• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 2,593 Views, 78 Comments

Tales of Apple Scratch: The Council of Harmony - Mariacheat-Brony

The greatest cultural authority in the land of Equestria, a group of young minds chosen directly by the two High-Princesses to represent them. Six young women who holds a great influence on their nation's future. Read how were they chosen?

  • ...

The Princess' Student by Wolfie 03

“Alright Twily, I have to go back to training for the summer; hug for your big brother?” Shining Armor held open tan arms towards his younger sister who smiled back before stepping forward to comply with the request.

The siblings were saying their farewells before the oldest returned to complete his training to be a commanding officer in the guard. Shining scuffed purple with pink highlighted hair, causing Twilight to push playfully at her brother in mock annoyance.

“Try to meet new friends while studying for that big exam... What school was it for again? Magical Nerd Academy?” Twilight crossed her arms at the teasing smirk with a frown.

“It's Princess Celestia's Canterlot Academy for Gifted Titanians and it's the most advanced school for magic in the land.” The young guard in training smiled at the indignant tone and gave his sister one last hug.

“I know; you go and show them just how gifted I know you are.” Twilight couldn't help the pleased grin at the encouraging words and waved her brother off as he exited the entrance hall of the modest mansion located on the edge of upper Canterlot.

As the large dark blue double doors closed on her B.B.B.F.F., Twilight looked around the classical décor before heading up the large staircase to her bedroom which doubled as her own personal study and perused a list of books she wanted to get in order to be prepared for the entrance exam at the end of the summer.

Checklist in hand, the studious Titanian exited the light blue mansion to head for the Canterlot Archives, the largest collection of information in the land (which was near the best magical institution for that very purpose). Twilight consulted the long scroll to ensure it's accuracy and relevance when the sidewalk was blocked by some local boys who were teasing a much younger boy huddled on the ground.

As the milk chocolate girl looked up at the disturbance, she frowned at how they were using terminology incorrectly as well as their overall attitude.

“Oy, green haired little worm, what are you doing on our street?” A brown haired Jupitarian sneered at their target, which upon closer inspection on Twilight's part, was a very young boy of four or five with light green hair and light tan skin; though it was hard to tell under the dirt and grime.

“Yeah, your parents shriveled up because of some table salt?” Another boy, a dark skinned Eponian, kicked at the bundle of dark brown clothing, drawing a deeper frown from the purple haired Titanian.

“Actually, a worm wouldn't react like snails do when introduced with sodium; which happens due to the fact that snails are made up of mostly H2O which combined with sodium, commonly known as table salt, causes the-”

“Geeze, I didn't want a stinking science lesson; let's get outta here.” Twilight frowned even more as the three boys stared back in blank confusion before leaving.

“Lessons don't have olfaction to them unless there is a lesson using the nose function; which a lesson on snails and slugs would usually not have.” The boy on the street stared up at the young teenager with a blank face; Twilight gazed at the retreating figures before glancing down into green eyes.

nugneH?” [What do you want?] Two purple brows rose at the strange guttural words and the studious teen stared closer at the youngster.

“What was that?” The green haired youth stared back shrewdly as he remained silent.

The teenager waited a moment longer before remembering her original purpose. With another thoughtful frown at the young boy, Twilight continued towards the Archives as she added a note on her list of personal things to do of searching linguistic books on what he may have said.

Within an hour Twilight had over a dozen new books to study from and returned home with a short glanced to see that the green haired boy was still sitting on the side of the street like before; giving a short shrug at the sight, she continued on her way without a second thought.


Two days later, Twilight went to return the books and found that the young boy hadn't moved from his spot on the street. They shared curious glances though the Titanian didn't attempt to converse, as she was falling behind slightly since she searched through tomes to find the language he spoke with no success.

Once she was back on track for her studies, a few days later, the curious Titanian tried to communicate with the boy again. The child stared curiously at the darker skinned girl as she leaned towards him with a few books in her magical grip.

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle; who are you?” The boy tilted his head curious as he frowned back.

nuqneH?” As Twilight scribbled furious away, the youth watched with guarded eyes; the next fifteen minutes were spent trying to gain any other forms of communication with no success.

Twilight slumped in place before her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten in the past day, having spent more time doing research so she could try and question the green eyed boy. At the sound, the youngster looked to where it came from, emphasizing the need to find something to silence the growls.

