• Published 25th Sep 2013
  • 720 Views, 14 Comments

The Sour Grapes Chronicle Side Story: The Avalanche - The Incredible Werekitty

Queenie goes home to Avalanche Valley to help train some new employees, and finds more than she bargained for with Dusty, a handsome snowboarder. Will annoying teammates, and a natural disaster ruin their relationship before it can begin?

  • ...

I'm Free, Freestylin'

Queenie was, once again, supervising the interns in the cleanup of the guest rooms. They were working rather well, and the chore was going quicker than she had anticipated. It looked like they were going to have some free time. Well, something was bound to happen, some disaster or another would require their attention. Even so, it would be nice to have a small space of time where they had nothing, really, to do.

“Hey, Queenie? I heard you were chatting with Dusty,” one of the young pegasus mares said asked with a nervous smile. She was one of the few that were actually employed here. An ice pegasus, like herself. “My dad’s shop has a roof where you can see the run for the freestyle. You want to check it out, since we seem to have a little free time?”

"Well... he was nice enough to repair the damage left in the wake of his companions so... I suppose I should at least see him doing what brought him here in the first place." The filly gestured for Queenie to follow. The Interns followed, too, they being under Queenie’s supervision. Never mind they were a bit curious about the events, as well. They went out of the manse, and found themselves in one of the businesses that overlooked the slope. It was greatly changed from its usual configuration. There was ramps, half-pipes, and assorted other bits for the aerial flips and other tricks done on a snowboard. "You know... I've seen them setting all of this up." she said, finding herself a nice spot to stand. "This will probably be the first time I've actually watched any of the tourists using it."

At the head of the course was a gate, and speakers for the sound system were scattered about so everypony in the audience could hear the music for the snowboarder’s routine. Queenie could hear a slow build-up of a magic-electronic rhythm echoing off the snowpack then suddenly a youngish voice — with plenty of reverb — crowed: “Ya OWN this beat!”

At the same time a familiar blue snowsuit shot out of the now-open gate, and began to perform spectacular flips, hoof-stands, and various other acrobatic feats to the tune of the song being blasted over the slope. She watched as the unicorn didn't so much defy gravity as dance with it... romance it... make love to it. He slid and shimmied and grooved to the beat, twisting his board in a manner that made it all look so... effortless. It was almost as if he had been born with wings made from air... unseeable but allowing him to do what no “earthbound” ever could dream of and SOAR.

And when it was over she became aware of two things. One was that she had quite forgotten to breathe during his routine. The other was that all the pegasus mares around her had their wings raised in beautiful courtship displays. She suppressed a giggle at how they had reacted to Mister Dusty as if he had been a Pegasus male performing a courtship flight for them… She blinked and looked back at her own wings and realised that it was a good thing she didn’t giggle out loud.. her own wings had extended into a GORGEOUS display of out-splayed plumage, each feather sparkling like freshly fallen snow at midday. With more than a little effort she compacted her appendages back against her sides and coughed loudly.

“Well now… that was quite the show. Thank you for inviting me up here to enjoy it,” she paused and spoke quietly. “Now if you can get back through the doorway we really should be getting back to work. Yes?”

The mares all looked at one another and with nervous titters and blushes they too suppressed their wings.

They filtered back into the manse, doing little bits of clean-up here, a little bit of dusting there. They soon reached the foyer and they all began mopping up the tracked-in snow and slush. Some were thoughtful enough to try and knock the caked snow off their boots, before entry, but a good deal more just didn’t care. They seemed to take gleeful pride in how much work they could make for the maids… And of course they stood around leering, while the maids worked at mopping up. Dusty came in, too, looking drained. He was one of the considerate ones, and rolled his eyes at Rodeo Flip’s antics.

“I swear you were raised in a barn,” Dusty asserted with a frustrated sounding snort.

“Shore was!” Rodeo said proudly. “Raised by pigs, when mah family was taken’ by a dragon! Piggies know how ta get down an’ dirty!”

