• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 2,696 Views, 70 Comments

Return the Shadows - NightShadow76

Discord screwed up again, bringing a powerhouse of a human to Equestria. But is this really a human? And how does he know Discord and the princesses?

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Comments ( 29 )

Let's meet an old friend

a night with both princess's and crissy

I know you said you didn't want the guy to be a Stu... but honestly, the moment a new character comes in who can beat Celestia, Luna and Discord to a standstill in a fight, that is a Stu, unless the combat is handled very carefully, which you did not do. Discord obviously hasn't been completely deprived of his magic, since he splits himself in half, so why is he being threatened at all by a guy with a sword? Discord can teleport, shapeshift, turn small, turn 2 dimensional... if Night Shadow can counter Discord's magic we need to see him doing it, not be told after the fact that it happened. I realize the guy is a badass (ever read Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey? It's a series of published novels. Do, you'll enjoy it... your character reminds me of the main character of that... your library might have it.) But Discord, in particular, thinks fast, moves fast, and should be *much* harder to beat, even if he's scared (and maybe especially if he's scared).

Night Shadow is basically just swinging a big sword around. With a lot of power, but still. What stops Discord from teleporting away completely? From turning very small and burrowing into the small of Night Shadow's back where he can't reach with his sword? From creating an artificial gravity well so that Night Shadow is being pulled in by several dozen G's while Discord is outside the gravity well in "orbit"? From tricking Night Shadow into falling through another gateway to a different realm? Being a badass fighter does not help you if you're up against Bugs Bunny because you have to be able to *hit*; Discord doesn't fight with swords, he fights with creativity and illogic.

It's possible to write a realistic combat where Discord gets his ass kicked, but that's not what you did. You had Discord fight in the same way Night Shadow was fighting. Discord is not the villain of a shonen anime. he doesn't fight with swords or with standing around building up godawful power levels and then blasting them. In canon, no one has beaten this guy when he was taking the fight seriously; both times he was defeated, he was arrogantly convinced his opponents were no threat and he was mocking them by standing still. By having someone come after Discord with a *sword*, and Discord fights back with a sword and loses, and the only bizarro thing Discord tries is splitting himself in half... nuh-uh. Discord should be throwing the kitchen sink at this guy (possibly literally), and if your hero is going to win this fight we have to *see* him negating or defeating Discord's magics (for example, Discord tries to trick him by throwing a gate to a different dimensional realm up in front of himself so Night Shadow lunges at him and falls in. Then reality tears open behind Discord and you see Night Shadow cutting a gateway back to equestria with his sword, and Discord barely manages to teleport out of the way before the sword comes swinging at him again. Or Discord does the gravity well trick I mentioned... and Night Shadow simply flies out of the gravity well because if he can beat Celestia, he can deal with a *lot* of G.)

Also, Discord's chaos magic rubbing off on Night Shadow is a terrible reason why Discord's magic isn't working. Chaos is the gift that keeps on giving; chaos empowers chaos and leads to more chaos. Discord's chaos magic rubbing off on Night Shadow should make Discord *stronger*. However, if Night Shadow has had to learn to wield and manipulate chaos himself, he could have been draining Discord's power throughout the fight. Since he had the advantage of surprise from the beginning and Discord is not used to life and death combat, Discord could realistically have been too occupied staying alive to have noticed the power drain until it was too late. There are other ways you could come up with as well (artifacts he acquired in the hell dimension Discord sent him to, etc.) If you want Discord to be out of power and options by the end of the fight, it can be done, but the way you did it didn't make sense.

If you don't want this guy to be a Stu -- and you can most certainly be a Gary Stu if you have a nasty personality and a dark history and a lot of character flaws; the defining characteristic of a Sue or Stu is not that they are perfect and wonderful but that they warp the existing characters to make the story show off their traits, and anyone who fights Celestia, Luna and Discord and defeats all three is in that territory -- you need to make the fight a lot longer, more detailed, and a lot more good tactics from Discord, Luna and Celestia. It makes your hero look better, too, if you see the opponents fighting well and still getting beaten.