The teenager stood and did a quick search of the surrounding food venders, rapidly calculating price differences and serving sizes before settling on a donut shop; after quickly ordering some with sprinkles, the purple haired teen shot a thoughtful glance at the boy who stared hungrily back and made it an even dozen instead.

She came out with the white box and settled in front of the lightly tanned child who was drooling at the smells coming from it. Twilight opened the box to reveal the pink with blue and white sprinkled donuts and offered one to the lad who stared blankly back; with another thoughtful frown, the teen bit into the donut and made over exaggerated motions to demonstrate what one does with a donut before offering the box to the boy once more.

The starving child needed no other encouragement and tore through the remaining surgery treats with a fury; Twilight watched with slight confusion as the various facts and evidence pointed to an uncomfortable conclusion.

With a large belch (with something that looked suspiciously like green fire that floated up for a millisecond), the lad leaned backwards wearing a satisfied smirk and rubbed his stomach.

maj!” [Good!] They boy flinched as the studious teen began to write further of the new word as well as notes of his condition and other facts; the next hour and a half was spent trying to get the green eyed youth to speak or respond which was met with failure once again.

Twilight glanced around in frustration before catching sight of a clock showing just how long she had been working with the boy with few results; with a frightened yelp, the milk chocolate teen jumped up from her seat and ran for the library, giving a hasty wave goodbye to the half standing child who looked on in confusion and worry. Twilight barely noticed the half-hearted return wave, though she did pause long enough to make a note on the papers that documented the encounters.

The teenager grabbed the next twenty books on her list to study but paused on the way out when she passed the parenting help section. With a hesitant hand, Twilight pulled out a book on caring for younger children who have been abused or mistreated. After thinking a moment longer, the Titanian nodded sharply and added it to the stack before going to the checkout.

On the way back, Twilight started to read about how to gain a young child's trust as she walked, her feet taking traveling the well know paths automatically. She was so focused on the words before her that it wasn't until a small hand pulled on her lavender blouse that she heard the sounds of angry and worried yelling flying through the air.

Twilight looked first at the young boy who stared back in worry before glancing around to find that she was on the edge of the sidewalk, about to cross in front of a speeding carriage that swerved slightly at the sight of the girl not paying attention to her surroundings. Twilight looked back down to the boy who let go of her shirt once he saw she was paying attention once more and gave him a sheepish smile.

“Oh, uh, thank you.... Oh no, my books!” Glancing beyond the small child, Twilight noticed that at the shock of sudden loud sounds and the almost accident, her already fragile hold on her books broke completely, leaving them in disarray along the ground; upon seeing the teenager scramble to pick up the books, the green haired boy slowly picked up some as well and offered them to Twilight who stared back in thought before nodding to herself.

“Could you help me carry this to my place?” The child tilted his head in non-understanding and offered the books forward once more.

Twilight gave them a pat, pushing them towards the youngster instead and waving to him to follow along. The Titanian walked along for a few paces before the lad soon trotted to catch up, all the while watching the older girl curiously.

The boy slowed down slightly as he looked on in awe at the mansion before them but quickly snapped forward at Twilight's questioning call. The Titanian led the way to her room where they wouldn't be bothered by any of the servants that kept up the house and they settled the books in their proper places before going into the kitchen and making several sandwiches. The green haired lad watched hungrily from across the counter, something Twilight took note of as she put the finishing touches on the sandwiches.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle. T w i l i g h t.” As Twilight pushed the plate towards the child, she pointed to herself as she spoke, trying to see if he could speak plain Equestrian.

“Twi- Twilight?” The young Titanian clapped her hands in excitement before nodding rapidly with a grin.

“Yes! Me, I'm Twilight.” The boy watched curiously before trying again to test how it sounded.

“Twilight?” The milk chocolate teen squealed in joy before nodding and pulling out her notes to mark the results.

The sudden movement and scribbling didn't startle the youth as much as the first time and he watched Twilight add a few more notes before pushing the now crumb riddled plate forward.


“Yes?” the teen responded almost immediately before realizing that it was the child across the way who spoke and clapped her hands once more before noticing the now empty plate and pleading green eyes; after giving the advice book a quick check for the proper response, the purple haired girl nodded and made a few more sandwiches.

Before he could grab and devour them however, Twilight made him pause and tried to get him to say something else instead of just her name.

“Sandwich. This is a sandwich. Well, technically it's a ham and lettuce sandwich but that's-” The studious girl noticed the growing blank look on the hungry face and sheepishly grinned.

