• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 24th, 2014



The cutie mark crusaders find something a little strange in the everfree forest, a pony..
The dark pony seems down and a little quiet.
The crusaders have an urge to cheer the pony up but they dont know whats wrong, or why she was in the forest on her own anyway..

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by NineTailedWriter deleted Oct 27th, 2013
Comment posted by NineTailedWriter deleted Oct 27th, 2013

Wow, 9/25
So you uhh, been workin on this a while?

Oh the grammar.....sweet merciful Mary the grammar

I know I'm really bad with grammar... I would fix it but I'm so lazy...

9/25 ?
Well uh.. at least its not a 1.. and this is my first one ok?! I will get better i promise. :fluttercry:

And not really.. It just took longer than I expected it too.. :twilightsheepish:

I was refering to the date silly not your score.
September is the ninth month so 9/25 is when you started.

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