“And I sure do appreciate it!” Lip Trick said sidling up to Rodeo. “Down and dirty’s fun, Dusty. You should try it sometime.”

“No thanks,” Dusty said with a huge sigh. “Especially if it means acting like an inconsiderate jerk.”

“Hey, Dusty,” Roman said strutting up to the hapless stallion, “where’d you get those moves, anyway?”

“They’re based on pegasi flight moves,” Dusty explained. “Read all about them in a book my dad had. But then it always helped I was a fan of Flick Swagger’s music. Rotating Silica is considered the quintessential classic rock group.”

“Didn’t know you were into classic rock, dude,” Roman said with a sneer. “Old stuff seems to be a theme with you.”

“Nothin’ wrong with havin’ a sense of history,” Dusty said moving to head to his room. “Keeps you from repeating your mistakes.”

“I never repeat my mistakes.” Roman laughed. “Too much fun making brand new ones.”

Dusty just shook his head, and headed up to his room, to get out of his snow gear. “I am so firing my manager,” Queenie heard him grumble, as she swept the upstairs balcony.

“Hey, sweetie,” the burly brown be-hatted earth pony drawled, leaning on the banister. “Dusty haul you back to his room, yet? Ifin’ he hasn’t, Lip an’ Ah could get y’all warmed up fer tha main event, Ah reckon!”

“Sounds like fun,” Lip Trick said with a smirk. “Rumpling the bed sheets is always extra enjoyable, with a third.”

“As intriguing as the proposition sounds, ladies,” Queenie replied, the tone of voice implying that the despicable duo was anything BUT, “my barn door, so to speak, does not swing that way.”

“Heh. Yer loss,” Rodeo said, with a smirk, as she trotted back to the room she shared with Lip Trick. The dirty blue pegasus simply waved a hoof at her, before following her paramour.

Queenie moved down an easily unnoticeable side corridor that was the entrance to the servants’ corridors and once out of sight of any guest allowed herself to —shudder— in revulsion. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been propositioned before, nor was it that this time it was by mares… it was that the one reminded her of somepony she knew back in Ponyville. Applejack, the self-proclaimed “loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies”. Normally such a statement would be a boast but Applejack lived up to such a statement with good honest hard work, fair manners and a down home sensibility that was very much endearing. This pony… Rodeo Flip… she was as if Applejack had somewhere gone… wrong. A parody written by a humorless hack. She pressed herself against the wall as the shudder came and passed again.

“Hey,” came a very familiar voice. A welcome voice. “Are you okay?” Dusty asked as he peeked in the “Staff Only” door. “You.. kinda left this open…” he added with a sheepish grin.

“Oh… oh yes…” she said smoothing her uniform. “I just needed a moment. to recompose myself. I saw… Your Rodeo Flip reminds me of somepony I know… and it disturbed me.”

“Rodeo’s disturbing, anyhow,” Dusty said with an eyeroll. “No manners, no discipline, no form, but somehow she gets decent scores. Probably because she just shakes her flank in their faces a lot… Which should be considered cheating, but it’s not.”

“It’s no doubt the appearance of a wild untamed spirit. A pony that hasn’t been civilised yet,” Queenie suggested.

“Nah, the judges are just thinking with their nethers,” Dusty said with a huff. “X-Treeme Sports… Nothing but a bunch of show-offs, and egotistical goits… I’d rather be competing in the regular circuit, but the soon-to-be-fired manager thought this would be good for me… More like he’s hoping I’ll develop an ego, and get him more money via endorsements. The regular sports circuit is where the real competitors are at. The mares and stallions with real skills, not the show-offs who think they have to literally go out with a bang… Sorry to lay this all on you. You’ve had your share of flank-holes, I’m sure. You don’t need to hear me complain.”

