• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
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River Road

Writing Comedy, Adventure and Slice Of Life. Desperately trying to keep up with all the crazy stories my brain comes up with.


Welcome to Ponyville!
...Yes, we're serious.
...No, we're not jokin'.
...Yes, we're aware that– Listen, you get used to it after a while, okay?

A short story on the history of town's names, and of one town in particular.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

This looks good :trixieshiftleft:...with this comment I now consider this story to be part of my headcanon :ajsmug:
Applejacks great-grandfather sure was a cool guy

Haha wonderful!

... Huh?

Apart from the names of the ponies, I fail to see any pun here at all.


The pun is "Ponyville"
At some point in nearly every "not-brony in Equestria" story the guy (or girl) complains about the "unbearable puns". It usually comes down to "any-/some-/nopony", pony names and the town's names, and "Ponyville" is more often than not considered the worst of them all.

As almost all of my ideas, the concept for this one-shot came out of nowhere and just seemed to fit.
Also, there's never enough stories with silly old stallions.

3264561 But... where's the pun?

Appleoosa, Cloudsdale, Manehattan... all of these and the others are puns because they take an existing word, a place-name or horse-breed, and integrate the sounds of another word into it. Ponyville is simply "pony" with the suffix "-ville", which means city or town, attached to it.

An unusual name by the standards of either world, to be sure, but I don't see that it's a pun. If it is, please tell me - what's it punning off of?


Yeesh, semantics... I suppose it isn't a pun, then, depending on your definition of the word.
All I know is that in many comedy fanfictions with non-bronies, the characters are most likely to complain about "any-/some-/etc.-pony", "Ponyville" and (occasionally) "Pinkie Pie" (though that might actually be unrelated to her name) and that those are generally called "puns" by frustrated (ex-)humans waving their sanity goodbye.

Or maybe I didn't think about it at all, except for "A Historical Joke" just don't sound right

Another fine story :ajsmug:

Still followin ya


Good to hear, good to see. :ajsmug:

Y'all are probably used to mah random tidbits of headcanon spoutin' by now.

Yeag, thats like 20% of the reason I come here.
And i didn't choose 20% because of :rainbowdetermined2 , I chose it because I chose it.

I failed below. I meant :rainbowdetermined2:


Well, my greatest work is still all but untouched. Something that was little more than a plot device in my first story and grew into a whole new perspective in my head. I'm going to expand on that soon, once I get out of this bout of procrastination I've found myself in lately... :twilightblush:

This review is brought to you by Zero Punctuation Reviews

I had to mentally prepare myself for this story from just the name alone. ‘A historical pun’ isn’t a eye catching name nor does it say what type of pun is it. Is it the type of pun where the name of the history name is the pun or did the pun make history.

I can say the the author took the 2nd option but I didn’t understand the pun from the story but from the comments. Not to truly spoil the story because we all know if I did spoil the story you would hate me forever and want to kill me, but apparently the pun is how the brony community changes words a lot and non-bronies don’t like that.

Yes, the pun is that non-bronies don’t like what bronies do. My god somepony get a mop because my brain just exploded. See what I did, I used ‘somepony’.

I want to bring your attention to the description of the story and I’ll quote it, “Welcome to Ponyville! Yes, we're serious. No, we're not jokin'. Yes, we're aware that– Listen, you get used to it after a while, okay?”

That gives a better explanation of the pun than the story and when your description of the story gives a better explanation of the main focus than the actual story you should really take a good look at your work and, like my alcoholic third grade school teacher from hell would say, “Do it again but better”.

Lets take a breath from the waters of my criticism. I have seen worse punctuation in a story. It’s good to know that there are still smaller writers that still have a brain in there head. Have you gotten your breath? No? Ok back down into the water we go.

The story gives you a complete u-turn out of nowhere, and you need a fucking u-turn sign for a bloody warning. I was reading the story and out of nowhere it jumps to the present time and tells you that the story so far was actually a ‘story-telling illusion spell’. Yes that what it’s called.

So out of nowhere what I was reading was not happening but a test for a spell Twilight was doing with her friends. I can’t help but feel that this could've been done better, like if it was a spell where a pony becomes a host and the other ponies go into a state of dreaming but they see what the host is thinking. Wait, that has potential, I call copyright of me.

Now to get the tongs of ‘Fuck You’ out because it’s time to get nitpicky.

Rarity doesn’t feel like Rarity in the line she has in the story. She doesn’t say anything about the two ponies in this story-in-a-story. She just says that it is an ‘interesting origin story’. Yes sometimes Rarity can be a brat and be questionable being the host for the element of generosity but that is how she is so I was a bit confused if the author just slapped Rarity’s name on that line, like how a dog looking out a window would be confused if the person in the distance is a random person to be ignored or the mailman to be barked at like it was Hitler delivering the mail.

Also at the start of the story the author puts in the fact that the project the main character is working on is close to his home and this is never touched on again. Yes, it shouldn’t be in the middle of nowhere, but still, without that line I would of already assumed that the project was close to his home. I’m not Bob from down the road that need someone to look at him so he doesn't eat rocks

Well in conclusion don’t come in expecting something revelational like ‘Five Score, Divided by Four’ or something shell-shocking like ‘Cupcakes’. Just come in expecting a small-time, light hearted story which I find quite funny because that is how the Bronies were created.

As silly as the name "Ponyville" sounds in a world of ponies, there's actually a "Humansville" here in the real world.:trixieshiftright:
Wikipedia link:twilightsheepish:

And it's not a pun. It's actually named after its founder: James Human.:twistnerd:

And to prove it's not just someone playing with Wikipedia: City-Data.com:yay:

*Snerks* Very silly. I love his wife's reactions.

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