• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 18,029 Views, 1,911 Comments

An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Four - Anonymous Pegasus

A hybrid develops new powers, a dark queen escapes, while a pegasus and a changeling try to normalise their married life.

  • ...

The Start of Something New

Author's Note:

I'm not too happy with this chapter. I suck at writing the whole political aspect and such. So just power through it until we can return to the crazy changeling antics you know and love!

Warden felt out of place.

The entire changeling army sat, quiet and obedient, in the throne room of the Canterlot Castle. Kuno stood at their head, in all the glory of her new, more regal form.

The royal guard, with Shining Armor at their head, all armed and armored, were likewise crammed into the room. They bordered the edges, and guarded the door, forming a wall of spear-points to discourage any changeling from trying to leave.

All four princesses sat in their thrones on the raised portion of the throne room. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle.

And Warden felt so out of place. He wanted to stand next to Kuno, but a changeling flanked her on either side. Her ‘praetorians’, the honor guard. They had procured purple armor with gilded gold edges from somewhere, and looked quite intimidating.

And so Warden was sitting to the side, neither a guard, nor a changeling. He felt more like a silent observer.

“You wish… for residency for each and every changeling present?” Celestia asked, slowly, carefully.

Kuno nodded respectfully. “Yes. Residency for each and every changeling under my rule.”

“You understand that this is… troublesome?” Celestia asked uncomfortably. “Your kind has… certain tendencies that are not… conducive to a relationship.”

“I can… offer assurances,” Kuno said awkwardly, frowning slightly. “I am committed, as are my subjects, to making this work.”

“Your kind feeds on love,” Celestia pointed out bluntly. “I allowed you residency as you were clearly enamoured with your husband and he was a ready source of sustenance for you. I could not, however, allow changelings to roam free when their only recourse for sustenance is to take the place of ponies.”

“You don’t know everything about changelings,” Kuno said quietly, her new, larger wings giving a slightly irritated buzz. “My kind can sustain ourselves with acts of kindness, among… other acts.”

“Sexual acts,” Celestia said knowledgeably. Luna looked away, her cheeks darkening.

“Yes,” Kuno responded candidly. “It is an intense form of love.”

“You intend to… what? Open a whorehouse?” Celestia asked, her tone turning disgusted.

Kuno’s eyes narrowed slowly. “Not… in that sense. Were you to allow us residency, I would create a… a kind of kind of guild. The Changeling Consortium. A… kind of one-stop-shop for pony needs.”

Needs.” Celestia snorted once, wrinkling her nose.

“A changeling has no set special talent. And we can be anypony. There are services we can offer to ponies that they could get from nowhere else,” Kuno explained carefully, her wings giving another faint, irritated buzz. “Lost loved ones. We could give a pony an hour with their dead relatives. And all we ask is a small amount of love in return. A blacksmith, is something that a changeling could be at a moment’s notice. A baker. A seamstress…”

“And where would this ‘consortium’ be?” Celestia asked.

Kuno looked at Warden for the first time during the entire meeting, licking her licks cautiously and then turning back to Celestia. “We are in possession of a large property and manor that I feel would adequately work as both a consortium and an embassy.”

“I am familiar with the territory,” Celestia said carefully, giving Kuno a long, long stare. “You understand that you are asking for you and your subjects to be governed under the law of our land, correct? Pony law.”

Kuno nodded slowly. “Yes.”

“And soon to include a law against unlawful impersonation of any pony, living or dead,” Celestia added blankly.

Kuno blinked once, her ears splaying back. “Malicious unlawful impersonation,” she corrected.

“You are not even part of this country yet and you seek to advise me on laws?” Celestia asked carefully, her tone growing sharp.

Kuno gave a slow smile. “Yet.”

Celestia snorted once at that, tossing her mane slightly, her wings arching once, impatiently. “And before anything else is to happen, I have to ask… how many ponies have you all murdered? How many ponies have met death at your hooves?”

