• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 7,706 Views, 218 Comments

The Street Dragon and the Cotton Candy Baker - DARKPHANTOM13

Twilight's parents divorced seven years ago when she was ten. She went to live with her mother while her eight year old adoptive brother went to live with their father. Now that she's seventeen and moved to Ponyville Spike is moving in.

  • ...

The Bike and the Mall

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, been busy with school work. I've got a proofreader but I'm not sure when he/she will be able to get around to it so I'll just send this out as is for the moment. I would like to thank Silvreus for his editing skills once again.

Third-Person P.O.V.

Everyone was in the separate garage. The once almost empty room now had a large metal bench, a large tool box, and in a corner was a neat pile of different car and motorcycle parts. In another corner held a beat up punching bag with a metal stand. Against a wall was another vehicle that was covered in a tarp. Though, what caught the group's attention was the large green bike in the middle of the room. The girls looked at the vehicle with a mixture of awe and shock. Rainbow was practically drooling over, in her own words, awesomeness of it. All while Spike had the same evil grin on his face while rubbing his hands together like a cartoon villain.

“I spent around two years slowly putting this masterpiece together,” Spike said with overflowing pride in his voice. “I had to dig up a lot of parts, save up a ton of money, asked a lot of friends for help, and call in a lot of favors. The epic combination of a Ninja and a Chopper. Ladies, I give you the NCH Emerald Dragon!”

(Think this but replace the red with green and with side storage cases.)

The six ladies continued to stare at the thing in stung silence. Rainbow was the first one to snap out of trance. Being a fellow motorcycle rider herself she was firing off one question after another about the bike. Everything from how it handles to how much horse power it has and Spike was more than happy to answer every single question. Twilight was the second person to snap out of her trance.

“You're not going on this thing,” She said as she turned to look at Spike.

“Thanks, I know it's awes-wait what?!” Spike said after what his step-sister actually said sunk in. “Of course I'm going to ride it. Didn't you just hear what I went through to make it?”

“I did and this thing can't be safe,” Twilight insisted.

“It's completely safe. Not only had I looked it over and tested it myself but I had three certified people do the same. Besides it's registered and I have both a car and motorcycle license,” Spike said as he took out his wallet and showed Twilight his license.

Twilight looked at his brother before letting out a sigh. “Fine, but please be careful.”

“Careful is my middle name,” Spike said.

“Really? My middle name is Diana!” Pinkie commented out of nowhere. "But it would be awesome if I had a middle name like Chocolate or Cotten Candy." Everyone stared at her while she continued to drone on about different middle names involving food before either shaking their heads or rolling their eyes, except Spike, who let out of quiet chuckle at the teen's antics.

“Then, lets roll!” The girls nodded while they went to their respective rides. Spike meanwhile went to his room to grab his iPod, the key to his bike, and his new leather jacket. It was a farewell gift from his friends in New York. Unlike most, it had a hood and on the back was a black dragon's skull surrounded in a green flame. In Gothic writing was the words 'Street' and 'Dragon' above and below the symbol respectively. With his jacket on and everything he needed on hand, he raced back the garage and put on a black, full bike helmet with a reflective screen and green flames. Once he opened the garage door, he rolled his bike out and closed it behind him.

With that done, he got on his bike and turned it on. The motorcycle roared to life, much like a dragon. Once the girls saw that Spike was ready, the drivers drove off with Spike tailing behind them. As they drive to the mall, Spike took notice of some of the shops, restaurants, and places. Also the fact that Pinkie was sticking her head out of the window of AJ's truck with the cowgirl telling her to get back into the vehicle.

After a couple of minutes and they were in the mall that Spike saw while he was in the moving truck. Twilight was telling Spike and her friends about when it was made, the types of stores, how it was built, and et cetera. The girls just let their minds wander while Spike drowned out his step-sister by listening to his iPod. When a store caught his eye, Spike stopped in front of it while the girls went on their way without noticing a thing. The sign said Spencer's, but it looked a lot like a Hot Topic if you toned down the Gothic a bit and half the stuff the store sold was things someone in college might have a lot of fun with. He turned his gaze back to the group of girls continuing to walk away.

