• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 8,329 Views, 500 Comments

Ein Sof Zealotry - ZhaoZoharEX

Twilight Sparkle has never felt so lonely. After what happened at her brother’s wedding rehearsal she can’t but question her friends’ worth, and once she starts doubting one part of her life, second thoughts about the rest soon foll

  • ...

Chapter 21

Original Title: Journey of the Three Magi
This chapter is part of the older version of "Ein Sof Zealotry" and is to be considered non-canon in lieu of the pending rewrite. This along with the rest of the old story remain for the purpose of comparison.

The large bell of the Grand Citadel’s tower rang, sending a call to the rest of Elysium. A ceremony was to take place in Mother Dogma’s chamber and she considered it important enough to require most of the governing Ein Sof to be present. Occasions like these were always carried out in the evenings and this was no exception since the rays of daylight were dissipating as the delegates arrived.

Inside the citadel chamber, many of Dogma’s Seraphim hovered and surveyed from above while the guests from the other landmasses crowded the balconies. Standing on glass platforms above Dogma’s pool were Twilight and her friends, each accompanied by their Sanctorum mentors, with Scintillant and Cherish standing off to the side among other Angels. Aside from Sunset and Lightning Dust, this was the first time any of the girls met each other’s mentoring Ein Sof, especially Ditzy’s who had eluded them due to her being active at night.

Mother Legacy hovered beside Ditzy on the left most area of the glass platform, the two apparently very well acquainted as they chatted casually with each other. She was a Thestral pony and was the smallest of the Sanctorum, only slightly taller than Ditzy. She had two pairs of albino bat wings with small platinum bells attached to the ends of the digits that jingled with each flap of a wing. Her body was very simple in comparison to the other angels. Instead of ornate markings or decorations, it was actually quite plain with only the marble texture of her angelic shell. The only ornate details she had were her smooth platinum horn, two tail ribbons, and a halo consisting of a simple star shaped platinum ring with steel strings meshed on the inside with a single platinum bell in the middle, making the halo resemble a dream catcher and was vertical just like the rest of the Sanctorum. All of the platinum parts of this angel were polished to a mirror sheen.

Once all guests were accounted for and the daylight sun completely gone, ripples in the center pool formed and emerged the large dragon, once again spreading her wings and jerking her neck from side to side, audibly popping her vertebrae. Unlike the time the girls first came to the Grand Citadel when they first arrived, Mother Dogma brought with her six transparent crystal spheres, each with a different colored metal ring around it. These spheres orbited around her body, refracting light across the chamber.

“Denizens of Elysium. We’ve called you here to the sacred Grand Chamber today for a most interesting occasion. For many generations, we have maintained a creed to uphold our purpose and carry out the actions of our long late Grandmother. Alas, she has since fallen, but in her fallen state she has left with us six Elements that embody the very meaning of our kind and our land.”

The spheres that orbited around the dragon stopped moving and Dogma lowered her head to meet the girls at eye level, as if bowing to the Sanctorum who bowed back along with the girls. Dogma raised her head back up again and continued her speech.

“These Elements for a long time have only existed as a physical idea more than anything else, mere ornaments that could only be followed in mind. Now I feel as though we can put them to better use. Recently, an individual came and brought with her six young ponies which could potentially bring these ideas to life, to give those ideas face value.”

While all eyes were on Dogma during her speech, Scintillant’s face contorted into a smug smile that only her younger friend Cherish seemed to notice, if partially with her attention divided.

“These are the Elements of which we once used as a guidance tool. These six simple ideas that build the very foundation of our existence.” Dogma eyed the girls with a soft expression. “Now… These very same ideas shall rebuild the foundation for Gaea as well. We believe you have since proven yourselves worthy of them. The wise, the brave, the patient, the righteous, the hard working, and the selfless. These qualities and more shape better minds while the lack of which destroys and corrupts.”

The crystal sphere with the deep blue ring hovered in front of Trixie.

“Miss Lulamoon. Apprentice of Prudence. Please, tell us what you have learned and observed throughout your life.”

Trixie hesitated for a moment before Mother Acumen stroked her with one of her wings in a reassuring manner, smiling and nodding to her. “I have learned that the lack of knowledge does not make one stupid, but it does make their actions unwise in some situation. Just because you can do something does not always mean you should. Likewise, knowing when to take action is crucial to success and knowing how much action to take can affect one’s life in mild or extreme ways. However, some ways of learning something are more effective than others. Information learned is more valuable than information given.”

“Your knowledge throughout the years has increased, sometimes without you realizing it. It is just as you say, Miss Lulamoon. For this, I shall tell you what I have learned in my years. It is said that wisdom sometimes outranks intellect. In this, I both agree and disagree. I agree because wisdom is required to make decisions. I disagree because intellect is required to make smart decisions. To this we call Prudence; to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions, wise or smart. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere that hovered in front of Trixie melted and became liquid water which formed a second icy ring on the inside of the blue metal ring. Both rings floated over Trixie’s head, resembling a halo.

“I, Trixie Lulamoon, hereby accept this gift from you to me.”

Trixie bowed and after she got back up, the crystal sphere with a golden yellow ring floated towards Lightning Dust.

“Miss Dust. Apprentice of Temperance. Please, tell us what you have learned and observed throughout your life.”

The pegasus cleared her throat and assumed a stiff military stance, her face mirroring the stoic expressions of her mentors. “Yes ma’am. I have learned that rushing into something headstrong and proud will only end up hurting yourself or worse. One’s sense of duty can be clouded by their pride or aspirations. More often than not, many will dive into a dream without surveying possibilities open to them, leading to disappointment or disaster. If one takes the time to observe and foresee, they have a better chance to avoid these situations.”

“It would seem you have grown more patient and restrained during your stay. To reward this, I shall tell you what I have learned over my many years. It is said that a good leader always requires experience. In this, I both agree and disagree. I agree because a leader with experience will make more effective decisions. I disagree because those lacking experience will learn what is to be expected and improve from their mistakes. We all have to start somewhere. In this we call Temperance; to show restraint when under pressure when learning or enforcing. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere holding Lightning’s attention shattered and the shards spun around the inside of the yellow ring, creating another ring made up of the small debris resembling wind currents. Both rings floated over Lightning’s head as Trixie’s did.

“I, Lightning Dust, hereby accept this gift from you to me.”

Lightning Dust saluted and her stance relaxed as the crystal sphere with a bright red ring appeared to Sunset’s front.

“Miss Shimmer. Apprentice of Fortitude. Please, tell us what you have learned throughout your life.”

Sunset stood proudly with a confident grin, as did Father Tenacity. “I have learned while being brave and audacious often allows us to accomplish many things, it can also hurt our chances at success as well. Cowardice is often a sign of weakness, but as can be boldness. Though it is admirable to stand up for others and one’s self, being too bold can have just as many consequences as being too cowardly. If you have the physical or moral courage to do something, you must be sure you are willing to accept the consequences.”

