• Published 9th Oct 2013
  • 592 Views, 31 Comments

A New Reality - ThecynicalGingerpony

After becoming a princess,Twilight Sparkle started receiving weird letter everyday. She never thought it would lead to her whole world changing to one she can't even recognize.

  • ...

Who am I?

Twilight took a few steps back as Onyx looked down at her. So, he was still here in this changed world?

"Are you alright? It was a shock to hear from one of the servants that you ran into the bathroom." An otherwise charming smile appeared on his muzzle. She notice his curls had flattened into waves since his mane was slightly longer.

Twilight wanted to hurt him for called Rarity a servant. She was her friend no matter what happened here. She watched as he turned to Rarity and told her to leave them alone. Obviously he had a lot of power here.

Rarity gave him a bow. "As you wish, Milord." With that, Twilight was left alone with the pony she hated the post.

"So, are you enjoying your new home? Must be nice being pampered, Princess. Oh, sorry. You're a queen here, aren't you? Sans the wings of course." He noticed Twilight giving him a glare that would put Fluttershy's stare to shame.

"What the hay is wrong with you?! What did you do to me and my friends?! And where are they anyways?!"

"One question at a time please, my dear. All I did was give you a way to find your true potential."

"By killing Rainbow Dash?!"

Onyx let out a sigh, like he was bored. "No, she is still alive. Can't fly from what I heard, but who knows?"

"Can't fly...? That was her dream! And you came out and just took it from her!"

"Oh well, some dreams are impossible. Guess her dream was one of them. Now, next question. Please try to phrase them better. Also, stop yelling. I hate yelling."

Twilight let out a groan of anger before going over to the vanity mirror. She looked at the loose braid Rarity did. She must have been doing it a long time. It was just perfect. Just like her, everything to a T. It warmed her heart to know her friend was safe at least. "Where are the others?"

"The other element girls? Let me think, Applejack went to Manehattan and the Rainboom never took her back home. So, she probably stayed there. All I know is Sweet Apple Acres is gone so she never went back. Fluttershy fell and well after that no one knows. And Pinkie, she works for you."

Twilight looked at him in confusion. "Works for me? Pinkie?"

"Apparently, she took over the rock farm which ended up being filled with gems. Nor that the area is under your control. The gems are for your kingdom."

"My kingdom?" This was just giving her even more questions and a headache. She was getting the sick feeling again though.

Onyx lead her over to a window so she could look out. Twilight now realized that they were in a tall, almost castle like place. Then she noticed the town beneath them. It was easy to tell that it was Ponyville, but it no longer had the same cheerful aura. It almost brought Twilight to tears.

"What am I here...? What have I done?"

A smirk came onto the stallion once again, like he had been waiting for the question. " As you might of guessed, you failed your magic test. But you still wanted to get into magic and in turn dove head-first into your studies. From what your counter-part told me, you broke into the Canterlot archives."

Then he turned to her. "Do you remember Sombra's dark magic that you used that showed you your fear? Basically, you found something like that, but more powerful. Well, actually you stole it from the library in Canterlot. Anyways, you took on this dark magic and well, that is where your story starts. You trained and trained your magics till you were ready. Ultimately, you decided that since you had this magic, why should you have to bow down to somepony who thought you had no magic at all."

"No! Princess Celestia wouldn't think that!" Twilight didn't want to believe what she was hearing. This was all just too crazy. There was no way it could be true.

"Are you going to let me finish?" Twilight just glared at him again. "So, you declared war. Your army are beings of shadows that you summoned. Your first target was here, Ponyville. That was 3 years ago."

"But, Princess Celestia wouldn't let anypony just take over Equestria!"

"That is exactly why there was a showdown. And bad timing too, but I think you planned it For that same day, Nightmare Moon came back. Which made it a three-way showdown, till Nightmare Moon joined your side. Eventually, you defeated Celestia. Then Nightmare Moon killed her."

A lump appeared in the purple unicorn. "K-killed...? No, it couldn't be..Luna would never.." She could feel the tears running down her face. Celestia couldn't be dead! She was everything to Twilight and she was...gone...

Onyx brought over a handkerchief and wiped the tears on her face away. "I'm afraid so. But in the state you were with the dark magic, you didn't care about her. She would of done the same to you if given the chance."

He noticed Twilight's face go lifeless. He couldn't blame her, it was a lot to take in. "So...I control Equestria now, huh?"

"Not exactly, just parts. After seeing what she had done, Luna dispelled Nightmare Moon. She is now trying to rule in her sister's place. Though the citizens do not fully trust her, but she is all they have against you. And some joined you for fear of Nightmare Moon returning. At least you didn't kill their princess."

He finished making Twilight more presentable. "Now,lets get Rarity in here to get you cleaned up. I'll free up your day so you can rest. Fell free to go to Ponyville. Sure you know how to make a disguise." With that, he started to walk away.

"Wait." The mare finally spoke up. "Why are you here? What are you to me?"

She noticed the smirk that she was coming to hate appear on his muzzle once again. "I use to be just your right hand. The one that set your meetings, the one you went to and everything. But somepony convinced you that you need to look better to your citizens, so now I am your fiancee." He chuckled slightly at the glare he received.

"I would never marry some horrible pony like you!"

"It is for show after all. Have I ever actually said I give a damn about you? I don't think so." Twilight watched as the other unicorn left the room. She curled up on her huge bed. This was all too much.

She let out a loud groan. "I hate that guy!" In truth, she wanted to attack him for what he did, but she needed the information he had. She couldn't survive here without what he knew. Like it or not, she had to keep him around...for now.