• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 5,123 Views, 318 Comments

Sufficiently Advanced - Lord Of Dorkness

Two worlds. One of science, one of magic. But what happens when the Mane Six... meets the cyborg Mane Eight?

  • ...

Chapter Two - Smith & Tinker

A big thanks to AppleTank, who acted as editor for this chapter. Go check out his stuff.

And an important Note/Trivia: I goofed slightly on a detail in chapter one. I mixed up some of my notes and Captain Blake Gregory sadly got called by his brother’s name, Arun Gregory.

A small thing, I know… but it would bug me if I didn’t fix it.

Sol Guard Automated Naval Yard 03 - “Echidna.”

Outskirts of London.

#431 was still grumbling when we arrived at Echidna. “...Not even five fucking minutes…”

With a sigh, I climbed out of the car. The light dusting of snow made crunching sounds under my boots as I walked ahead a bit. The air was crisp, but all in all it was a beautiful day with only a few clouds on a clear, blue sky.

Please, I get the hint already.” I turned and gave her a hard look, my breath crystallising in the cold air. “Perhaps we can save humanity's future in space from people that think we should still be using sharp rocks... before having a nostalgia binge of a three-hundred year old cartoon?”

#431 skipped out, her own breath trailing behind her. The automated car whirred away as soon she was clear. “Two-hundred ninety-nine… but fine, boss. You have a point.”

I pulled a hand through my greying. but still mostly black hair, noting absently that I would need a cut soon. I turned my head to her. “Look, we’re going to be stuck in transport after transport for a day or two just hours from now. I’ll give it a proper chance then, OK?”

I turned back just as I heard the squeak from behind me. With a half-hidden smile, I started walking towards the shipwright.

It was an imposing building. Only about a hundred meters high, but nearly a square kilometer in floorspace.

I fidgeted with my ID badge. The security may be sublethal, but considering that I could hear the rotors from cloaked drones and see how the external turrets had already zoomed in on us…

I wasn’t fond of the idea of taking chances.

“[Ah, Miss #431 and Mr. Gregory,]” Echidna’s voice said from several speakers nearby. “[Such a pleasant surprise! How goes that plan of yours?]”

“I’ve got the majority of the Pinkie Clan incoming as allies,” I said, only a little smugly towards one of the non hidden cameras. “You tell me, Miss Echidna.”

I got the impression, that if a naval yard could have dropped her jaw… Echidna would have. “[...Damn, you don’t run screaming with tiny scissors, do you?]”

I gave her a grin, and jabbed a thumb backwards. “I thought I’d pop over and see that #431 gets ahead of the line. Considering how desperate the Ludz seem to be to stop this venture… Well, I would rather play it safe.”

#431 one gave off a squee, while Echidna barked out a laugh.

I swept an arm towards the massive door. “Care to buzz us in?”

“[Sure, Mr. Gregory,]” Echidna said, before the large metal doors rumbled open.

Behind it was a long cement corridor, winding to and forth like a giant snake… and at each bend there sat four turrets. Two on the floor, and two on the ceiling.

The nearest set zeroed in on us before the door had even closed, thin red lines from targeting lasers made visible for intimidation purposes pointing us straight in the chest.

It was one of the nastiest kill boxes I’d ever seen… I actually had to force my feet to move, because every instinct and training drilled into me screamed not to enter the thing.

And I just had to shake my head. “Honestly… What kind of bomb would they use on this place?”

Echidna let out a sigh, as #431 and I started walking in. “[That’s regulation for you… Granted, I get why, but it gets annoying in cases like this...]”

I nodded. “Care to lead us to the assembly line? Somebody is raising the heat and I’d like to return the favor, as soon and with as much prejudice as possible…”

Holographic arrows along the walls started flowing inward the factory proper, acting as a breadcrumb trail for us. Not that the corridor was that winding a maze, but a nice gesture, even so. “[Sure, Mr. Gregory… but do you have any preferences, #431? Just preliminary ones, so I can start on the design...]”

#431 stumbled mid step, before hurrying to catch up with me. “...Wow, this is really happening, isn’t it?”

I nodded, as we continued on. “Doesn’t the Rock Farm have this kind of capability? Considering some of the materials you export?”

“Not to mention the whole massive profit from tourism, from being the party center of the solar system thing…” #431 flashed me a proud smile. “People always underestimate that side of the family business…”

I nodded absently. It had started to occur to me, that a bad date might be the least of my worries in dating this woman… Still, that was hardly reason to cancel, I would simply need to be on my best behavior on Friday.

#431 trotted up, easily keeping my pace now that she was a bit more focused on it. “Well sure, we can make or buy some darn impressive things…” She let out an irritated sigh. “but not much point is there, when customs just sticks your frame into lockdown because you don’t have the licences…

She muttered something about “Freaking Sol Guard and its mountains of paperwork...” that I pretended not to hear.

She gave off a frustrated groan. “At least they'll give you a civilian loaner…” A shudder swept the mare, making her hair and pelt dance. “Ugh, I didn’t feel clean for a week…”

I fought back a shudder. “...How bad?”