“Your words are somewhat blunt but nonetheless hold merit. I shall share what I have learned throughout my years. It is said that as a ruler, it is better to be feared than loved. In this I agree and disagree. I agree because a ruler feared can keep her subjects in line. I disagree because a ruler loved can empower them instead. In this we call Fortitude; the courage to stand by one’s people, or against them, knowing the consequences of both. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere smoldered and burned into a ring of smoke along the inside of the red ring, both hovering over Sunset’s head.

“I, Sunset Shimmer, hereby accept this gift from you to me.”

Sunset bowed and chuckled a bit as she glanced at the next crystal sphere with a jade green ring make its way towards Canvas, who stepped back a bit at the abrupt speed in which it floated.

“Miss Canvas. Apprentice of Justice. Please, tell us what you have learned throughout your life.”

The magenta earth mare gulped a bit before taking a deep breath. “I have learned that as it stands, the justice system is often abused. Whether it be from anger, greed, or simple ignorance, the concept of fairness is very subjective and Justice is not as simple as one might think. Being disillusioned from its original purpose and one’s original goals can be discouraging, if not outright scarring.”

“Yes, we know from experience that a fair trial is not always fair. Very well then, I shall share what I have learned throughout my years. It is said that neutrality is best when in court. In this I agree and disagree. I agree because as the judge, you must hear both sides of the argument. I disagree because as the jury, you must convict on clear criminal intention. In this, we call Justice; giving everyone their due based on equality as the witness and conviction. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere unraveled into a glassy vine that wrapped around green ring as it made its place over Canvas’ head.

“I, Acrylic Canvas, hereby accept this gift from you to me.”

She too bowed but giggled from the excitement going on around her as she lifted herself back up. The next crystal sphere drifted to Ditzy, this one with a glossy black ring.

“Miss Ditzy Doo. Apprentice of Diligence. We know well your efforts already but would you do us the honor of sharing with us what you have learned throughout your experiences?”

Ditzy respectfully nodded. “I have learned that one’s inaction can be dangerous to those around you. My job is to aid and provide for others, especially my two children. When I chose not to, I nearly lost my youngest one forever before she even said her first words. My job requires me to deliver for others. If I slack on that job, they can lose information and supplies necessary to live. I put much effort into making sure they have the chance to live and work so that they may aid and provide for others, as I chose to do.”

Dogma smiled visibly. “Your efforts are well noted and shall be rewarded. I shall tell what I have learned of mine own efforts. It is said that persistence pays off in the long run. In this I agree and disagree. I agree because if one gives up too easily, they achieve nothing. I disagree because if one gives up too late, they stand to lose everything. In this we call Diligence; careful nature in one’s action and work. We have seen your efforts so we can think of no one better than you to represent this Element. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere evaporated and transformed into a mist that shrouded the black ring as it took its place atop Ditzy’s head.

“I, Ditzy Doo, hereby humbly accept this gift from you to me.”

Ditzy bowed and smiled as she raised her head back up in time to see the final crystal sphere drift slowly towards Twilight, this last one adorned with a pure white ring.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle. Apprentice of Humility. You are the last to be inducted. Now please, tell us of your experiences.”

Twilight assumed a regal stance, one she had learned during her time as a princess. “I have learned that being narrow minded often creates problems you are not always aware of. I know several ponies who have had this problem, myself included. Being concerned with one’s self and only one’s self will not only damage one’s reputation, but can also damage one’s chances of getting help when it is needed.”

“Indeed, Miss Sparkle. To have a feeling of entitlement of any kind can be a double edged sword. The hubris associated with this dangerous feeling damages not only yourself, but also those around you. Now, allow me to divulge my experiences. It is said that no good deed goes unpunished. In this I agree and disagree. I agree because misguided altruism promotes passive abuse. I disagree because genuine altruism promotes respect. In this we call Humility; putting others before yourself out of genuine concern or interest, often at one’s own sacrifice. This, we bestow unto you.”

The crystal sphere shined brightly before it collapsed in on itself to form a small ring of stardust along the inside of the white ring, which was now settled above Twilight’s head.

“I, Twilight Sparkle, hereby humbly accept this gift from you to me.” Twilight bowed and lifted her head to meet the other girls, who all smiled at her.

Mother Dogma raised her head. “These are the virtues that we hold in our doctrine. This is the creed we adhere to day by day. It provides guidance to those who seek it. It also provides discipline to those who deserve it.” Dogma closed her eyes as she paused for a brief moment. “But with this said, we are not yet finished with this occasion. Though our Elements now have ties to the mortal world of Gaea, we must assign a tie between that world and this one. I cannot leave this realm, nor do I dare to. However, even though you six have indeed proved worthy, I must send one of our own to ensure both your safety and cooperation. And I have chosen an Ein Sof long ago.”

The dragon glanced in Scintillant’s general direction. Other Ein Sof watched as Scintillant started to step forward, her smug smile still painted on her face. But the words that their leader spoke next did not at all meet their expectations.

“After careful consideration, I have decided to send Brother Empathy in my stead.”

Scintillant stopped mid step, her smug expression now replaced with confusion as she looked up at her dragon commander. The very same dragon was looking directly into her eyes as she spoke.

“Brother Empathy is who I have chosen because he has proven himself to be a capable messenger who listens. He is the one I’ve deemed appropriate for this task.”

Empathy stepped forward as he was addressed. He was a lanky pony with two pairs of wings with simplistic designs. His robes were modest, as was his demeanor.

“I humbly accept this task given to me, your eminence,” he said with a bow.

He walked towards the girls, right past Scintillant who stood there slack jawed and unable to comprehend Dogma selecting another in place of her. The nerve of it all! It was her, not him, that brought these mares to attention. If not for her, no one would be here right now. What could Mother Dogma possibly be thinking? She soon realized why though as her eyes shifted back to the dragon.

Mother Dogma was glaring. Right. At. Her.

It was clear Dogma did not like her, let alone trust her. This was further hammered in by the fact that Dogma’s look clearly told her that she was to stay and talk to her alone once the ceremony ended. Scintillant’s confused expression swiftly yet silently turned to intense rage over the decision as Dogma broke eye contact.

The girls were introduced to their new overseer during the short starring war between Dogma and Scintillant, as the latter noticed when she glanced back at them. Just watching them speak casually made something stir in Scintillant’s chest. No one was aware of it, but she was gritting her teeth and grinding them as Dogma concluded the ceremony.

“We have many expectations for you that we expect you to uphold. You shall decide by yourselves how best to perform these duties, but they must follow the regulations we have set. For now however, you are all dismissed.”

With the ceremony finished, the girls had the rest of the night to catch up as they spent that time mostly in the villa they stayed during their monthly visits. Now that they had completed training, for the most part, they weren’t as restricted on when to see each other aside from Ditzy still traveling between the worlds.

