• Published 4th Oct 2013
  • 1,103 Views, 58 Comments

The Terror's Dream - GrouchoMarxDisciple

Found on the desk of MeesterBob. Appears to have been written by someone completely insane.

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Entry 2

Something screwy is afoot, and I am determined to find out what.

I'm sorry about that note in the Author's note last week. I have no idea who wrote that or when. I will find out, but it appears my account is fine. I am a little suspicious that someone is pranking me, now, with some of this crap. However, I intend to see this through to the end.

March 21st, 1003 A.E.

That's it. I am officially a criminal. But, I am a criminal seeking knowledge, and this makes me a different breed of criminal from the ruffians that the word evokes images of. No, I seek not riches or power. I want to find the truth.

It is not easy, though. It is as if an occult hand is stopping me from perusing my goal, making my life difficult at every turn, stopping me from ever finding what I so long to know.

I did it. I broke into the Royal Archives, in a manner so convoluted and fiendishly clever that I fear to reproduce it here, as it would take volumes. Suffice it to say the Royal Archives are not as carefully guarded as one might expect, as most criminals do not seek knowledge.

I wonder how long it will take them to realize that "On the Origin of the Arcane" by Star Swirl the Bearded is missing. I hear it has not been consulted for hundreds of years, the majority of his students focusing on his Time Spells. I, of course, know better. I have in my hooves his life's work, which before he could realize I lost.

However, it is written in a cypher almost as complex as the stories he weaves. He and I think alike. I think I will use this books my place to store translations. It might make the margins messy, but it is the only place they don't know about.

I am being watched. Of this I am certain. They must be guards, but I never see them. It is more of a feeling. A feeling of dread, reinforced by ominous omens. For example, I am certain I left my pen on my desk last night, but this morning I found it under my pillow. I don't understand, but I must remain extra diligent to avoid my work being destroyed.

I shall begin translating tomorrow. Goodnight.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I just remembered something. I have been sleepwalking recently, and I am beginning to wonder if that has something to do with that odd note yesterday. I will watch very carefully in the future, to make sure nothing like that slip-

I must go. There is someone at the door.