Kuno sucked in a breath, looking back over her shoulder at the changelings behind her. “Any of you that have caused the death of a pony, step forwards.”

There was a rustle of movement, and three changelings stepped forwards, moving to stand in front of their queen, facing Celestia.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at them.

Kuno took a single step forwards, carefully sitting down at the end of the line of ponies.

Twilight and Cadance exchanged glances and whispers.

“Do they have names?” Celestia asked calmly.

“Ask them yourself,” Kuno said, inclining her head respectfully. “I have not had time to assign them names myself.”

“You are certain that they will be truthful?” Celestia queried suspiciously.

“Lying would not be in the interest of the hive. They would not lie to their queen… or their princess,” Kuno explained, bowing carefully.

The changelings behind, and beside her, all bowed.

“Very well. You. First on the right. Have you a name?” Celestia queried.

“I do not, your majesty,” the changeling said, bowing deeply.

“What ponies did you cause the death of?” Celestia asked simply.

“One, your majesty. A guard. He found me out. I snapped his neck.”

Shining Armor stiffened.

“Take that one to the dungeon,” Celestia said, waving a hoof.

Kuno straightened slightly, giving the changeling a sad look.

The changeling hung their head, nodding sadly as a pair of guards escorted them away.

“You, second in line, a name?”

“No, your majesty.”

“Very well... same question.”

“A young mare. I took the place of a cook for a day while he was… indisposed. I did not know that one of the regulars was allergic to sesame seeds. I mistakenly poisoned her with sesame seeds.”

“Mareslaughter…” Celestia said quietly. “Take that one to the dungeon as well.”

Kuno winced, ears splaying back as the second changeling was taken away.

“You, the third. A name?”

“No, your majesty. Though I am known as ‘Speaker’ to Kuno. It is more a title than a name.”

“Very well, your crime?”

“I killed a thief. An extortionist. A possible murderer.”

“Go on,” Celestia said, making a motion with a hoof.

“I killed them. Are you not sending my to the dungeon?”

Kuno’s eyes narrowed. “Answer the question, subject.”

The changeling stiffened slightly. “Yes, your majesties. I was confronted by a criminal pony who had discovered my true identity and attempted to commission me, under duress of torture, death, or turning me in to the authorities, to steal various valuables from homes using my natural talents as a changeling. I killed him before he could tell anypony.”

“You believed yourself in mortal danger?” Celestia asked carefully.

“Definitely so if I were to be detained by the guard. No love would be a slow, painful death,” the changeling said with a sad shake of their head. “Shall I show myself to the dungeons?”

“There will be no need,” Celestia said bluntly, waving a hoof. “Return to your changelings. What you did was a kind of… self-defense.”

“But not the changeling who defended themselves from your guard?” the changeling challenged.

“You may argue for your brethren in their trial,” Celestia said simple, her eyes narrowing. “Return to your group.”

Kuno straightened up, tall and regal, as the attention of the princesses turned to her.

“Kuno… your crimes?”

“The deaths of five ponies,” Kuno stated simply.

Twilight Sparkle and Luna exchanged worried glances.

“Very well, list them,” Celestia said, making a motion with a hoof. “Be descriptive.”

“My first mortality was an accident. But preventable. An older pony with a heart condition. I was pretending to be a nurse, as it is a good source of love. I prescribed the wrong medication, they succumbed to cardiac arrest.”

“A mistake, then?” Celestia asked carefully.

“Yes, but avoidable,” Kuno admitted, shaking her head sadly. “The second was a… sexual misadventure,” she said, biting her bottom lip awkwardly.

“This should be interesting,” Celestia said dryly.

“I was in with a group of intensely loving individuals. Dominatrixes and their submissives. I was taking the place of a dominatrix. They are largely anonymous and quite… loved. Strangely enough.”

“Strangely enough,” Celestia agreed.

“I mistook one of the cues and the submissive choked to death,” Kuno said blankly. “I regret it. But it was my mistake. I didn’t do my homework.”