While they did talk and reflected on the time spent in Elysium and the ceremony, half of them seemed to be multitasking. Sunset was polishing one of two newly made katana blades, neither of which did not yet have a proper Tsuka or Saya installed onto it yet. The blades themselves had a particular orange glow to them, similar to the glow given off by hot metal work even though the blades were actually quite cool to the touch. One blade was also shorter than the other.

Lightning was a few feet away putting some refining touches on her gauntlets. These were made of a much lighter material that wouldn’t impede her movement through the air and the talons could now retract. Trixie seemed to be stringing a bow which was made of a glossy flexible material resembling the lapis lazuli that her home in the citadel was made of. The remaining mares simply chatted while having tea and scones. The conversation wasn’t about much, just normal everyday things with occasional talk relating to Elysium thrown in here and there.

It wasn’t until the moon was high in the sky that everypony started getting tired and wanting to sleep for the night, aside from Sunset who was determined to finish work on her swords before the morning. Even though she wanted to sleep, Twilight tossed and turned in the same restless state of mind that plagued her on the very first day she arrived. And just like that first day, she decided it was useless to sleep when she simply wasn’t feeling tired. In this state of restlessness, she decided to take a walk around the gardens of the Grand Citadel.

During this midnight stroll through the scenery, she noticed she wasn’t the only one out and about. A lime green mare was sitting and looking up at the moon with the wind blowing through her blond braided mane. She was wearing a gown of some kind which covered her cutie mark. Still, there was a nagging thought in the back of Twilight’s mind that she just couldn’t shake. This mare looked familiar somehow. Very familiar.

“Excuse me?” Twilight said trying to get the mare’s attention. It worked as she turned her head around, revealing a set of light orange eyes and a small smile.

“Why hello there.”

She spoke in an accent. Twilight felt this too was familiar somehow. A member of the Apple clan perhaps? Maybe she is… or was, from Appleoosa. “Um, what might you be doing here?” she asked as innocently as possible.

“Well, Ah just got here and am waiting for the pony who brought me to this here island. She said somethin’ bout need to set things up, Ah don’t really know, and she would help me tomorrow. Ah wasn’t really tired so Ah went for a walk.”

“Same here. The not being able to sleep I mean.”

“Well, looks like you n’ I have somethin’ in common. But Ah can’t really help but think you look familiar. Ah don’t know what it is.” The mare placed a hoof to her chin as she analyzed her new friend. The wings, the horn, the purple coat, the streak of pink in her mane, it all looked very familiar. Glancing at the pink cutie mark finally clicked into her mind. “Your name wouldn’t be Twilight Sparkle, would it?”

Twilight was taken aback. “Uh, yeah.”

“Huh. Ah guess the rumors weren’t exaggerating, though Ah didn’t listen to them much. Equestria really went messy since you left.”

“Yeah… I heard,” Twilight said with a crestfallen look. The mare placed a hoof around her and squeezed her in a happy little hug.

“Ah, don’t worry bout’ it. Weren’t in your control n’ you couldn’t do anythin’ bout’ it.”

If you only knew… Twilight internally lamented. The mare released her from the embrace and looked back up at the moon with an almost solemn expression.

“Ah wonder how the rest of the family is doin’ now that Ah’m gone. Ah sure hope they ain’t too hurt.”

“Losing a loved one is never easy, miss.”

“Ah know that feelin’. My son and daughter-in-law died a long time ago an’ Ah don’t think their children ever quite recovered from it.”

“You were a grandmother?” Twilight said in surprise. “But you look so young.”

The mare cocked an eyebrow at Twilight as if she said something stupid. When she looked down at her own body, she laughed at her own forgetfulness. “Oh that. Well, Ah’m actually a pretty old mare, but the feller at that gate offered me a younger body. Ah accepted. Ah didn’t want ta’ be hindered by my fragile bones. Ah’m named after a variety of apples, not mah age.”

Wait… No, it can’t be.

The mare sighed in sadness. “Ah hope they’ll handle things alright on the farm. My youngest was really torn up. Ah can’t even imagine the pain my two older grandkids are feelin’.”

Three grandchildren, living on a farm…

After sitting for a while, the mare finally got up. “Ah’m gettin’ kinda tired. Maybe Ah’ll walk a bit before Ah go ta’s sleep. You wanna join me?”

“Uh, no that’s alright. I need to be going to sleep myself.”

“Well, nice talkin’ to ya regardless. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime.”

“Yeah… Maybe we will.”

As the mare walked away, Twilight caught a glimpse of her cutie mark thanks to a small gust of wind: An apple pie. This confirmed what Twilight already suspected.

“...Granny Smith…”

The land around her was dark. So dark that Sunset Shimmer could hardly see in front of her. All she saw, and heard, were a herd of ponies running and practically stampeding over her as they galloped past her.

“Hey! Watch it!”

But yelling at the offenders did not make them stop. If anything, they ran faster. Sunset scowled at them and was about to shout more obscenities at them when she felt a warm breath behind her, accompanied by a rancid stench. She turned around slowly sees a large shadowy hydra, infinitely more wicked looking than the ones she had seen during her time in Everfree.


One of the hydra’s heads opened its jaws and attempted to crunch on the unicorn, only for her to teleport at the last second. Now she understood why the ponies were running since she was doing the same. The hydra pursued relentlessly, forcing Sunset to teleport frequently to catch it off focus. Eventually, the hydra lost sight of her and she could only watch as it chased the other ponies, trapping them at a slope of a mountain. She tried her best not to look when it devoured them, the sound of horrific screams and crushing bones filling the air.

The beast road triumphantly as it gobbled the last of its prey and if not for Sunset watching from a higher cliff further away, she was sure it would’ve gone after her next. However to her surprise and confusion, the mountain at the hydra’s front rumbled and exploded from the top, smoke and molten debris raining down on the area. The hydra tried to run but found itself paralyzed, unable to combat the lava that spewed from the crevices of the mountain. Despite putting up a fierce fight to get away, the hydra perished with an ear piercing scream as its skin, muscles, and bones melted into oblivion.

Sunset thought she would be next and shut her eyes to meet her imminent demise. Yet, no death came. She opened her eyes to see the smoke dissipating into a clear blue sky, the smoke become white fluffy clouds. The areas the lava touched became grassy fields that bloomed with life. Intrigued and confused, she attempted to investigate this strange turn of events. As she did however, the ground beneath her collapsed and without even being allowed the time to think about her predicament, she plummeted into the dark abyss.

It was at this point that Sunset woke up abruptly, sweating and breathing heavy. After a moment to get her bearings, she realized the obvious: it was just a dream.

“Geez, that was… odd.”

From the little amount of light present in the villa, it was most likely very early in the morning, possibly between four and five AM.

“I guess I’m getting up early today.” With little else to do, she decided to go back to tending her weapons. It was fairly easy to install the remaining parts and once that was done, she placed the blades in their respective sheaths so she wouldn’t cut herself while putting the wrapping on the hilts. “Still… What was up with that dream?”