#431 opened her mouth wide and faked throwing up, a few hulking noises added for effect. “The damn thing was a neuter that barely looked humanoid… and I still swear somebody had managed to defile the thrice damned thing!”

My eyes darted over her current frame, the one that looked almost like an oversized toy. “...Isn’t the one you currently wearing…?”

“Well, sure... but this one I’m wearing by choice.” She waved me off, limping on three legs for a step or two to do so. “You know how it is…”

She shoot me a grin so leacherus, I almost walked into a turret from sheer distraction. “Besides, now I have… choices in such matters…” She murmured.

I tried to ignore the burning in my cheeks… even if #431’s laughter made that a bit hard. I quickened my pace and burst through the doors at the end of the security corridor.

And got a bit distracted.

All else faded to the background, as I saw him for the first time.

“He’s beautiful…” I murmured, taking a few steps closer to the factory floor.

I ignored a shared giggle by the two AIs.

The craft was a sleek and imposing, shaped almost like a giant arrowhead. It reminded me of the old SR-71 Blackbird I’d had a weakness for since I was a lad, but scaled up to fit nearly half of the entire hangar.

It was still being built and I could see right through it in spots, but even now I saw it would be one for the history books from looks alone when ready. The few patches of armor plating currently attached gleamed white under the lamps, and I saw the Sol Guard logo, a eclipse with a stylized corona that looked like licking flames, on one of the so far unattached fins.

“...Is that real gold leaf?” I asked, noticing just how shiny the corona part of the logo was.

“[Yes, good eyes, Captain,]” Echidna said, sounding proud. “[Technically not on the plan, but I had a few extra kilos of the useless stuff just laying around from old projects, so I thought, why not?]”

I let out a low, impressed whistle, just as two giant robotic arms descended from near the ceiling and moved one of the ships gargantuan graviton engines into position on what would be a stubby wing, and started attaching it to the Pheidippides. The things looked only like fat metal cigars from the outside, but I know they were what stood between us and getting stuck in deep space, should the experimental Farcaster drive only do half its job...

“[Hate to break it to you #431, but I think you might have a bit of competition here...]”

Echidna’s joking words and #431’s snort at them broke the spell, and I shook my head to clear it. “A most impressive ship… but perhaps I should let you ladies get on with things before the pink tide reaches us.”

#431 rolled her eyes at the ‘pink tide’ part, but made no other comment.

Another string of arrows lit up, this time on the floor. “[This way, I’ve set up a temporary assembly line next to the fabbers… It should be capable of meeting the demand.]”

I nodded, as #431 galloped ahead, giggling like a child in a all-you-can-eat candy buffet…

“So… What should I…?”

“[You can watch if you want… as long as #431 doesn’t mind, but I doubt it. Or I keep a few vending machines stocked for guests.]” One of the giant arms tapped the floor next to the Pheidippides, making the floor rattle and almost costing me my balance. “[Just keep away from the main assembly area. I haven’t had any accidents like that yet, and I would frankly like to keep it that way...]”

My stomach grumbled. “That reminds me… This is an odd request, but any pizzerias that delivers here? I haven’t had lunch yet and…”

“[Sorry, Sir, but that’s a security nightmare and a half...]” Echidna gently reminded me. I straightened up and mentally scolded myself. I really should have known that. “but, I could start the food fabbers in the Pheidippides as an early trail…]”

I fought back a disgusted snarl. I’d had some bad experiences with food printers…

Echidna must have guessed at the source of my hesitation, because she continued. “[Both the fabbers and printers themselves are new and top of the line, Sir. I assure you, it might not be restaurant fare, but it’s not protein bars and nutrient drinks, either...]”

I relented with a sigh. “Fine, I’ll give it a whirl. Any recommendations?”

“[...Steak and fries? Anything with bread like pizza requires time for the dough to rise, I’m afraid…]”

“...Slightest chance of a milkshake and coffee. as well?”

“[No problem, you go ahead and wait with #431. We’ve settled on a design and I’m building it as w- Huh.]”


Echidna let out a girlish giggle that sent shivers down my spine. “[The darling girl wants it to be a surprise.]


The old path of arrows faded, and was replaced with one that went another direction.

“[I took the liberty of scraping the old civilian frame she was wearing… I hope replacing that one as well will not be a problem?]”

“I have no objections.” I waved a hand vaguely at my side, as I started sauntering along the trail. “If anybody asks tell them it’s formal wear for her role as emissary for the Pie royal family.”

“[...Huh,]” she said, sounding genuinely impressed. “[Anybody ever tell you you have a real talent for being underhanded, while still staying within the rules? I hadn’t even thought of that...]”

I smirked a bit. “We baselines aren’t quite done yet, Miss Echidna.”

“[...What, seriously? Not even a D-grade health implant, or anything?]”

I shrugged my shoulders, tapping the PDA bracelet on my left arm. “This thing does a good enough job. I must admit I’ve been tempted, but I simply haven’t had the time or inclination yet…”

Echidna hummed thoughtfully, as I neared what looked like a small dining area. It must have been intended for temporary guests or staff, because the room was tiny and only had a couple of tables in it.

