• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 1,960 Views, 35 Comments

Landing Silver Side Up - kwr2k13

Silvia Spencer's parents run a jewelry shop in Portland, Oregon. She helps out customers and learns the family business. But one morning, she wakes up to find herself in the body of the Earth Pony filly, Silver Spoon!

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Chapter Two: Marsday - First Contact - Babs Seed

Landing Silver Side Up
Chapter Two: Marsday - First Contact

It was Marsday, and Sylvia Spencer woke that morning to find herself in a body she was not familiar with. The light blue glasses, a matching blue pearl necklace, and her grey mane and coat, as well as a silver spoon Cutie Mark belonged to a filly named Silver Spoon, a classmate of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and a best friend of Diamond Tiara.

Silvia and her parents discussed over breakfast what to do about the strange calendar and the new filly in the house. Silver Spoon kept regaining control of her body from time to time, indicated by the way she adjusted her glasses and her facial expressions. Eventually, Silvia would be merged with Silver Spoon in both mind and body. The video message Silver Spoon left was sent in hopes some pony who knew what was going on would respond.

Eventually, a video response appeared on Sylvia's laptop. A brown filly with the reddish colored mane and short bobbed tail appeared on the video. The filly had light green eyes and some freckles on her cheeks.

@ColtonMpony: Hello Sylvia, My friend, Colton Miller, has been turned into some background filly. This sucks because before he got turned into a pony, he was male. Anyway, if you need any help, any help at all, just message me. Oh, I almost forgot. If you're coming through Oklahoma, we can travel together. Hope to speak to you soon. One last thing, if you're going to the airport in Oklahoma City. Look for the brown filly with red hair and the woman next to him/her who also has red hair. I’ll try to wear something that will make me stand out.

Silvia then sent the following message:

@SylviaSpoon - Sylvia here. I cannot imagine what he is going through right now, changing genders. But I used to be an adult and ran my parents’ jewelry store. I guess I cannot help out in my current state. As for coming to travel with you, I would like that. I need to get my parents’ to give me permission. I live in Portland, Oregon.

Just then, Silver Spoon took control of her body and adjusted her glasses. A new tweet appeared on the brown filly’s Twitter account. Silver Spoon then appeared on the video message. The grey/silver filly with glasses and a silver spoon Cutie Mark left the following message:

@SilviaSpoon: It’s me, Silver Spoon! I’d like to hang out with you, if it’s okay with you. I cannot find Diamond Tiara, so I guess we have a lot to talk about without her causing trouble.

She then added a second message.

@SilviaSpoon: Silvia’s been telling me some of the stuff Diamond Tiara and I were doing at school, y’know, like teasing ponies who don’t have their Cutie Marks. I’m not a bad pony, you see. I’ll ask my parents to let me go on this adventure and we can, like, work together!

Silver Spoon sighed, and sent the message, hoping that the human who became that brown earth pony would accept her friendship. She had to tell her parents she found a new friend she needed to go see.

“Mother, father! I’m really sorry about not being able to run the jewelry store, but I found a friend on the Internet! A human named Colton ended up as a brown filly with red hair, light green eyes, and freckles. She needs my help, but she lives in Oklahoma. I need a plane ticket to Oklahoma City, like pronto!” The filly stomped her front hoof in protest. This was a pony emergency! Mr. and Mrs. Spencer shook their heads in astonishment at their daughter’s brashness to make this journey by herself.

“Now, honey, we will help you as much as we can. It’s really great you found one of your pony friends!” Mrs. Spencer said as she patted her daughter’s mane and then went up to help Silvia pack.

While Sylvia and her mother went to pack for the journey to Oklahoma City, Mr. Spencer waited until his filly daughter was out of earshot, and then secretly dialed a number. The number he called was a local chapter of PAPA, or People Against Ponies Association. While Mrs. Spencer was more caring for the filly, Mr. Spencer was worried about his reputation as a businessman. The PAPA supervisor had guaranteed Mr. Spencer immunity from public scrutiny for his cooperation in turning his pony daughter in. He was essentially a traitor to his family, but sacrifices had to be made.

Once Silvia and her mother were packed, the father admitted what he had done. Somehow, Mr. Spencer decided at the last minute that the safety of his daughter was more important than the immunity that the PAPA agency offered him.
“Silvia, I am so sorry...you need to be careful. I called the PAPA agency. They’ll be swarming the airport, looking for her.” He pointed to Silver Spoon. “I can stall them as long as I can. Long enough to get her some spending money and some clothes for a disguise. She’ll need some snacks and a pre-paid cell phone.”