Celestia frowned deeply, lips pursing. “Go on.”

“The remaining three are murder,” Kuno stated.

“Don’t keep us waiting.”

“The first of my murders was a high-class pony. I was with him for quite some time, and I became aware that he was part of a slavery trade. Trading in… foals,” Kuno trailed off, her eyes narrowing slowly. “I perforated his sk—

—We don’t need the gory details on what you did down to the minute details,” Celestia said, holding up a hoof. “You… eliminated him because of what he did?”

“He had his… thugs go to orphanages, adopt ponies, and then sell them. For anything. It was disgusting.”

“I… I cannot fault you for what you did,” Celestia admitted.

Twilight gasped softly.

“And the remaining two?” Celestia asked, ignoring Twilight.

“Daggertail and his cronie, Sunshine,” Kuno admitted, frowning deeply.

“The circumstances?” Celestia queried.

“Sunshine had, on orders of Daggertail, broken my husbands wing and hoof, crippling him. He also tried to have me killed by proxy, by turning me in to the guards, where I would have starved to death,” Kuno explained quietly. “I warned Daggertail to leave my husband alone or I would kill him. I gave him my promise. And when he refused… I killed him.”

“I understand,” Celestia said carefully, earning another gasp from Twilight. “But you must understand that what you have done violates the laws of this land.”

“I will do the time in the dungeon, where you held Chrysalis, no less, if you look me in the eyes and say that you believe me guilty of wanton murder,” Kuno challenged, rising to her hooves.

Celestia frowned deeply, her wings giving an irritated flutter. “For your kind to achieve residency in Equestria, they would need to learn the laws of our country. And they would need to obey them. They will need to be named, registered, and have some means of identification. No longer would your kind be allowed to lurk in the shadows. You would be monitored and policed, as regular ponies are. And any violation of our laws would result in severe repercussions. Understood?”

“I understand,” Kuno said, bowing.

“We will need time to converse, and decide your fate. Your kind are confined to your estate until tomorrow afternoon when our decision will be handed down. If any changeling attempts to leave, they will be considered as an enemy combatant and treated as such, understood?”

“I understand,” Kuno repeated respectfully.

“Well that was… weird,” Warden said, laying his chin on the kitchen table.

“My heart is still racing,” Kuno admitted, wide-eyed, rubbing a hoof through her mane anxiously, hoof tapping against the floor.

Warden was vaguely aware of the rustle of movement all around as changelings picked their rooms. He didn’t know the exact number of rooms in the manor, but there were definitely more changelings than rooms.

“So… what happens now?” Warden asked awkwardly, ears splaying back.

“We wait,” Kuno said simply, sitting down and then letting her head drop onto the table with a long, weary sigh. “Either Celestia and the other princesses agree to allow us all residency, or they banish us.”

“And if they banish you all?” Warden asked, his wings giving a tiny flutter.

“Then… we all start a new hive somewhere in the badlands...” Kuno said, trailing off, worried. “I just realised that if this all goes wrong… then I’m going to have to drag you with me, and the rest of the hive… maybe even out of Equestria.”

“Yes, you will,” Warden said tiredly, hanging his head.

“You… don’t even give any thought to possibly staying?” Kuno asked carefully.

Warden arched an eyebrow. “I died for you. Sure as tartarus not letting you get away from me,” he said with a firm shake of his head. “You’re stuck with me.”

Kuno smiled at that, rising up a little bit to her new, larger height. “Even though I’m bigger now?”

“Just all the more to love! Though the… errr… physics of certain activities escape me utterly. I’m going to need a stepladder,” Warden said, looking her up and down carefully.

Kuno snorted once, giving a soft giggle. “That would be an amusing prospect.”

“You… you’re still all the… uhm… same?” Warden asked cautiously, making a motion with a hoof. “No weird… eggbits or sacks or anything crazy like that?”

Kuno blinked once. “No. No! Why would I have… eggbits?”

“Because you’re the queen. Isn’t it like… your job or whatever to lay eggs to hatch an army?” Warden asked, wrinkling his nose deeply.