“Oh, eh heh heh... 'Sandwich'.”

“Sa-sandwich?” Once it was said properly, Twilight allowed the boy to go for the food and watched with growing satisfaction at how well he learned.

This soon became the pattern for the rest of the day, with the teenager teaching the youngster various words and verbs while showing him around the house. She couldn't get him to speak anything else in his native tongue, but he learned Equestrian quickly and was soon speaking simple sentences. Twilight was privately pleased at the turn of events that made it so her parents were out of town; if she wanted to find out more about the boy she would have to be able to speak with him with the best course of action being close observation, something that would be harder to do with family there when he couldn't communicate.

The teenager found that he was much like any other four or five year old, going to sleep where he sat learning the alphabet at an early time. After tucking him away, Twilight consulted the advice book a little more before returning to her other studies, worried about falling behind her schedule what to study when.

The next morning found the young student asleep at her desk after working through most of the night. She was poked awake and opened a bleary eye to find a plate and messy sandwich laying next to her face, causing her to jerk further awake and sitting upright.

“Twilight, sandwich!” The young girl looked to the green haired boy who smiled proudly from his place next to her; he had been the one to wake her up after making the sandwich.

Twilight smiled gratefully and pulled it closer to look at it; he had paid close attention when she made the second batch and had all the right ingredients, though they weren't properly placed due to inexperience.

“Thank you, it looks good.” The youngster watched expectantly as Twilight ate it and found no hidden surprises waiting for her; it tasted just as good as one she or the cook would have made.

After a refreshing method to wake up, the two got down to work on learning more words and making larger sentences. In the midst of this, Twilight felt the need to set up the ground work for writing skills, finding herself surprised at how well the young boy learned. By the end of the first full day of work, Twilight felt as though she could finally ask what the youth's name was and perhaps even learn a little of where he came from; his answers surprised and frustrated her, however.

“.... I am Spike.” The boy, Spike, had searched his new vocabulary for a moment before he was able to answer the question; Twilight grinned at the progress so far and pressed forward.

“Really? Ok, nice to meet you Spike. Where do you live?” Spike frowned at the question, his mind running through the new information before realizing what was asked.

“.... Nowhere.” Twilight frowned at the slight snag in her plan and tried a different tactic.

“What about your parents? Where are they?” Spike shrugged his small shoulders as he stared blankly at the teenager who tried to control her frustration with the lack of answers.

“.... Ok, uh, how about we continue learning things?” At this, the green haired boy smiled slightly and nodded, settling further in his seat as Twilight taught him more about grammar and the world around them.

At the end of another long day of answering question after question, the studious teenager turned back to her normal studies, doing another all-nighter in an attempt at staying on track even with such an interesting side studies going on.

Spike came into the Titanian's room the next morning (he had been given one of the extra bedrooms for his own use) and found his teacher at her desk, face deep in a large book with a scroll half-finished next to it and ink well dried from being left open. The young boy went and made another sandwich for the older girl and gently woke her up once more.

“Twilight? Why do you read in the night?” The purple haired Titanian rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she smirked in amusement at the sight of another sandwich before realizing the question Spike asked.

“Oh, well I have these more difficult studies to read for my test at the end of summer but you want to learn a lot so I just read these at night.” Spike frowned at the explanation understanding a little over half of what was said but getting the hunch it was due to him being there that there was an issue; with a sharp nod, the green eyed youth looked back at Twilight determinedly.

“I'll help!”


“I'll help you! Anything you need, I'll help.” Twilight blinked at the determined boy before smiling indulgently.

“Oh, uh, ok. How about we get started on your reading then?” Spike nodded once more and got out the book he was to learn from but when Twilight made to join him, he pointed at her desk.

“No no, I can do this. You read like you need to.” The teenager looked back in surprise before slowly returning to where she had left off, only to groan when she noticed the dried out ink well; Spike, having seen what Twilight reached for, jumped up from his place and ran to where he had last seen more ink, grabbing a bottle from the supply drawer and dashing back to the studious girl who watched in surprise.

“Here you go!” Twilight reached out automatically for the ink before smiling at the youngster.

“Thanks Spike!” The boy nodded once more before resettling down at his desk, picking up from where he left off.