The first rays of morning light found three mares sitting in the atrium trying to focus on their early breakfast. They were all dealing with their own kind of worries about future and felt the others in the room didn’t want to be disturbed from their contemplation, just like them.

For Ditzy, every morning she was supposed to return to Equestria posed a fight of contradicting emotions; on the one hand she would be seeing her foals again, any time spent away from them causing her worries and grief, on the other hand she would go back to never-ending struggle that was her everyday life, pushing through without her friends there to help her. She got used to it a long time ago, but the sadness would always hit her hard.

Twilight and Sunset always felt empathy for her, but today they sulked because of different matters, bad sleep being one of them. While Twilight lamented not getting much sleep either before the encounter or afterwards, Sunset would happily trade with her, if it meant she would avoid the nightmare. Still, Twilight’s findings would possibly hit her harder than the night’s horror.

They continued sipping their beverages and nibbling on croissants, pretending that everything was alright and knowing the other two were doing the same, when the rest of the group finally showed up.

“Good, you are still here, Ditzy! I was worried I slept in too much and missed you,” Lightning exclaimed cheerfully and promptly took her place by the table. She reached for the kettle and served herself a big cup of coffee as per usual. Her breakfast now occupying most of her attention, she asked only half expecting an answer, “did you sleep well?”

“No,” came the unanimous answer from the original occupants of the table, disdain apparent in their voices.

“What’s wrong? Did somepony die?” Canvas asked in her usual happy way. Over the years the group came to suspect her and Ditzy of liking the mornings. Normally her good mood would be contagious, but somehow the forlorn mood of the room refused to shift, mostly because her comment hit too close to the truth.

“Great many ponies, Canvas, that’s the thing,” Twilight replied tiredly and finished her coffee in one big gulp. “Too many. And we are sitting here in safety.”

Trixie sat down close to Twilight and placed a reassuring hoof around Twilight’s shoulders. “We will stop it, you’ll see. Now that we were given the Elements, it’s only a matter of time.”

“I know.” Twilight leaned closer to Trixie and levitated some strawberries for her, dipping each in yogurt. “I just fear we don’t have too much time.”

“Speaking of time, I should really get going. I hate it when the girls wake up without me in the house.” Ditzy got up and put her dishes to the side orderly. She brushed her mane with a hoof absentmindedly and checked how far the others got with their breakfast. “If you want to finish your meal, I can go alone. It’s completely alright.”

“Oh no, of course we will see you to the gate, right girls?” Canvas chimed and immediately got up, followed by the rest of the group. Not a single visit went by without them saying their farewells to Ditzy by the gate and they wouldn’t break the habit just for sake of food.

They walked down the path toward the great plaza. They frequented it so often that they could choose a color, close their eyes and jump from stone to stone, never landing on a different hue. Even this early in the morning the place was buzzing with activity, as the angels wouldn’t let a single minute of their time to go to waste.

Those they passed closer would smile at them kindly or even exchange a wave and a greeting with them. Although the angels’ attitude toward them was improving ever since they arrived, the massive leap from the situation before the ceremony couldn’t go unnoticed. The girls felt like the they belonged to the Ein Sof ranks from how warm the angels behaved to them.

With their mood significantly brightened from the pleasant experience, they soon found themselves on the plaza and in sight of the gate. They also spotted a slim angelic figure with two pairs of wings hurrying toward the gate from the right. They reached the gate at the same time, the angel panting slightly.

“Good morning, Brother Empathy,” Ditzy said, glancing around in confusion, “have you perchance seen Scintillant somewhere? I expected her to be here to open the gate for me and bid me goodbye.”

“Yeah, we haven’t seen her since before the ceremony. Is she alright?” Trixie added.

“Good morning to you too, Elements. Don’t you worry, Sister Scintillant is alright, just very busy. I assure you she is very happy about your achievement and that she will soon tell you herself.”

“If you say so,” Ditzy said doubtfully. “How am I going to get home though?”

“Oh don’t worry, Diligence. As the Ein Sof assigned to assist you, I will take on all the tasks Sister Scintillant used to perform for you, opening the gate included.” He bowed slightly and to back up his words charged his horn, opening the gate effortlessly. “As I belong to the rank of messengers, such task costs me even less effort than Sister Scintillant.”

“This doesn’t mean we won’t see Scintillant again, does it?” Canvas asked, a crestfallen look on her face.

Empathy, true to his name, sensed the depth of her worry and sadness of that possibility and stepped forward, caressing Canvas’ cheek with one of his wings. “We all have our duties, Justice. Sister Scintillant has to return to them just as you have to take on yours. But I am sure there will be times you will meet with her. She is very fond of you after all.”

Canvas touched the wing with her hoof and pressed it closer to her skin, reveling in its warmth and softness. As if the sole closeness of the Ein Sof brought peace to her heart. “Alright, I guess we can’t do anything about that. But could you call us by names? Scintillant always does.”

Empathy chuckled at her antics even though expected and nodded. “Me calling you by your Elements is only a sign of my respect towards you. We keep them in highest reverence, and I wanted you to know the same applies to you. But if you wish so, I will be using your names, Acrylic Canvas.”

“Thank, just Canvas is fine.” Canvas let his wing go and went to embrace Ditzy. “Take care. I hope to see you soon again.”

Ditzy reciprocated the embrace and pecked Canvas on the cheek. “Same here.” Then she turned to Twilight and after another brief hug she asked, “do you want me to gather any specific information this time?”

Twilight slumped a bit at the question, but then her expression morphed into one of determination. “Actually, no. I think it’s time for me to see for myself. We have been sitting here for way too long.”

“So you plan to go back to Equestria? When did you decide on that?” Trixie asked for all of them.

“Last night, actually,” Twilight admitted sheepishly. “I met somepony when I couldn’t sleep and it convinced me I needed to see the full extent of the problems. “

“A wise decision, Humili- I mean Twilight Sparkle. I am sure Mother Dogma will be pleased with you taking actions so quickly after the Elements being bestowed upon you. We will prepare everything needed quickly.”

“I hope you will visit when the time comes. It will be nice to have a friend around again. I’ll have a bed ready for you,” Ditzy said and turned to the rest of the group to say farewells.

“Make that two beds, Ditzy, ok? I’m not letting Twilight go alone... For safety reasons!” Trixie blurted out, red tinge gracing her cheeks.

“I’ll see what I can do, the guest room is a bit small though,” Ditzy said with worry. “Alright, I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, everypony. Take care!” She turned around and jumped through the gate, fearing that she would be late to make breakfast for her daughters. Empathy charged his horn again and the gate closed seamlessly.

“Now then. We need to start the preparations for your return to Equestria. First we need to tell Mother Dogma, then we will gather whatever you think you will need. Or do you have other plans for today? I can tell Mother Dogma alone if you want to relax a bit still.”

“No, we should be there as well,” Twilight said, earning nods from the others. They started after Empathy, heading straight toward the dome, excitedly discussing future plans.

Trixie threw one last glance at the gate, then at Twilight and went to catch up to the rest of the group. “One bed is ok as well,” she muttered to herself with a smirk.

