• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 1,245 Views, 15 Comments

Ponysaur - Dashzilla93

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Live incubation

Twilight and Spike jerk their heads at Fluttershy, looking at her with shocked expressions. “Fluttershy, you can’t! After what I put you through, I don’t want you to go through more pain like this.” Twilight said, with a guilt look.

“I’m aware of the awful pain and… needles” she shivers “But that doesn’t mean I want to do this. And… to be honest…” Shy shuffles a hoof on the floor, a crimson red blush on her face, with her mane covering half of her right eye. Tail covering her back legs.

Spike tilts his head and Twilight raises a brow, confused about Fluttershys’ behavior. It went silent before Spike breaks it and asks, “Honest about what, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy worked up her nerve. She slowly looked at her friends, shyly with a slight puppy dog look. A face like that would out adorable anything in Equestria. Twilight and Spike have seen this look before, and of all the things they’ve seen that’s cute, even parasprites, Fluttershy’s shy puppy dog eyes is the most adorable thing they’ve seen.

Twilight cringed and spoke out, saying “Please, not the puppy look, just tell us before I actually have a heart attack” Spike nods in agreement, not wanting any more cuteness attacks.

Fluttershy sits up straight. The blush deceases and her mane moves away from her eye. “Sorry” She apologized and continued to talk “Anyway, I… um… I kind of” she blushes again, but inhales, and, “I kind of always wanted to be a mother” she said, looking at the ground with a small smile, much to Twilight and Spikes shock. Twilight widens her eyes to the size of beach balls, and Spike drops his jaw in disbelief. Fluttershy eyes her friends, her expression changes from happy to somewhat scared. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I say something wrong” she asked them, in her trademark shy tone.

“Um no, but, I do have questions in my head, though. First: what the tartarus! Why didn’t you say anything, Fluttershy? Second: What got you thinking you wanting to be a mother? And third: Do you know the risk in all this? It’s not a foal, it’s a Ponysaur. A creature that, I presume, would be harder to take care of” Twilight lectures her friend, only to receive an annoyed look on her face.

Twilight noticed the look and quickly tries to figure out what she said wrong, but it was too late, the timid pegasi approached the lavender alicorn and ‘happily’ answered her questions. “I’m shy around others, Twilight. Even when it’s the time of the month, I hide from stallions. Every day when I walk through Ponyville, I would see mares and stallions with their foals, having a good time. Even though the six of us don’t have foals, it would still be beautiful to have one. I know I call some of my animal friends, and angel bunny, my babies, but that still doesn’t mean much. I’d like to have a foal, and call it my baby. And as for your last question, I’m completely aware of it, Twilight. I did take classes, you know. And have you not seen what I do around my home?” Fluttershy lashed a bit, making sure Twilight got it crystal clear.

“Ok, Ok, you win, Fluttershy. We’ll do it. We’ll make your wish come true” Twilight held her hooves up to try and calm Fluttershy down. She succeeded.

Fluttershy smiled and wanted to hug Twilight, but the wound on her underbelly only made her cringe in pain. Twilight lowered her hooves and walked up to hug Fluttershy. She smiled as she wrapped her forelegs around her friend, gently hugging her. Fluttershy returned the favor. Spike smiled and wanted to join, but a knock on the door caught his attention.

“Huh? Who could that be?” Spike walks upstairs and heads to the door.

He opens the door to find Rarity standing behind it, smiling. Hearts appear around the baby dragons head and replaced his pupils. He smiled lovingly at the white unicorn.

“Hello, Rarity” he said in a love-stricken voice.

The beautiful unicorn smiles at the baby dragon, “Hi, Spikey Wikey” she leans down and gives him a gentle nuzzle on his cheek. “How are you today?”

“Oh, just fine, now that you’re here” he sighs before snapping out of his love trance, asking “Wait, what are doing here? Is there something you need?”

Rarity lifts her head and nods, “Actually, yes, there is something I need to discuss with Twilight”

“Like what?” Spike raises a brow before coming out and closing the door behind him.

“It has to do with the creature Twilight wants to bring back”

“Oh yeah, I didn’t see you with the others yesterday. Rainbow really doesn’t like what Twilight is doing. AJ is mixed between sides. And Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are on our side for this”

“I see. How is that coming along, anyway?” Rarity asked, tilting her head a bit.

Spike smiles, “Twilight is finished. She succeeded in making the… um... embryo. I think that’s what it’s called” Spike scratches his head.

“That’s great. But… how will she proceed even further? I heard, one time, from scientists that you need to incubate the embryo in order to get the actual creature” Rarity exclaimed.

“That’s just it, Twilight was aware of what you said, but-“

“But what?”

“Twilight considered using live incubation for the process”

Rarity went silent for a full minute before widening her eyes a bit, “Live incubation. As in a host, not a container?”

