• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 1,179 Views, 28 Comments

Mission Impossible? - bud467

Tread, a 15 year old earth pony is thrust back into civilian life after being wounded.

  • ...

love is a strange thing.

This chapter I have been debating about. This chapter has gone under the most amount of rewriting I have ever done. I changed the plot so much in this story *shakes head.* I lost count how many times.
"Holy smokes!"
"Beg yer pardon."

Everypony's jaws, except Rarity and mine, had dropped. "I thought I was the only one!" Pinky Pie was hopping up and down. "Pinky dear can yo-" Rarity raised a hoof to calm her down. "But I mean wowie zowie! He is something! He is so-" Rarity's eye twitched. "Pinky Pie! Do calm down!" I was slightly startled. Pinky Pie giggled and put a hoof to her mouth. "Hehe. Sorry."

"So Twilight." AJ sat up. " Your actually in love with Tread." I nodded blushing. You have no idea. "Not just that feeling of admiration you told me about?" I nodded again and pawed at the ground a bit. "I- I like Tread too." A certain quiet pony admited.

"F-Fluttershy! You too?!" Rainbow dash was flabbergasted. "D-dont you like him Dash?" Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane to hide her blush. Dash's pupils constricted and she blushed. "N-No! Why would I like someone like that?" I looked at Applejack who was staring Rainbow dash down. She shrank back and began stuttering. "I-I" she sighed in defeat and sat down with her head hanging. "Yeah. I do." Rainbow dash has been dating trying to find a stallion, but none of the pegasi are intrested. Then Tread shows up. An earth pony who can walk on and control clouds without the use of a magic spell.

"Ah'll go ahead and confess too." Applejack sighed and tipped her hat back. "Ah like him, but not as much as yall do." She finished her sandwich. "But that boy sure is something." We all agreed and packed up the picnic. After exchanging goodbye's we went our own ways. I headed to the library.

"And I just can't forget that image, Spike." I stopped. T-thats Tread. What image? I backed out of the library quietly and opened the door again. "Hello?" I made sure to make some noise. "I am back." Tread popped his head around the corner. "Oh! Welcome back!" He gave a somewhat forced smile. Spike walked around the corner. "Hey Twilight." I waved a hoof and smiled. "Hey Spike." I turned to Tread. "So how did your job go at Sweet Apple Acres go?" I sat down at the table and put on my best questioning look.

"It went well. I fixed the barns roof." He sat down across the table and quietly tapped the table top with his hoof. "Well thats something." I giggled. "I need to write a letter to the princess." I walked past him and suddenly nuzzled him. What did I just do?! Slightly suprised, he nuzzled me back then walked into a library room. I was frozen. D-Does that mean he- I ran to my room and levitated a peice of papaer, the ink and a quill over.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have two things to tell you. the first is that today I realized friends are willing when it comes to listening. The second is this. Sargent Tread has been in Ponyville for almost a week. He is doing fine I assure you, but my friends and I all-

I paused unsure of how to write it. I was nervous and my heart was beating very fast. I dipped the quill in the ink again and went back to writing.

- have discovered that we have feelings for Tread. We talked about it today, but I still am afraid to know what will happen if he fnds out.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

I placed the quill in the ink and read the letter through. It was short, but it should do. after I rolled it up, I sent it away with a burst of magic. I sighed andclimbed onto my bed. Suddenly there was a yell and then a thud.

I rushed out of my room and into the library room where Tread had gone into and found him pulling Spike, whom had fallen when the Princess sent her reply and subsequently gotten stuck. I wandered over and levitated the scroll into my room. I watched as Tread finaly pulled Spike out of the floorboards. A smile crept upon my face as they broke into laughter.

I trotted back up into my room. "Tread is a good pony." I said quietly to myself. Picking up the scroll, I unrolled it infront of me as I got comfortable on my bed.

My student,

It is wonderful that you have learned that about friendship. However, about Tread. I cannot help you as it is a part of growing up. I will tell you this though, do what you feel is right.

Princess Celestia

My heart dropped. Do what you feel is right... Then somepony was walking up the stairs. "Twilight?" It is Tread. I rolled up the scroll and threw it under my bed. "come in." I answered cheerfully. Tread's head appeared as he came closer to the top. He walked up with a snoring Spike on his back. I put a hoof to my mouth to hide my smile as he carfully placed spike in his bed. I love you Tread.


I looked at the clock. It was midnight. I couldnt sleep so I silently climbed out of my bed and tip toed to another room to read. As I entered the room, a shape on the couch shifted. Cautiously I walked closer and realized it was Tread. I walked closer and sat on the floor, watching him. What if he wakes up? I shook the thought out of my head. I levitated him up and opened the couch. Using my teeth, gross, I pulled out the folding bed from the couch. I straightened the sheets and placed him down on it. I pulled the sheets over him and before I knew it, I kissed Tread.

That night I slept the best I ever had slept in a long time.


"Twilight." something bounced my bed. "Twilight!" Slowly I opened my eyes to see Spike tapping his foot impatiently. "Oh." I yawned. I feel amazing. "Good morning." I yawned again, my hoofs making a clop as I slid out of my bed. "Hows Tread?" I rubbed my eyes with my forehoofs to wake up. "Still sleeping." I raised an eyebrow and walked down the stairs and into the room he was sleeping in. Sure enough, he was still there. Sprawled out on the couch-bed. I wandered over with a huge stupid smile on my face. "Cmon Tread." I nuzzled him, My heart beats fast and strong everytime I am near you.

"Wings, its to early..." He mumbled as he placed his forehooves over his face and shifted. "W-Wings? What is he talking about?" Spike froze and his eyes widened. " He mumbled something unintelligible and clambered onto the bed. "Come on Tread." Spike was shaking Treads head. After failing that attempt, he pulled back one of Treads ears. "Blow in it."

"What?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Blow in it. It should wake him up. With a skeptical look on my face I leaned forward and blew a puff of air into Treads ear. It fluttered and his eyes slowly opened. "Wh- Oh." He let out a large yawn. "Good morning." I smiled. This is going to be a beautiful day.

Note: This is my attempt to show Twilight's thoughts, and how strange Tread seems to the others. You guys.... ugh. I am on a creative streak but school is killing me. I cannot wait till I graduate.