• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 1,561 Views, 38 Comments

Equestrian Anti-Heat Forces - Navras97

Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor creates a Special Task force designed to defend stallions all over Equestria from any unwanted sexual intercourse with mares.

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Ch. 5

Incognito dove to his left, dodging Her Majesty's feral pounce. Redshot was in his hooves until he threw the stallion's unconscious body to Braeburn. Braeburn catches while watching Incognito dodge Twilight's tackles and magic blasts.

"Braeburn! Starting now you're part of the PAHF!" Incognito is cut off by a book thrown almost hitting his face. Braeburn freaks out at this statement.

"M-m-me a soldier?! I can't do t-that I'm too well... cowardly..." Brawburn hangs his head down, ashamed of his weakness.

"Bullsh-" a loud explosion envelops every ponies ears, Incognito gets thrown to the ceiling and drops like a rag-doll.

"Every stallion and colt's sex life in Ponyville- no in EQUESTRIA all depends on your involvement right here, right NOW!" books are torn off the shelf and magically chucked at the stallion.

"But I-"

"No "BUT'S" soldier! Especially not a male's butt!" Twilight manages to hit Incognito with a book, knocking him off his hooves. The princess pounces only to find the Incognito up again, "get Spike and Private Redshot to a safe area, get to the Town Hall while I hold off the princess!"

Twilight flaps her wings hard causing a huge gale of wind to pin Incognito on a wall. Neatly assorted books, scrolls, and personal belongings are scattered zooming all over lobby.

Braeburn looks at Spike's frightened face through the torrents of wind rushing through the place. He looks at the Private's unconscious body on his back.

Damn it Braeburn you gotta man up! He thought deeply through the loud whistling of the gales. You've been letting your friends down every heat season, getting yourself captured only to be busted out again, hiding like a coward so Big Mac or some pony else to risk their safety for your own! Well... NO MORE! Braeburn's can feel his neck standing straighter, his face scowling in the intense wind.

"Follow me Spike! YEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAA!!!!" he cries out, galloping upstairs to the closed window.

Twilight notices this, and doesn't want another stallion getting away from her, "oh no you don't" she was about to magically seal the window before Incognito wall galloped to her winged level, jumping off and tackling her to the ground. The three are successfully outside, Braeburn carrying Spike and Redshot on his back as the Apple jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

"Your fight is with ME your highness!" Incognito grunted through as he tried to subdue Twilight. Unfortunately the alicorn had more than enough arsenal to take down a simple earth pony. Incognito quickly grabbed an sleep pellet in his tail and needed to find a way to open the princess' mouth.

"You're trying to subdue me aren't you?!" exclaimed Twilight, "that's quite kinky and all but TOO RISKY!"

Incognito forgot she was an alicorn, he couldn't hold down her wings and horn. Twilight's wings curled up slightly and started striking Incognito in the ribcage, winding him. He plopped over Twilight, out of stamina as Twilight turned the tables on him, or more like body positions. She began running her feathery wings on the stallion's brown toned chest. She had him restrained on all four limbs, her on top of him. Incognito was about to break free from the mare's weaker grip until she cast a spell on him.

Suddenly his muscles felt like giving up, they denied every nerve action his brain demanded. "Er... gah... what... did you do to me...?" asked Incognito through his gritting teeth.

"I prefer my stallion completely submissive, so I weakened you muscles so they would rebel in protest to your body." Twilight giggled maniacally, "I don't want you messing up my sex tempo alright? I'm sure you understand."

Twilight's tail swatted the sleep pellet from his tail's grasp, exploding in a corner.

"Now lay still, I've read about a spell that can get earth stallion's REALLY riled up. Now just relax my dear stallion..."

She cast another spell which got Incognito running for the hills as his sexual tension rises. He couldn't hold down his body's hormones as his wanger erected to his misfortune. He groans in pain/pleasure as Twilight brushes her soft feathery wings on his chest again.

In a minute she's gonna drive me to screw-town, to screw me up until I can't screw no more. Incognito thought, wait... screw... screw... screw... driver! Doctor Whooves' sonic screwdriver!

He fumbled his pelvis a bit, feeling a lump on his tailbone. He slowly reached with his tail and slid the sonic screwdriver from it's holster and wrapped it tightly. He positioned the tip to almost touch Twilight's flanks.

He placed a strand of voluntary tail hair on the button ready to trigger it.

"I hope you're ready for the best royal ride of your life!" she announced, making out on Incognito's lips.

His tail held the button, charging it for a big blast. And as Twilight's pelvis slowly drifted downwards, she felt the tip on her genitalia... and another tip on her tail hole as well.

"You... have two...?"

"You... could say that..."

He released the trigger

Her Majesty's body was sent behind him to a large pile of ridden books on the floor, pinning her to take a full helping of the sonic waves. Oddly to Incognito's knowledge, instead of screaming in pain, she was screaming in... ecstasy. She orgasm-ed loudly over the high pitched waves.

Incognito didn't know that Doctor Whooves could use the Sonic Screwdriver to force mare's to orgasm, rendering them to pass out from climaxing.

He got back up, feeling his burdened muscles lighten since Twilight couldn't focus her magic any longer. He slowly approached the Princess closer, the sonic waves pleasuring her to the point of blurry vision.

As Twilight was about to reach her limit, Incognito turned up the power by double output, Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs. Suddenly the screwdriver halted it's assault, out of power. The princess started angrily twiddling her meat wallet, not wanting the pleasure to stop. Incgonito slowly stepped back, as Twilight announced with her wrecked vocal cords.


Incognito didn't expect what happened next, as a supersonic stream of princess juices shot at him with the force of a rocket, smashing him into the wall. The stream was pounding him before a good 3 seconds before Her Majesty Princess Twilight ceased her climax attack. Incognito sat there, out of breath and drenched in Twilight's love fluids, catching his breath.

"The experienced ninja pony getting smashed in the face with a bowl of cake batter only for it to be hosed off by an alicorn's love juices, yeah I've had better days than this..." Incognito spoke out loud, getting back on his hooves. He shook himself like a dog only for the stench of sweat and Twilight's fluids to still be jammed in his pores.

He approached Her Highness' unconscious body and picks it up. Carrying her upstairs, he tucked her into bed. Incognito already knows that Twilight is a master escape artist with tons of spells up her figurative sleeve to bust her out of any situation so he's not even going to try.

He looked at his sexual assaulter and stared at the mare's peaceful face as she slept.

"It's amazing the things nature can conjure up within us isn't it your highness?" Incognito thought out loud, slinging his inside out ninja outfit on his back.

Leaving the window open, he jumped outside onto the rooftops to return to HQ.