Spike nod, “Yup, a pony will carry that embryo inside her, till it’s ready to be born” he explained.

“Spike, pray tell, who is going to be pregnant with that embryo?” she asked. “Is it Twilight?”

“Nope” Spike replied.


“No, it’s not her. Good guess, though”

“Then who, Spikey?”

Spike motions her to come close. Rarity moves her ear close to Spike as he whispers the answer to her, “Fluttershy”

Rarity sprang up and yelps, “What!” but Spike covers her mouth in time, putting his finger on his mouth, telling her to keep it down. Rarity nods, but excitement is building up fast.

Spike releases Rarity’s muzzle, and tells her, “It’s true. Fluttershy wants to have the ponysaur. She even told Twilight and I that she wants to be a mother, and-“

“Mother!?! Her? Why didn’t she say any…?”

Spike cuts her off again, “Don’t shout, the process hasn’t started, yet. And I don’t think Twilight wants me to tell any other pony. So this is between us, ok?” the baby dragon lets go of Rarity’s muzzle as she smiled at him”

“Of course, darling. You know, most of us do see Fluttershy as being a great mother, but her shyness just gets in the way. Twilight must be doing a huge favor for her.”

“So, are you supporting this?”

Rarity giggles, “Absolutely, Spike. Even though it’s not an actual foal, it’s still lovely to see her wish come true. Oh, the dress I’ll make for her and the young one. So exhilarating” she tried to hold in her excitement but couldn’t withstand it any longer. She bounced up and down, giggling with excitement. “What should I make for the mother to be? Oh, something soft. Cotton? No. Silk? Maybe. Oh, this is difficult!” Rarity puffs her cheeks before Spike intervenes her train of thought.

“The baby isn’t here, yet. And I don’t think Fluttershy wants anything right now. She’s been through a lot since Twilight started researching”

“Oh right. Silly me. I’m getting ahead of myself” Rarity chuckled at her own silliness. A sudden jolt struck Rarity’s mind. She remembers a task she had to do before she started chatting with Spike. “I almost forgot, I have a request from somepony I need to do. I’ll see you later, Spike” she turns and waves as Spike waves back, watching her depart.

“*sigh* she’s so beautiful” Spike says as he walks back inside the library.

Twilight walks out of the basement and sees Spike, “Who was that, Spike?”

“Rarity” He lets out a love strucked sigh.

“Snap out of it! What did she want?” Twilight yells to get the baby dragons attention.

“Huh? Oh, she wanted to let me tell you that she was on our side in this ponysaur project”

Twilight smiles, “That’s good to hear”

“How’s Fluttershy? Did ya’ll get started already?” Spike asked.

“She’ll be fine. And no, we haven’t started. She’s still recovering from the extractions I did. But, once she’s healed up and read, we will get started”

“Where is she now?”

Twilight points her horn upstairs, “She in my room, resting. She’s still weak from blood drainage. But I fixed it. So, no more bleeding”

“Good, seeing that blood made me cringe something fierce”

Twilight nods, “Tell me about it”

The night slowly arrived. Twilight yawns, “I think I should get some sleep. Bringing a monster back is hard work.” She says, kind of teasingly.

Spike starts to get bags under his eyes, “I agree. Time seemed to roll by fast” he lets out a short yawn.

“I know. Come on, Spike. Let’s get some sleep”

“You don’t have to tell me twice”

Both dragon and Alicorn walk upstairs to join their friend in the amazing world of dreamland. Twilight opens the door to find Fluttershy sleeping soundly on her bed, snuggling her head against a pillow. Twilight smiles, yawns again, and then walks up to another bed she had for her guests. Twilight would inform Fluttershy to sleep on the guest bed, but this a big exception. Spike and Twilight climb on their beds and slowly drift to sleep for the event that will come to them in moment’s notice.

Two days have passed and Fluttershy’s wound heals successfully. With the bandages removed, the timid pegasi approaches Twilight for a well-cooked breakfast from Spike. Both ponies sat on different sides of the table and wait for their food. Spike walked up and gave his friends pancakes and glasses of milk. They smile and thanked the baby dragon before eating. Spike walks away from the girls and heads to the basement to check on the equipment. Once he reached the bottom, he browsed his eyes on the equipment… and the ponysaur skull.

“hmm…” Spike walks up to the skull and looks at it more, scanning it fully. “A monster that attacked old age Ponyville. What exactly are you? Are you a dragon like me, or something completely different?” Spikes mind rushed with questions. He crosses his arms before looking at the container with the embryo inside.


Twilight looks at Fluttershy, “how are you feeling, Fluttershy?” she asked.

“I’m feeling better. Thanks, Twilight” she smiles at her lavender friend.

“That’s good to hear.” She smiles, and drinks her glass of milk.

“Twilight… I’m ready” Fluttershy said, out of the blue, causing Twilight to spit take out of shock.