#431’s head was sitting on one of them.

As I watched, she scuttled to turn to me on four metallic tentacles ending in pincers and gave me a sheepish grin. “...Hey, boss.” She glanced down at herself, before giving me a even more nervous look. “...I hope you don’t mind the temporary look…?”

I just pulled up a chair. “Not at all…” I said neutrally.

It was hardly the first time I’d seen a decoupled phylactery. Hell, it wasn’t even the first time I’d seen a pony one.

I suppressed a shudder, as old, bad memories tried to surface..

As long as it was outside a morgue, I could deal with it.

She beamed a radiant smile at me, making me almost forget my troubles with the scene.

I extended a finger and gently poked one of the tentacles. “Isn’t this a really old design?”

#431 took on a mock serious expression. “The nerve, complaining about the age of a Lady’s parts…” Her mask collapsed, and we shared a small laugh about it. “But seriously, I haven’t been back on the Farm for almost twenty years… and I just don’t trust that kind of procedure to anybody.”

Her face lit up. “But did you see the speed on those new legs of mom’s? And they seemed more limber, even!”

I nodded, as I leaned back a bit. “Very impressive. You thinking of upgrading?”

She nodded, scratching her chin with a pincer while doing so. “Thought I’d pop in at the cyberlab if I’m going back there anyway…” Her face turned introspective. “...I don’t doubt you or the ship, but if things do go wrong I’d rather have the best gear my connections can get me.”

I nodded, before resting my head on my hand. “Wise.”

She still looked thoughtful, but she was now a bit more focused on me. “...You really don’t have any implants?”

I bit back a sigh. Old washerwoman and sailors have nothing on AI’s with an internet connection when it comes to gossip...

I jerked my shoulders once. “Just never got around to it…” I took a deep breath, before continuing. “...and my big brother got a nasty infection when he got his first implant. Spooked me a bit.”

#431 looked incredulous at me. “A infection? In this day and age? Didn’t he use a autodoc for it? I mean, we’re not talking about a non-standard procedure here...”

I shrugged again. “Faulty sensor in the disinfectant tank. The thing didn’t know it was running on fumes in that regard. He’s lucky it was only a severe infection…”

#431 shivered slightly. “...Sorry for being a bit squeamish, but…” She let out a deep sigh. “I slash mom lost a couple of friends on the operating table, back when augs were still a new thing…”

I extend an arm… but hesitated and withdrew it. “...Sorry, I can’t think of a place to pat that wouldn’t be condescending. Still, my condolences.”

That made her smile. “Thanks.”

I leaned back again, lost in my thought. “...Still, it was the very same implant that made him go to a doctor…” I gave another small shrug. “I guess it isn’t completely rational of me, but I’m still a bit weary about what I stick in my body… if that makes sense.”

#431 waved a tentacle dismissively. “I get it, this stuff isn’t for everybody…” She poked me hard on a knuckle, looking stern. “But you keep that bracelet on and stay updated on doctors visits. I’ve lost enough friends to the slow grind of time.”

I massaged the knuckle, chuckling slightly. “I’m completely updated on my shots, don’t you worry…”

Any further discussion of the subject was interrupted, as a assembly bot whirred up to the table on four wheels, carrying a food tray in manipulators not really meant for it. The remotely controlled bot gingerly placed the tray in front of me, before darting of without further action.

“[Ta-da. The first meal from the mess hall of the Pheidippides!]” Echidna's voice rang out. [“I know it isn’t three star fare, but bon apetit!”]

I picked up the fork and knife, giving the meal a once over. I must admit, the smell was spot on, and made my mouth water.

Then #431 stole one of my fries. “...What happened to…?” I asked.

She chewed and swallowed the pilfered fry, making a thoughtful hum as she did so. “Emergency system,” she said, tapping the base of her own neck. “but that right there? Almost what I can take like this.”

I pointed an accusing fork at her. “Fine, but ask next time.”

“Just thought I’d try one...” I hummed thoughtfully in response, while she continued. “The most I’ve tried like this was a apple and a glass of water…” Her face distorted into a pained grimace at the memory. “Ugh, I felt like a bloody blimp.”

I suppressed a laugh, and instead gingerly speared a golden fry of my own, and brought it to my mouth. Standard fast food fare with formed mash instead of real potatoes, but they tasted quite nice, even so…

Next I cut a thin slice from the ‘steak’... but I didn’t hold much hope for it. Even if its square shape hadn’t clued me in, the way my knife slid into it like butter told me everything I needed to know of its manufacture.

#431 giggled. “You know… people used to want tender meat.”

I raised an disbelieving eyebrow at the mare.

Real meat need to age… or be young, if you follow, to be it. It used to be more expensive, as a result...” She pointed at my lunch. “Sorry about the culinary history lesson, but it always amuses me when somebody sneers at too tender meat…”

I waved a fork in the air. “No, no… It was interesting.” I speared the piece of meat, brought it to my mouth and… Ugh, it was like chewing steak flavored butter. The thing was almost melting in my mouth...