“You’re… not quite what I expected. I’ve seen a great deal of pow… ponies come and go from the valley and you are… surprising me… In a pleasant way.”

“Well good. I like being different,” Dusty said with a lazy smile. “I should get some sleep. Freestyle finals, tomorrow, and then there’s the big downhill. After that… I should be free for… stuff, as long as nothing happens.”

“Yes. Stuff.” She smiled. “Stuff can be good.”

“Yeah… Hopefully you won’t be too overwhelmed. I wouldn't mind seeing the valley through the eyes of a resident,” Dusty said with a shy smile. “Though… once the jerks are gone, I’d be more free to lend a hoof, when needed.”

“I won't say that prospect is unappealing,” Queenie said a little quieter than she intended.

“Still on ‘maybe’?” Dusty asked chuckling. “One of these days I’ll get a yay or neigh, yet.”

“Well… it’s not tomorrow yet.”

“Never mind it was yesterday, when I asked,” Dusty said with a small smile. “Still, no pressure. We don’t know if I won’t be in the hospital, after the downhill race. So good to keep things open.” He started to move down the hallway to his room. “Take care of yourself, Queenie,” he said as he departed.

She stood there a moment before touching her cheek and feeling a warmth from it that belied a blush. Was she blushing? Honestly! What was she, a lovesick foal? And yet… there was no obligation to fall in love. These feelings might just mean she liked him a lot, and a date probably would help her get a better idea of stallions in general. Oh yes she knew many, but none had shown any undue attention to her before… that she noticed. Even the members of the Storm Riders were more like family members than males to her. This… this was a new experience. If she was willing to admit it to herself, a rather pleasant one.

The next day went much like the first. Rising with Celestia’s sun, serving breakfast, cleaning the guest rooms, sweeping and mopping the foyer and various hallways. Though quite to Queenie’s surprise her mother sent her, and the other maids, out on a break.

“Why don’t you go and catch the act that’s coming up next?” Snowen suggested, a sly grin on her face. They all went to the shop’s roof, again, and watched as the snow was prepped for the next snowboarder… Then they heard the name announced. The next pony up was Dusty.

The music was yet another dubstep tune. She hardly heard the lyrics, something to do with wanting and needing… it didn't really matter though. Truth was she was on tenderhooves waiting to see what he did this time. And there he was, shooting out, and doing more amazing acrobatics, sending him into the air, as gracefully as anypony could ask. The song was slower, and with the theme of the song, there were some parts where Dusty acted hypnotised, seeming to get into danger, then using his lithe body to flip himself out of the “dangerous” situation. All in all it was a very creative routine. When he came to a stop at the bottom of the slope, he seemed to “wind down” like a clockwork toy. A moment went by, before the stands erupted in applause. He stood up, flipping his hair out of his eyes, and looked at the judges, waiting for the scores. When they were posted the stands were nearly shaken down by the cheering. Dusty, true to his apparent form, ducked his head humbly, and left the slope.

Queenie checked her wings for unintended FOOMPage and finding them still at her side felt confident that yesterday’s reaction was no more than her just a one-timer. Although she did feel very very warm here and now. She fanned herself and wished she had an iced drink.

“That was kind of wild,” one of the interns said with a shiver. “But he was still amazing.”

“Yes. He was, I mean it was amazing. Whoo… who here could use an iced tea?” Queenie asked. She received a chorus of “yeah”, and “sounds good” from the girls. With that they went back to the mance, had a bit of refreshment. Afterwards she, the interns, and regular maids went back to work. It was time for the great ingress, which meant snow in the foyer. Then came the dinner rush, and final nightly clean-up. Queenie then went to kitchen to enjoy a quiet meal, before retiring.

“So,” Snowen said, sidling up to her daughter, “enjoy the show?”

“It… had it’s moments.” Queenie replied guardedly. “I don’t usually watch but this year I’m glad I did.”

