• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 3,163 Views, 15 Comments

Ponies in the Heat - Amante

Three ponies are feeling particularly hot today. Three ponies are about to get wet. Three ponies are going to enjoy themselves.

  • ...

Three Hot Mares

Twilight Sparkle stared out the window at the ponies who went about their business. She began to wonder how they could fathom it. How they could stand it. How, against all odds they kept themselves under control. Her thoughts began to blur as the images of what she desired started to surface. She knew what she had to do. What she wanted. Nay. What she needed.

She went about the room, opening cabinets, checking under the larger furniture, and even within her secret compartments. Try as she might, she could not find her salvation. She began to feel desperate. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth as she began to pant.

She was hot. Very hot.

Her eyes scanned the room one last time. Nothing.

She stepped out of her room and descended the stairs, ending up in the main room of the Golden Oaks Library. Her frenzied search started anew. Books began to fly, papers were overturned, and all-in-all the place became a mess. Such a shame it was, really. She and Spike had just completed another successful reshelving the other day.

As she looked about the freshly disheveled room, her eyes filled up with disappointment; failure yet again.

It was then that she noticed something peculiar. A certain odor began to fill the room. Try as she might, she could not recognize this familiar scent. She brought her nose about the room to see if she could pinpoint its source. After a while, she realized what exactly it was she was smelling.

It was sweat.

It was her sweat.

When she concentrated, she realized she could actually feel every single drop on her body. She focused on one particular bead as it ran down her neck, across her barrel, past her haunch, down her cannon, and finally making headway to her hoof.

She really needed to find it. And soon. She had no idea how much more of this she could take. The heat began to build up once more. She was starting to lose it.

She rushed back up the stairs. Running, though, only seemed to make it worse. The feeling that coursed through her escalated with each step.

She stopped at the top of the stairway to compose herself. She felt like falling apart right then and there. It was simply too much. No one mare could stand up against such raging-

Something glistened.

There out of the corner of her eye she found it. Her deliverance. She lit up her horn and a purple light engulfed the beautiful rubber creation. This won’t do, she thought. She searched for the pump which she would use to inflate her precious.

Thankfully she did not have to search for too long as the device she searched for was on top of the mess that was her room. Now all she needed was a place to do the deed.

She considered simply doing it right here, right now. But she did not. That would be a horrible idea. She considered the library’s Main Room, then realized that the splashing that would most likely ensue could damage her beloved books.

She thought long and hard. That’s when it came to her. She approached a staircase, but not the one that led downstairs. She began to ascend. After a while she emerged upon the top of the library, where she usually did her stargazing. Perfect.

She started the pump and, upon the deck, laid the rubbery treasure. It began to rise. She noticed it still sparkled with moisture from its last session. She blushed slightly at the revealing fact that she did not clean it after use. She needed only one last thing to complete her setup.

Her horn began to glow and a long tube began to float it’s way up to her. Several ponies noticed this, and in turn noticed her. She began to feel unease at what she was about to do. The thought did not last long however, as her mind justified that they would do the same if they were in her position.

She took a breath as her new favorite toy completed its preparations. She put aside the unnecessaries and prepared herself. The heat within her made her feel like she was about to explode. She jumped in and was immediately overcome by pleasure. She did it. She was wet.

Rainbow Dash was having a problem. She’d been in the sky above Ponyville for several hours now, busting clouds. As she performed her duties, the heat began to build up. This made her uncomfortable.

She looked up and saw that the sun was at it’s zenith. She looked down at all the ponies that trotted around town. She was misty eyed as her heart began to palpitate. She now had an insatiable thirst.

She had to find a way to relieve herself. She no longer cared what it should be. All she knew was that she had to do it. She soared through the sky with a purpose.

She hovered over Sugarcube Corner and considered. Pinkie would usually be able to help during times like these. Sadly, as she approached the bakery she notice a line of ponies waiting to be served. She knew her friend wouldn’t have the time to assist her, so she flew on.

She passed several other ponies she knew and wondered if they’d be able to help her relieve herself. She came to the conclusion that they couldn’t. All they’d be able to provide was a small distraction. They’d just scratch the surface of what she really desired.

No. If she was going to appease herself, she would need something big. She considered that perhaps moving faster would help, and so her wings began to exert themselves.

She could feel the muscles in her wings contract and relax as they propelled her forward, the wind grazing her wingtips as they reached their peak. For her, it could be described in one word. Ecstasy.

There was just one problem with all of this. It still wasn’t what she was looking for. Her eyes mirrored the desperation that was in her core. Too hot. She was simply too hot.

That was when she saw it. Over on the other side of Ponyville she saw Twilight Sparkle on the uppermost deck of her library. More importantly, she saw Twilight Sparkle had exactly what she needed.

She watched as Twilight wet herself. She couldn’t take it. She flew as fast as she could towards Twilight’s tree.

The mare in question witnessed her approach and noticed the deep longing in her eyes. With a friendly smile she invited her to join in.

Rainbow thanked her friend and dove right in. She was wet.