But I continued to chew. I’d had worse.

I swallowed, before I politely dabbed at my lips with a napkin. “...Well, I must admit I prefer something to actually chew on… but the taste is excellent. I could imagine worse stuff to eat for a month or two…” I pointed a utensil at the two drinks. “Those are fabbed as well?”

Echidna snorted. “[Of course. Wouldn’t be much of a test if I cheated, right?]”

I took the glass of milkshake, and gave it a cautious sniff. The food fabbers often did drinks better thanks to there being a minimum of consistency to get right… but just sweeping a glass was a good way to end up with something disgusting in your mouth.

An odd, but not unpleasant smell greeted my nose. “...Is this lemon?”

“[You never mentioned a preference… I decided to try one of the more exotic ones,]” Echidna said. [“Oh, and your frames are ready, Miss #431. I only need the Captain’s signature that he is authorizing their release…”]

I took a sip of the odd, but honestly quite tasty drink, before setting it down and activating my PDA. “Send it here,” I said, as the holographic screen flickered into life and the control surface got projected on the table.

I read the papers carefully. The orders for this, the OK for the licences, material requisition… All seemed to be in order, even if I expected a shitstorm as soon as high-command got wind of this. I wrote my signature on all of them, using the blunt end off my fork as a virtual pen.

“There,” I said, as I put the last signature on ‘paper’ and deactivated my PDA. I flashed a smile at #431. “You have fun, OK?”

#431 let out a high pitched squee, before jumping off and scuttling away so fast she was almost a tiny, pink blur.

I finished my meal in peace, ignoring the feel of Echidna’s ‘eyes’ burning in my neck. I’d just started on the, to be honest, quite nice cup of coffee…

When a two meter tall amazon walked into the room, wearing only a hospital scrub.

#431 just giggled and rubbed her new hands together, as I almost choked on my coffee. “Oh! I can’t wait to Friday if that look is anything to go by!”

I got my breathing under control and… tried not to stare, to be blunt. Aside from the pony head and the pink skin… she looked as if she’d stepped from a bloody superhero comicbook.

She flexed her muscular arms, making her body strain against the flimsy little thing she was wearing. “Damn, do I look good in a human frame, or what?”

I very carefully turned and studied the whitewashed wall, as my cheeks burned.

Echidna bit back a laugh. “[I think the good Captain’s manners are getting to him…” She lowered her voice to a stage whisper. “[You make sure to make him scream on Friday, you hear me, girl?]

Even my ears started burning, as #431 just… giggled, at the words.

I took a deep breath, and fought down the hormones. “...Dress-code. Others here soon.” I managed to blurt out.

“...Not even slightly curious about what… extras, I had installed?” #431 purred suggestively.

“...Can wait,” I said, more than a bit reluctantly. “Clothes now.”

“Fine,” #431 simply said, turning on a dime on near silent feat. “So, any spare uniforms here?”

“[This way...]” Echidna answered, a new path lighting up along the the floor. “[Shall I send your other frame home?]”

“Yes, please…” I heard her say, before she stalked off. leaving me alone with my near bruised cheeks…

Well, as alone as you can be in a sapient building.

Then a motherfucking dragon stuck its head in front of me and shouted: “Hi!”

I reacted with the utmost grace and dignity… which means I pushed away so hard my chair landed nearly two meters away, me mostly still sitting on it.

“...Hi,” I managed a bit forced, when my heart had stopped near exploding. I very carefully removed the hand from under my uniform… and my pistol. “I take it from the pink scales, slitted blue eyes and balloons on your hips, that I’m talking with the first of the cavalry to arrive?”

She put a talon to her muzzle and hushed me, seemingly unfazed by my gesture. “Don’t use that word or we’ll never hear the end of it…”

That made me raise my head and give her a look. “...A member of the Pie family that doesn’t like puns?”

She stuck her forked tongue out at me. “They were fun… the first hundred or so years. Personally, I don’t see what mom continues to see in them…” She stuck out a sharp looking hand at me. “I’m #13, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gregory!”

I smiled slightly, and took her talon. “Lucky thirteen, huh?” I said, as she gently pulled me to my feet. “Likewise, Miss.”

“No one else here, yet?” she said, looking around for emphasis. “Miss… Echidna, was it?”


#13 flashed a gleaming grin at the room. “Gotcha.” She then turned to me again. “But seriously, did I really get here first? I was halfway across London!”

I nodded towards her leathery wings, while putting the chair back. “No offence, but from the looks of things you have something of a advantage…”

Her dual curved horns lit up, and the chair opposite me floated over to one of the other tables. “True that…” #13 looked back at me, still grinning. “Still, even if I have most of the licences… Well, all the more ways I can help, right?”

I nodded slowly, as I looked at the dragon almost as tall as I was, despite her sitting down on her haunches. “Glad to have you onboard…” I scratched my chin. “...but may I ask what you do? Forgive me if its a bit personal, but…”

“The dragon thing?” she said, sounding amused. “You know, I actually don’t get that question that often… Most are too freaked out to even stay in the same room...”

