• Published 16th Oct 2013
  • 5,577 Views, 110 Comments

This is my last letter - Estelien

Princess Twilight, downhearted when Celestia seems to forget about her, writes one last letter to her former mentor.

  • ...

Final Warning

--- Sent shortly before Twilight's last letter. ---

Twilight Sparkle,

Please read this letter immediately.

While I appreciate that you have been faithful in continuing to write to me, your reports over the last year have changed in a way I never expected of you. I have been patient in writing back up to this point, though I cannot understand why you have disregarded my responses. I must insist that you read and take this one seriously.

I would travel there to speak to you, if I could, but am needed here as we look into a new threat toward Canterlot. My new student, who I have mentioned to you before, has been training hard to prepare to aid if trouble should come, but everyone asks when you will arrive to help. However, your hooves are clearly quite full there.

Your magic is growing greater still, but as I have many times of late, I must implore you to reconsider the way you apply it. The castle renovations and expansion to its pool and gardens are indeed impressive feats, and apparently your subjects respect you enough to aid in this work, but is this really an appropriate use of your magic or authority? What of the citizens you used to care so much about - are they not still unhealthy and arguing among themselves? It seems you have abandoned the great project you began to help them. What of all the lessons you wrote to me about from Ponyville? Was it all a show?

When I sent you to this new place, there was no doubt in my mind that you would be successful and well-loved - that you were the one pony who could lead them and build a flourishing nation. You were the one who gave up any chance of personal gain in order to save the Crystal Empire, who gave up your chances of returning to Equestria to protect new friends in another dimension, who took every opportunity to help a friend in need. I fear that this new authority has begun to distort your view. We discussed early in your training how devastating a self-centered monarch, especially one with great power, can be to a kingdom. It is your responsibility, as princess, to always put others before yourself. Twilight, this focus on your own interests has caused you to forget about those who need you, and even those who care about you.

The alicorn magic you wield is worthy only of a selfless ruler. I have warned you of these things too many times and have no choice but to intervene. One of my messengers will arrive there within the week to take your Element of Harmony. It will remain in Canterlot for safekeeping until you are ready to use it responsibly.

You know how much you mean to me, Twilight. I chose you as my student and our new princess for so many reasons. Prove to me that I was not wrong. Otherwise, I will have to find someone to take your place and fulfill the duties that you cannot. For now, I highly recommend that you take time to reflect and consider what you need to do.

Princess Celestia


Done, I sighed. Pastel purple light from her coronation window covered the page. Twilight is the last pony to whom I ever expected to send such a letter. But am I being too harsh? Glancing back over the page absently, approaching footsteps interrupted my thoughts.

"Ahem, Princess Celestia, your student awaits you in the library."

"Thank you, but isn't she a bit early?"

The guard looked confused. "Actually, she is quite late for once, your majesty."

More time had passed than I'd realized. "Very well. I will be down shortly." He looked suspiciously at my parchment. I closed it and reassured him with a polite princess smile until he had left.

They are all so protective of me, so concerned at the slightest sign I might not be completely happy, but they certainly can be nosy at times. I chuckled. Yet despite all their attention... I began walking and felt my face relax to a frown as I reopened the scroll, colors flowing over the page. I still feel very much alone. I do wish I could talk with someone about this. But no one must know of Twilight's failure - she needs them to believe in her if there is to be any hope that she might turn things around - I paused as blazing yellow and red overtook the letter - as she has. But what if she couldn't do it?

Magically sealing the scroll, I sent what I knew might be my last letter to my dear student, the last communication with one who had been a true friend.

Twilight, how could you?

Author's Note:

Another chapter done!

S4 premiere spoiler alert: Yes, I realize now that Twilight would not still have her element at this point. I started the story before S4 so I'm going to leave it for now. :\

Comments ( 32 )

You have confused me. Wasn't Twilight doing a good job? Celetia hasn't sent a letter to Twilight in a while. What is going on!? I'm more confused than ever! And was that Sunset Shimmer!? This is taking a turn to the fan real fast

So there's some sort of con going on. Is the new student the one who's trying to destroy Celestia's friendship with Twilight?