Spike shrugged his shoulders, “Eh, I'll find them later,” and with that, Spike went inside the store to have a look around.

Back with the Girls

“…And that is everything you need to know about the Ponyville Mall,” Twilight said in a teacher like tone.

“And everything we didn't need to or care to know,” Rainbow said with smirk and an eye roll.

“Any questions Spike?” Twilight asked, ignoring her friend's comment. She waited for a response but didn't get any. She turned around to ask again, but saw that Spike was gone. “Oh no, Spike is gone! Did any see where he went?”

“Sorry, darling, but I was distracted,” Rarity said.

“I kinda zoned out, my bad,” Rainbow replied as she rubbed the back of her head.

“I don't know, Twilight, I'm sorry,” Fluttershy said while trying to hide her face behind her hair.

“Same here, sugarcube,” Applejack answered.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked the party girl, hoping that she knew where her little brother went.

“Huh, did you say something Twilight? I wasn't paying attention,” Pinkie asked. Her answer sent what little hope the smart teen had crashing down.

“Hey, where did Spike go?”

“We have to find him. He could have gotten lost, maybe he was kidnapped, or worse!” It was at that point that Twilight was officially in panic mode.

“Don't worry, sugarcube, he'll be fine. He probably just wandered off or something,” Applejack said to calm her friend down.

Twilight took a deep, calming breath before she said, “You're right. Let's all split up and try to find him.”

“Don't worry, Twilight, Detective Pinkie is on the case,” Pinkie said as she put on a Sherlock Holmes hat and pulled a magnifying glass out of nowhere.

“If someone finds him, call everyone else. Let's meet up in the food court in two hours,” Twilight said to her friends.

“Okay,” everyone agreed at once. With that out of the way, the group separated to search different parts of the mall for their wayward companion. Rarity was looking around near the store where Spike went into.

“Now if I were Spike, where would I-” she was about to ask herself before something caught her eye. “Oh my God! That top is gorgeous! And it's on sale!” She raced into a nearby clothing store, leaving a large cloud of dust in her wake. As she got lost in the sea of fashionable clothes and sales, Spike walked out of the store that was across from the one she was in. He had a rolled up poster in his hand. On his jacket was a couple of buttons that had different designs or sayings such as Deadpool's symbol or one saying ‘Warning: Zombies Ahead’

“I got to remember this store when I have more money, they have some pretty cool T-shirts.” The green haired teen said. He looked around before he went off in a random direction. “Lets see what kind of stores they have here. Might as well see which places are hiring while I'm at it.”


“Oh dear, where could he be?” Fluttershy asked herself. She had been looking around her part of the mall, looking inside all the nearby stores but hadn't seen the green eyed boy anywhere. She would have asked some of the people around her if they had seen him but she couldn't work up the courage to talk to complete strangers. While she was trying to figure out what to do she heard a small sob nearby. She looked to the left and saw a small sad girl with tears in her eyes. Her kind nature kicked instantly as she ran to the girl. She keeled down to the child so she could look her in the eye. In a calm and soft tone she asked, “What's wrong?”

“I was with m-my mommy, but I don't know where she is now,” the little girl said as she wiped her eyes with her small hands.

Feeling sorry for the girl she gently grabbed her hand and reassuringly said, “Then let's see if we can't find her, okay?” The little girl nodded her head as the two went to the place the child last saw her mother. Nearby an angry Spike stomped out of a store nearby.

“Excuse me sir, but are you sure-” someone from inside the store tried to ask, but was cut off by Spike.

FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WANT A FREAKING TIME SHARE!” Spike yelled back. He continued to stomp his way through the mall while mumbling to himself. “That's ten minutes of my life I'm not getting back.” While he was thinking where to go next he accidentally bumped into someone. “Sorry about that,” he apologized.