“...Must get a bit hard…”

She just shrugged, her smile never even wavering. “Eh, it let’s me skip to the one’s worth talking to.”

“True enough that…”

She held her talons up and wiggled them around, grinning like a loon. “And I get to be a motherfucking dragon! How cool is that?”

I grinned myself and got my cup again, as I was starting to see the family resemblance. “So, you line of work…?”

“I’m an accountant!” she near shouted, as I started spluttering at my coffee having gone down the wrong pipe.

“...You’re serious?” I managed, after I’d gotten my breathing under control again.

“I just never get tired of auditing…” She folded her talons under her chin and grinned wide. “I put on my business suit, my cute little glasses, saunter in… and you should just see the looks on their faces!”

My imagination showed me the pink dragoness in the described outfit, sitting at a desk and cackling like a madwoman, as she carefully wrote in a tiny ledger with a red pen…

Oh yeah, this woman was a Pie, alright…

“...Much use for scales, talons and firebreath in that profession?” I couldn’t help myself from asking.

She grinned a predatory grin at me that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “The state sends me in when they’re expecting trouble… Wanna guess why?”

I drained my coffee, getting up after that. “I have no problem doing that, Ma’am… But how about we find your sister?”

“[May I ask for a verdict first?]” Echidna interrupted.

I gave a big smile to the nearest camera. “I don’t think there shall be many complaints about that food… especially not when reimbursed with the hydroponics.”

“[Glad to hear it,]” Echidna said, sounding pleased with herself.

#13 let out a low whistle. “Damn, you guys have hydroponics as well? Isn’t that a bit overkill?”

I shook my head, as I walked off. “Redundant systems. It should be completely overkill… but there is a chance we might get there, but not back again. I would rather not need to risk anything… and luckily, the designers agreed with that sentiment.”

#13 looked a bit worried, but kept pace with me. “...How large a chance?”

“The new engines should be perfectly fine. It’s ‘just,’” I said, making finger quotes. “a upscaled teleportation system. We should be perfectly fine.”

#13 nodded slowly, but didn’t seem convinced. “So either completely fine… or ‘What got back didn’t live long… fortunately,’ that’s what you're saying?”

I stopped and turned. “Please, Miss. Even your HORNs have the capability for short range ones. Its a perfectly safe technology.”

I got to see the rare sight of a dragoness shivering. “Sorry, its just...I remember when it wasn’t.” She flared her wings, almost blocking the corridor. “I prefer these babies and similar, to be honest.”

“...Well, if you have alternatives to reach FTL speeds, then I would gladly hear them…” I said, tongue firmly in cheek.

#13 grumbled, but she reluctantly nodded. “I guess… I just don’t like the idea of mom and sis risking themselves without any more of us backing them up…”

I waved a hand absently. “I’m still recruiting, if you know anybody with expertise that would be useful…”

She hummed, thinking it over. “...I did some logistics work a couple of decades ago…” She gave me another pointy grin. “Slightest chance a dragon accountant that doesn’t need to eat, would be of use...?”

I stopped, stroking my chin as I thought it over. “Hmm…” I almost started laughing when I saw how ludicrously wide-eyed she went, but I fought it down. “Tell you what? I’ve got an inkling of an idea… Why don’t you go find #431, while I find a bathroom… and we’ll talk then, OK?”

With a grin she disappeared down the corridor, so fast she was almost a streak and making the floor thud slightly from her bulk.

And I noted with interest, that she had gotten distracted enough that she had forgotten herself and was digging deep scratches with her talons into the concrete floor,.

...Oh yeah, I wanted her on my side, all right…

I grinned internally, as I started rooting around for the loo.

...But telling her that just yet? No, no… that won’t do.

“[...Oh for the love of...]” Echidna muttered. “[Do you have any idea, how long it’s going to take me to fix that?!]”

I vaguely heard a shouted “Sorry!” from further down the hall. I tried not to chuckle, I really did…

Having a building glare at you was the oddest damn sensation… I chose to hide my last chuckle by clearing my throat. “...Bathroom?”

With a sigh from Echidna, another breadcrumb trail appeared. “Much obliged…” I politely said.

Within five minutes, I was inside the nearest washroom. And that, was just how I intended to use it.

I carefully rolled up my sleeves and started dabbing my face with a wet paper towel. Not much I could do about the stubble, but I could atleast make myself as clean as possible…

I slicked my hair back with some water, and leaned back to check how I’d done.

A pale man with sharp, angular features and a long, thin face, glared back at me. Tall, imposing and with hard eyes… he was a threatening figure even without the black Sol Guard uniform and the glare, thanks to his height of just above two meters… A few lines and tips of grey in his hair, but hardly a man after his prime.

I gave my reflection a brief nod. Not bad for seventy-eight, but then, I do take my health seriously...

I brushed some lint of the Captain’s insignias on my shoulders, giving the four golden stars crowned with a stylized moon a quick rubdown, before discarding the towel and walking out.

