• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 2,451 Views, 45 Comments

Never Truly Retired - DemonRykuKyuubi

(Sequel to 'The Lost Mercenary') Ra'zaan is finally settling into Ponyville... or is he?

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Prologue - A Normal Life?

The Khajiit stood just outside his home. He might have been an odd sight around town, had he not been a resident of Ponyville for two months. It was early in the morning, about five to be exact, and Ra'zaan was warming his tiger-striped fur in the mid-fall sun. He had an apple red plain T-shirt and the equivalent to blue jeans on, which he'd paid Rarity for so he'd have something to work in. She'd told him she'd do it for free, but the ex-warrior wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Well, you're up early!" A sweet, melodic voice came from the doorway behind Ra'zaan. "Couldn't sleep well?"

"Good morning to you too, Nadene. I'm just warming up before I head off to AJ's farm for work." The Khajiit smiled, turning to see a Dark Elf in a lavender nightgown.

Nadene gave a grin back. "Pinkie gave me the day off at Sugarcube Corner, so I'm going to head back in and get some more sleep..."

"Even without breakfast? Heh, come on. I make some up for us." Ra'zaan said, turning and heading back into the house.

Living without meat was hard at first, but Nadene and Ra'zaan were able to satiate their hunger by eating fish, as it was always available through Fluttershy. The canary pegasus already knew about how Ra'zaan used to eat meat, but she was still surprised when the Khajiit asked if she could spare any of the fish she kept for the otters and seals and other animals. The Khajiit walked into his now-stocked kitchen and grabbed a pan.

"Anything you want in particular, Nadene?" Ra'zaan asked.

"Hmm... how about the usual, chef!" She smirked.

Ra'zaan had been doing this since the second week the duo had been roommates. He'd wake up early, make breakfast for the two of them, and then head out for work. He threw four eggs into his pan. Eggs were used in Ponyville for baking normally, but they were perfect for breakfast, at least for Nadene and Ra'zaan. Once breakfast was over, the Khajiit said his goodbyes to the Dark Elf and walked out the front door, ready to head off to work.

"I wonder what AJ will have me do today? She's been trying to vary the work she has me do so I don't get bored. Not that I would but..." Ra'zaan thought to himself as he strolled down the road. He still had over an hour before he needed to be there, but he liked to be early so he could chat with the Apple family.

After about a fifteen minute walk, Ra'zaan reached Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was waiting for him on the front porch of the Apple family farmhouse.

"Mornin', Sugarcube! Ya have a nice walk?" She asked, giving Ra'zaan a warm smile, holding out a glass of apple-juice.

The Khajiit walked up and gladly took the glass. "Thanks, Applejack. What's on the agenda for the day?"

"How 'bout you and me head back over ta Ponyville an' work mah apple cart fer the day?"

"Sure, AJ. That sounds perfect." He said as the two of them turned to make the walk back the way Ra'zaan had come.


Nadene was walking down the streets of Ponyville. It was still fairly early, and not many ponies were out and about. She'd changed into a plain, light green shirt and medium-length skirt, and was simply strolling through town, taking in its early morning beauty. "Damn that Cat. He knows I can't sleep after breakfast! *sigh* Oh well. Guess I could go visit an old friend today..." She thought to herself.

The Princess had allowed Ra'zaan and Nadene to use the Werewolf's Blood that Kynan had given them to return home periodically. The duo asked Twilight if she could help with keeping the portal open, and after a few tries, the unicorn was able to keep it stable.

Nadene turned and started towards Twilight's library home. "I need to get some herbs so we have more potions anyway! I'll stop by and say hello to Halius, and then head back home," The Dark Elf smiled at this thought and took off on a sprint towards the library.

*Thump thump* Nadene knocked on Twilight's door. After a few moments, I little baby dragon opened it.

"Huh? Oh, hi Nadene! Come to make another trip home?" Spike asked jovially.

"Yep! Is Twilight home?" Nadene grinned.

Spike smiled back. "She sure is! I'll go get her. Make yourself at home, Nadene!"

The Dark Elf sat down in a chair in the main room. After a few minutes, Twilight came down from her room. Looking at the lavender unicorn's mane, it was obvious she'd just been woken up.

"Well, you're here EARLY..." Twilight yawned.

Nadene shrugged. "Sorry... Ra'zaan woke me up and I need something to do!'

"Ugh, fine. I'll get the portal open..." Twilight groaned as she started redrawing the circle on the floor.