"As you should be peasant," someone replied in a stuck up tone. Spike turned around to see who he bumped into. It turned out to be a teenage boy around Twilight's age and was a little taller than Spike. He had blonde slicked back hair and was wearing a white tuxedo with white dress shoes. He looked down at the jacket wearing teen with a ‘superior than thee,’ look on his face. Nearby, an old gentleman that Spike assumed to be the teen's butler, was holding a few boxes in his arms.

‘Aw, great. My first day here and I run into the local rich prick.’ He groaned inside his head. “Peasant? What century did you crawl out from?” Spike shot back. After years of fighting against bullies, Spike developed a very sharp tongue and an instinct to retaliate any insult that came his way.

“Amusing,” the rich teen said in a sarcastic voice. “Though, I will have to be compensated for my now dirty suit,” Spike gave him the ‘Are you serious or are you that brain dead?’ look. “I believe that thirty dollars will be enough for the dry cleaning.”

“Yeah, over your dead body,” Spike replied without missing a beat. The look of shock that appeared on the rich teen's face told Spike that he wasn't use to someone saying ‘no’ to him.

“It's ‘over my dead body,’ commoner,” the snobby teen corrected through gritted teeth.

“Then we're in agreement,” Spike said with a smirk. It took a minute for the blonde to realize what the shorter teen meant by that statement, but when he realized that he was tricked, a frown appeared on his face.

“Don't you know who I am?” The teen asked with restrained anger.

“Nope, I just moved into town this morning,” Spike answered.

“Then I'll shall educate you, my name is Blueblood Solaris-Moon. Member of the Solaris-Moon House, the richest and most influencial family in the entire area. You'll do well to remember me next time.”

“You don't say? Though, I'm having a really tough time finding a damn care to give. I'll try to remember you, at least until something more interesting comes along like paint drying or a fly buzzing by,” Spike grinned at the look on Blueblood's face due to the fact that someone dismissed him so casually. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I got find someplace more important than here to be,” and with that Spike walked around the flabbergasted Blueblood and snickering butler. His grin grew when he could hear the fading sounds of Blueblood throwing a tantrum. “Well, that was easy. The rich snobs back in New York were a lot harder to deal with than that guy. Though, I'll probably be seeing him later. The one thing all of those guys have in common is that they love to have rematches.”


Twilight has been searching for her little brother for a while now, but hasn't seen any sign of him. She had asked some people who had said that they saw a green hair teen in a leather jacket and pointed her to where they saw him. When Twilight followed their directions she found the person they saw. Too bad that the teen wasn't Spike, just an out of town punk rocker with green hair dye going to work. At this point she was close to having a melt down.

‘Oh, no, what I am going to do?!’ she yelled in her mind. ‘What kind of sister loses her little brother? He could be lost, scared, hurt or worse!’

At that moment, on the other side of the mall…

A few minutes earlier, a skinny, twenty year old crook, was planning to steal from some poor soul near one of the mall's exits. It was the perfect plan in his mind. Surprise attack some poor sap, take whatever they have of value, and book it towards the exit. By all accounts, it was a decent plan and it could have worked. The problem was that he decided to pick a green haired teen in a leather jacket as his target.

It didn't go as he planned.

“Did you think you can try to sucker punch, mug me, and get away with it?!” Spike yelled as he pounded his new punching bag into the floor. “Think again, fuckard!!!”

“I'm sorry, I won't do it again! Mercy!” the would be mugger yelled through the pain.

“Don't worry, you're about to take a nice nap,” the teenage biker said as he grabbed the crook. “Once I'm done taking out the trash!” he then slammed the crook head first into a nearby trashcan. He picked up his shopping bag that had his few purchases and calmly walked away. People watched the teen go silently after seeing what he did to the crook. “Now, where is that Gamestop? I got to renew my subscription and change my mailing address…”

Back with Twilight…

“No, I can't just give up! Spike is counting on me and I will find him, this I swear!” as she yelled into the crowd of people around her that gave her a wide path to keep out of arm's reach of the ‘crazy girl’. She suddenly ran off to continue her search.


