this like adults. And if you want me out of your lives then, I'll gladly comply.”

She got to her hooves and headed for the stairs.

“Please don't follow me.”

She walked back to her house, pleased to see that none of them had decided to ignore her request. With each step feeling like she was walking through mud, Skitch could almost see the cloud of misery that she could feel in her heart. Once back inside, she began to slowly clean up the wreck that was once her art studio in silence.

All of the now garbage was dumped in the alleyway cans with a heavy sigh. The house situation had been resolved, though not the way she wanted to. With the whole stock of her art supplies destroyed and her cutie-mark fading she was stuck.

“Well, I can't fix it myself anymore at least.” She sighed as she looked up towards the darkening night sky. “And now I have friendships to repair, if I even can.”

She needed a fresh perspective on this one. Idly tapping her hoof on the street in thought, a realization hit her. Cutting across town, she headed towards the Everfree Forest.

She remembered from some of Lauren Faust's own comments that Zecora was designed to be a sage and mentor for the ponies, before the nature of the show had been tweaked to more slice of life stuff. Maybe she could give some advice on the matter.

- - - -

Skitch was starting to think that the Everfree forest had it out for her. Of course, it didn't help that the only sense of directions she had for to get to Zecora's was “in the Everfree Forest, past a large patch of poison joke”.

“Ugh. I'm even screwing this up.” She grumbled. “Some protector of Ponyville I am when all I'm doing is making things worse.”

In the end, she supposed that she deserved this. The whole “keep files on friends in case they go evil” thing hadn't worked out for Batman either and she was no Batman.

“Hell, I'm not even a Batgirl.”

Her ears were pulled back as she walked, her head down unless she was checking for landmarks; the thought of the zebra being able to help in some way was the only thing keeping her moving.

Maybe I shouldn't have come back...but what other choice did I have.

She thought bitterly as she pushed through another set of bushes, the branches pulling at her coat, a few twigs and leaves getting stuck in her tail.

She paused, realizing that she was on the edge of a small cliff. It was maybe only four feet tall, but she was still wondering if it would be worth it to back up and try to work a way around. Grumbling in frustration, she looked up from the ground, figuring that maybe she could see something from here.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw a large patch of blue flowers maybe half a dozen feet away from the bottom of the cliff. Grinning widely, she scrabbled down the short cliff and crept up to the edge of the field of flowers being very careful to not actually touch any of them.

“Reference point!” She beamed.

She began to work her way around the patch of poison joke, figuring that she had to be close at this point. Once she had come around the far edge of the field, however, the sound of something rustling in the brush caught her attention.

“Hello? Anypony there? Is that you Zecora?”

No zebra emerged from the brush however. Instead, a chicken headed dragon creature snaked into view. Skitch stumbled backwards into the field of poison joke as the cockatrice's eyes began to glow.

“...Oh, fu-”

She didn't have time to finish her sentence, the chill of her body being turned to stone sweeping across her form. Before blackness claimed her, one last thought played through her head.

Well, at least they won't fight about me anymore...

- - - -

It was the next afternoon when Twilight, her friends, Posey and Firely came around to Skitch's with the intention of speaking with her. Tempers had cooled some and they were more willing to listen; Pinkie's mane and tail had even regained some of her usual poofyness.

“Oh dear...” Rarity muttered, pointing a hoof at the garbage cans around the side of the building, “Look at how full they are. It really does look like her whole supply was destroyed...”

Posey frowned, ruffling her wings. “Well...I'm pretty sure I know who did it.”

“Who?” Twilight asked, her eyes narrowing.

“His name is Nouveau Riche. Owner of the First Bank of Canterlot and father of Filthy Rich of Barnyard Bargins. Firefly and I saw him on the train in the way in. Was asking us about her.”

“Wait...so the bank trying to seize her house?”

“Was probably his idea, and this was his way to help make sure she'd fail to make the grace payment that would let her keep it.”

Applejack glowered. “Well, shoot. Now ah'm feelin' even more conflicted.”

Rainbow knocked on the door. “Well, we are going to sort this out.”

After waiting for a few minutes with no response the ponies looked at each other, exchanging confused expressions. Frowning, Rainbow Dash hammered her hoof on the door again, it actually creaking open from the impact.

Frowning even deeper, Rainbow stomped her way inside.

“Skitch! Hey Skitch! Where are you?!”