As Twilight dripped a small amount of Werewolf's blood onto the circle, it began glowing brightly, and a spherical image started to form in the air just above it. On the opposite side of the image, the large lake that surrounds the Imperial City* could be seen.

Twilight's horn started to glow, and the sphere seemed to solidify and stabilize. “Alright, Nadene. The portal is ready. While you are over there, do you mind finding me something to examine? The Nightshade bloom you brought last time was very interesting, but it withered away after about a week and I could use something fresh.”

“No problem, Twilight! I'll see what I can find!” Nadene beamed as she practically somersaulted through the sphere. Twilight sighed.

“She sure does have a lot of energy, doesn't she?” Spike smiled.

Twilight just shook her head. “Hmph. I just wish she didn't have it this early in the morning!”


Applejack and Ra'zaan were walking in relative silence. The Khajiit hadn't gotten to chat with the Apple's like he'd wanted to, but that was normal. He pulled out his journal that he wrote everything he did in out. Hard habits were hard to break, after all.

“What's that ya got there, Ra'zaan?” Applejack asked.

“Hmm? Oh, this? I write everything I do down so that I don't forget anything that might be important.”

Applejack tilted her head at that. “Well, why in Equestria would ya need to do somethin' like that?”

“I guess it's just a habit. I did it for every mission I took back in my world, and I suppose I do it without thinking. Want to hear about one of my missions? I have the few I put in this journal still at the front, after all.”

“Why not? Jus' nothin' too descriptive, iff'n ya don't mind.”

The Khajiit have a toothy grin. “Alright, let's see here...”

“~ I accepted a mission from the current head of the Warriors' Guild. He asked me to deal with a problem that has been plaguing the people that live in the small village of Water's Edge. Apparently there have been sightings of several unusually large slaughter fish... Great. I really hate those things...” Ra'zaan read the first entry out loud.

“Hold on just a second. What in the hay is a slaughter fish?” Applejack questioned.

Ra'zaan laughed. “It's a type of fish that can live in almost any body of water that has razor-sharp teeth. The normal sized ones can kill someone with help, so a bigger one poses a real threat. Let's see, now. Where was I...”

“~ I've arrived at Water's Edge. The people seem friendly enough, but talk of the fish is widespread. I better talk to the leader of the town for any useful information.”

“~ Okay. From what I've been told, there are three of these 'Giant Slaughter Fish', and according to the head of the village, they've been ripping open fishing nets and attacking any fishing boats. They are supposedly holed up in an underwater cavern. Great. Swimming... Ugh...”

"So let me get this straight... Ya write stuff like this all the time?” Applejack was beginning to regret agreeing to hear this.

“Pretty much. I like to remember what I have and haven't done.” Ra'zaan said, looking back to his book.

"~ Cavern found. Good thing there's an air pocket in here! I had to leave my armor behind and only bring my sword and dagger because I had to swim though. I can see the targets swimming around a mound of what looks like... fish eggs? Well, I guess it's good I found this. Otherwise the town would have a whole new problem to deal with in a week or so.”

"~ Finally, that is over! As soon as they noticed me in the water, the damn fish attacked me! One of them got me pretty good on my thigh and another got my shoulder, but At least that is over. I crushed the eggs so Water's Edge won't have any more fish problems for a while. I better head back and talk with the village head.”

"~ Mission accomplished. Another thousand Septims in my pocket and food in my belly. A good day's work, I'd say. The village offered me a feast for ridding them of their problem, and I couldn't resist!”

"...And that was what a normal day for me was back then. Get a job, risk my life, get paid. Wash, rinse, and repeat." Ra'zaan looked off into the distance for a moment. "Life is so much more calm now. It's... a nice change of pace."

Applejack wasn't really sure what to say. "Seems like ya had quite a hard life, there, Sugarcube. Iff'n that's all you had to look forward to, Ah'm glad ya decided ta stick around in Equestria!" She smirked.

"Yeah. Me too. Hey, we're almost there. Let's get going and get started, alright?" The ex-warrior stated more than asked.

"Heheheh. Sure thing, Ra'zaan." Applejack giggled.


"Ah, this is always such a beautiful view." Nadene said as she gazed out over the water at the Imperial City. "Oh well. Time to go see Halius!"

With that, the Dark Elf spun around to face a forested area behind her, with a thin path leading through it. She took off at a fast sprint down the path. The trail was dimly lit under the trees and bushes were all along the sides of the path. Once, a pack of three wolves got in her way, but she dispatched them with ease. After a fifteen minute or so run, a medium-sized wooden shack came into view ahead of Nadene. The ex-mage slowed to a brisk walk and caught her breath as she neared her destination.

