• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 1,197 Views, 35 Comments

War Comes - Proper Noun

The Zebras declare war on an unprepared Equestria.

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Chapter Five

"Your offer has been quite fully considered," Zecora said on returning from her improvised camp. "Our officers' hearts are deeply embittered. You may say now whatever you like, but we can't accept merely your head on a pike."

"I know, but for you, it is far too late," Celestia said, her tone openly mocking. "You are much too slow - we've chosen your fate."

"What?" Luna blinked several times. What was her sister doing?

"You cannot be serious, Hellfire Queen. Perhaps it is empty where your sense should have been."

"Oh, this day has been just perfect!" Celestia laughed, adding, "Everything is in place. Welcome to our humble camp, Princess Cadance."

"Why thank you, Princess." Cadance descended from above to land between the other two Princesses. "It's time to execute our Plan B. Aunt Luna, please trust me - and trust her. Her stake in Equestria is as great as ours."

"Indeed," Celestia said, turning her attention back to a confused Zecora. "I must apologize. It has been fun, but you've all been deeply deceived." For what Luna realized was the first time since the start of the battle, Celestia lit her horn.

Green. Her magic was green.

"Oh, the looks on your faces!" Celestia laughed. Her form shimmered with green fire, shed along with all pretense of injury, and before everyone stood the Changeling Queen, wearing the suddenly ill-fitting armor of Equestria's sun princess. The zebra forces murmured in surprise and concern, echoing more pronounced unrest among the remaining Royal Guard. One of the Guard even moved to confront Chrysalis, but Cadance intervened, ordering him back to his position.

"What?!" Luna demanded, leaving her mouth to gape as her thoughts raced in a futile search for answers.

"I'm sure you have questions, but right now, please understand," Cadance whispered, her tone urgent. "I need you to shield us all if it comes to a fight."

"My terms are simple, little zebras," Chrysalis said, turning to address Zecora. "Right now, my children make up a third of your forces." There was considerable unrest among the zebras, despite their discipline, and the changeling smiled - a menacing gesture, given her fangs. Then, green flames began to shimmer along the ranks as more revealed themselves. The entire rear guard was, in moments, replaced by changelings. The zebras were pinned between them and three alicorns.

"Now, I am going to cast a flare in a few minutes, high enough for all of Equestria to see. If it forms a shield, your armies will be disarmed and escorted back to Zebrica. Should it take the shape of a sword, however, you will all be slaughtered without mercy. And believe me, no offensive here will gain you any ground. My magic here is powered by love. May I introduce Cadance, Princess thereof!" Chrysalis laughed. "Just in case you thought you had the edge in so much as rhyming - to speak not of strategems, or tactics, or timing. A few minutes left until I cast the sword. I suggest you surrender, ere I become bored."

As a stunned Zecora returned to her camp and Chrysalis began to shed Celestia's armor, Luna finally found words.

"We believe we had best be informed of the details of this 'Plan B.' Right. Now." The last she knew, Equestria was at war with the changelings, not allied with them.

"I'll tell you the history later," Cadance said. "Right now, I stand by what I said before. Your part is to protect yourself, Chrysalis, and I. I will allow Chrysalis to draw on my love, and feed her as best I can. And she... will be completely unstoppable, as long as I continue to do so. Hopefully, we won't need to actually do this at all, but you know Aunt Tia. She has to plan for everything."

"Very well. We shall prepare - "

"Your highnesses!" a guard yelled. "The zebras are charging!"

Luna immediately turned her attention skyward. This doesn't work without the moon. Forgive me. A clumsy attempt to lower the sun was quickly reinforced by a familiar push, tipping the sun past the horizon in one swift, but controlled, motion. Thank you, Tia.

As the sudden darkness caused the zebras to hesitate, Luna brought her moon to bear over the field and called down its glow like a spotlight over the small group of Princesses and Guards. A little further magic of her own, and the edges of the moonlight around them formed an impenetrable wall, beyond which she began spreading her own sweet darkness.

"Oh, this will be fun," she heard Chrysalis say before crying across the field, "Come, my children! Take no prisoners!" Moments later, a brilliant green sword illuminated the sky.