Echidna bit back a small snort. “[Cleaning up for the future in-laws?]” She ‘whispered’, by only using the speakers in the corridor I was in.

I gave a non-committing shrug, before stalking back towards the hangar. “Please, I would do this for any person I was about to meet for the first time… Time permitting, of course.”

She chuckled at me, while a new trail flickered to life under my boots. “[Aren’t you taking the ‘Officer and a gentleman’ shtick bit far… Not that I’m complaining, its nice to see somebody with a bit of class, for once...]”

I smiled softly, as I continued to follow the trail. “It being a shtick would imply it a act, madam. I assure you, I simply happen to consider manners a thing of importance…”

I pretended to not notice the wistful little sigh, instead opting to switch subject. “Any more incoming? And I am going towards #13 and #431, right?”

“[Let’s see, I spy, with my little eyes legion of eyes… A few at least and… Oh dear,]” Echidna said. “[Sorry, Captain. But it appears the first round of flak is incoming...]”

I let out a deep sigh. “Show me the way,” I simply said. Stalking off as soon as the trail shifted.

It lead me back to the hangar where a tense looking admiral and his guards was interrogating #431, who thankfully had gotten a uniform on.

...And of course, it had to be him. The condescending smile, the blond mop, the green liar’s eyes that always seemed to sparkle, especially when the bastard was setting you up for the fall…

I gritted my teeth once, before donning a mask of cold professionalism.

He would not best me, not within sight of my own bloody ship.

I stomped up to the group, giving a stiff salute and almost keeping the snarl off my face.

I’m fairly certain my glare would have stripped paint, however.

The two guards gulped, and clutched their rifles a bit harder… but the man in question just sighed and gave me a sad look. “...At ease.”

I did so, taking the opportunity to clench my fists behind my back loud enough that the sound of my knuckles popping betrayed me. Since the jig was up anyway, I took the opportunity to turn my irritated glare up to an unfiltered look of cold contempt. “...Yes? Can I help you, Sir?” I managed, in a voice so cold one of the recruits stopped shivering, instead freezing on the spot. Like a tiny mouse, caught straight in front of a fox…

The bastard gave me a glare of his own, but that had never been among… the man’s ‘gifts.’ “...Must we do this?”

“...I am unsure to what you are referring to, Sir.” I continued, voice still as cold as hell’s heart. “Would you mind getting to your business here, Sir. I have work to do, Sir, and would very much like getting back to doing my best to make the solar system a better place, Sir…”

His head reared back a bit… but only a little bit. His mask not allowing more than that at my insult.

He even had the gall to make himself look sad. “So, this is how you want to do it, brother?”

At our sides, #431 gulped, and looked as if she wished the floor to swallow her.

I just snorted loudly. “Sorry, Sir. Can you get to your… business here? As I said, I have work to do. Surly being here must be some… work, for you, to do, yourself…”

I let the last venom filled word hang in the air, starring the bastard straight in the eyes. His guards broke protocol, as they involuntarily took several steps back.

I don’t do things by fucking half-measures…

This was actually enough to make the bastard lose his temper at me. “Have you seen yourself lately, br-”

“With all due respect, Sir,” I interrupted. “We are on the clock. Perhaps this does not mean much to you, but I take my duties seriously.” I jerked my head towards the door, never letting him out of my sight. “Say your piece and leave. Because to be frank if we must drag this down to a personal level then, I have neither need, nor want, for you or your honeyed words...”

I poured every bit of my hatred, my bitterness and my sense of betrayal into my next word. Every drop of blood spilled in vain because of him, every letter I’d had to write because of him, every damn time he had dared to claim to fix things... Making it such a cold statement, that even to me it seemed to sap the warmth from the room.


For a moment, something I refuse to believe was genuine glimmered near his eyes… then it was gone, replaced with a burning fury barred behind cold acceptance.

“...So be it Captain,” he said, standing up a bit straighter. He gave me a glare, as hot as mine had been cold. “Do you even care, what they’ve started saying about you? Your reputation nose-dived after the pirate attack on The Glorious Dawn… and then you started freaking digging.

For a moment, I saw smoke blackened corridors, filled with blood and bodies…

Then the flashback passed. Why did the bastard have to bring that ship up?

“No,” was however, my complete and honest reply.

Another sigh, another glare… “Fine, then I shall tell you anyway.” He jabbed a finger at me, I ignored it. “I’ve personally heard, that you simply don’t care about the cost… as long as the mission succeeds. For fucks sake, they call you Black Blake The Butcher!”

I just smirked at the nickname. I didn’t actually like it, but the way something seemed to die in his eyes when he forced himself to say it was a treat to see.

But I fought the smile down, as #431 shifted uncomfortably. As useful as it was, it was a title I preferred my enemies to know me by.

“False, I have never left a man behind, unless completely necessary… Sir.” I clenched my fists together so hard I felt something warm and wet start dripping around my nails. “Nor have I ever harmed or abandoned civilians… Sir.”