"Hey! Old man! You in there?" Nadene called playfully.

Halius stuck his head out of the doorway. "Well! This is certainly a surprise! Here for another visit, are you? Come on in, Nadene!"

After the whole ordeal in Equestria involving Golam, Halius decided he'd retire from fighting and live off on his own. In the short time Nadene and Ra'zaan had been away, he'd become a skilled alchemist. His shack was filled with different herbs and potions that he made a point to keep in stock.

Nadene looked at her old friend and frowned a little. "Sorry, Halius. Like my first visit, I can't stay long. I had the day off, so I thought I'd at least come say hi."

"Well, I'm glad you at least came to pay me another visit! You said you wanted the ingredients for some healing potions last time you were here, so I made sure to have some ready for you!"

"Thanks, Halius! Oh, and before I forget. Twilight asked me to bring her another rare plant or something for her to study. You have anything you can spare?" Nadene glanced around the room.

Halius leaned against the wall and seemed to be deep in thought for a moment. "Hmm... Oh, I know! I've got just the thing. I found this near the water. It's an extremely rare magic plant called a nirnroot**. Give this to her."

"Thanks, Halius! You're a life saver!" Nadene said as she carefully placed the plant in her bag along with all of the herbs and empty vials the High Elf had given her. "By the way, have you heard from Ysura or Kynan lately?"

"Yes, actually. They're still traveling together, and they drop by every once and a while. They are currently living in Bruma***." Halius smiled at the thought.

Nadene noticed and grinned again. "Heh, yeah. Those two always did have an almost mother-and-son relationship. Anyway, thanks for the herbs, Halius. Sorry I've got to go so soon, but keeping the portal open puts quite a lot of strain on Twilight."

"Oh, it's quite alright, Nadene. I hope to see you again soon, though!" The High Elf forced a smile. "See you later, Nadene!"

"Goodbye for now, Halius!" She said as she headed out the door and back onto the main trail. "Well, that was fun. I wish I could do this more often!"

The trip back to the portal took a bit longer because The Dark elf was just walking the whole way, but it was also pretty uneventful. Nadene just watched as little creatures bounced swiftly from tree to tree and bush to bush as she walked, keeping her mind clear. She reached the portal in about twenty-five minutes. She walked up the gateway, but as she stepped through, she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched. She shrugged it off and vanished through the portal.

"Hiya Twilight! How are you holding up?" Nadene said casually as she reappeared back in the world of Equestria.

Twilight glared at her. "I'm fine, thanks. I bit tired because SOMEPONY woke me up, but otherwise I'm just... peachy..."

"Well, I think I've got something that will make up for waking you. Halius gave me this cool looking plant called a nirnroot that supposedly has magical properties!" Nadene chirped happily.

At the mention of the plant, Twilight's eyes lit up. "Can I see it now?!"

"Well of course! I'll set it on this table for you!" Nadene said as she pulled the plant out of her bag. It seemed to be humming softly as if the magic within it were resonating out. "Here you go! I'm going to go look for Ra'zaan and show him all of the herbs Halius gave up for potions!" Nadene exclaimed as she darted out the door.

Spike and Twilight walked over to the nirnroot. It had a slight glow to it, and it continued the humming noise that it had when Nadene pulled it from her bag.

"This is so exciting! I wonder what other surprises this 'nirnroot' holds!" Twilight 'squee'd' with excitement.


In her haste to get started on more research, Twilight had neglected to close the portal to Tamriel. It would close on it's own without her magic, but leaving it open was still not a good idea. Unbeknownst to Twilight, Spike or Nadene, another figure came through the gateway as well. It disappeared out the front door as soon as it came through, and no one saw it show up. What could this unknown creature be?


The Imperial City* - The central city in Cyrodill. This is where the Emperor, along with the HQ to the Mages' guild, the Arena, and a major trading center are located. It is heavily fortified with large stone walls and hundreds of guards.

Nirnroot** - An odd, short, magical plant with four or five broad leaves on top. They are extremely rare because they don't grow back after they are harvested. Fun Fact: In Elder Scrolls Four: Oblivion, there was a side mission that asked you to collect a grand total of, like, a hundred of these stupid things. It wasn't hard, but it was VERY annoying and it took a fairly long time even if you worked fast! (The reward wasn't even all that great either!)

Bruma*** - A major city in Cyrodill located just north of the Imperial City. The Nordic race built Bruma because if the area's cold climate, which the Nords' bodies are build for.