• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 1,281 Views, 18 Comments

The Sound of a Heartbeat - Orion97

When I met her I found something that I didn't even know I needed. Love, sounds simple doesn't it? But what I learned is that love is anything but simple...

  • ...

Midnight Truth

I found myself darting through the forest, sweat ran down my neck as I ducked under branches and jumped over roots. A short distance behind me a behemoth of a creature charged through the woods hellbent on catching up to me. It bellowed an earth-shaking roar while it continued to claw through the trees and foliage with a primal rage.

I chanced a peek behind me only to notice the creature inching closer, its sapphire blue scales reflected the soft moonlight that peeked through the canopy like a rare gem. I looked where I was going just as my foot was caught under a tree root, before I could react I was rolling down a steep dirt hill immediately after it. I rolled down, catching a mouthful of loose dirt and plant material as I did. Soon I stopped at the entry of a large clearing, the trees lining around the night time earth like a hidden arena.

I picked myself up and began running again in a heartbeat, my feet zipped across the small field like lightning. As I neared the tree-line the sound of a great wing-beat battered my ears as I saw two massive fans of a deep azure hue enclose around me and pull me closer to my captor.

I was pressed against a wall of scales that were surprisingly gentle to any that it touched yet they were anything but delicate. I could hear the dragon's great heartbeat as her neck craned down behind me.

"What are you running from?" she asked in a gentle voice.

With the silence following her question I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears, my panicked mind still telling me to flee for my life.

"You are safe with me. Please don't be afraid." She sang in an almost angelic tune.

"Why!? Who are you?" I nearly shout in fear, the soothing tone of her voice served to conflict my occupied mind. My muscles itched, ready to resume the chase.

"I'm Nova. Don't worry, I just want to help you." she cooed.

"I'm fine! I don't need help with anything..." I replied sheepishly

For a moment the only sound to be heard was the night wind blowing softly through the trees like a natural symphony.

"How did I even get here?" I asked more to myself than her. I pause for a moment and really try to think, finally capable of it now that I was starting to relax a little. "Is this a weird dream or something?"

"You're half right on that, Anders." A different voice spoke from farther away. Nova lifted a wing to reveal Luna standing not far from us.

"Pardon me if it seems like I'm invading your privacy. I wished to speak with you. I already know about your brief time in Equestria, and my sister told me about what you discussed." she said plainly.

"Oh um...nice to meet you, Princess Luna...what exactly is going on?"

"This is a dream but it is also a medium for me to communicate with some. The dream as a whole is yours but this is actually me talking to you...as well as Nova here. I must say, it's rare to meet another that is capable of dream walking." she said as she looked at Nova curiously.

"How do you know Anders anyway?" Luna tilted her head slightly as she patiently walked closer.

"I cannot say with him here, but know that I am a friend and I only wish to help him." Nova confessed as she glanced back down at me, her wing still at my back .

"I shall not pry here then, but I would wish to discuss something with you privately. I shall try to find your dream after I am finished here." Luna calmly explained.

"Would someone please explain to me what's going on!?" I pleaded. It was one thing to have information hidden from you, it was another for it to happen in your own dreams.

"I apologize, Anders. I nearly missed the very reason I came here. I come with a warning." she declared. "I am aware that your home-world is mana-dead, magic has not been used there is such a lengthy extent of time by any of the living creatures that without it cycling naturally through the world it became more difficult to use until it became impossible. Humans are naturally capable of magic and were able to be very talented magic users. However, ideally you would have been born with mana flowing around you, it may not of had time to seriously influence you just yet but it will soon. If you had been born here and grew up with magic you'd be able to control it very well, like unicorns do, but being introduced to it immediately once you are mature, you will have great raw potential but little to no real control of it." Luna warned.

I took a moment to look down at my hands in a new sense of wonder, examining them as though they would reveal yet another great secret.

"You may discover many new things about yourself, but I would ask that you refrain from making any attempt at using any abilities you may find for the time being. Tomorrow you will have some time to allow what you've been through to sink in. I know this all may have come at a great shock to you, try to stay calm tomorrow, I am confident that miss Vinyl Scratch will be happy to help you if you need help adjusting. The day after I would ask that you come to the castle at your earliest convenience. Now I fear I must be going. I bid you farewell, goodnight Anders." Luna said before her form began to turn translucent and fade from my dream. Now it was just Nova and myself.

The soft sound of tiny critters filled the background as I pondered what to say next. Nova sat down and waited patiently, her head moving idly around to examine the peaceful setting we were in. She was the first to break the quiet that stood between us.

"You can tell a lot about someone from where their dreams are and what happens in them. A calm, beautiful forest...I like it. But when I came here you were already being chased by something. Your mind just replaced its presence with mine since it was about as large as I was. As much as I would like to talk to you more right now I should leave myself so you can rest naturally. But I must tell you one more thing." Nova began as she brought her face in front of me so she could speak directly.

"I am residing in a cave on the opposite site of the mountain Canterlot rests upon. When you can, come and find me, but be careful, it's a big mountain and you may want to carry a spear for protection. You'll likely be perfectly fine if you come to see me but there's always a chance something could hurt you. I know you don't know who I am or why I'm here or much of this matter at all but all shall be explained in due time. For now, rest."

As she finished talking a kind smile appeared on her face and she began to fade away. I wandered around the forests alone for a while, no longer feeling like I was in danger.

After a time the world itself began to fade and I could start to feel to steady, predictable motions of a train underneath me. I could feel the cool air on board wash over me as my body began to wake up and warm itself. Soon I was waking up to a new dawn in Equestria.

Author's Note:

I know, a bit of a small chapter but I didn't want to drag on something that shouldn't be too long. By the way...I know I started out with Romance and Slice of Life but with where I'm taking this I don't feel Slice of Life would feel appropriate so I changed it to Romance and Adventure. My other story "Invasion of The Pink Menace" however will have Slice of Life if that's what you're looking for.

I wanted to introduce some new story elements here and provide a base for things that would occur in the future, might seem a little irrelevant to some of you at first but I ask that you give it a chance. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, expect to see new stories and updates with increasing frequency as I get more time to write.