Kuno squirmed slightly in place. “Sort of. Sometimes. Though I very much doubt that it would ever, ever come to that. And certainly not since I’m married. It’s a very weird process and well… I don’t see that it would be prudent to explain it to you when the very adult details might be overheard by everyone and their uncle.”

“Not to mention all the royal guards flitting about,” Warden said, looking towards the window. The silhouette of a royal guard was visible, standing on the hill outside, just at the edge of the estate. “So this whole… ‘consortium’ thing. Were you being truthful about it?”

“Yes!” Kuno said earnestly. “Most ponies can’t do a thing outside of their cutie marks. Imagine if you had a project that required a dozen different talents. You could give that project to changelings to do!”

“Ponies aren’t that… useless,” Warden said, frowning deeply.

“Warden, you couldn’t cook to save your life,” Kuno pointed out bluntly. “You can grow the most amazing, stupefyingly tasty vegetables, but your idea of ‘cooking’ is to place them all in a pot and boil them until they are a uniform colour and consistency.”

Warden winced slightly. “Well… I could learn?”

“But you wouldn’t have to, if you had a changeling there for that. The consortium could be a one-stop shop for anything!” Kuno bounced in place excitedly.

“And what about the other thing? You said before? About… erm…” Warden trailed off awkwardly, making a motion with a hoof. “The whole… loneliness thing. Seeing dead relatives. And such?”

“What about it?” Kuno asked, head tilting to the left.

Warden gave an exasperated sigh. “Sex, Kuno. If you give the average pony an avenue for repercussion-less time with whomever they want, they’ll want sex.”

“And?” Kuno asked blankly.

“And!” Warden said, snorting once. “I don’t want this place to have a reputation for being a… a whorehouse.”

“Warden, imagine that I died,” Kuno said carefully.

“Okay, so I’ve committed suicide,” Warden said blankly.

Kuno glowered at him. “Be serious.”

“Okay, fine, you’re dead. What now?”

“You come here, to the consortium, to spend some time with ‘me’,” Kuno said, making a motion with a hoof.

“Yes? And? I don’t see how this is relevant,” Warden admitted, shaking his head.

Kuno gave a long-suffering sigh. “If it were me, Warden. If you were convinced I was back from the dead, even for a few hours… wouldn’t you want to hold me? Touch me? Enjoy the time with me one last time?”

Warden frowned deeply at that, chewing on his bottom lip. “I still don’t think that I would… You know… Sex wouldn’t be on my mind.”

“But we can’t disallow that option, Warden. That’s placing arbitrary limits on what can and can not be done in the privacy of the rooms. My changelings aren’t stupid. I doubt that you’d convince any of them to just… have sex with you as another pony for your enjoyment. That’s creepy and weird and a little off-putting. But if two ponies were to be in that state of mind, where sex might be something that could help them feel better, or better remember their lost wife or husband, or even, yes, in the rare occurrence, grant a fantasy, then that would be fine with me.”

Warden frowned deeply, rubbing his forehead with a hoof.

“Again, imagine… me. If you couldn’t have me whenever you wanted,” Kuno said with a toothy grin.

Warden frowned deeply. “Okay, fine. I’ll… I’ll permit it,” he said, chewing on his bottom lip. “But... I don’t like it. And it will be done discreetly. Swarm will never know it’s happening. Period.”

Kuno nodded. “I will make sure they use the utmost discretion.”

“I don’t believe I just gave you permission to turn my manor into a whorehouse,” Warden said, mortified.

“It’s not a whorehouse,” Kuno said with a long sigh. “It’s a consortium. It just happen to be what changelings are best at.”

Warden raised an eyebrow, giving a wry smile. “I… kinda have to concur.”

“I don’t know if you’re teasing me or trying to get into my pants,” Kuno said, scratching her chin thoughtfully.

“Maybe a little of both?” Warden offered with a slight smile. “Not like I could act on any baser urges, anyway. Still too drugged to even feel anything.”