The rest of the day continued in this fashion, the youth showcasing his sharp memory as he helped the teen while at the same time learning more from the books assigned to him, slowly making his way upwards in skill. By the end of the day, Twilight was willing to admit that it helped to have an assistant, making fetching and getting different books faster with Spike's help. They both went to bed that night pleased with the day's work and excited for what could be done in the morning.

There was little issue with the servants as to the extra child staying in the mansion, his presence explained as she was making a friend and helping tutor him (which was true in a way, even if she had no real idea about who he was aside from his name).

The real trial came when her parents came back at the end of the week from their meeting; luckily by this time Twilight was prepared and had a presentation for her argument as to why Spike should continue to stay in the Sparkle mansion.

Two hours into the presentation of how his help sped up her studying process Night and Velvet Sparkle gave in to the pleads, allowing the young boy to stay and help Twilight with her studies; something that she hadn't fabricated when it came to how useful the young child was. He spoke almost like a normal Equestrian child now, with a reading level slightly high for someone of his age. But it was his sharp memory that made the difference, his ability to remember where things were put and fetching and keeping an eye on the studious teen meant that Twilight could focus on her work without spending extra time searching for a certain reference or extra supplies.


Before either one of them noticed, the summer passed in a blur of knowledge and budding friendship. Spike was talking like a native while Twilight was learning more and faster than ever before while satisfying her parents' desire that she make more friends. When it came time for the entrance exam, the teenager asked the young boy to go with her as moral support and to help test her before she actually took the exam; no matter what Spike said or did helped to relieve her stress, so he merely did as she asked and went with her to the large towering academy.

The pristine white towers and castle-like academy posed an intimidating aura to those who entered it for the first time, causing Twilight to shiver as she made her way to the front desk to sign in for the exams. She was escorted by her parents and Spike, all of whom tried to help make the teenager less worried to no avail.

Twilight gave each a brief hug before heading to the first room where the hopeful students would take the written portion of the test, the pale-gray door shutting behind her with an ominous sound to the nerve-racked students waiting inside.

Spike couldn't help but pace as he waited with the Sparkles as well as other parents who came to support their children in their efforts; the two hours feeling like a day for those left waiting outside.

Before long, the students were released from their written exam, staggering on wobbly legs before lining up for their practical application of the test. Spike raced up to Twilight as she shakily walked out and gave the young boy a pat on the head before taking her place in line.

The practical portion of the test was done in an auditorium where the practitioners watched from the top row while allowing family and friends to support the tester by sitting in the center rows. When it came time for the milk chocolate teen's turn, Spike sat as close as he could and tried to encourage the young Titanian with gestures and mouthing kind words. As he watched Twilight try to focus on creating any kind of magic to go off, the young boy suddenly felt a tightening in his gut and a voice whispered softly in his ears.

reH tay' ghot tuqDaj je. SuvmeH 'ej charghmeH bogh tlhInganpu'. Hoch 'ebmey tIjon.” [One is always of his tribe. We are born to fight and conquer. Capture all opportunities.]

Green eyes shrank to pinpricks at the words as he clamped a hand over his mouth and stood rapidly, the sudden movement drawing Twilight's attention to her young friend who staggered to the side as he tried to exit the room.

“Spike?” A black haired professor cleared his throat and tapped his pencil onto his clipboard.

“Ms. Sparkle, focus please.” Purple eyes shifted to the professor just long enough to miss what exactly happened but looked in time to catch the last sight of a green flame that sparked an explosive reaction with a previous student's attempt at growing a plant, making it burn up in a bright flash of light and loud bang.

Twilight could barely see Spike being surrounded by others who were shouting and yelling about a monster before closing her eyes in fright for the boy and of the noise caused. The young Titanian's mind went blank as her magic surged beyond her control, blasting throughout the room; it encased the youth causing him to grow rapidly taller and stronger than those who tried to surround and catch him, appearing like a full grown Eponian but stronger and somehow tougher. Other beams hit those who tried to pursue him, freezing some in place while others turned to stone or even into harmless objects; while some beams hit the professors at the top of the room, causing them to float in a dark pink aura, incapable of moving or doing anything.

The light and sound of all the magical discharge drew the attention of the Princesses themselves; ascertaining that it came from the Academy for Gifted Titanians, Princess Celestia went to investigate. What the lightly tanned Princess found in the practical test room astounded her, causing her to pause in place; it was rare that she saw anyone with that much potential, though it was obvious the young girl would need to learn control.