If one thing was to be said about Pinkie, it was that once she set her mind to something, how easy or hard that is for her tends to be varied, she puts her all and then some to it. Sadly when someone as hyper as Pinkie puts her all into something, you have to be prepared for the madness that is guaranteed to follow. That was what the people at the mall could best describe it as Pinkie searched for her best friend's little brother.

The party girl was looking all over the place for the green haired teen. She searched the inside stores, toy bins, trash cans, baby strollers, and even the fountains. The teen literally searched every nook and cranny. Pinkie gave a few people a fright when she started to appear out of random places like an oven and even a soda machine. For some reason, there was Scooby Doo sluthing music playing in the background. After a while, the mall cops finally arrived on the scene, though they were acting more like warriors about to face their long time foe.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie,” Paul Bart, the head of security, said as the teen's head popped out of a trash can. “Once again you have disturbed the sanity of this mall. However, today is the day your reign of terror ends. Any last words before we finally catch you and bring you to the mall justice?”

“Yeah, could you give me a minute?” Pinkie asked. She jumped out of the trash can she was in and pulled out a boombox out of nowhere that was playing the background music everyone was hearing. She stopped the song and had it start playing the Bennyhill theme. “Okay, now I'm ready,” she said with a smile before she booked out of there as fast as she could. To their credit, it only took about ten seconds for the mall cops to realize what happened before they sprung to action.

“Get her!” Paul yelled as he and his comrades went to capture their long time enemy. What happened next could only be described as a chase scene straight out of a cartoon with Pinkie using every evasion trick in the cartoon handbook to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. How she was able to pull them off in the first place shall remain a mystery to everyone, including Pinkie herself. And up on one of the higher floors of the mall was Spike, laughing while eating a bag of popcorn as he watched the ensuing chaos below him.

“Man, this is why I love crazy people and trouble makers!” he said to no one in particular as Pinkie pulled the old fake display figure in the window display trick. “They are so much fun to watch!” Spike continued to watch, laugh, and eat popcorn as the unintended comedy unfolded. Sadly, all good things must come to an end at one point after Pinkie managed to give the mall cops the slip. Seeing the show was over, Spike threw away his empty popcorn bag to continue looking around the mall.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash…

“Hey, AJ,” Rainbow Dash called out to her friend. “Any luck in finding Spike?”

“Nope,” the cowgirl said as she shook her head. “This is turnin' out to be harder than finding a needle in a haystack!”

“I know, it shouldn't be this hard to find a guy in green hair and a custom leather jacket,” Rainbow said with a grunt.

“Do ya think the other girls are having better luck than us?” the farmer asked.

“I doubt Pinkie since I saw her being chased by the mall cops… again,” Dash replied.

“Damn it,” AJ cursed. “Anyway, let's get back to -”

“Hey, you two!” someone yelled to the two teens, unintenally cutting off Applejack. The two turn their heads to see a man in an old style, red and white carnival vender suit. Next to him was a bell strength tester, a large hammer, and a shelf that had various prizes inside. “You two look like a couple of strong, young women. Would you like to see just how strong you are? If you ring a bell you can get any prize from the self, it is just a dollar for each try.”

“Thank ya kindly for the offer but we-” Applejack tried to say but was cut off again, this time by Dash.

“Your on!” the athletic teen yelled as she paid the man and grabbed the hammer.

“Rainbow!” Applejack reprimanded.

“Chill out, cowgirl! This would only take a second.” She raised the hammer above her head and swung it down on her target with all her might. The metal bar rocketed up it's path until it was just two levels shy of the bell.

“Oooohh, better luck next time young lady,” the vender said with sympathy.

“Sorry, Rainbow, but you just don't have the arm muscle for this,” Applejack said with a grin.

“I like to see if you can do better,” Rainbow challeged as she handed the hammer to the cowgirl. AJ felt her competitive side kicking in so she decided to take the challenge.

“Fine,” she paid the man and swung as hard as she could. The bar was just a length of a hair away from ringing the bell before gravity took a hold of it. She handed the hammer to the vender before saying, “All right, now that I proven once again I'm stronger than ya, let's get back to looking for Spike.”