The others followed her inside, splitting up as they searched for the unicorn. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Firefly and Spike headed upstairs; Rarity, Fluttershy and Posey peeking into the kitchen, while Twilight and Pinkie Pie kept watch in the main room in case she came walking in the front door.

Pinkie looked over at her purple colored friend.

“Twilight, can I ask you something?”

Twilight smiled back. “Of course Pinkie.”

“Why do you think she did it? Doesn't she trust us?”

“Well, I think she actually does.” Twilight sighed. “But...look at what happened with The Collector. I could understand her being afraid enough to make plans.”

“But...we're friends.”

“I know we are darling.” Rarity said as she came back in from the kitchen. “I just think she's afraid.”

“Of us though?” Pinkie wailed. “She lost our trust. And loosing a friends' trust is the fastest way to loose them as a friend...foreverrrr!”

Rarity pulled her friend into a hug, as Twilight sighed, glancing around the room again. Her eyes locked on Skitch's media center as the others returned to the main room.

“Well,” Rainbow said, “She's not here. But all of her stuff is.”

“Yeah.” Applejack added. “Even that remote thing she used ta leave is there. So she's gotta be somewhere around here and...what are ya doing Twi?”

Twilight was looking closely at the media center, contemplating something. Frowning, she reached out with a hoof and brushed it against the screen. The computer sprung to life, causing her to jerk back slightly.

“Twilight. I don't think this is the time for movies, uhh...unless you do that is.”

“I'm just wondering if this does anything else than show movies.” She rubbed the bottom of her chin with a hoof. “It looked like it was voice controlled. Umm...computer, list functions?” She finished hopefully.

The machine beeped in response a list of options running down the screen, Twilight's eyes lighting up as she hit on something.

“Ah ha! Personal logs sound like a diary to me.” She frowned. “Only one entry though. Computer...play entry?”

A scene sprang to life on the monitor, revealing a very sad and broken looking looking Skitch-Sketch. Her mane and tail were dishevelled, her head hung, her eyes almost hollow and empty.

She was sitting at a circular table, a large lime green vehicle with a bent and twisted drill strapped to it's front was visible behind her. The Collector's dimensional travelling controller was resting on the table in front of her.

“So, just found out that this thing can record I as well as play movies. Guess I would have figured that out earlier, if I wasn't running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to find a way home.” She growled.

Her expression changed to a kind of deranged smile.

“Oh, funny thing about that! It turns out that The Collector's little creation here can't so much open pathways between worlds, but exploit what is already there. And it seems that the pathway that existed back to my world seems to have closed!”

The smile turned back into a deep glare.

“I've been trying for a month, using every last trick in my book that I've had at my disposal to get home.” She motioned to the vehicle behind her with a hoof. “The last attempt here with Professor Farnsworth. But it's failed. Every attempt I've made...I've just bounced off of whatever barrier exists between worlds.”

She took a deep breath.

“Which is why I sincerely hope that he really is dead...and that he hopefully died slowly and painfully. Because if he is alive, and I get my hands...hooves...whatever on him...”

She lurched forward almost pressing her face into the camera as she began to scream.


“She's loosing it again!” Came a female voice from off camera. “Grab her!”

Skitch was yanked back from the camera by two pairs of hands. A one eyed woman with her purple hair pulled back in a pony tail had one side of her, while a man with orange hair had her other. Despite the two humans being twice her size, Skitch was putting up a hell of a fight.

“Let me go Fry! LET ME GO! This whole 'vent your feelings' thing was your idea!”

“I know! But you need to calm down Skitch!” The male said as he struggled to hold the squirming unicorn. “I know your upset, but last time you got this angry you caught on fire!”

“I don't care! He took everything from me!” Skitch screamed as she continued to thrash, tears streaming down her face. “He took my life, he took my friends, he took my family! I'll never see them again and...and I never got to say goodbye! I don't even have a home anymore!”

“Zoidberg! Get the shot! And Bender, turn the camera off!” The purple haired woman shouted.

A very uncomfortable silence filled the room as the entry switched off.

“She never did make it home.” Fluttershy whispered. “Oh...that poor dear.”

“She looked so happy when she came back though! She loved my party.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Skitch is not good at expressing her feelings. She wouldn't address her own gender issues for years. Is it really any surprise that she'd just pretend that everything was okay and try to solider on?” Rarity observed.