“I have never been happier that you got those wings, Twilight,” Trixie remarked when her hooves touched the ground and Twilight landed next to her. She missed the feeling of Twilight holding her around chest with her hooves, but if she had to trade it for firmly standing again, she would endure that loss.

“They come in handy sometimes, especially since I learnt how to use them properly,” Twilight agreed and readjusted her black cloak with a hood to cover her more snuggly, not only to hide her identity, but also to protect herself from the biting cold. Trixie did the same and brushed off few specks of snow from her back.

“Why do you think the portal ope-”

“Kyaaaaaaa!” an exclamation sounded from above them and they looked up to see a black bundle desperately flailing amber legs. Unfortunately, legs can’t generate sufficient lift to keep a bundle hovering, and so a fifteen feet fall was inevitable. All Twilight and Trixie could do was to shield their heads and brace themselves for the impact.

“Oww,” three voices wailed from a mostly black pile on the ground. The latest addition got up first as her fall was cushioned by the other ponies and nopony was lying on top of her either. She gazed up to where she materialized and shook her hoof in an empty threat.

“I’m not a pegasus, you harp strummer! Maybe you could try harder to empathize in my situation!”

“Long time no see, Sunset,” Trixie called toward her angry friend and helped Twilight to her hooves, this time taking the task of readjusting her attire on herself, “what brings you down here? Apart from gravity, that is…”

“I decided to just drop by,” Sunset countered with a smirk. “But seriously, I thought I should join for safety reasons. We don’t want either of you getting hurt, right?” She eyed her companions with worry and stepped closer. “You aren’t hurt from my grand entree, are you?”

Twilight gathered the few items she brought in her saddlebag - mostly maps, money and some refreshments - and put them back inside. “We are ok, don’t worry, Sunset. It may actually help to have you around.”

“We really need to tell Brother Empathy to open the gate to some place closer to the ground next time though.”

“Why? Trixie and I landed without any problems,” Twilight said feining obliviousness and as if by the way flexing her wings. Sunset only huffed indignantly and strode toward where she saw a smoke rising from Ponyville chimneys. The others quickly fell in step with her, exchanging amused glances from time to time.

“We should also come up with a different story about how we began our march toward ridding Equestria of all evil,” Trixie remarked after a while of walking

“What’s wrong with the true one?” Twilight asked, surveying her surroundings, especially the Everfree to her right.

“Are you telling me that ‘we fell from a misplaced portal and had a hard time picking ourselves up,’ is a dignified enough version to put into history textbooks?”


They continued their journey in silence, enjoying seeing a different kind of scenery than they were used to from Elysium, though it got boring rather quickly as the unchanging snow covered fields and silent forest didn’t provide much to observe. That’s why Twilight and Trixie soon returned to conversation.

“Good thing we have these capes, it’s colder than I expected,” Twilight remarked and pulled her cloak closer to her body.

“Yeah, for March there is more snow than there has any right to be. Shouldn’t there have be that spring festival in Ponyville? What was it called again…”

“Winter Wrap-up, and yes, it should have already taken place. It’s strange. Apart from that, I wonder why Brother Empathy made us appear so far away from the town.”

“Maybe it’s because of how poorly he aims with the gate,” Trixie offered with a giggle.

“Or he wanted to show us this,” Sunset who remained concentrated on their surroundings stepped in their small talk and pointed forward and slightly to the right. About two hundred feet from the line of the forest they could see a mangled corpse of a cow, huge chunks of flesh missing from its side and flank. A pack of timberwolves was either feasting on the still steaming carcass, or fighting over already torn out pieces. Strangely enough, the trail of blood didn’t point to the forest, but parallely with it.

“Timberwolves,” Trixie muttered through gritted teeth. She lowered her head and started fuming angrily.

“Poor creature. If we walked quicker, we could have saved it,” Twilight added forlornly.

“I don’t think so, Twilight. It looks like they have been at it for some time already. That cow probably died even before we came here,” Sunset reassured, but joined Trixie in the battle stance. “Though we should worry more about saving ourselves. They apparently noticed us as well.”

Three out of five timberwolves, those that didn’t have direct access to the protein reservoir, indeed stopped their scuffle for scrapes and started toward the trio. Saliva was dripping from their maws and the bared teeth communicated their intentions clearly. They were gaining speed and soon they were sprinting for their supposedly easy prey.

Sunset was charging her horn, prepared to literally open fire, but Trixie placed a hoof on her shoulder, gaining her attention.

“Allow me, please,” she said and charged her own horn. The snow around lifted into the air and flew sharply toward the timberwolves. They paid it no mind even when it entered their maws and continued further through their digestive system. Thanks to their magical nature they couldn’t feel cold, so why should they concern themselves with few snowflakes.

“This is for chasing me on the worst day of my life, you smelly tree garbage.” Her horn flashed brilliant pink and suddenly the snow in front of the timberwolves formed into razorsharp ice spikes, penetrating the chests and heads of the monsters. They couldn’t even go into a convulsion from the pain as at the same time the snow inside them underwent similar transformation, tearing them from inside and resurfacing through their bark. The timberwolves would never have to worry about snowflakes as they alone became one.

“Wow, that was wonderful, Trixie!” Twilight praised and clapped her hooves. “But what they were you talking about?”

Trixie put her hood back up and grinned at Twilight from under it. “Let’s just say the next one on my list is an ursa minor.”

“In that case I hope you erased my name from that list already.”


They were interrupted by a pained howling from the direction of the corpse. Sunset decided that it was time to end the timberwolf threat once and for all and that combusting the beasts would ensure best results. The beasts would have to agree with her on that.

“They attacked outside the borders of the forest. Everfree got out of hoof,” she mused. Then she lit her horn one more time and incinerated the corpse as well. “Rest in peace, you have been avenged.”

“There we go. A glorious tale about how we started our task!” Trixie exclaimed happily and looked around the impromptu battlefield to remember it properly.

“If you say so, Trixie,” Sunset said in a bored voice, “but in my opinion ‘we defeated a pile of smelly tree garbage’ doesn’t count as much of an improvement compared to the first version.”

“You would never make for a showmare. You can’t give a story the glance needed.”

“Maybe, but my stories shine with their inner fire. Anyway, let’s go. This place is freezing.” She jabbed Trixie in the ribs and resumed walking toward Ponyville, but the physical attack didn’t go unanswered and soon a snowball found its target.

Twilight only rolled her eyes and followed behind the bickering unicorns. “Maybe I should have taken Lightning Dust with me instead,” she grumbled to herself. “She’s at least disciplined. And she would allow me to partake on the action as well.”

Reaching the edge of the town didn’t take them too long then, mostly because they sped up with the vision of warm place to rest in minds. “So what’s the plan Twilight?” Trixie asked and looked around for anypony watching them. Nopony was outside though as the dark grey sky was signaling an incoming snow storm.