The Sun Princess made her regal way to Twilight who flinched at the comforting hand on her shoulder before looking towards the Princess with frightened eyes, the glow of her magic slowly lessening until with a flash of light and soft pop everything went back as it was before. While the rest of the room looked at one another in confusion, Twilight had her head bowed in worry as she tried to apologize.

“Your highness, I'm so sorry, I-”

“Everything is fine my dear, and no lasting harm was done.” Princess Celestia smiled warmly at the teenager who fidgeted in place.

“Uhm, I know I caused trouble with this exam, but please may I take it over again? I really really wanted to join the school...” Celestia smiled even brighter at the timid words and put a single finger to her in chin in mock ponder.

“Hmmm, I suppose I could over look this transgression, on one condition.” The Solar Princess waited for the young Titanian's full attention before smiling once more.

“You agree to become one of my private students, with whom I'll teach magic among other things.” Twilight's eyes widened in surprise before hopping in place excitedly.

“Yes yes yes yes yes yes! Please, I would be honored to be one of your private students!” With a warm chuckle at the over excited girl, Princess Celestia led the way to an unused office to discuss what it entails with Spike, Night and Velvet Sparkle following as well.

That evening was spent in celebration and discussion; while they were pleased with Twilight's effort, her parents weren't sure of Spike continuing to stay with them. The young teen had seen how well she worked with an assistant and even though he had caused a disturbance (admittedly one dwarfed by her own not even moments later) she still trusted him and wanted to help him. After promising to keep a closer eye on the young boy, Spike was able to stay with the Sparkles as an assistant to Twilight as she began her work both in a top end academy and as one of the Princess' own private students.


After five years of living with the Sparkle Household, it felt like Spike had always been a part of the family; Twilight could only barely remember what it was like to not have her number one assistant there to help. Despite the Titanian's best efforts, Spike made sure Twilight ate right and got out every so often, even if it was to read in the sunlight.

On a regular day like any other, the youth went to the donut shop Twilight had first treated him to, way back when they first met; it was actually the anniversary of when they met and Spike wanted to make it special. While it was something Twilight had long since planned for in order to not mess up her schedules, it was still a special occasion for the green haired lad; a bright mark in an otherwise dark past that would lead into a bright and friend-filled future.

The young boy was so lost in memories that he hadn't noticed three slightly familiar boys sneaking up on him before shoving him down a side alley where they rained blows on him.

“You little slime, finally away from your nerdy care-taker huh? What did we tell you about being on our streets oh so long ago?” The brown haired boy cruelly stated before kicking at ribs that was soon covered defensively by tan arms as Spike groaned at the pain.

“Yeah, you should have stayed home with your new mommy; now you'll have to play with the big boys and we play rough.” With this, the three teens continued to mercilessly beat the curled youth who tried to weather out the storm of pain, wondering if anyone would notice or care.

“What is taking Spike so long? It's not like him to take such a long time to come back from Donut Joe's.... He certainly knows where it is...”

Twilight had been finishing her work as she waited, but as time drew on and it crept closer to evening, the young woman steadily grew more worried. By the time the clock struck five, the studious Titanian stopped her pacing and went towards the exit, her hands glowing slightly as she began to make a tracking spell to find the errant boy.

Twilight frowned as she found herself drawn by a gentle tug in her hand down the path that one would normally take to reach the famous donut shop before sharply being pulled down a side alley where three boys shouted a few last insults before running off. On the ground where they had been lay a lump of clothing and bruises that moaned lightly as a green topped face looked where the boys had run off to in an effort to be sure it was safe out.

The sight of green eyes in pain brought Twilight out of her shock and racing to the boy who flinched back at the sudden sound.

“Shhh Spike, it's me.”

“Twilight?” The Titanian scrunched her face at sight of the hurt youngster and quickly tried to recall if she knew of any healing spells.

“Yes Spike, I'm here now.... Oh, for all the times to put off studying the body and healing spells! I don't know anything that can fix this, but I know someone who can. Just stay still Spike, I'm going to teleport us to someone who's hopefully willing to help.” Before the boy could make any sound or movement, the Titanian snapped her fingers that were surrounded in her magic's glow, bringing them to the foot of Princess Celestia's thrown in the main hall of Canterlot Castle.

“Twilight, what is the matter?” The Solar Princess stood from her seat as she waved away the guards who came to attention at the sudden intrusion and the scribe who had been reading some of the reports of other meetings.