A with a dragon sparing buddy

Come on dude, you need to try harder. This is is a total gary stu.

"I've beaten Celestia, Luna AND Discord in a three on one fight without getting so much as a scratch.

Night just walked by without looking at the mares. He remembers how he used to get this kind of attention a thousand years ago,


A: An old and still living friend dropping in.

The dead should remain dead IMO. I think I'll pick B or D, we need to know more about Night other than he's an OP former element of harmony and has an aphrodisiac body.

My curiosity is peaked:coolphoto:
go with A :moustache:

Go with A.

Night looked back to the grounds, a thought bouncing around in his head. "Thank Faust Silver isn't here. He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of them."

Who is Silver?

3647127 Heres a very weak counter arguement.Teleportation,and rapid attacking


You've got to remember, he was in a world of near pure carnage, so that was bound to get him suped up like hell. And if you saw the tags and refs, he's learned Soul Reaper skills and powers. And as for Discord using his powers to split and not when being choked, the chaos magic that's left over in Night can only be used against Discord when direct contact in place. So Discord used his powers to split just before the sword hit. Also, chaos can be helpful or a hindrance, it's just a matter of how it's used. So just because he's the spirit of chaos, doesn't mean that all chaos will obey him. And remember Night's speed was due to the technique used by the Soul Reapers and Espada, pick whatever name you want, it doesn't matter. And as to why Discord didn't fight with his usual randomness, is because Night was forged in war and blood. That's the most random chaos there is. You master that, Discord is easy to predict. So even if he did, Night would have caught him in no time. And don't worry, he will only be able to use those powers when he's in human form, so while he's in his old form he will only be able to do what that form is capable of, with the techniques he learned over the past thousand years. I will admit that I could have made the fight longer, but I'm still learning the ropes and I've got no one to help me. If you know any one who is willing to help out, I would really appreciate it.


I'm not even going to explain how he beat them, as I've already told alarajrogers, but, and I was going to explain in the next chapter, the reason the mares went crazy wasn't because he has an aphrodisiac body, it's because Devil-Ponies were more fit. The most out of shape DP would look like an average pony. And if you think about it, I mean REALLY think about it, there are some who can live long enough to meet up with Night again. But you are entitled to your opinion, so I'm not going to try to change your mind though the comments, but though more chapters.

Quick note everypony, the count is as follows:






I'll keep this up till after X-mas, so get some more votes in. OH! And before I forget, AGAIN, I will be putting the top TWO choices in the next chapter and the next two in the chapter after that. Option E is still always waiting, so if you have a chap. idea for me, put it here or send it to me and I'll look it over and we'll work on it together. I'll give you the full credit for said chapter, so don't worry about being forgotten.

Okay, listen. Somethings got to give here. I want to make the next chap, but until the tie between B and D is settled I can't do nothing. I want to make the chap, but I can only do two at a time. I could do three or one, but then it'll be either too revealing or not revealing enough.:fluttercry::fluttercry:

So get more votes here!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

I would like c but a should do
and out of B + D, I choose B

Chrissy time

Okay, the votes are in. A and B will be used in the next chap. C and D in the next after. Thank you for your votes and see you soon.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Lollolasd deleted Jan 1st, 2015

Are you dead?

>>Please update

EDIT:Been 18 weeks

Question: Update?

Is the fic dead it's a good fic

E: get someone in bed with him already. Like Sunbutt and Moonbutt at the same time.

Learn that Grogar is still alive and may be able to bring his Brother back but in return for three favors

Next chapter or is this story dead for good?

Honestly? No, it's not. I'm actually working with Robobrony on his new story. I'm using that as a form of proper training to figure out how to actually handle a story. I highly recommend reading his 'Curse of Chrysalis' when you get the chance. Not saying I'm doing these ONLY when I get done with that one, just saying that it will take time before I feel comfortable doing stories on my own again.

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