“It's darn foolish is what it is.” Applejack muttered. “And that on top of keepin these secrets about her plans fer us.”

“I'm not saying it was right for her to do it, dear. I just think I know why she did it. It's a coping mechanism, really. Trying to hang onto and protect something she still cares about.”

Applejack , Posey and Firefly all stared at Rarity for a moment their eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Oh please, don't act like that's some kind of shock.” Rarity admonished. “You saw how upset she was. Do you really think that was just because she was caught?”

“Well...if she really felt so bad about all of this and wanted to give an explanation,” Firefly interjected, “Where is she?”

“You don't think that Riche kidnapped her, do you?” Twilight gasped.

Posey shook her head. “No. I don't think so. That's not the kind of thing he'd put his own hooves on. Too easy to get caught and loose everything on. Besides, we still don't know if anything actually happened to her or not. She could have just stepped out.”

“Or she could be in trouble!” Rainbow interjected.

“Okay, let's stay calm here.” Twilight said, taking control of the situation. “Rarity, you stay here in case she comes back. The rest of us will do a quick search through town. Posey and Firefly, can you keep watch at the inn in case she comes back looking for us there? The rest of us will meet back here when we're done.”

Nodding to each other, the group split up to begin their search.

- - - -

A few hours later they had come back together at Skitch's house, exchanging looks of worry as they approached, Rarity stepping back out of the house.

“I'm guessing that you didn't have much luck, darlings?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I flew all over the place. No sign of her. You have any better luck?”

“Umm...well. Cloudkicker said that he thought he saw her heading towards my cottage. But she wasn't there when we looked. So...she might have gone into the Everfree Forest.”

“Now why would she go and do somethin like that?” Applejack muttered.

“Ooo! Maybe she was going to see Zecora?” Pinkie pointed out.

That statement elicited some looks from the group.

“Why do you say that?” Twilight asked.

“Well, if she wasn't going to Fluttershy's, then there are only two other creatures that way that she could be going to see, Manny and Zecora, and Manny can't talk, silly!”

Applejack shook her head as she bowed to the Pinkie logic. “Ahll right. We'll have to head out in the morning. It'll be getting dark soon, and we won't be able ta see much.”

“Applejack!” Rarity snapped. “She could be hurt, she could be in danger, she could be in real trouble! We can't leave her in there over another night.”

“But we won't do anypony any good if we get lost or hurt in there to! And more dangerous critters come out at night.”

“Come on Applejack.” Rainbow interjected. “If it was Apple Bloom in there, would you still be arguing we wait until morning?”

Applejack hung her head. “That's different. That's family.”

“Well,” Twilight interjected. “It is still dangerous...why don't we go an ask Zecora for help ourselves? She knows the forest really well, it's only a short walk in, and if that's where Skitch was heading anyway, maybe we'll find her along the way.”

“All right.” Applejack nodded, bowing to Twilight's logic. “But let's at least swing by Sweet Apple Acres on the way. I wanna get my lasso just in case somethin' nasty does turn up.”

- - - -

Skitch felt herself slowly return to consciousness, ivy covered columns, a dust covered stone floor and half rotten wooden doors hanging off their hinges greeting her eyes.

Wait...wasn't there a cockatrice? And how did I get in an old castle?

Trying to take a step forward, she was horrified to find that none of her muscles responded.

Oh god...I'm still petrified aren't I? Why am I still concious? Twilight wasn't conscious! ...Or was she in this reality? Wait...I stumbled into poison joke. Is this because of the poison joke? Damn it!

Her internal raging was interrupted by the sound of something approaching. A moment later, not one, but two cockatrices walked into the room carrying what looked like petrified small animals in their beaks; a squirrel and a mouse it seemed.

The cockatrices began to stalk around the room, occasionally placing the petrified creatures in a location, staring at them for a moment, and then picking them up again to place them somewhere else. It was monster interior decorating.

Oh, come on! This is ridiculous! What am I, the living room centrepiece?

Having found proper locations for their newly made knick-knacks, the two cockatrice coiled up at her hooves, bedding down for the night.

Stupid freaking magpie cockatrices! Stupid being conscious when petrified! Stupid everything! ….Stupid me.

As the cockatrice drifted off to sleep, and the night rolled on, Skitch once again found herself dealing with the fact that she was very much, alone.