Eventually, Sylvia and her parents left the house later in the afternoon and found themselves at the airport terminal. Silver Spoon’s disguise, which consisted of a yellow sunhat and a replica of the cute-ceañera outfit she wore in Call of the Cutie, was able to fool most of the staff and potential passengers, although some bronies, fans of the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, took pictures of Silver Spoon or asked about the whereabouts of Diamond Tiara.

Silvia was able to avoid the majority of the questions aimed towards her and Diamond Tiara being mean to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and answer questions pertaining to her friendship with Diamond Tiara and her pony classmates from school. However, the filly’s silver/grey mane, tail and coat gave her away to the PAPA agents. The agents wore blue jeans and black shirts with black tennis shoes. The shirts bore the image of the PAPA agency in white. They stood out of the crowd and made a lot of racket, asking airport security if they had seen a grey filly with glasses.

. As Mr. and Mrs. Spencer nervously got their daughter situated with her boarding pass and luggage, they said their goodbyes and Mrs. Spencer gave Silvia/Silver Spoon a pre-paid debit card and a pre-paid cell phone to avoid attracting too much attention.

“Say hello to your friend for us. Where are you two headed to anyway?” Mr. Spencer asked Sylvia.

Silvia shook her head, “I dunno. I will find out when I get to Oklahoma City and meet up with Colton. I love you, mother, and dad...you did a bad thing by calling those PAPA goons. I’ll be safer with my pony friends. I’m still sorry you did what you did.” Silvia began to shed tears. She was so worried about not being able to see her parents again or trust her father.

Mrs. Spencer picked up her daughter and gave her a very warm hug and kiss on the forehead to comfort her in her time of need. She then placed her on the ground, knelt down next to Sylvia, brushed her daughter’s silver/grey mane, fixed her braids, lifted Sylvia’s glasses and cleaned them with a white tissue from her purse. After cleaning the filly’s glasses, the mother brushed away the tears from the little filly’s eyes. “There, there, Sylvia, it will be okay. Please call me on your new cell phone the moment you make contact with your friend. Stay strong and be a good girl.” Mrs. Spencer then placed the blue glasses back on her daughter’s face.

Sylvia nodded, looking up at her mother, “I will, mother, and thank you for understanding. I’ll call you once I get to my destination. What about dad? What he did was not cool.”

Mrs. Spencer nodded, “I will take care of that, honey, now get on the plane before those PAPA agents show up at the airport.” The mother stood up helped pay for her child’s boarding pass and ushered her through various checkpoints to get to the boarding area.

With tearful goodbyes, the silver filly boarded the plane headed for Oklahoma City in first class, wondering if she would ever see her parents again.

After boarding the plane and settling in first class, the disguised filly’s plane ride from Portland International Airport was smooth and efficient. Soon, the plane landed and Sylvia disembarked among the human passengers who could not help staring and taking pictures of the grey filly. Some asked if Diamond Tiara was on the plane, and Silvia had to allow her inner pony to answer that she couldn't find Diamond Tiara. She hoped that the two would be reunited.

Silvia got her luggage at the baggage carousel claim with some comedic moments, since she had to use her mouth to pull the luggage to her and through the waiting room to get a seat where she would be able to see where Colton would be coming from. She was at the Oklahoma City International Airport, and wondered where the brown filly was going to make an appearance.

Meanwhile, the PAPA members at the Portland International Airport began to ask Mr. and Mrs. Spencer where their daughter went to. The Spencers played dumb and told the PAPA members they did not know anything about any pony fitting that description, despite the heavy picture evidence that showed Mrs. Spencer and her daughter in a tender family moment.. The parents gave the agents a cover story that they were sending their daughter on a vacation to meet a friend. The PAPA members’ demands to produce the filly under threat of physical violence alerted some alert TSA agents, who had began to move in and arrest the PAPA agents for disturbing the peace and enticing a riot. The PAPA agents were eventually escorted from the premises by the Oklahoma City airport security and the Federal Airport staff. The Spencers were given compensation for their troubles by the TSA; travel vouchers for their family and friends on any participating airlines. This would come in handy for their daughter’s future travels with her friends.

Meanwhile, Sylvia received a message from the filly formerly known as Colton. The reply on her phone said look for a filly with a brown coat, a reddish mane and short bobbed tail, as well as light green eyes. She waited the looked around for the new filly to arrive.

Sylvia sent a reply telling Colton to look for a filly who was wearing a yellow sunhat and light blue glasses, a white pearl necklace, and a silver mane in a tight side braid. She hoped that Colton would get the message.