“Young Mister Dusty seems to be quite the nice young stallion,” Snowen observed with a smile. “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a real gentlecolt here at the manse. Wouldn’t you agree, dear daughter? If we had more like him our lives would be so much easier.”

“He seems so nice. I keep waiting for the other three shoes to drop,” Queenie observed guardedly.

“Hm. You think he’s too good to be true?” Snowen asked.

“I’ve been to the Gala, mother. I’ve seen sterling silver turn to cheap tin when examined closely. You were… oh so lucky meeting father. Fairy tales don’t come true often in the real world. Sometimes they do, but most often… we have to settle,” Queenie asserted, sounding a bit sad.

“Oh sweetheart,” Snowen said, hugging Queenie close. “I know most ponies find more frogs than princes… I also know sometimes you find your Charming in the least likely place. I can’t help but hope you find yours in the last place you ever looked, before.”

“Uhm… hi?” Dusty’s laid-back tone came from the kitchen door with a light knock. “Is it too late to get some of that awesome gazpacho? If it is, that’s cool. Just woke up kinda hungry.”

“Oh! Oh well.. I’m sure we have some left. Isn’t that right?” Queenie looked up at her mother with a little more eagerness in her eyes than she intended to display.

“Of course we do,” Snowen said, opening the kitchen door, and smiling at the tan unicorn. “Why don’t you come in, and have a seat at the table, there, and I’ll fix you right up.”

“You… sure? I wouldn’t wanna get you in trouble,” Dusty said peeking in.

“It’s all right,” Queenie said scooping up a clean bowl with a wing. “It’s not like you’re asking for an impromptu party to be set up in the dining hall. I believe we can handle a few leftovers. And gazpacho always tastes better as the flavors have time to blend.”

Snowen looked at the floor where Dusty had been standing and smiled. "At least this one knows how to wipe his feet before entering the manse."

Dusty ducked his head, with a blush, rubbing his mane with a hoof. “I try. I really do. I can’t help it if I’m outnumbered by inconsiderate fla-... er… ponies.”

“Oh never mind her, Dusty,” Queenie had found the pot and filled the bowl and brought it over to Dusty. “She tends to speak her mind rather openly… might get her into trouble one of these days. Come… you get the good table by the fireplace.”

“She kinda reminds me of my aunt,” Dusty murmured, as he followed her out. “Even in a kitchen, making culinary magic, she’s always graceful and poised, yet willing to speak her mind… just wish my cousin got more of the poise, and less of the outspokenness.”

“Troublesome mare?” Queenie asked as she set the bowl down on the table.

“From what I’ve heard, yeah,” Dusty chuckled. “I haven’t seen her in a while, though. No major competitions take place in Ponyville… maybe I should head there, and visit, after the competition season winds down. Might be the perfect place to lay lo-.. er.. to chill out.. Yeah.”

“It’s a nice place. I summer there…” she confessed, before rethinking her words. “Found good work on an agricultural concern, and part-time with some government work to make ends meet.”

“You’re pretty busy, aren’t you?” Dusy asked, after eating some soup. “Helping out your folks? History brochure on the Valley said that a lot of folks, here, have it kinda rough, thanks to an ancient Duchess. You must do a lot to help your family get by, huh?”

“I do what I must. Family is very important here, as is community. One of our more forward-thinking leaders, the Duke Thick Ice, said it best. ‘We’re all in this together.’ Which he then followed with ‘I’m pulling for ya.’, which some have debated was his faith in his subjects, that we would succeed in coming through hard times, or if he meant it literally by allowing himself to be harnessed and pulling a large garbage removal cart through the township..” Queenie giggled and smiled “Either way it was a grand gesture to do the latter. It’s the nobility’s duty to show solidarity with their subjects in times of hardship.”

“Whoa… he sounds like a totally awesome ruler,” Dusty said admiringly.

“The greatest of distinctions… is service to others.” she said softly, and perhaps with a touch of sadness. “Were there more who knew that little truth.”