- - - -

Meanwhile, the mane six were walking down the path towards Zecora's, Applejack and Twilight in the lead, the latter with her horn lit up to light the way; Pinkie Pie was walking along in the back, Rarity, Spike and Fluttershy in the middle, Rainbow Dash flying along above the group.

After walking in silence for a while, Applejack was the first one to speak up a deep frown on her face.

“Yah all know that I don't want her ta get hurt, right?”

“Of course.”

“Thought never crossed my mind, dear.”

“Duh, of course not.”

Applejack sighed in relief. “Thanks girls. It's just hard to wrap my head around.”

“We know dear. But we'll work all of this out.”

They continued on for a little bit longer, when Applejack suddenly held up a hoof to signal the group to stop. “Hold on everypony! Looks like some kind of critter scrambled across the path here.”

“Pony tracks?” Twilight asked.

“Nah...looks almost like a chicken.”

“Chicken?” Fluttershy frowned as she trotted forward to get a closer look at them. “Twlight, can you hold the light a little closer?”

Twilight nodded, lowering her head closer to the ground. The tracks did look like a chicken's, if not for the odd sinuous drag pattern between them.

“Oh no, oh no.” Fluttershy muttered. “Those are cockatrice tracks. This is bad! This is really bad!”

Applejack frowned and pushed through the bushes, the others close behind; Twilight kept her horn lit while Applejack and Fluttershy examined more of the tracks they found.

“Pony tracks.” Applejack pointed out. “Ah think we might have found where Skitch was.”

She trotted around the edge of the poison joke patch examining the scene closely, before beginning to walk through the steps. “She came this way, walkin' around the poison joke...” She paused at where the two sets of tracks met. “And then it ambushed her here...” She took a few more steps. “And then it turns into these drag marks.”

“It's not just that.” Fluttershy muttered as she pointed to another set of tracks. “Another set of cockatrice tracks. Which probably means that it's a mated pair. And if it's a mated pair, they've probably dragged her back to their lair.”

“Why would they do that?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, it's to show off, mostly.” Fluttershy explained as she nervously tapped her hooves together. “Cockatrice families show their territorial dominance by having large statue gardens.”

“But the Everfree is huge darling! Those beasts could have dragged her anywhere.”

“Well, cockatrice tend to live in caves or sometimes abandoned buildings when they can find them. They like being close to stone.”

“What about where we fought Nightmare Moon?” Pinkie asked. “That's probably the biggest pile of stone in the whoooole of the Everfree Forest! I mean, it was at least twice as big as Sugercube Corner!”

“Good point, Pinkie.” Twilight beamed. “Come on, girls! We have a pony to save!”

“Uhh. Hold on a second.” Spike piped up. “Maybe we should still head onto Zecora's first. Fluttershy said that there's two of them. She might have something to help us avoid their whole gaze.” He nervously rubbed his right arm. “If we all end up stone, we won't help anypony.”

The assembled ponies exchanged glances for a moment before Twilight nodded. “It's a good point. Come on, it's only a little farther to Zecroa's.”

- - - -

Back in the remains of the old castle, Skitch had moved past anger though bargaining and into a deep depression.

So this is how it ends. Trapped for eternity as a show piece in a cockatrice's bedroom, having hurt and betrayed the last remnants of friends or family I had. Friendship is supposed to be magic. What does that make what I did?

She wanted to thrash. She wanted to scream. She wanted to beg. She wanted to do anything but remain locked here in the room where the ponies she hurt had forged their initial bond of friendship. It felt like fate was rubbing extra salt into the wound.

Maybe I deserve this. The human elbowing into Equestria, disrupting everything with their presence, dragging ponies down with them. No wonder some people hate it with a passion. ...Yeah, I probably do deserve this. I wonder when pony archaeologists find this place , what they'll think of me.

Her thoughts were beginning to turn morbid as time dragged on. Without the rhythm of her own heartbeat, or the sound of her own breath, time was distorted. All she knew was that it wasn't a full day yet.

She had tried to “sleep” in a way, once or twice...maybe three times, it was hard to tell. Tried to block off her consciousness and return to the unconscious state she had been in before awakening. Instead, nightmares had visited her for her trouble.

And as she mentally drifted off again they returned.

She was standing in the burning streets of Ponyville again, the twisted mockeries of the mane six and the princesses standing over the bodies of their normal selves. Skitch frowned, not much more than going through the motions as she raised her plasma cannon to fire and fail.

