• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
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Merc the Jerk

Merc's fic guide: by Bookplayer: Is there kicking and/or punching? [Yes/No] Have you considered adding kicking and/or punching? [Yes/No] Have you considered adding more kicking and/or punching?


On a simple errand for Zecora, Big Macintosh inadvertently stumbles onto something that could have repercussions to Ponyville- something that could effect Equestria as a whole. It's up to the mane six and their companions to right an unrightable wrong.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 30 )

I'm loving this. please keep going.:raritystarry:


Thank you kindly for the review! I have a few chapters already good to go, so I'll be updating them later tonight! After those, however, it's going to be a bit. I'm a pretty slow writer. :applejackconfused:

Don't worry; so am I.
In any case, this is interesting. I look forward to more.

And sh1t just got serious. :pinkiegasp:

I Really need to stop checking this site for updates before going to bed >_>

Fun chapter, hope to see more soon.

Curiouser and curiouser...

I just want to go on record and say that I hate writing Zecora's dialogue. I can't rhyme worth anything, and it's driving me nuts.:pinkiecrazy:

Edit: And now I'm caught up on all the chapters I had in reserve. I won't abandon the story, but it may be a bit down the road before it gets updated again. And for anyone who was curious, the foreign language I had one of the characters speak was a combination of French, German, and Babelfish that I shifted back and forth to English a few times to really mess with the proper translation.


Thank you! That was (more or less) what I was hoping someone would notice eventually from the title and character! All the rep! (If I could give any) :yay:


Hmm. Well played, sir. Though is it just me, or does Don Quixote seem lessened when he has not his trusty steed? Obviously the pony version won't be riding into battle on the back of another pony... surely that would be too ridiculous, even for Don Quixote...? :rainbowderp:

WHAT A TWITHT!:twistnerd:


Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong :moustache:

:moustache: DUN DUN DUUUUN!

Wait a mo...

Huh. What a twist. Usually the thought is that FLUTTERSHY's the author of the Daring Doo books.

Hmmm... Seems like Rarity's the one who's been taking inspiration from other sources, rather than vice versa, non?


Yep. My Grandma was a big fan of it, back in the day. :twilightsheepish:

Oh my my my... I had a bit of a theory... Tilting isn't from another dimension, but another time. Discord was free twice, after all.

It's an interesting theory, and one that I played around with in my head for a bit some chapters back, but it doesn't pan out. There are two fairly big holes in it. One is the different numbers of the Elements of Harmony. The names could have changed over time, but the number would be the same regardless of what they were called. And even if the number did somehow change that would have been recorded in the reference guide that Twilight used to rediscover them. The second is Rarity's dreams. All of Tilting's adventures are from her series of books, which she gets from her dreams. If she was dreaming about events from the past, rather than events from another dimension, quests of that scale would have appeared in history books in some form or another. The fact that they don't and only do appear in her stories makes it very hard to believe that they are from the past.

All of that said though....I'm curious about Luna's reaction.....Se obviously knows something, but what? Is he really from the past and Discord screwed up more than we thought during the time he was free? Is he from an alternate past? Did Luna see into that other dimension during her time on the moon but just thought it was a dream like Rarity did? And that star on the door to the secret chamber had six points, just like Twilight's cutie mark. That last bit might just be nothing more than coincidence, but who knows? Everything theory-wise just got thrown for a loop with this chapter.....So many questions and only the next chapter will give us the answers....

Next issue: Information! Information everywhere!

The worst kind of hero is one who refuses to kill when killing is clearly necessary. If Twilight's spell hadn't worked on the pegasus, Mac and Tilting would have been completely right to stave in its skull before it could try to hurt somepony less adept at the arts of self-defense. I could totally see Twilight arguing for the creatures' lives, but AJ has always been more about practicality above all else, and obviously the most practical solution to that issue was to permanently remove the threat before it could escalate.


I agree with almost everything you say. I personally dislike heroes that cannot accept a necessity like that myself in a series, haha. That's the fun thing about writing fics, you get to play devil's advocate regarding views and situations.

However, I'm going to say that in my opinion there's a very big difference between being practical and being pragmatic.
Applejack is a very practical pony, true. Probably the most practical one out of the entire main cast. However, being practical doesn't mean that she would be behind killing another sentient creature just because of what they could do. That would be a more pragmatic approach to the problem, and I don't consider AJ pragmatic at all.

Guess that's the plus about character interpretation on this show- it can lead to some fun debate among fans. Thanks for the comment!

I love the image of Angel filing his nails with a miniature nail file. I imagine that's one of the things he does when he's impatient. It's an interesting look for him.

This thing is full of foreshadowing...must read on...but not now...

333 views. It'll only be like this once...
And I must see what's going on here. I suppose I'll have to keep reading.

The first chapter is supposed to raise interest, the second is meant to grab it.

My interest is grabbed. I'm a little concerned about the use of 'colts' versus 'stallions', though. I was under the impression colts were kids or teens. Other than that, great buildup, exciting scenes and a believable bad-flank Mac.

Where'd you run to?
Walking in shadows
Watch the blood flow!
Sorry, I get that in my head EVERY time I look at this chapter. I don't know if that was intentional or not.
Also APOSTROPHES! Ahem. That will be all.
and ummmmm...........................OH YEAH!
I was just waiting for that joke once Braeburn showed up. Heh...you waited until I thought you surely had no reason and then AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Out of nowhere and it still made sense. Nice.

The writing is good, but the action is unbelievable in too many places. Mac can't run on one sprained leg and one torn leg while carrying a pony-sized statue on his back.

“What of the earth pony who wishes to fly? Can thou speak for the pegasus that wishes to channel magic?” He leaned in close, lowering his voice. “Or of the noble dragon, seeking a lady of the court's hoof?” The Knight shook his head. “The soul and passions of a creature should dictate its calling in life- its star- not any stroke of genetics or luck.”

“It's a nice idea, but I don't think it'd work like that, Tiltin',” Applejack replied.

“Does thou truly believe so? That harmony cannot exist between others, no matter how fair the world is given to them?”

That's an unfortunate non-sequitur; self-actualization is not a necessary precondition for harmony, and trying to use the latter to prop up arguments for the former is just not sound.

I love Tilting Windmills so much, I actually wrote down his "impossible dream" speech, as well as the Knight errant's Creed.
Well done.

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