• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 3,570 Views, 67 Comments

When suddenly... !!! - Crowquill Symphony

Daring Do and her dashing local companion in wild jungles... Or is it?!! No, it's not a clop fic.

  • ...

Daring Do and the Jungles of Passion

Daring Do lay on her back in the camp she had set up. It had been a long day, full of spelunking and exploring, and completed with the discovery of the legendary Dragon’s Breath Ruby, a gem that was only known as a legend in Equestria. With all that behind her, she finally had time to relax.

“Senorita?” She turned quickly to the low voice behind her. There stood Risky Hooves, her guide and companion for the expedition. He was large earth pony, with a jet black mane and tail, and a small mustache that gave him an exotic air. She pulled herself off the ground and smiled at the stallion.

“Heya Risky. Good job today. I’m glad we were able to get the ruby before Ahuitzotl did.” He chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. “I’m glad you made it. You had me worried when we ran into that snake pit.”

“We have to deal with snakes all the time here in Equador.” He waved a hoof towards the nearby trees. “What you need to worry about are the things that live in the trees. They can sweep a grown pony off her feet, never to be seen again.”

Daring sat still for a moment, processing the information before a devious smile crossed her face. “Well what about two ponies?”

Risky’s eyes went wide for a second as caught what she meant, and then he returned her devious grin. “Well senorita, I’ve never heard of two ponies being carried off at the same time before.” He began to trot over to the mare, a gleam in his eye. “But the two would need to be quite close.”

Daring moved so her face was inches from his. “Oh, I’m sure I can think of something. After all, safety’s important in the jungle.”

Their lips met, and their tongues danced in each other’s mouth. The slowly lowered themselves to the ground, and Risky pulled away. Daring looked at him inquisitively, and he blushed slightly.

“Senorita, you are the muy famous Daring Do. I am but a simple village boy from an Equadorian village. What could you see in me?”

She wrapped herself around him, pulling him close and looking into his sparkling green eyes.

“Well,” she said, “I’ve always admired hard workers. They’ve certainly got a lot of stamina.”

With that, they launched into a series of passionate kisses, with each of them letting out the occasional gasp or moan. Risky pulled away, this time moving his muzzle to her vest. He gripped the zipper tight in his teeth, dragging it down slowly and revealing her body to the sun. The hot jungle covered the two in sweat, and they continued to embrace and kiss. Daring’s helmet fell off, and she moaned in the open air as Risky kissed lower and lower. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oh Risky…”

“Oh Daring…”

They were face to face, and they prepared to take the final step.

“Big Mac! Rainbow Dash! AJ told me tah tell y’all to…”

Apple Bloom was face to face with her Big Brother and Rainbow Dash. On the walls around them were various pictures of tropical rainforests and wildlife. They were curled up on top of their bed, and for some reason Dash was wearing a wig and vest, and a pith helmet lay not to far from her head.

Big Macintosh also wore a wig, and he had a tiny fake moustache on his face, though it was slightly askew. The entire scene was awkward, to say the least.

Big Mac and Dash watched Apple Bloom, and the tiny filly watched the two of them, eyes wide in shock. Slowly the cream colored pony crept out the door, grabbing the handle and pulling it closed behind her. Mac and Dash were alone again, but they stared at the door for quite some time afterwards.

Finally, Dash spoke. “We probably should’ve locked the door first, shouldn’t we?”