“Princess, it's Spike! He's been hurt and I don't know any healing spells; please, can you help?” The fair Princess frowned in concentration as she nodded before waving the young Titanian back so she could get to the younger boy.

As a gold aura surrounded the Princess' hands, Twilight watched the magic with close attention, trying to see if something would go wrong and how to do it herself should the need arise later. With a short frown of confusion, Princess Celestia paused in her administrations as she looked the youngster in the eye briefly.

“What-what is it Princess!?” Celestia glanced at her pupil before looking at the boy before her with a pensive frown once more.

“He is not like others, something I haven't encountered in a long time...” Twilight's eyes twitched slightly at these words as her mind jumped to the worse possible conclusion.

“Wait, does this mean you can't help?! I can! I saw what you did, I'll just-”

“Wait, no Twilight, I can help -” The Solar Princess never managed to finish her sentence as she was almost pushed aside by the frantic young woman who simply poured all of her magic and focus into the spell that she had memorized from watching it performed by the Alicorn Princess.

Celestia watched amazed as Twilight's magic surged before narrowing to fixate on the small boy laying before the two, causing the bruises and abuse to simply shrink as though traveling forward in time rapidly. Just as the last sign of the beating vanished, the Titanian's magic diminished into nothing as Twilight fell over, unconscious from the effort it took. After giving her star pupil a quick check to make sure she was ok, the Princess summoned two couches to be brought over to set the two friends on as they recovered with a light chuckle, plans for the studious woman forming.

It was much later in the evening that Twilight woke to find herself in the grand hall of Canterlot Castle, and a half second later she remembered why she had gone to see the Princess.

“Spike? SPIKE?!”

“Over here!” Twilight snapped her head towards the sound to find the solar monarch and young green eyed lad talking as they had tea and cake near where the young Titanian was laying.

“Oh, thank goodness! You're alright? No lasting effects? No extra pain?” The young woman pulled the lad into a tight hug before pulling away to glance him over to check for anything her spell may have missed.

“Perfectly fine, like brand new; are you ok? The Princess says you fainted afterwards...” Twilight smiled at the worried frown before looking towards her mentor with a sheepish grin.

“I used too much magic at once and my body had to rest from the effort, right?” At the agreeing nod, Twilight looked to the boy once more as she joined them at the table covered in treats.

“See? I'm fine, I had a good nap... Princess, I'm sorry for pushing you out of the way like that... I was just so worried about Spike that I-” Celestia waved a calming hand towards the young woman who trailed off at the gesture.

“It's fine, it means that you care a great deal for your friend. In fact, you've just proven that you are ready for the next stage of your development, if you're willing.” Twilight straightened from her worried hunch with bright eyes at the mention of new work.

“Yes, what is it?”

“You remember how my sister and I are usually consulted by a council made up of each generation's greatest minds and abilities?” At the rapid nod confirming the knowledge, the Sun Princess continued with a gentle smile.

“I would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to be the first member in the latest Council of Harmony, as the representative of Magic.” Twilight stared on slack-jawed for a moment before jumping up and hugging her mentor tightly.

“OH YES PLEASE I'D LIKE- oh, uhm, hem-hem, sorry.... I'd like that very much Princess.” The young woman suddenly released the Princess who merely smiled back and opened her arms once more; taking the hint, Twilight leaned forward to hug her mentor once more as Celestia returned the gesture before waving for Spike to join in as well.

The three spent a moment longer in the hug before settling back down with the young Titanian looking curiously at her teacher.

“But, why would you want me to be on the Council?” Princess Celestia smiled at the question, pleased that the studious woman wanted to know exactly how she earned the position.

“You showed both exceptional skill in the field of magic and knowledge while still caring for your friends and family. I see so many talented Titanians in my time, but they all become obsessed with power and ambition; I'm glad to see you care so deeply for your friend that you would even knock me aside to help him when I faltered.” Twilight blushed at the words, relieved at knowing that the Solar Princess held no qualms with being pushed aside to take over the healing.

“I do believe that this calls for a celebration and your family should be notified; if you two are able to follow me?” The two friends grinned at one another before rising along with the Sun Princess and exiting the grand hall, on the way to start a new kind of life that held the promise of being very interesting.

Author's Note:

And Magic makes it all complete as they say :p

that concludes the Origins of the Council of Harmony :)

Thanks to Wolfie 03 for the chapter, and to GWG for editing it.

I hope you enjoyed it.