For the first time during that discussion, the bastards eyes flickered away from me. “...You know as well as I, that there was…”

He faltered mid sentence, as I pulled my dripping hands from behind my back and a clean hankie from my pocket.

“Ah, yes… That regrettable incident on the luxury liner Monica…” My hands were steady, as I carefully tore the thing in two and methodically started wrapping my wounds. “I am well aware of the tiny army of attack robots that zealot had put together… and I had to listen to the screams as the order for me, my armed and armored men and the authorization for the EMP canons never came… Sir.” I finished the simple knots, and once more stared him in the eyes. “I was there, in case you have forgotten, Sir.”

His eyes wouldn’t leave my hands. I folded my arms and kept them clearly visible out of spite.

He sagged, looking very tired.

I was not fooled.

It had been… a very long time, since I had been.

“You know what I was doing earlier today?” He said. He held up his arm, thumb and index finger almost meeting. “I was this close, to convincing the other admirals and the leaders of the Order of Lud to come to an agreement that would have peacefully disbanded the neo-luddite movement across the entire solar-system…” He extended his index finger, pointing at #431 who tensed slightly. “But you two just had to mobilize the entire Pie Clan on a whim!”

“Not all of them…” I stated smugly. “...just three-hundred eighty-nine of them.” I nodded at #431 who was smiling nervously. “Not counting my secretary, of course...”

Arun just glared at me, so hard I almost thought he might pop a blood vessel.

I glared back, pointing at my ship. “This might be a pivoting point in the history of humanity. I will not take half-measures for that… and Queen Pinkie agrees.” I nodded to behind him, where a nervous and very pink crowd had gathered. His jaw set a bit harder, as he turned and saw them. “Unless you have anything to add legally, Sir?”

The fight faded from him, making me hate him a bit more. No conviction, as usual. Just bluster and empty words…

“Please, stop this.” He held out his hand, as if almost begging. “Do you have any idea how scared people get, when the Pinkie Clan actually starts meddling?”

About two dozen pairs of eyes bored into him, but to the bastards credit, he didn’t even hesitate. He just pointed at them. “They don’t see a family or even individuals. They see a swarm of mechanical locusts, coming to do their mistress bidding! They start to worry that the ludz might have a point...

My eyes flickered to the group of Pies… but not because of his words. A movement had caught my eye, as one of them was passing something around...

“I know you think I’m just a backstabbing politician...” He put his open palms to his chest, in a gesture I knew wasn’t for me. Bastard. “But I was so close, to solve this diplomatically! Without as much as the threat of violence, even!”

Then he folded his arms, giving me a look, as if waiting for a reply.

I snickered and pointed behind him, as the throng of Pies started holding up numbered signs…

Mostly ones and twos.

He glared at them.

“Sorry, Sir,” a human Pinkerton I didn’t recognize said in a well educated Oxford drawl. A grey tweed jacket and a matching bowler hat made him look quite respectable… Minus the shaggy mop of pink on his head, he actually looked quite normal. He was holding a negative five. “but we’ve all heard such words before… And with all due respect, you aren’t one of the people that would die, if those twits got their will through…”

Arun let out a sigh again, sounding spent and tired.

#431 raised a hand. “Yes?” I asked.

“Mom just sent a message…” She looked nervous, but was also clearly not trying to grin. “She just told me she’ll buy out the project and finish it herself, if she needs to. She had to wait nearly a hundred years for people to get their asses to Mars, and she’s not going through that again…”

For a moment, the place was still.

Then a cheer erupted from most of the assembled. Even Echidna joined in, clapping her giant assembler arms only once, but hard enough to make my ears ache.

Arun just looked defeated.

“...Fine, I tried,” he said. “...Isn’t there anything I can say to you, to make you just step aside and let me fix things? The current political climate is a gallon jug of freaking nitroglycerin, and you’ve just pulled on your stomping boots. Again.”

I felt like being cruel, so I said: “‘I trust you, brother. I know you mean well. Do what you have to do, but please, let me help… Like the old times.’”

The sound in the hangar just died.

I tilted my head, as the mass of people started shuffling their various appendages awkwardly. “Well?”

Arun’s gaze got glued to the floor, and how he just kept clenching his hands told me enough.

I looked around, until I spotted #13 hovering nervously near the ceiling. “Miss #13?”

“...Yes?” she squeaked nervously.

“You seemed to have a good head on your shoulders when we spoke… Can I trust you to keep this front organized? #431 and I need to get going for our little recruitment drive...”

Her cheeks squeaked, as she grinned at my words.

I grinned as well. “And I’m sure your mom would be very impressed with such a success…” I continued.

Her grin faded away, and she pointed an accusing talon at me. “Evil!”

I just let out a laugh, and I beckoned #431 to follow me. She did so and the pink sea parted before us, as we headed out.

“Miss Echidna, thank you for the hospitality,” I said, as we opened the first doors. “All in all, it was a pleasure…”

“[No problem, Captain. The feeling is mutual.]”

In the corner of my eye, I saw Arun raise his arm, as if to call me back, or say something…

I stopped, and half turned towards him. Just looking at him.

