• Member Since 24th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2022

Dawning Dusk


Colt and filly meet, fall desperately in love, marry, and live happily ever after...right?
This story is most defiantly not like that.
Rainbow Dash has lived her entire life knowing that she was to be promised to a now stallion from the clan house of Caelum to fufiil a contract made between her house and their's upon her day of birth. Now at the age of 21, Rainbow has finally made it to the day where she meets the Stallion she will then marry moments later.
Rainbow is Loyal to the contract she was forced into and will play the part she has been assigned, yet as time goes on she finds something...good in the stallion whose family tore her from the life she once lived.

Btw this story is undergoing a rewrite for all those who had read the original, I'm going over and tweaking the story that I made my sophomore year with my horrible grammar and writing can better fit into the story I am writing now, so it will indeed change and chapters will disappear, but please comment on what you think.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 42 )

OK, I'm just going to be brutally honest here.
I have not read this and probably won't. Why? Mostly because it is romance and I'm not a huge fan of that.
However, I also will not read this due to your painful lack of capitalization. I would like to advise you to get an editor. It will help you greatly.
I'm not going to dislike this, although there will be those who will due to the lack of capitals.
I wish you the best of luck in finding an editor.

i appreciate your honesty for this, i'm still new to story writing for the world to see, it actually took me awhile to get the nerve to add this offically to the site, i'm also in the process of looking for an editor. the capitalazation thing? i have no idea what's going on there. i attemped to fix it but i guess i goofed up.
i thank you for your honesty. i would much rather prefer a voice of truth than a sugar coated lie.
thanks for the feed back :0)

No problem.
Until you find an editor, my I suggest typing in a Word document? It catches many mistakes and can even auto-capitalize some words for you. I'd offer to be your editor, but I'm really busy.
Best of luck and I hope you have a nice.

again thanks for honesty and info. i tried the word document thing but i guess it missed a few things, looking through i'm going to guess it was mainly names. and a few other things. i'll get to it and see if there is anything else
thanks again :0)

Potential. I'm a weird one and like these kind of stories. Interested to see where it goes.

Let me guess, SoarinDash? OHMIGOSH!!! :rainbowkiss: It is going to be so perfect! :raritystarry:

I like it :twilightsmile: It's nice and cheesy which is the stuff I like to read on the side :twilightsheepish: Don't let anyone deter you away from this because they think it is too cliché or predictable. Because sometimes, that is exactly what someponies like to read :twilightsmile:

wait is it Soarindash!! love it!!

Keep going! I didn't favorite this story for nothing! :twilightsmile:

thank you so much
i'm working on chapter 4 right now, still working out if i should stick the the thousand thing or try for a super long chapter, and also thank for the fav!
thank you again!

3570215 Super long, that way you can keep us readers (writers, editors, and other people) on the edge of our seats while you take your sweet time writing... By the way, update quickly but don't let the quality of your story go down.
*%* Epic Song *%*

I don't get it,why is Rainbow getting married and hasn't even
met the stallion she's marrying.:rainbowhuh:

It helps to read what else I have there. Chapters 2 and 3 help explain what you are asking about.
♡ DD

yay... an update :pinkiehappy:
More please?? :raritystarry:

3609351 i know right! :rainbowhuh: But it still a good start. i like it :pinkiehappy:


Please I need an update PLEASE!!!

Thank you so very much
I appreciate the enthusiasm and color choice
I'll get to work on the next chapter as soon as I can but alas I also have school.
Thanks for all the comments :heart:
I’ll get started on it immediately and try to make the best I got
Thank you for being one of my driving forces :twilightsmile:
Until if send next
-Dawning Dusk

LOL! I understand, I have school too. But I dont get much homework. :yay: Hope you can update soon!

I'm sorry I stiil don't get it. bot the update is awsome! :rainbowdetermined2:
please write the new update soon!:pinkiesmile:

Please do....I want to know why this whole arrange marrige n.n

Continue with this

Just saying, if it was me i'd be like.... (Excuse the cokourful language....)


Sorry again, i dont see myself in a white dress... now and never. :rainbowlaugh: :twilightsheepish:

I almost screamed at this because i knew at the end they be like...

Awwww.... :(....

Hope everythin is okay back there. The story was, and is great. :) Posative attitude :pinkiehappy:....

Because pinkie pie


Story is not quite dead but may be reborn into a new one. The last time I updated this was during the spring of my sophomore year and when I look at it now I'm... not satisfied. I'm in the process of trying to rewrite it with better grammar and a story line that doesn't feel so bland.
It may be awhile and since I'm changing so much I may put it under a new title as a new story.
When I look at NCBTLY I don't feel like I can be proud of what I've written, so now as I enter college I plan on maybe trying to do better.
It warms my heart that you liked this, especially since I'm no Calm Wind when it comes to writing.
Thank you for commenting!

Whether it be little or small

Shouldn't it be big or small? :rainbowhuh:

Could you please update the story???😔😔😔

Can you please continue? It’s sooooooo awesome so far!

She turned from where she had been looking out at the rapidly diminishing ponyville, feeling homesick already, to the source of the voice.

I honestly would feel the same way if I was taken away from my family.

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