• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 31,958 Views, 4,383 Comments

A Dream - totallynotabrony

A not so standard human-in-Equestria story including but not limited to: democracy, tequila, and robots.

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Read It and Weep

I heard about Rainbow’s accident secondhand. Post Haste stopped by to deliver a package and told me that he’d seen her over at the hospital while making the rounds delivering mail.

I examined the box and asked if he knew what it was.

“No idea,” said Post. “No return address, either.”

“Hmm. Well, thanks.” I went inside the library to open it, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Two unicorns in sunglasses and dark clothes were waiting for me.

“Mr. Valiant, we need you to come with us.”

“Who are you?”

“We’re the Mares in Black.”

I looked them up and down. “So you are. Why do you need me?”

“We can’t discus that here,” said one.

“You have to give me some reason to go.”

“Have you ever heard of the Magic Migraine?” asked the one on the left.


“It’s where two unicorns fry your brains with magic if you don’t cooperate,” said the other one.

“I see. Would you give me a minute before we go?”

They wouldn’t.

“When I hear ‘MIB’ I think comedy-action. Couldn’t you at least crack a joke or something to lighten the mood a little?”

They couldn’t.

Sulking, I followed them away from the library. “Will Smith would not be jiggy with this.”

They took me to an isolated spot outside Ponyville. One of them opened a rip in the air with a burst of magic. It looked like a freaking dimensional gate or something.

“Go through,” one of them told me.

“Ha ha…no.”

I was told that I had two options. I could either go through the portal or I could be subjected to another method of fast-travel that involved bondage and rectal insertion.

A quick portal trip later, I found myself in a government building in Canterlot. I was told to sit and wait for the boss.

The lobby was bare. Zero decoration of any kind. Some sort of secretary sat near the door, probably to keep me from walking out.

I tried to walk out. Yep, that’s exactly what she was there for.

Several minutes later, Princess Luna came in. It seemed that she was the boss I had been waiting for.

“I like you Luna,” I said, “but if you don’t start explaining what’s going on right now, things are going to get ugly. Even uglier than what happened the last time I was kidnapped.”

“Are you saying that you were brought here against your will?”

“Abso-freaking-lutely. Anyone who threatens to probe me is considered hostile until proven otherwise.”

Luna smiled. “I think you’ll change your mind when I tell you why you’re here.”


“The Mares in Black are a secret research and development group in Equestira. I act as the head of the organization and coordinate them with the rest of the government and military.”

“It’s all very interesting,” I said, “but I’m still waiting to find out what I want to know.”

Luna nodded. “We recently came into some information that predicted a rather unsavory event in the future. Celestia authorized me to do whatever I deemed necessary. I’d like you to build us robots.”

I dropped to my knees, front legs raised in a manly victory pose. “Yes! Oh my God, I can’t believe it! My first government defense contract!”

“Contract?” said Luna. “Oh no, we’re still in the prototyping phase. If we decide that your designs are worthy of acceptance, then we’ll throw some bits your way.”

“Wha…but…how am I going to finagle money out of the government? It’s supposed to slip by unnoticed in the bureaucracy.”

“One advantage of Royal rule,” said Luna. She winked. “Small government.”

Well, I certainly wasn’t going to vote Libertarian now. Screw you, Ron Paul.

I turned to leave. “Oh,” said Luna. “You mentioned ‘the last time you were kidnapped.’ What happened?”

“I had to make out with Pinkie Pie.” I grimaced, thinking about my escape from the Buffalo.

“She tastes like stale chocolate,” said Luna, shuddering.

I was escorted back to Ponyville rather more cordially than I had been brought. I gave the two ponies a friendly wave as they departed. They hadn’t even erased my memory. Or would I have remembered that?

Anyway, I went back to the library. The whole gang was there. Of course I meant that figuratively. Twilight would make a terrible gang leader.

“Howdy Valiant,” said Applejack. “You’re just in time. We all got these strange boxes in the mail.”

“That’s weird.” All the deliveries had been mailed to each of us, Rainbow’s finding her in the hospital.

“I don’t know what it could be,” said the pegasus, shaking her box a little. Something inside thumped around. With her wings bound, she had problems keeping her balance on two legs, nearly dropping the parcel. I noticed that a lot of the feathers on one side of her back were still wrapped in bandages, so the doctors must have released her on a “take it easy” basis.

“Why don’t we open them together?” suggested Twilight. They gathered in a circle.

I grabbed my box and joined them. For some reason, mine was the biggest.

“I’ve got the largest package,” I said.

“…ladies,” said totallynotabrony.

All of them began opening their boxes. One by one, they let out startled little shrieks.

Rainbow and Fluttershy had each been mailed a severed pegasus wing, rolled up neatly and stuffed inside the box. The rest had each received a hoof, which judging by the coloring came from the same victim.

I got the head. “Is somebody trying to make us an offer we can’t refuse?” I asked, trying for casual.

Fluttershy fainted and the rest looked horrified. Blood began to seep from the boxes to the floor.

I noticed Rarity paying quite a bit of attention to the puddle. “Hey,” I said to her. “Go get something to clean this up.” Her attention diverted, she nodded and ran off to get her OCD sterilization kit.

I turned to Rainbow. “Do you know who this pegasus is? Er, was?”

She glanced at the face and then quickly away. “I think it’s Merry May. Remember Twilight? She was part of that moving crew that dropped the stuff on you.”

“Well gang,” I said, “it looks like we’ve got a mystery to solve. Pardon me just a moment.” I went out behind the library and was violently ill.

The next morning, Rainbow came by to borrow a book. I hadn’t figured her for a reader, but gave her what she wanted. We had to work our way around the police investigators who were battering Twilight with questions, most of which had nothing to do with the mysterious packages. I suppose I couldn’t blame them for being terrible at their job. Ponyville PD didn’t get many murder/dismemberment cases.

Boy, I sure had a lot of things on my mind lately. The murder, obviously, was in the forefront, but a lot of other stuff was jockeying for position.

Twilight had basically accepted my humanity, although our conversation after that had stalled. Maybe with these new robots I could get that dialogue reopened.

I went to work on the design, glancing at the letter of requested specifications that Luna had sent. It took my mind off my other thoughts.

Where had the ugly rock come from? Who was screwing with me? Why? For what purpose? How come? To what end?

What was the deal with the murder? Had Merry May done something wrong, or merely been at the wrong place at the wrong time? What message was someone trying to send the seven of us?

What was the unpleasant future event that the Princesses were preparing for? How could it be bad enough that they’d ask me of all ponies to whip up some experimental technology for them? Also, when had Luna made out with Pinkie?

I kept working and kept thinking. I was honestly a little freaked out, and getting slightly paranoid. More motivation to build a new robot. Until it was complete, I had no idea how I would cope or who I could trust.

One thing was for sure, though. I was going to change my mailing address.

Author note:
Please feel free to speculate wildly about any of the questions in Valiant's head. While I do have answers for all of them and a plan for how I'm going to end this season, maybe you'll come up with something I hadn't thought of.

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