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash grumbled as the two seperated to continue their search. It was around five minutes later that the person of their search casually walked up to the vender.

“You there, would you like to test your strength for just a dollar and a chance to win a prize?” The vender asked.

“Why not?” Spike paid the man and took a swing. This time the bar hits the bell for all its worth.

“We have a winner! What prize do you want young man?”

“I'll take that skateboard,” he asked for the vender while thinking to himself, ‘I've been meaning to get one since my old one broke when I used it as a shield and a weapon when those punks jumped me.’

“Here you go, young man,” the vendor said while handing him the skateboard.

“Thanks,” with a new board on hand Spike continued his journey through the mall.

At the Food Court…

“I can't believe that even after an hour of searching we couldn't Spike!” Twilight said with shame, fustration, and worry before slamming face-first on the table she and her friends were using.

“I'm sorry darling, but I was caught up in the magic of sales,” Rarity said with multiple bags in her hands.

“I was helping a little girl find her mother,” Fluttershy whispered from behind her hair.

“And I was trying to get Paul and the fuzz off my tail,” Pinkie said as if she was from a 70's cop show.

“Both me and AJ tried, but we just couldn't find him,” Rainbow said with Applejack nodding her head in agreement.

Twilight sighed before asking, “Where could he be?”

“Try looking next to you,” A familar voice said.

Everyone looked over to see Spike sitting at a vacant table next to their's while drinking a smoothie in one hand with his shopping bag and skateboard in the other. “Sup,” he casually greeted.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled before giving the biker a bone crushing hug. “You're okay, I was so worried about you!”

“Well, that is up for debate since you're trying to crush my ribs,” Spike grunted out. Taking the hint Twilight lets go of her brother in favor of trying to shake some sense into him.

“Where did you go?! I was so worried about you, I thought you got hurt or worse!”

“Sorry, but I went in a store to look around and from there I decided to check this place out by myself. Besides I can take care of myself and look, not a scratch on me,” Spike said trying to soothe his sister. ‘Probably should keep the fact that someone tried to mug me to myself.’

“That may be true but you still shouldn't run off like that without telling me!”

“Fine, if it will make you feel better, I'll give you my cell number in case something like this happens. I never leave home without it.”

“Oh, oh, oh! How about we ALL exchange numbers?” Pinkie said with excitement.

“Why not? Something tells me that we're going to see a lot of each other anyway,” after everyone gave Spike their numbers and Spike gave his the teen noticed a tired and sweating mall cop jogging their way. “Heads up, Pinkie, mall cop at 2 o' clock.”

Pinkie hid under the table before a tired and out of breath Paul Bark came up to the girls asking, “Alright, where is she?”

“Who are you talking about officer?” Rarity said while giving Paul her best innocent look.

“Don't play innocent with me missy. I know you five are friends with that pink haired menace, now where is she?” The mall cop grumbled.

“Excuse me sir,” Spike getting Paul's attention. “Are you looking for that pink hair girl you guys were chasing earlier?”

“Yes, have you seen her young man?”

"Either her or a girl with a huge wad of cotton candy. Either way, I'm pretty sure she went that way,” Spike said while pointing in a random direction.

“Thank you, citizen,” Paul said to Spike before jogging off.

The green haired biker waited until he was out of sight before saying, “All clear, Pinkie.”

She popped out from under the table and said, “Thanks for the save, Spike.”

“No problem. So what do you guys want to do now?”

“I don't know about ya'll but I'm bushed from all that running,” Applejack said. “I say we all head back to Twilight's and Spike's place and crash there.”

Everyone agreed with the farmgirl and made their way to the exit. “By the way, Spike, where did ya get that there skateboard?”

“Yeah, last I checked this mall doesn't have a skateboard shop,” Rainbow commented.

The green haired biker just shrugged and said, “I won it in a strength bell test,” his answer caused the cowgirl and the athlete to stop in their tracks.


“How did you beat it? Not even AJ could ring that bell!?” Dash yelled while waving her arms as if to prove a point.

“It's not just about how hard you swing, it's also about how you swing,” Spike said with a smirk and left it at that.