This time, however before she could pull the trigger something snapped the ground, causing it to roll in a manner like a beach towel being cleared of so much annoying sand. The nightmare figures went flying away, scattered to the four winds as Ponyville returned to it's non burnt state.

Skitch frowned, looking for the source of the sudden change in her dreams.

“Hello? Who's there? Is that you Luna?”

Hope rose in her chest only to be crushed by a mocking laugh sent chills down her spine instead.

“I'm sorry. Loony isn't here right now! I'll be your dream shepherd tonight.”

Skitch scrambled back from Ponyville's town hall as a miss matched serpentine form uncoiled from one of the pillars and rose to his full height.


The draconequus responded with a grin, waving his eagle taloned arm at her in greeting.

“Hello there neighbor!”

- - - -

“So, Fluttershy, anythin' else ya can tell us about cockatrices?”

“Well...if Zecora doesn't have anything that can protect us from the gaze, don't look in their eyes. Especially the eyes of the larger male. Their gaze is the stronger of the two. Their claws are also sharp.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow interjected. “But how do we change Skitch back?”

“Oh, well...you'd need a spell, or a potion, really. Unless you could somehow convince the cockatrice to undo it. ”

Rainbow Dash looked over at Twilight, letting the question ask itself.

“Well...I think that I should be able to find a spell that can do it. There are spells that can petrify, so if I were to look at one of those and reverse it...”

“So, is that egghead talk for yes?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It's egghead talk for 'I think so.'.”

There was a brief pause before Rarity spoke up.

“Twilight. Petrified creatures aren't...conscious, are they?”

Twilight bit her lip. “No. Not under normal circumstances.”

“Thank Celestia. I'm not sure the poor dear could handle that right now...being alone and locked in stone.” She looked at her friends. “We are going to give her another chance, yes?”

Pinkie frowned. “I want to, but she broke our trust. And breaking a friend's trust is the fastest way to loose a friend...”

“Foreeevvaaaaarrrrr!” Rainbow interrupted. “I know the deal Pinkie. I still think she's earned another chance though. I mean, she only helped save the world!”

“But that still doesn't automatically forgive her for hidin this from us. It's like...” Applejack sighed in frustration. “She talks about the great things we've done and that we'll do even more great things, but she wouldn't trust us with this?”

“Well, I can't entirely blame her for not wanting to bring it up.” Twilight said. “I mean...is there really an easy way to say 'Hey! There might be evil alternate versions of yourself running around out there.' Especially after loosing her family.”

“Oh...” Fluttershy sighed. “I'm so conflicted over that. I want to comfort her, but I'm scared of her now. I mean...every time she looked at me, was she thinking about how to hurt me if need be? Or the thought of any of us...well...” She trailed off.

“Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon.” Rarity said. “I know that it isn't fun to think about, but it still happened.”

Things were quiet again for a bit, as they continued to follow the drag trail, before Pinkie Pie spoke up.

“Well, I'm willing to give her another chance, when I think about it a little more.”

“Whatcha mean sugarcube?”

Pinkie sighed. “Applejack, how many times have you seen me sad?”

Applejack blinked at the question. “Can't rightly say that I've really ever seen you sad Pinkie.”

“And what would you do if I was?”

“Well...we're friends, so I'd try ta cheer you up.”

“Except I'm the pony that cheers everypony up. I'm the party masta!” She giggled, before continuing. “But since it's my job to make ponies happy, I don't really talk about when I'm sad. I just try to work through it by finding other ponies to make happy. And I think that she was doing some similar. She didn't want us to worry.”

“Seriously Pinkie?” She asked.

Pinkie nodded. “Super, duper serious!”

Applejack sighed, hanging her head slightly. “Ah want ta hear what she has ta say first.”

“Well, we have to find her first.” Twilight pointed out as they approached Zecora's tree.

Twilight stepped forward and gave the door a sharp knock, stepping back as the door swung open and Zecora stuck her head out, blinking as she took in the assembled group.

“Oh my, Twilight and her friends I spy. What troubles caused you to drop by?” She asked as she stepped back, allowing everyone to come inside.

“Well, we were wondering if you had anything that could assist with protecting against a cockatrice's gaze.” Twilight said.

“The gaze that will make a pony stone? Why...”