“Y-you are!” her voice quivered, “a-are you sure?”

Fluttershy nods, “Yes”.


Spike examines the equipment one more time before leave, until…

“Spike” Twilight shouted. “Get the tools ready” she commanded the baby dragon.

Spike raises a brow, “What for? Is Fluttershy ready, or something?” he asks.

“Yes, she is”

With that, Spike grabs the tools needed for the incubation: A very this injector, a wash cloth, and soothing goo, to make the injector go in easier.

Fluttershy and Twilight walk downstairs and spotted spike with a silver sliding table, with the tools on it. Once at the bottom, Fluttershy takes deep breaths, and talks to herself, “~Ok, you can do this Fluttershy. You’re going to be a mother for the first time. But, then again, I should have a second thought on this. Oh, now I’m confused~” she shakes her head and looks at Twilight, nervously.

Twilight looks at Fluttershy with a nervous look. She walk over to her timid friend and comforts her, “I can see you’re nervous, Fluttershy. Do you need more time to think about this?” the lavender alicorn offered.

Fluttershy shakes her head, and says “No, I’m ready. This is what I’ve always wanted, and I don’t want to back down” she had a confident look in her eyes.

Twilight smiles, “Alright, then we’ll get started right away. But you must know, this is an animal you’re about to carry. It’s not an actual foal”

As much as Fluttershy wanted to ignore that statement, Twilight was right. She is going to be a mother, but not to a foal of her own. So, by carrying the ponysaur embryo, will she really be a mother, or just a walking egg? Fluttershy ignores her thoughts and tells Twilight, “I know. But now that I think of it, my dream will only come half true.” She frowns. “Let’s just get this over with”

Twilights’ smile faded from her face. Reality can hurt, but Fluttershy needed to know the truth. Twilight sighs, “The mattress is over there” she points her right to the same mattress Fluttershy and Spike slept before.

Fluttershy nods and walks towards the mattress, climbs on it and lies down on her left side.

Twilight approaches the resting pegasi and conjures a spell from her horn that covers Fluttershy for about a minute, and then fades away.

Fluttershy blinks a few times, and asks, “What did you do?”

“I cast a numbing spell on you. You can’t feel anything from your stomach down to your legs”

Fluttershy looks at her back legs and tries moving them to no avail. “Wow, so I won’t feel any needles?” she asked.

“Not at all. You’ll be fine. But well make this quick, I promise” She smiled softly, receiving a nod from Fluttershy. “Spike, roll her on her back and I’ll get the embryo”

Spike nods and walks over to Fluttershy and looks at her face to face. He gives her an encouraging smile before rolling her on her back. “You know, of all the ponies out there, you are pretty brave, Fluttershy” Spike complimented.

“Thanks Spike. And, um, thank you for staying with me that one night when I had some of my blood removed”

“No problem, Flutters”

He backs away a bit as Twilight approaches Fluttershy with the injector holding the embryo and egg inside. “Ready?” she asked.

Fluttershys’ heart raced a mile a minute when she saw the needle. She closed her eyes as Twilight carefully moves the needle over her friend, and shifts it in a thirty degree angle. Spike walks up to Fluttershy to try and comfort her. Instead, he gets pulled in to a monster bear hug, having the life squeezed out of him.

Twilight carefully thrusts the needle, poking through Fluttershys’ stomach and into her womb. She uses her magic to push the injectors handle, making it push the fertilized egg back into Fluttershy, with the embryo inside. The egg comes out and swims back into place where it was originally created. Now, in sits there and waits, letting the ponysaur embryo does the same thing: it swims to the middle of the egg and rests, waiting for time to let it grow.

Even though she was numb, Fluttershy felt a strange sensation flow in her body. She felt light headed at first, then felt her stomach queasy. She eyes sort of dilated, until Twilight finished the incubation. She released Spike once the embryo was inside her. The baby dragon inhaled and exhaled, happy to be out of the grip.

Twilight magically levitates the wash cloth next to her, and as she levitates the needle out of her friend, she quickly places it on the hole that the needle left.

“Ok, the embryo is placed.” Twilight announces, looking at Fluttershy.

“Really?” she asked, her voice seemed kind of slow.

“Yes, congratulations, Fluttershy”

“Yay!” she collapses on the mattress, out cold from the feelings she received in her body.

Spike and Twilight gasped in shock. Twilight looks down at Fluttershy, saying her name and telling her, “Are you alright? Fluttershy!” she asked.

Fluttershy slowly closed her eyes. Twilights’ voice became mumbles, then silence; her hearing has shut down on her. Her eyes fully closed; she is now unconscious.

Author's Note:

I'm wondering if I should switch this to mature, cause man do I think this is detailed. Or not. Let me now in comments, and tell me what you think. Find error and let me now if I should add anything more to this chapter. Part 2 will come soon.. Enjoy!