• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,941 Views, 382 Comments

The Day My Beard Turned Into Pinkie Pie - Thunderbug80

A member of the Hell's Angels wakes up with Pinkie Pie in place of his beard.

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How Could This Happen to Me?

How Could This Happen to Me?

Harvey Grimwold was drunk.

He stumbled through the door of the Barking Spider tavern and promptly missed the first step leading to the sidewalk entirely. His balance shifted forward and he briefly thought, Where'd the ground go? before collapsing to the pavement. The biker lay prone for a few moments to clear his head. All that forward momentum had sent the world spinning in lazy circles around his eyes. Or were his eyes spinning in circles? He didn't care one way or the other.

Better not let the boys see me like this, he thought to himself.

Ordinarily, Harvey would have gone drinking with his fellow members of the Hell's Angels. Today, however, had been a rough one. He didn't like to bring the boys into his personal troubles. Hanging out with them was for fun times only.

He put an unsteady hand onto the pavement and prepared to haul himself back to his feet. His plans were ruined when he felt a sudden pressure between his shoulder blades that pushed him back down.

"Hey, look at what we have here," a dreadfully familiar voice hissed mockingly as its owner ground his foot harder into Harvey's back. "Could it be the legendary Harvey Grimwold?"

Coarse laughter rose from the other members of the Vagos gang that had surrounded him. The day was about to get much worse.

"Leave me be, Tony. You don't want any trouble you can't handle," Harvey said from his position under Tony's boot.

"Shove it, Grimwold. We know you're alone," the gang member known as Tony responded harshly. " You deserve this for putting Donny in the hospital. You and your goons think you can just beat our brother to a pulp and not expect payback? But don't worry, we won't be taking your life tonight. We like you too much to do that. I think that we'll just take your ride this time!"

He kicked Harvey in the back of the head, bent quickly and searched until he found the right set of keys, then stood up and moved toward a custom 1951 Harley-Davidson Panhead that was parked nearby.

"No man, not Jeanie! Hey, get away from my Jeanie!" Harvey called out.

He tried to stand up, but his head spun rapidly and he fell back to the ground. The flashing neon lights of the bar seemed to meld together as he heard his motorcycle start to rev its engine. Aw man, anything but Jeanie, Harvey thought as the other members of the Vagos gang ran over to their rides, laughing at his misfortune along the way.

The sound of nearly a dozen bikes revving filled the night. A few of the Vagos turned around and flashed colorful sign language at him before taking off. The rumble of the motorcycles soon faded away. Putting his hand down for support once more, Harvey finally managed to make it to his feet again. He felt the back of his head and found a lump where Tony had kicked him. He'd have to make the Vagos pay for that, but he had a bigger problem to deal with.

"Jeanie," he mumbled to himself.

He was going to have to bust some heads, it was as simple as that. He was a Hell's Angel, not some chump who rode a Kawasaki. His Jeanie had been irrevocably violated the moment a Vagos crotch had come into contact with her sweet body. He briefly thought of contacting the police, and chuckled at the thought. He'd probably be arrested on the spot. Regardless, he still needed to get his motorcycle back. He decided he'd retrieve it when he went to pay the Vagos back for kicking his head. That had been entirely unnecessary, and retribution was in order.

First thing was first, though. He needed to get home and have some rest.

The piercing sound of the alarm clock stirred Harvey from his deep sleep. He fumbled blindly for the button to turn it off, and managed to knock the entire clock to the floor.

The offending noise continued.

Grumbling, the hung-over biker leaned over the side of the bed and groped about for the clock. He refused to open his eyes just yet, and felt his boots, a few empty beer cans, and a magazine that would either be about motorcycles or girls, he couldn't tell which, before finally reaching the clock and shutting it off.

Why did I even set the alarm? I don't have work today, he thought irritably.

Then he remembered that he couldn't even get to work, or anywhere else. His dear Jeanie had been taken from him. No matter, he'd get it back. He'd just gather a few of the boys and...

No. He couldn't let them know about this. He had been drinking alone, and you just don't do that when you can invite your buddies along. He had a reputation to keep, so he would take care of this little problem by himself. He just wasn't quite sure how to go about that yet. Maybe he'd figure it out after a shower.

Harvey climbed out of bed and stretched. He then walked towards the full-length mirror in the corner of the bedroom, kicking beer cans out from his path along the way. He reached the mirror and had a look. His dull, brown eyes were bloodshot. A bald head helped to steer attention away from his crooked nose. Complimenting it all was a full, thick, brown beard that hung past his throat. His shoulders were broad and well-muscled, though age was slowly beginning to soften areas that had once been solid. He looked down to his beer gut.

"Ooh yeah, the ladies love you, don't they?" he asked his belly. He grabbed it and shook it up and down as if it were vigorously nodding in response. He chuckled to himself and made his way into the bathroom.

Harvey turned on the light and blinked at the sudden brightness. He moved to the toilet, lifted the seat, and began to relieve himself.

"Gonna break me some Vagos tonight!" he sung off-key to himself. "Yeah, boy! Gonna kick some heads!"

He flushed the toilet and moved to the sink to brush his teeth. Looking down, he grabbed a tube of toothpaste and unscrewed the lid.

"Gonna find me some women tonight!" he continued. "Yeah, boy! Gonna get Jeanie back, too!"

He grabbed his toothbrush in his right hand and carefully squeezed a generous amount of green, mint-flavored toothpaste onto it.

"Gonna get drunk tonight! Yeah, boy! Gonna have a good time!"

Harvey looked up into the mirror and raised the toothbrush to his mouth, but stopped suddenly. His mind was reeling. Now why'd my beard go and turn pink? he thought to himself. He watched in horror as the hairs began to shift, revealing a small, pink creature that had been hidden within.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie, we're going to be the best of friends!" the beard creature said to him in a high-pitched, female voice.

Harvey Grimwold dropped his toothbrush, turned around and ran from the bathroom at full-speed. The devil's done come to collect on my sins! he thought wildly.

"Oh good Lord above, I don't want to die yet!" he screamed.

His beard-thing giggled at him, "Oh, don't be a silly filly. You look healthy enough."

"Demon!" Harvey yelled as he raced through the house, "Demon on my face!"

His beard-thing screamed, "Ack, demon! Get it away from me, get it away!" He could feel what seemed to be little arms or legs pounding on his chin.

Harvey was in hysterics and had no idea what to do. He ran around the house, knocking over lamps and overturning tables until his foot finally landed on an empty beer can and he slipped. His head hit the floor with a thud and everything went black.