Rarity took a breath and released a long sigh. She was working on a dress when she found herself to be bothered by something.


She resolved to satisfy herself as quickly as possible. For her, this was an unnecessary distraction. One which a lady such as her could not tolerate. She entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Nothing. At least, nothing that could really help. She settled instead for a cold glass of orange juice. As the liquid poured down her neck, she felt a wave of relief as the heat within began to dissipate.

This was, unfortunately, only a temporary reprieve as the fire she managed to extinguish returned with a vengeance. She decided to trot to bathroom and take a nice cold shower. As she stood underneath the shower, she felt the individual drops taking away, bit-by-bit her pent up frustration. She walked out satisfied and began to resume her work when she realized something.

A bead of sweat started to make its way down her forehead. She had quite enough of this foolishness and decided to satisfy her urges no matter the cost. With that she trotted out the door and into Ponyville.

As she made her way around town she considered who might be able to assist her in her endeavour. Fluttershy, of course was her first choice. As she thought over the possibility she decided that that may not be the best choice of action with someone like her. At least, not for something like this. She considered Pinkie Pie and her fun personality to help her. However, as she turned the corner to get to Sugarcube corner she was greeted by a very large line. Pinkie Pie was out of the question.

And so she searched for the perfect method of satisfaction. Her search dragged on for a while longer.

Soon she found herself nearing the Golden Oaks Library. As she approached she heard a ggigle of absolute delight. On the tallest part of the tree, there she saw two of her dear friends, wet, as they played with each other.

This gave her a pang of jealousy. She so wanted to join them, but for her it would seem rude to simply drop on in. As fate would have it though, the two noticed her as she stared longingly at them. With smiles and waves they invited her to join them. And she did.

She raced up the stairs, stepped onto the deck, and joined in on the fun her friends were having. She was wet.

The three mares were now satisfied. The heat they had was now gone and they simply relaxed and enjoyed one another’s company.

Rarity was the first to say something. “I must say darling, this has been absolutely splendid.”

Rainbow was the next to speak up. “Yeah Twi. Best. Idea. Ever.”

Twilight smiled at the appreciation her friends showed to her toy. “Thanks girls. You know, I always knew this pool would come in handy someday.”

Author's Note:

Writer's block + Genuinely hot day + Seeing at least two clopfics on the featured box whenever I visit FiMFiction = This.

So, did this turn you on?

Also, I have never ever read a clopfic. Ever.

Comments ( 15 )

Good one. You had me going for a while, didn't hit me what was going on, until about the end of Twi's.

I knew it was a pool from the end of the Twilight part xD but still brilliant idea :D

Oh, thank God! :yay: Yes, you had me going there :twilightblush:, no, it didn't quite turn me on, I'm glad I didn't just run into another clopfic, because that didn't end well the last time it happened... :twilightoops:

I didn't see the punchline coming. Kinda. I thought it was gonna be a fan, an air conditioning (somehow) And/or Ice cream.

DAT ENDING. I am so disappointed with myself for thinking such things XD

Knew what was going on as things progressed, and saw the tags used. No real surprise there for me but brilliant none the less because you apparently succeeded in making people think it was dirtier than it was. Congrats. :pinkiehappy:

3313187 You know, judging from the view to likes ratio, I'd like to think it's so imbalanced because those people who came here searching for exactly that, didn't find it. But since it wasn't a bad story by any stretch, it doesn't really give them any reason to downvote it either. :pinkiehappy:

It's a pool, isn't it?

3341209 Shhhhhh.... It's a surprise


Well done. Only made it to Twi's section before realizing what was really going on, though.

I'd fap to it . . .

For real though, I came on to this story after having just read the piece about Overdone Cliche, and so I kind of already knew what I was probably getting in to at the start of things. That's not to say I didn't still enjoy it enough to warrant a spot on my fav. list and athumbs up. It was still a good story.

Grammar seems to be good as far as I can tell, flow of the story seemed to be appropriate, and I'd say overall pacing and portrayel of the three characters involved was well-done. My biggest complaint, and it almost seems unfair to say it, and I hardly count it against the story, is the subtlety of the whole thing. Very early the hints as to what was actually happening seemed to be treading the line between teasing and starting to become obvious. Yet I don't fault you for it, really. There are likely many people who had been looking for clop caught off-guard by this material. That and one must consider the story I had read just prior to this, and the subject matter in question for the story.

In summary, it was a very well-done story even if a certain strengthening to the veil of subtlety might be added, and I look forward to perhaps reading more like it.

3365197 Thank you for that, and to be honest the subtlety in certain parts was meant to be obvious. A few of the comments say they figured it out by the end of Twilight's part and indeed it was meant to give it away. I mean seriously, 'inflate' would really not be used as a word for... one of those things. :pinkiehappy:

Done in the same way that Overdone's inconsistent memories were partly parody and a clue that he was insane.

Amusing, admittedly I was trying to figure out what the hell Twilight had done for pretty much the whole fic. Nicely done lol

I figured out pretty quick what was actually going on, but I also saw the other meaning. Not bad.

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