The plot thickens...


I should go.

A turn to the fan? What does that mean? :rainbowhuh:

Shit's about to hit the fan. It's the equivalence, without the certainty. Basically I can't tell what's gonna happen.

Ah, now I get it!

Why do I get the feeling that somepony is playing Celestia and Twilight for fools here? :twilightoops::fluttershbad:

Great chapter though!

Interesting. So someone's hijacked the comms, and is corresponding with Celestia, but not sending anything at all to Twilight? (While presumably getting anything she tries to send to Celestia) I wonder how long this charade will last for.

I can see now why Celestia is so upset about this, but why did she blow up like that at Twilight? Also, what does Celestia mean by Twilight disregarding her responses? is there something going on here that neither of them can see? Also, why does nopony ever take talking about their troubles seriously? It would most likely solve one fourth of all the problems in Equestria.
The questions in this comment are completely rhetorical and are in no way in need of a response. Just food for thought.

Something's not right here. I think somebody mentioned that it seems somebody is preventing Twilight from receiving Celestia's letters and judging from what Celestia said, I agree with it. So in other words, somebody is ruining Celestia and Twilight's bond.

But personally this whole "leader must put others before themselves" thing. Yeah...no. A leader should think of others and themselves equally, not worry about putting one before the other, because leaders deserve to have personal happiness too. Putting others before yourself but never having any time at all for yourself is just plain screwed up.

Sure hope whatever the hell's going on between Celestia and Twilight is quickly resolved and they reconcile.


OK, I'm bringing religion into this. So, now that I warned you, I shall start!

They say that the best popes are the ones that don't want to be pope.

End of religion.

This translates into saying that power attracts corrupt able people, and also by saying that the best leader of a nation is the person who doesn't want to lead the nation. You're so afraid that you might do something wrong that you do what the people would want, not yourself. If I was the leader of Equestria and was going to kill off dragons because I didn't like them, no, hated them, but should make a treaty with them because we could trade gems, which should I do? If I was corrupt I would kill them and steal their gems, but if I wasn't, I would put aside my grudge and be friends with them. But if one were to think equally of themselves and others then one would start cutting away the time that they need to rule to go and be with their friends. Right then there is a problem, you could get killed and the nation is left without a leader. In short you should think about others first.


I need to understand your thought pattern a little more. Do you believe that a leader must continually sacrifice their own personal happiness and do the "their happiness is my happiness" bull, or do you believe that a leader should have time for personal happiness?

i am generally confused with this story. and that doesn't happen often.
but i will up vote and fav


...Dang it! I can't explain this without religion again!

Let me put it this way: I am a Catholic, we try to be caring and loving to everyone. Plus all that I really need to be happy is a ball of magnets, music, and a smile. So yeah, helping others is a large part of my happiness. So did that explain my thought pattern?

3572848 It's understandable involving religion. I myself am Christian.

It's just, I'm so used to fiction where leaders are always told "Think of others" all the time that I think it's hammered into my head. And it feels like they're saying leaders are supposed to be miserable for the rest of their lives because they're not allowed to think about themselves. I understand that leaders have to make sacrifices, but i don't believe that they should be condemned to a life of misery and not be allowed any personal happiness.

3572872 3572848
Awesome! I am a Christian as well. A good summary of my view on this is here, especially 3-5. Some versions say, "...not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others," while other versions specify, "not to your own interests but to the interests of others." I'm not sure which is closer to the original translation.

It's true that you do make some sacrifices when others matter more to you than yourself. It's not all rainbows and butterflies. Many of Christ's original followers had a very rough life, to put it lightly. And yet they were content.

I don't feel that focusing on others' interests means having a miserable life. First off, we can hope that Celestia and Twilight do enjoy being princesses and leading others in general - that is an enjoyable and rewarding thing in itself, even if it is difficult. But as for putting others first, speaking from personal experience, helping others can be a huge source of happiness (even the perfect way to kick a wave of depression). When I get off my backside and go find a way to serve others, even if it's just listening to someone who needs to vent (even if I have things I'd like to vent about too), my problems tend to weigh me down less, or seem smaller.