Silvia/Silver Spoon waited at the airport waiting area, looking for a filly that matched the description Colton gave her. She took off her sun hat and wiped the sweat off her brow with a forehoof. She then saw the woman with the red hair and the small Earth pony filly with the reddish mane and freckles. That must be that new pony. Silvia said to herself as she placed her sun hat back on her heat, adjusted her glasses, and picked up her luggage with her mouth. After dropping her luggage, she waved a hoof to Colton. At this moment, Silver Spoon took control.

“Colton? Like, is that you? I came all the way from Portland, Oregon! My parents got stopped by some really bad people who don’t like ponies like us. We can talk over lunch.”

Silvia then adjusted her glasses and her facial expression changed to reflect the personality shift to the pony she was now sharing a body with. Her expression turned to match Silver Spoon’s snobbish attitude.

“Like, who are you supposed to be?” Silver Spoon asked the new filly, lowering her glasses to get a better look at her new potential traveling companion, then looking at the blank flank of the filly before her. “You’re one of those Blank Flanks, aren’t you?”

The filly before her brought her short bobbed reddish tail around to cover her flank in embarrassment. “What’s it to ya? So what if Ah don’t have a Cutie Mark?” The brown filly blew a piece of stubborn mane out of her face.

Silvia took control of her pony body, temporarily silencing Silver Spoon’s inner bully before she could retort.. “It’s Silvia, sorry about that. I’m stuck in Silver Spoon’s body and eventually, we will be merging. I’ll get Silver Spoon’s memories and possibly her attitude. What about you, Colton? How are you holding up?”

Colton took off her backpack and set it on the ground. She began to rummage through it, looking for her wallet. She indicated that she was faring okay, despite the current circumstances, then asked about the merging. She then indicated that the pony she was sharing a body with didn’t tell her about merging!

Silvia sighed, “We have much to catch up on, friend. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m getting hungry. Is there a place that serves vegetarian meals? I cannot stomach meat anymore. I don’t want to make Silver Spoon, er, me sick.”

Colton took note of Silvia’s adjustment of her glasses and the personality shifts. She indicated that she knew of a place in downtown Oklahoma City called Teddy’s Garden Burgers that served vegetarian options.

Silver Spoon licked her lips, “Sounds like that’s where we are going for lunch. Can you, like, carry my bags? They are way heavy.” The silver filly was able to successfully able to manipulate the new filly into carrying her bags. Diamond Tiara would be so proud!

The fillies walked together with their luggage in tow. “Looks like you got the hang of trotting. How much further to this place?”

The people at the airport could not stop staring and whispering about the two little ponies in the airport. Silver Spoon was about to tell the people off, but an adjustment of the glasses later, and Silvia was temporary controlling the body. Eventually, the group made it outside in time for Silvia to talk more frankly to Colton.

“Okay, according to Silver Spoon, your human host and your pony body will eventually join minds. You will gain all the memories of the pony you turned into, and you will adopt the mannerisms and accent, if any, of that pony. You have a distinct Bronx accent going on. You have family in New York?”

Colton indicated she woke up with the accent and that she had an older sister who resided in New York.

“That’s wonderful!” Silvia said, smiling. “Is there a way we can reach her before those PAPA agents show up? I saw a couple of black shirted guys and a girl in sunglasses questioning some people who took pictures of us. What are we going to do now?”

The new filly saw the agents show up and swarm the airport, looking for two fillies who matched the descriptions given by those who took pictures of them. “They know what we look like, Colton. Let’s get out of here before they catch us!” Silvia yelled as they quickened their pace.
The silver maned filly with glasses hastened her pace to a canter and then a gallop to keep up with Colton. Soon, they reached the airport parking lot.. “Where is your vehicle at?” She asks her filly companion..

The brown filly indicated where she had parked and directed Silver Spoon to not track her muddy hooves all over the back seats and floor. After loading Silver Spoon’s silver luggage into the trunk, the fillies climbed into the back seat and buckled in.

Sylvia smiled, “Thanks for saving us back there. Not bad for a blank flank.” Just then, Sylvia's head began to hurt. “I think either I have a headache, or something else is starting to happen.”

Colton placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder in support of Silvia. She also admitted she started to feel a headache coming on as well.

Sylvia smiled, looking out her window, seeing the reflection of Silver Spoon staring back at her. She then turned to Colton, “I guess the longer we stay as ponies, the closer we become the real Silver Spoon and I’m not sure what to call you. If I start to call you “Blank Flank”, it’s not coming from me.”

The next thought raced through Sylvia's mind, “Uhm, Colton, how are we going to drive, if we don’t, like, have a driver?”