Kuno gave a long sigh, resting her chin on the table again. “My new crazy-powerful form and I can’t even take advantage of you in it.”

“We all have to make sacrifices,” Warden said with a wry smile. “So… all these changelings… they live here now?”

“Until tomorrow, at least. Permanently if Celestia gives us residency,” Kuno explained.

“Going to need to soundproof rooms… and set boundaries on where they can, and cannot go. And where they can conduct their… ‘business’,” Warden said, rubbing hooves through his mane anxiously. “Can they… can they learn to grow?”

“I don’t see why not?” Kuno said, chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully. “What have you got in mind?”

“Well, if they can take over the aurora growing… we could expand the fields,” Warden said with a motion of a hoof. “We take a percentage for running the operation, and the rest of the funds go to the consortium for basic upkeep and whatnot.”

“That’s… that’s not a bad idea, really. But there is so much to work out first…” Kuno trailed off with a long sigh. “Diplomatic things. Political things. They all have to have names… I need to get a new collar,” she rubbed at her neck with a hoof. “I broke my old one when I changed.”

Warden winced, and then nodded. “I’ll get you a new one tomorrow, from the store. And… why are you so… different?”

“Different?” Kuno asked curiously.

“Different,” Warden affirmed. “You have… individuality. I never noticed how stark the difference was until you were next to other changelings. They’re like… drones.”

Kuno nodded quietly. “Back in my original hive, my queen encouraged individuality. She encouraged us to become… ourselves. Chrysalis was completely different. She viewed the individuality as a hindrance. She… basically used her magic, as queen, to turn all the changelings into drones. She suppressed their emotions, and their individuality. She let me retain my sense of self because… she found me quirky,” Kuno gave a toothy smile at that. “Plus, I am somewhat of a wicked tactician.”

“I’ve noticed,” Warden said dryly. “So… can they be ‘fixed’?”

“They can be encouraged to develop their own personalities, now that Chrysalis is gone. But for now… I’d prefer they remain… reliant on the hivemind for their emotional state until we know what’s happening.”

“That’s… prudent, but still a little bit… strange,” Warden said uncomfortably. “Feels like entrapment or something.”

“I’m not doing it to them, I’m just not fixing it until we’re settled in and I can do it in a useful sense. And if they don’t have individuality, then I can assure Celestia that they won’t go off on their own and impersonate ponies,” Kuno explained.

“And… the ones that got thrown in the dungeon?” Warden asked quietly. “What about them?”

“I’ll visit them, give them some love so they won’t starve… but they did illegal things... If we’re committed to being under the rule of Celestia, and the rest of the princesses, then all we can do is submit appeals,” Kuno said sadly. “There’s nothing else we can do.”

“I thought, for a minute there…” Warden trailed off, biting his bottom lip.

“That I was going to go to jail?” Kuno asked with a faint smile.

Warden nodded quietly.

“Not a chance in tartarus. Celestia already knew about Daggertail and Sunshine, and the other three are across the ocean. Plus, I am the queen of the changelings. Throwing me in the dungeon without evidence of me wilfully hurting ponies would destroy any chance of our two species interacting. And Celestia might seem to be harsh… but she doesn’t want to exile us,” Kuno said with a firm shake of her head. “She’ll go through with this. It’ll be rocky, but we’ll make it work.”

“You’re so certain?” Warden asked carefully.

Kuno nodded firmly. “I’m certain of it. Celestia knows that exiling us would be death. And when she has a chance to turn what was a sworn enemy of Equestria into allies? She’d going to jump at the chance.”

“I hope you’re right…” Warden said, frowning deeply, scratching at the table with a hoof. “We spent a long time building a life here… I don’t want it to all just fly out the window.”

“But you’d still be with me, right?” Kuno asked earnestly.

Warden nodded firmly. “No matter what happens.”

“Then everything is going to be fine,” Kuno said, leaning across the table to kiss his nose gently.