“We will check the library. Spike may be gone, but they should have the recent newspaper anyway. We need to catch up on what’s going on around.” At the deadpan looks her friends were giving her she only rolled her eyes and replaced Sunset in lead. “This way.”

Even from the distance the tree house looked desolate. No light shone behind its windows, the frames gathered a lot of dust and as they drew closer, they noticed an old parchment on the door. “Closed indefinitely,” Twilight read it out loud. “This town never had an appreciation for literature.”

“Is there anything you want to retrieve from there? Some personal belongings?” Trixie offered and pointed her horn on the padlock, waiting only for a signal to make it follow timberwolves’ fate.

“I don’t think there’s much left and definitely nothing I would need. Besides, breaking in a library is not what heroes do.” They shared a giggle at that and started toward the centre of the town. “They should keep an archive in the town hall, we can check that instead.”

They hurried as the snow was starting to fall in larger amount and they chose the path leading across the town square. In the middle they saw a bit silhouette, the first sign of a pony since they arrived. They found out that it was just a larger than life statue.

“Wow, somepony in this town really likes you, Twilight,” Trixie praised as she took in the masterfully crafted form on the pedestal.

“In memory of a great friend Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset said reading the plaquette out loud. “Or liked, Twilight.”

The alicorn joined Sunset by the statue briskly and read the plaquette for herself. “What’s this supposed to mean? Why would they-” She was interrupted by a snowball chattering against the plaquette, closely followed by another which hit Sunset in the flank.

“Hey! What gives? Show yourself you annoying brat!” Sunset shouted and gazed angrily into the thickening white cloud. In response she got only a giggle and soon another snowball flew at them, this time knocking Twilight’s cape off of her head.

“That’s two spookies down,” a cheerful voice called from indeterminable direction and laughed happily. “Now for the thir- TWILIGHT!” A pink blur shot from behind an abandoned stall and sprinted toward them quicker than they could watch. It pounced Twilight and wrapped her in a rib crushing hug. “Twilight, it’s really you! What are you doing here? Where have you been? We had been looking for-”

“Pinkie, not so loud!”

“-you everywhere and I was organizing welcome-home-parties every day and-”

“Let me go!”

“-then I organized you a birthday party, but you didn’t show up and then I- UMPF!”

Pinkie got lifted off Twilight in a field of pink magic and her mouth suddenly vanished. Twilight got up with help from Sunset and inhaled deeply to replenish what Pinkie pushed out of her. Then she noticed the perplexed look of horror and recognition on Pinkie’s face along with what Trixie did to her.

“Thank you, Trixie. Though I think you overdid it a little there.”

“She wouldn’t stay quiet. Soon all the ponies from the town would show up here and see you,” Trixie defended her good intentions, although a slight tone of satisfaction at getting back on Pinkie Pie couldn’t be missed.

“You have a point there.” Twilight walked in front of Pinkie and looked her firmly in the eyes. “Hi, Pinkie. I will explain everything, but not here in the open. You have to stay quiet, alright?” She earned a hesitant nod along with a questioning stare. She deduced what that was concerning. “Trixie is my friend now and so is Sunset. They are both really great ponies and you don’t have to be afraid.” Pinkie nodded again and dangled her legs in the air to signal her wish. “Alright, Trixie, you can put her down… and give her the mouth back.”

“Gah! I don’t want to feel that ever again!” Pinkie turned to Trixie with a dark frown. “Do you know how it feels to have your voice stolen? Everypony ignores you and you feel all alone and insignificant! Do you know how hard that is?!”

Trixie returned the glare with her own and took a step forward. “Yeah, I may have an idea. Keep talking about it and you will feel it for the third time.” Twilight immediately moved next to Trixie, sensing and understanding her pain at Pinkie’s remark, and pulled her into a small hug. The warm gesture served two purposes as it both dispersed Trixie’s glum memories and convinced Pinkie about the worth of Twilight’s new friends. If Twilight cared about them so much, they couldn’t be mean.

“Come with me, the storm will soon begin for real,” she said to the trio with a content smile. “I have a fresh batch of cookies baked and we can have some hot chocolate too while you tell me what’s new.”

Sheltered from the raging snowstorm by the strong walls of Sugarcube Corner and by the rekindled fire in a hearth, courtesy of Sunset, the group was getting comfortable in one of the secluded boxes furnished with pleasantly soft couches. That is, apart from Pinkie, who was running back and forth between their table and the kitchen, bringing what seemed to be the entire stock of the establishment.

“Sorry there isn’t that much of variety in flavors, we have to do with what’s accessible in the surroundings since the famine,” Pinkie apologized when she returned with another plate of apple-strudel.

“There’s nothing wrong with apples and berries,” Twilight assured. “Just please don’t bring any more food. You already dished out a veritable feast.” There really wasn’t much space on the table that wouldn’t be occupied by some sort of sweets, although Trixie and Sunset had no reservations regarding filling their bellies. “Come on, could you at least have some manners, you two?!”

“Oh let them, Twilight. It shows they like the treats.” Pinkie bounced away and returned with four cups of hot chocolate. She surveyed the table and clicked her tongue. “Nah, it’s still not it. Oh well, this is just a makeshift party. I will make up for it with your Welcome-home-Twilight party where we invite everypony and have balloons and streamers and music and games and everything!” She suddenly appeared among them on the couch and pulled them all into a group hug. Nopony saw her sit down there.

Sunset wriggled out of the hug and looked at Pinkie cautiously. “Um, miss Pie-”

“Just call me Pinkie!”

“Alright, Pinkie. I don’t think there will be such party.”

“Why wouldn’t there be?” Pinkie bulged her eyes out in absolute disbelief at such blasphemous thought. “Twilight is not dead and she returned home, that’s a great reason for a party! Especially since we have had so few recently! I mean really, Since everypony has become so serious and frowny and since the unicorns acted so mean and then the food started running out, the ponies have been ordering the parties seldomly and now you would-”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Twilight butted in Pinkie’s rant, freeing herself from the embrace as well. “Why would I be dead?”

“Well, in that note for Spike you wrote that you were going to kill yourself and then we couldn’t find you anywhere and they you didn’t show up for your birthday party either, so we thought you died. That’s why poor Spike left Ponyville and why we built that statue where I got you. You weren’t expecting those snowballs, huh?”

Twilight slumped on the couch, trying to remember the exact wording of her goodbye note. “That’s not what I meant! I only wrote I would be away for a while!”

“I told them so, but they wouldn’t listen!” Pinkie exclaimed and pulled Twilight into another hug, only now releasing Trixie who didn’t particularly mind her previous position as she still could deliver the sweets to her mouth with magic. “I knew you wouldn’t kill yourself, but they said you weren’t returning. So now tell me why there shouldn’t be a welcome-home party, huh?”

“Well… because…” Twilight couldn’t quite formulate a plausible explanation, especially while faced with Pinkie’s pleading stare. Thankfully, Sunset came to her rescue.