“See,” Pinkie interrupted, “Skitchy wandered off into the forest and we found cockatrice tracks and we're gonna go rescue her! But Spike suggested that we go and see if you have someway to keep us from turning into stone!”

Zecora just blinked at Pinkie's enthusiasm, but smiled after a moment as she walked over to her shelves and began to grab herbs and other compounds to fill her massive cauldron.

“Potion drops for your eyes I can provide. Take them, to keep from being petrified.”

“That's what I like to hear!” Rainbow grinned.

Zecora set to work, getting a fire lit under the cauldron to boil the water. Once it was at a roiling boil, she began to add ingredient after ingredient, occasionally stirring and chanting at the increasingly blue colored mixture. Once the mixture reached a level that she was comfortable with, Zecora nodded and looked to the others.

“The brew is ready. Twilight, hold this vial steady.” She stated simply as she scooped it up with a ladle. Twilight held the vial that Zecora had indicated with her magic, while Zecora filled it with the mixture; finally a lid with an eyedropper was screwed ontop.

“All right!” Rainbow said. “Let's get back out there.”

“I suggest you wait till morning.” Zecora said. “The cockatrice will be out hunting. You maybe be able to slip in without raising their warning.”

Rarity frowned. “I don't like the idea of her being out there for a full night alone.”

“Allow me to assure.” Zecora smiled. “I will use the time to brew a petrification cure.”

“Well...all right.”

- - - -

Skitch took a few wobbly steps backwards from Discord, her eyes wide. Discord just grinned right back at her as he took a few steps forward.

“Why, Skitchy you look surprised to see me. Not sure why, really. Surely you saw this coming.”

Skitch continued to back away as Discord just observed her with a smirk.

“I see that my reputation precedes me.”

“What do you want?”

“It's like I said! We're neighbors now! The only two petrified and conscious creatures in the whole of Equestria! I finally have somepony to talk to!”

He snapped a claw, a basket of fruit easily the size of Skitch appearing before her. Eying it like it was a basket of grenades, Skitch took yet another resolute step backwards. Discord grinned as the fruit in the basket suddenly flew at her and exploded, leaving the pony drenched in fruit juice.

“I hate you.”

“Oh, come on Skitchy. If you can't take a little chaos, you're going to have a very miserable time. You will probably be here for a long time.”

Skitch grunted as she did her best to shake the fruit juice out of her coat.

“Hmm. I was expecting that to provoke more of a reaction.” Discord hummed, tapping his chin with a claw. “Unless...”

The draconequus vanished, reappearing next to Skitch and throwing an arm around her; he rose to his full height, leaving Skitch dangling in his grasp. “You don't want to be found! Oh, this is delicious.”

Skitch said nothing as she was dropped back to the ground, Discord strolling around her with a wide grin on his face.

“Oh, my dear little ex-human. It all makes sense to me now. You're guilty!”

“Guilty?” Skitch growled, trying to put on a brave face.

Discord grinned.

“I've broken more than a few ponies back in the good old days, Skitch. And being in your head lets me see all of the details.”

He stomped his reptilian foot on the ground, causing a file cabinet to pop up, the top drawer snapping out in the process. Discord plucked a file from the drawer, a pair of reading glasses appearing on his face.

“Human in Equestria fan-fiction. Both hated and loved, and here you are living one.”

He glanced up from the file.

“And I'm quite sure I can run down the list of reasons why it's generating your guilt.”

Skitch rolled her eyes.

“I know what's going on here. This is what happened with my feminine side all over again. My own brain forming constructs from this universes' mythology to address an issue I'm having. So, by all means 'Discord',” She held up her forelegs and twitched them in the best approximation of the “finger quotes” gesture that she could make. “Come at me bro.”

Discord's look was calm as he snapped the file closed, and then carefully took the glasses off.

“Okay Jake. But there's one thing you seem to have forgotten.”

The world spun around Skitch and she found Discord's yellow and red eyes burning down on her as he held her in his lion paw.

“The Collector found a way into your mind.”

And with a casual flick of his wrist, Discord threw Skitch deeper into the depths of her own head.

Author's Note:

I think that the end of this chapter got re-written like three times. It seriously fought me every step of the way.

That being said, I like how it turned out in the end. And yes, I have been putting Skitch through sheer hell here. But next chapter it begins to turn around, I promise. You know how it goes.

You gotta break em down, to build them back up.