His arm dropped, and he looked away. Face unreadable.

I turned, and walked away.

#431 easily kept my pace in her new frame, even if I more felt than saw her hesitation.

“...You two are really family?” she asked, hesitation in her voice.

“No, not anymore,” was my somber reply.


“And as usual, when I would actually need him or his help…” I clenched my fists again, making my wounds ache. “...Then suddenly I’m an inconvenience for his plans....”

I put a hand against a wall, resting for a moment. Trying to ignore the swirling mass of emotion and pain where my heart should have been.

When I had steeled myself and removed my hand… a red stain sat there on the wall.

Neither #431 or Echidna, made any comment.

However… “I am sorry, Echidna. It appears as if I have m-”

She just snorted at me. “[Alright, Mr. Cray-cray Von Gentleman. Apology for bleeding on me, accepted…]”

I let out a nervous laugh, as I tightened the tourniquets. “...I guess that was hardly one of my finer moments, huh?”

#431 let out a nervous laugh.

“[Oh, I don’t know...]” Echidna continued. “[Personally, I thought it was a decent enough little argument… Even if I must wonder, what he did to make you so mad.]”

I gritted my teeth, more than a bit tempted, but… “...It would sadly not be proper, to say when he cannot defend himself… No matter how big the bastard.”

#431 winced at my words. I took it as sign to take a deep breath, and try to center myself.

And I realized that there was one more loose end.

“...There is one thing more, Mrs. Echidna,” I said, looking at the ceiling.


“There is no way for me to convince you to stay with us?” I said, with a honest conviction I am uncertain if my b- Arun, had ever even truly had. “Surly one incompetent fool may be punished and replaced? Losing competence on your level, would be a blow and a half to us.”

And that was the truth. Echidna had been built 2047 as one of the last purpose built AIs, before they’de been declared actual people… From what I remembered of her profile, they had even needed to file for an exemption thanks to the Pinocchio Trials in the states the same year.

Truth be told, it was a miracle she had stayed without fuzz for as long as she had. Automated factories weren’t that uncommon… but with a AI designed for it, and still on her post?

Echidna had been picked to assemble the Philippides for a reason. Her experience and position made her a near unique asset… Losing her thanks to a moron would simply harshen the blow.

Echidna hesitated… but only for a moment. “[...I’m sorry, Captain. Those were very kind words, but the isolation of this place and role was already driving me batty. Finding out about… my voice, was simply the last straw.]” A note of genuine pride filled her voice, hanging like a warm note in the air. For a moment, I could imagine what she must have sounded like undamaged… and that, was a shame and a half. “[I believe I will allow the Philippides to be my swansong in this profession. I can imagine worse points to throw in the towel.]”

I slowly gave the corridor a nod, before starting to walk again. “I will have the papers for migrating you to whatever you chose finished before the day is over… but please, don’t start decoupling from the gear or databases before the a team can get here.”

“[I must admit… I’ve always wondered what walking might be like.]” She made a wincing sound. “[Even if losing that much knowledge to fit into something that small sound… unpleasant.]”

#431 raised a arm. “My brother, #109 works as a restaurant. He says its really weird to go from being able to man an entire kitchen and cook all sorts of things… to only having one viewpoint and barely being able to cook water, but with the right database architecture…”

I sensed an opportunity, as Echidna hummed thoughtfully. “Perhaps I could convince you to at least consider staying with us, in exchange for that type of upgrades… and a lengthy vacation, perhaps?”

“[...Because you asked, Captain Gregory… I will consider it.]”

I gave a half-bow. “I can ask no more than that… and thank you, for your hospitality. Just contact me when you have come to a decision.”

A sigh danced along the corridor. “[You nab this one, before he can escape, you hear?]”

I chuckled a bit and pretended I didn’t see the darker pink on #431’s cheeks.

Instead, I just walked out in the day that suddenly seemed too sunny, broken bridges burning in my wake and only the unknown darkness of the future ahead…

I smiled, fierce and proud, as I pressed a button on my PDA and called on the Sun Guard car we were using.

Me, my allies and whatever support we could scrounge together…

Against the worlds.

And those odds?

I liked them.

I lifted my head, enjoying the crisp air of late winter. “...So, Vegas? Always wanted to go there...”

#431 hesitated, but only for a moment. “Yes, I’ve already arranged the transportation and tickets to Trixie’s show… We should be able to talk with her backstage, after that.”

I nodded, a warm smile on my face. “Good…”

The automated car rolled up, freshly cleaned and still warm from whatever garage it had hidden away in. The white paint and stylized eclipse gleaming in the light. I held the door open for #431 before she could protests.

She raised an eyebrow at me, but got into the car without a fuss.

I got in, and sat down next to her, at a polite distance.

I leaned back, and shot her a grin that simply shouldn’t have been legal. “Well, you heard the man…”

I leaned forward a bit, as #431 watched me with both excitement and more than a bit of worry.

I gently tapped my briefcase, and all the folders it contained.

“Let’s go get our stomping boots!”