• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 1,171 Views, 8 Comments

Angel Bunny Reformed? - Pump It Up

Fluttershy sends Angel to a reformation program run by Iron Will.

  • ...

Maybe, Maybe Not

“Now, Angel, don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh on Mr. Fluffytail here?”

Angel Bunny glared at Fluttershy and shook his head.

Fluttershy sighed. “Well I think you should apologize right now.”

Angel huffed and squeaked something that seemed to pass as an apology.

“That’s much better, yes?”

Mr. Fluffytail nodded and gave Angel a hug. The bunny tried not to grimace.

“I’m going to check on the kittens, so behave yourselves.” Fluttershy started to walk away.

Angel took the opportunity while the pegasus was turned, barring his teeth at Mr. Fluffytail. The squirrel shrunk away in fear.

“Oh, I just reme— Angel Bunny!”

Angel stopped and turned, genuinely scared, as Fluttershy’s voice had turned very stern.

“How dare you do that after I asked you to apologize! You, mister —” she went over, picked the bunny up by the scruff of his neck, and trotted over to the kitchen, Angel squirming like a snake “— agh goag ig tah ah!” Fluttershy opened the cabinet labeled “Time Out” with her hoof and placed the white bunny in.

Angel was still squeaking as his prison door slammed shut.



Angel gasped as the cell door was opened, savoring the sweet taste of fresh air. He was picked up and carried out of the cabinet and put on the couch in the sitting area.

“Now, Angel, I’ve been thinking…” Fluttershy started.

Angel chuckled to himself. It was probably what she normally said:

“I shouldn’t have kept you in there so long. You must have been bored.”

“I’m sorry you were in there a long time. Would you like a carrot?”

“… and I realize now, Angel…”

Here it comes, he thought, and relaxed.

“…that you have been very bad lately, and so I’m going to send you to a place where they make bad bunnies become good bunnies.”

Angel staggered as if hit. He squeaked a WHAAAT?! squeak.

“Yes Angel, I’m afraid so,” Fluttershy continued, nodding. “I’m sure you’ll make many new friends.”

Angel fainted.


“Hello Iron Will.”

“Hello Fluttershy! Iron Will is glad to see you. Are you here for the Animal Reformation Program?”

“Yes. I’m going to enroll Angel Bunny.” She pointed to the hutch on the ground. It rattled menacingly. Iron Will tried not to gulp.

“Good, good! Iron Will is, uh, pleased! Now, just fill out this sheet.” The minotaur handed Fluttershy a clipboard and a pre-loaded quill. She looked it over.

“ ‘Iron Will is not responsible for any injuries’?” Fluttershy looked up, concerned.

“You know… In case there are any self-inflicted injuries!” He gave a mostly believable smile. Luckily for him, Fluttershy bought it.

“Okay.” She finished filling out the form and hoofed it — and the hutch — to Iron Will. “Bye my little angel!” she said into the hutch. Addressing the minotaur, Fluttershy said, “I’ll be back at the end of the week. Thank you!” She hovered away.

Angel’s hutch rattled again, and this time Iron Will did gulp.


Gingerly, Iron Will set down the hutch and opened it. Angel bolted, trying to get to the door—

—and realized that there were a bunch of bunnies in front of him. There had to be at least thirty of them in the room.

The room itself wasn’t much to look at; it didn’t help that there was trash everywhere. The floor (where you could see it) was green linoleum that looked like grass. There was one big window across from the door (and where Angel was standing), and all the walls were like an infant had started playing with paint and invited some young foals to draw on the walls.

In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if this was, at one point, a day care.

But the thing that caught Angel’s eye was, of course, the multitude of bunnies in front of him. He realized that they were the ones who had gotten the trash on the floor. Some were still rummaging in the cabinets on the wall opposite and tossing things behind them.

“Stupid animals, throwing the crap all over the place…” Iron Will muttered. He trudged through the trash to the front of the room, where a white board and a desk were set up. Miraculously, the area around it didn’t have any trash.

“I. Am Iron Will! And for the next week, Iron Will will turn you into” —his voice turned as soft as it could (which wasn’t very much) — “sweet, non-temperamental bunnies.” His voice returned to normal. “Some rules before Iron Will starts. First: When Iron Will speaks, sound never leaks! Second: If you aren’t rude, Iron Will gives you food! Third: You do the crime, you do the time!

“Now,” said Iron Will, “the first lesson— obedience!”


Angel was fed up.

It was barely two days in, and already he was itching to do some mischief. However, if he did, he would have been put in the time-out cabinet (cabinets. Why did it always have to be cabinets?) with the junk. And junk and Angel do not mix.

Angel had, in those two days, been the epitome of obedience— he did everything Iron Will said and did all the activities. At the same time, he talked to the other bunnies, telling them of his plan that he created after reading Iron Will’s schedule.

The third day, Iron Will said (after feeding the bunnies), “Alright! Lesson number four— biting!”

Angel chuckled menacingly. Perfect.

“Now, here’s what NOT to do! Do not” —he picked up a marker and started writing— “bite when somebody is picking you up! When— OW!” Iron Will spun around. “Who dares bite Iron Will?” His eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowd of bunnies. He turned back.

“As Iron Will was saying— OW!” He spun around again. “Stop! When Iron Will gets hurt, you’ll be in the dirt!” Steam came from his nostrils.

Angel had to bite his lip to keep from breaking into a smile the size of Equestria.

Iron Will turned back around. “When— OW! Celestia da— OW!”

This time, all the bunnies started biting, kicking, whatever they could to Iron Will on his legs, arms, and chest.

“Celestia! Make it stop!” he cried out.

Unfortunately for him, Celestia wouldn’t be coming.

After a few minutes of torture, Angel gave a signal, and all the bunnies stopped whatever they were doing and hopped away, some hopping on Iron Will.

“Why did I ever agree to this?” he complained.

All the bunnies pushed on the door to open it, and they ran to freedom.

Angel ran the fastest; while he treated Fluttershy poorly, he still loved her and missed her.

It took him a few hours (due to the fact that he was a bunny), but Angel made it home. He knocked on the cottage door.

“Coming!” Fluttershy opened the door. “Hello?” She looked down. “Angel Bunny!” She picked him up and nuzzled him. He didn’t try to squirm away.

Fluttershy stopped nuzzling and brought Angel at forelegs-length. “Did you have fun?”

The bunny nodded vigorously, not bothering to hide the smile on his face.

“That’s good. Now, let’s go inside and have a nice salad to celebrate…”

Comments ( 8 )


sorry i just can not believe iron wil would get overpowered like that so no fav

Oh, okay. :( There were +30 bunnies; what would you expect? (Sorry I was so blunt. :twilightsheepish:

This sounds interesting, also funny.:pinkiesmile:
Adds to the read list.

ah goim in time out

Is this a typing error, or is her speech muffled because she picked up Angel with her mouth? If it's the latter, you might want to point that out, as well as modify the rest of her sentence.

Hello Iron Will.

Hello Fluttershy!

Missing some commas.

walls were like an infant had started playing with pain

Pretty sure you meant "paint".

cabinets. Why did it always have to be cabinets?

I would make this a single sentence. Rather than a period, I would suggest a dash or even an ellipsis.

All the bunnies pushed on the doo

My inner eight-year-old thinks this is hilarious.

Without the errors, it's an okay story. I won't be voting either up or down.

:rainbowlaugh: Thanks for pointing out the typos.

Iron Will+30 bunnies= owned XD :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Poor guy never stood a chance.

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