“Twilight has lots of work to do, Pinkie. You see in what disrepair Equestria finds itself now. We all have been getting ready to fix this, and now the time is getting close, but it will all be a big surprise, you know?” She leaned closer to Pinkie and went into a conspiratorial whisper. “If anypony else knew Twilight returned, they would immediately swarm around her and not give us any space to prepare. That’s why you have to keep our visit a secret, even from your closest friends, understand?”

Pinkie looked truly heartbroken at the explanation, but still reluctantly nodded.

“Once it is done, we will have the biggest party and you will be the host,” Twilight promised to make the situation easier for Pinkie.

“Do you Pinkie promise?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight went through the motions and earned raised eyebrows from her companions for that. She only mouthed “I will explain later,” in their direction.

“Okie, dokie, lokie.” The obviously cheered Pinkie leaned back in the couch and helped herself to a cupcake, although she shouldn’t have been able to reach the plate from her position. “It won’t be that hard. I don’t see them that often.”

“How so?” Twilight asked sipping on her hot chocolate.

“Applejack and Fluttershy hardly ever visit the town and Rarity and Dashie moved away, duh.”

“Much changed since I left…”

“Yep, and not for the better.” Pinkie sat back up and lowered her voice. “So, you said you have big plans. What’s first?”

“We wanted to visit-” Trixie started, but Twilight shoved a hoof into her mouth to keep her quiet.

“We are too many and in Ponyville somepony could easily see us. We have to leave soon. She will understand,” she explained in response to Trixie’s hurt expression.

“You won’t stay for the night? I thought we could at least have a sleepover or play some games…” Pinkie’s mood dropped again and she tried to fight it with another morsel.

“Where shall we spend the night, then? We can’t just go to the hotel. They would recognize you,” Sunset pointed out.

“Most ponies would recognize me, but not everypony will tell others.” Twilight smiled dreamily as fond memories returned to her. “It’s been some time since I visited my parents.” She got up and was about to head to the door, but Pinkie pulling on her tail stopped her.

“Are you really going to travel in this weather?” she asked with eyes wide like the sweetest puppy.

“The weather doesn’t really interfere with teleporting, Pinkie,” Twilight tried to brush the comment off quickly, but Pinkie’s trembling lip and the pleading cuteness in front of her defeated her. She didn’t really mind though. “But I guess we could spare a while for some games.”

“YAY,” Pinkie exclaimed, jumped up and clapped her hooves happily. Then before even touching the ground again she shot for the stairs and soon the room was littered with party games.

“There is a storm coming, honey. Where do we have more candles?” Night Light asked and gazed into the approaching darkness on the sky. He shivered just from the thought of more snow. The winter had lasted too long for his tastes and mostly for tastes of everypony, but the weather managers declared it necessary to compensate for the drought.

“For the tenth time this week, they are in the cabinet next to bed sheets,” a shouted answer came from the kitchen. Twilight Velvet tried to sound angry, but in fact she found her husband’s forgetfulness cute. “Bring me some as well, if you would be so dear.”

Night Light took a few moments to recall where they held the bed sheets, pridefully refusing to ask again, and then stepped away from the window and walked into the storage room. “Do the candles on the chandelier need changing too?”

“Yes, take the better ones. They are in the golden package.”

With his light bringing cargo Night Light made his way to the kitchen. He offered his wife about a million times that they could hire a maid to give Velvet more free time, but she insisted on taking care of her household on her own. He put three candles into a candle holder and then levitated the mostly burned out candles from the chandelier and replaced them with new ones as well.

“There we go. Would you light them up, honey?” he asked and pecked her on the cheek. She turned to him and smirked.

“Why, don’t you see I’m busy? You could just as well do it alone.”

“I sure could.” Night Light took advantage of his wife facing him and went for a deeper kiss this time. When he pulled away, he returned his wife’s smirk double time. “But with that fire inside you, I thought the task would be befitting you.”

Velvet giggled at that and lit her horn, sparking the candles into a steady calm flame. “Now, now, you charmer. There will be enough time for that once we have eaten dinner.” She glanced out the window at the worsening storm and then back to her husband. “And by the looks of it for several days afterwards as well.”

“My, what a fate! Cut from the world by tons of snow, just one stallion and one mare, nothing to kill time.” He sniffed the pots on the stove and grinned. “Yet Lady Luck stands by them since they have many a tasteful morsel to quench their hunger.”

“I hope you like what you smell, my little poet, because I cooked so much it could feed a small regiment. Too bad no guests will show up in such weather.”

“I can eat for a small regiment. And other things as well.”

Velvet flicked his nose with her hoof, but the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her amusement. “You are a naughty colt today, Night Light. As a punishment, you will wait for the dinner here and you can’t bring anything to read!”

Night Light took the indicated place without complaining, though the condition of not reading was driving him slightly crazy. He watched his wife add the finishing touches to their dinner and wiggle her hips in the process seductively. She got to preparing the dishes and instead of using magic to retrieve the plates from the upper shelf, she stretched up and took them with her hoof. He couldn’t wait for the dinner to be over.

“Here you are, honey,” Velvet said as she placed a plate full of kale rissoles with mashed potatoes and cheese dip in front of her husband. She intentionally took seat across the table from him, only caressing his calves with her hooves. “Don’t eat too quickly, or you will get a hiccup.” The warning couldn’t stop Night Light from trying to devour the delicious food as quickly as possible though. Velvet sighed in exasperation “At least tell me if there was anything interesting in the Academy today.”

Nightlight stopped his fierce attack on the vegetable for a second and looked up. “Not really. They still lead the same snobby talks about theories of races and so on. I try to ignore them. No loss that we stopped meeting most of them.” He took few more bites and stopped again. “Well, there was that rumor about Twilight being seen in Fillydelphia few days ago, but that’s about it.”

Velvet took a sip of the white wine they chose for the dinner beforehand and shook her head. “They could finally stop it. For some time those news could have served to raise profits of the paper, but now? It’s pathetic and dishonoring.”

“I know, honey, but you can’t stop ponies from hoping in these dark times.”

“I guess. But maybe if they stopped hoping and started doing something instead, those dark times would pass quicker.” She ate the last morsels of her dinner and levitated the plate and utensils into the sink. “Speaking of dark, the storm is here, and as you said, we are cut from the rest of the world. Whatever shall we do, my knight?”

“Firstly,” Night Light said and got up from his seat, “we should move to where we can decidedly stay warm. Therefore, I suggest we fortify our bedroom.” He grabbed Velvet in his magic hold and started out of the door, extinguishing the candles behind him.

“Hey!” Velvet exclaimed and giggled as the magic tickled her on her belly. “I can walk on my own, you know.”

“Not while I levitate you, honey. Both the scientific theory and the experience confirm that.”

“I am powerless against science. Very well then, though I now see you are in fact a robber knight.” She held a hoof to her forehead in a feigned horror and allowed Night Light to ‘kidnap’ her without struggling.