“That’s true nobility. Okay, I’m gonna tell you a secret. My grandma has this… thing about nobility. And not the real kind, either. The puffed up tin-toy types from Canterlot with pedigrees as long as your leg,” Dusty said, making a face. “And she’s been trying to get me matched with some air-headed, Titled unicorn mare with more horn than brains just because she comes from a noble family… my dad wonders why I avoid Canterlot like the plague… until I remind him about Grandma. And that’s my little life drama. Not as life-or-death as putting food on the table, or helping your community make it through another winter of inconsiderate flank-holes and… and it makes me sound a bit like a whiner, doesn’t it? What a wonderful impression to leave with a pretty mare.”

Queenie smirked and raised an eyebrow into a gracefully high arch. “A little, but your concerns are no less valid. You could be considered the bleach in their little gene pool. Wouldn’t take much, most are shallow to begin with.”

“Yeah. Though… honestly, when it comes to dating, I’d rather be with a mare with a brain, who talks about all sorts of things, not just the subjects considered… proper,” Dusty said, finishing his soup. He licked his lips, getting up and picking up the dishes. “You know, you should totally find a way to can this stuff. Like in canning jars, maybe with a refill service. They pay shipping, handling, and a fee, and you send them tasty tasty gazpacho. It would be the ultimate dorm food. Summer picnic food…”

“No spirit stove or hot plate needed.” She smirked. “Would be a way to make a little extra on the side, for the pow...ponies heading home a meal on the go would be nice.”

“Just need a logo. Keeps Avalanche Valley in the noggins… Hm… I know somepony who would think this place is the bee’s knees,” Dusty said with a smile. “I’ll have to contact him, when I leave here… complicated endeavor, ‘cause he’s always busy. And, thanks again for the soup.” Dusty went into the kitchen, and managed to wash his own dishes, before any of the two mares could get to him.

She smiled and as he finished up said quietly: “So… for a first date, how was that?”

“Wait… what? That counted? But I had these plans. I was going to take you out, so you could be waited on, and enjoy being the one served, not…” Dusty said, looking a little panicked, then he noticed Queenie’s expression. “What?”

“One of my co-workers in that government job I mentioned has a rather interesting vocabulary. I’ve picked up a few of his expressions and I think one fits this moment quite well. I believe the expression is… ‘it’s all cool.’ You and I had a quiet time together, talked a little, learned a little about one another, and you acted the gentlecolt rather than the fool. Yes… it’s very much, all cool.”

“Oh. He sounds pretty cool, himself,” Dusty said with a nod. “I should head to bed, now. Big snowboarder finale, tomorrow. The Downhill Run… I hope that idiot doesn’t use those blasted fireworks… if so… well I’m sure you’ve got avalanche precautions in place.”

“Oh yes. We always do. Although we haven’t fired ‘Check-Off’ in a while we should be quite good.”

“‘Check-Off’?” Dusty asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Ah… you haven’t been on the walking tour of Avalanche Valley, have you? Check-Off is… well… a remnant of a darker era of Equestria’s history. It’s in short, a cannon. A very large one. It was given the name because whatever you fired it at was usually so devastated by the impact that you could just ‘Check it off’ your list of targets. Just before tourist season our drill team will fire it off a few times and the rapport will cause a pre-emptive avalanche.” she smiled sweetly at him. “Granted we haven’t done so since the games began and often sunshine can change the conditions on the slopes as easily as fresh snow, but if it hasn’t happened by now we should be good.”

“I hope so… also hope somepony like Roman Candle doesn’t decide it’d be cool to set it off,” Dusty said, as he started to trot by her. He paused, and very quickly kissed Queenie on the cheek, before making a hasty exit.

Queenie stood there a moment staring into air. Then touching her cheek, giggled… like a schoolfilly.

Author's Note:

Yes, we went there. Not sure how those would become songs in Equestria. Probably Vinyl Scratch's fault.