Someone once described teaching (my occupation) as being a "servant-leader," or someone who must both lead and serve. A princess (or teacher!) has to take care of herself in order to think clearly, look like an authority figure, and lead well in general. It's why I sleep at night, even though I could make one of tomorrow's activities better or plan more enrichment for so-and-so. (I was very bad at this in college. No sleep never led to good teaching.) Still, outside of doing what I need to to be effective and sane (which includes time for writing, art, etc.), a huge number of my decisions in all areas of life depend on what is best for my kiddos. I believe our princesses can have their servants and giant castles and fancy tiaras and still be selfless, as long as they have their priorities straight.

At this point in the story, Celestia's impression is that Twilight has been way, way exceeding just taking care of herself or accepting the gifts of her subjects, to the point of being completely uninterested in their needs. Her power seems to have corrupted her.


Well, when someone only thinks of others and doesn't think of themselves at all, then I definitely agree with you. I wouldn't be spending all of my time on helping others. I would probably take a break sometimes and read a book, walk in the park, or just talk to someone. When you devote your life to helping others then you don't have any true happiness unless you find happiness in the acts. But even a small break can cause tremendous happiness, or even a small act of kindness that someone gives to you.

In that way I would say that a leader should be like everyone else except they have to look over a nation.


I think described what you just now that I read your reply.

For starters I too find lots of happiness in small or large acts of charity, and a good example of this is in the "Smile" song. Charity never hurt anyone, and that's why generosity is one of the Elements!

But yeah, I understand that being a teacher can be very hard at some points. My math teacher and I have a close friendship, so I know that grading, sleep, planning, etc. are all very important.

But there is one thing that I would change for myself. My sleep pattern is strange in the sense that the more sleep I get, the less rested I am in the morning unless I wake up naturally. The less sleep I get, like going to bed at 2:30 in the morning, the more rested I am. After that I'm perfectly normal. And leaders always tend to be a teacher in some way or another, as leading someone along often teaches them tricks in life, but whenever I try to teach I just confuse people more....

Now does anyone else find it strange that three Christians are debating the happiness in the life of a leader?

Hmmm... This looks to me like there is a big gap in communication here, and an equally big misunderstanding as well. And things are not going well :/ This could get pretty ugly before it gets better.

And this?

"I paused as blazing yellow and red overtook the letter - as she has. But what if she couldn't do it?"

That sounds to me like Sunset Shimmer may be involved... I have this suspicion that if it IS Sunset, she's deliberately messing with the letters, possibly both inbound and outbound and working to drive Celestia and Twilight apart... And use that as a means to become Twilight's replacement.

Or I could be totally over-analyzing but this is what I think.

You have caught my interest, good author. This story? Tracked!

Mail interception?


:rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh: your kidding right?
This is just a dream, right? :applecry:
THE FEELS!!!!!!!
( celestia you f*****g troll! :trollestia:)

I smell foul play at work... Hit it with the air freshener!

Oh these feelings..... :raritycry:

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please... :flutterrage:

i dont like that this story is no longer being updated for teh forseeable future i want to know what led to such things

Jeesh, I haven't been on this site in ages. :fluttershysad:

Thank you both for your kind words! :twilightsmile: I kind of gave up on this story a while back... I had originally only written the first chapter, and it was complete. But so many people wanted to know the rest of the story, which I had to make up (since the reality it was based on didn't have any closure). Though it was fun to keep writing it, it had sort of lost its personal meaning at that point. So I don't intend to finish it.
I really want to write another story, though, so I'm going to start digging through these new episodes for some inspiration.

Hit the nail on the head. :raritywink:


Though it was fun to keep writing it, it had sort of lost its personal meaning at that point. So I don't intend to finish it.

Sorry to hear that. Though I'm glad I managed to guess right :)

'Suppose I'll just have to imagine the story ended happily somehow.

6115685 I really wanna know wat happened to twilight :raritydespair: :fluttercry::fluttershbad:

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