They soon found themselves on the top of the stair and Velvet helpfully opened the door to the bedroom with her own magic since Night Light’s was occupied. He laid her down on their princess sized bed and closed the door just as a knocking sounded from the front door.

“Did you hear that?” Velvet asked and looked curiously at the door.

“I didn’t hear anything but your sweet voice, honey.” Night Light made his way to the bed and joined Velvet on it, embracing her and pulling her into another deep kiss. After a few seconds the knocking returned though. This time they both heard it, but Night Light waved it off. “They will go away soon, just ignore them.” They returned to their cuddling and kissing, but the visitor wouldn’t be deterred by being ignored. This time the doorbell rang through the house for about ten seconds.

“No, they most definitely aren’t going away on their own,” Velvet said with a deep sigh of exasperation. “I will go tell them we are already in bed and to come tomorrow. Don’t go anywhere.”

With no small amount of disdain Night Light watched his wife get up from bed and walk out the door. She left it slightly open, allowing him to track her moves by hearing. Rhythmic thuds told him when she descended the stairs and the muffled ones signaled she was nearing the front door. At that moment the ringing of the doorbell returned again, making him scrunch his face in disgust. Velvet obviously shared that feeling.

“Oh yes, I am coming. No need to break that poor doorbell!”

He heard the chain on the door being removed and the click of the lock. He should oil the doorposts soon as well.

“I am sorry, but this isn’t the best time for a visit. If you wouldn’t mind returning tomo-” The sentence remained unfinished, a surprised gasp following instead. He shot up immediately, fearing something horrible happened to Velvet. It wouldn’t be the first time ponies were attacked in their homes. He was cursing himself as he galloped from the room and to the stairs, charging his horn to strike down whoever dared to lay hoof on his wife. What he saw from the top of the staircase made him freeze on spot though.

Velvet wasn’t harmed in any way, far from it. She sure was shaken though. She was trembling on the threshold of their house, facing three horned figures in black cloaks and reaching her right hoof to the cheek of the one in the center.

“Twilight…” he whispered in disbelief and slowly walked down the stairs and joined his wife by the door.

“Twilight,” Velvet echoed and caressed the visitor’s cheek lightly as if afraid that she would shatter at stronger touch. “Is that really you?”

“Hi mom, hi dad.” A warm smile spread on Twilight’s face at seeing her parents again. “I’m sorry I made you worried. I’m completely alright and-” she didn’t get to finish as her parents moved forward at the same time and pulled her into a hug, unteenth one for Twilight that day. She reciprocated it happily and nuzzled into their manes like she did as a filly. “I missed you.”

“You… have no idea how much… we missed you, sweetie,” Velvet managed to say among sobs. She didn’t try to stop her tears. They fit the moment well and everypony had to understand. They would stay there for ages if it weren’t for Trixie who found that sole thought abhoring.

“Um… I hate to break the moment, but may we come in? It’s kind of freezing out here.”

As if a spell was broken by that comment, Velvet let her daughter go and returned to her usual role of premier hostess. “Where are our manners! Welcome to our humble home.” She gestured to them to enter and then toward the coat hooks. “Take those heavy things off, there is no cold in our household.”

“Oh thank you,” Sunset breathed out in relief. “It almost feels like that snow storm was following us from Ponyville all the way here!”

“Yeah. Almost,” Trixie piped from behind her, averting her gaze from Sunset. That of course didn’t go unnoticed.

“Are you implying you dragged that awful cloud behind us on purpose? Why?!”

“Twilight didn’t want to be seen by anypony. And it’s not an awful cloud. That storm is really pretty and I want to keep it!” Trixie tossed up her head and huffed in indignation, earning a deadpan stare from Sunset.

They removed their coats gratefully, piling their luggage under the pegs as well. Night Light, who eyed some of the equipment with curiosity and mild suspicion, turned toward his daughter. “Would you introduce us, sweetie?”

“Oh, of course,” Twilight agreed giddily, ignoring Trixie’s giggling at the cute addressing. “Mom, dad, this is Sunset Shimmer, my good friend and-”

“-bodyguard,” Sunset supplied, pointing to her long bag neatly prodded against the wall.

“-yes, bodyguard, and this is Trixie Lulamoon, another great friend and-”

“-partner,” Trixie butted in, but at the mix of confused and amused looks she received she blushed and quickly added, “in the field of magic study I mean!”

“It’s nice to see Twilight finally found a partner. In the field of magic study I mean,” Night Light teased and shook hooves with both mares. “My name is Night Light and this is my wife Twilight Velvet. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

The mares exchanged bows and Velvet eyed them from head to hooves with her experience of a parent. “You must be hungry. I will bring you something in a jiffy!” She rushed toward the kitchen and left Night Light with their guests alone. He led them to the living room where they took places on very comfortable sofas. Both Trixie and Sunset now understood where Twilight’s love for books stemmed, since the walls were literally covered with bookshelves.

“So,” Night Light began as he poured them a glass of wine each and sat down in his favourite spot, “what exactly brings you here? Don’t get me wrong, we are overjoyed to see you alive and well, but after such a long time it seems abrupt.”

“Well, I am returning now for good and I haven’t decided where I want to live. So apart from visiting you just to see you, I wanted to ask if we could stay here for a few days. I don’t want to be seen around yet, like Trixie said and there is no other place I can go. There’s nothing holding me in Ponyville when Spike left.”

“But of course you can stay here, sweetie,” Velvet exclaimed, welcoming the request happily since she would get to pamper her long lost child again, even just for few days. She was bringing three plates full of what she prepared for Night Light and herself previously. Maybe it was some kind of motherly intuition that she cooked so much of it.

“It should be no problem,” Night Light added, smiling as Twilight embraced her mother when the plates were laid down. “We didn’t move a thing in your room out of nostalgy either and there is enough space to house your friends as well.”

“I will get to see Twilight’s room? Awesome!” Trixie chirped and clapped her hooves happily. Twilight on the other hand paled at the notion visibly. “What? Is it full of Starswirl the Bearded posters and toys?” Twilight did what she could to not meet anypony’s eyes. “Seriously?”

Twilight didn’t answer, instead attacking her dinner with fervor. Velvet could only chuckle at how much Twilight was taking after her father mannerwise.

Velvet placed down her own glass of wine on the table and retrieved a parchment, quill and inkwell from the writing desk by the window. “We have to send a letter to Shining and Cadance. They will love to hear that you returned. Not to mention what Spike will do.”

Twilight shot to full attention immediately. “You know where Spike is?”

“Yes, he left for Crystal Empire soon after you vanished. He didn’t want to stay in Celestia’s proximity.”

“No surprise in that point,” Sunset remarked and sipped daintily from her glass. She never was much of a drinker.

“Indeed. Though that’s not the only surprise waiting in Crystal Empire, Twilight. But it’s not my place to tell, you will see, when you visit them,” Velvet added mysteriously, rolled the parchment and sent it away in her magic.

“I guess I don’t have other choice but to go there soon,” Twilight agreed with a smile. “For now though, I am happy to be home.”