• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 3,984 Views, 157 Comments

A Nightmare Before The Night [CYOA] - Selbi

This is an Interactive Story! It is the day of Nightmare Night. Everypony is busy with something to make sure the festival is going to be great. Except Twilight. Her job was finished days ago, but now she messed up. Help her save the night!

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“S-sorry, say that again please,” stuttered Twilight.

“One hundreds bits,” repeated Fluttershy.

Twilight gulped One hundred bits? Was Fluttershy out of her mind? “I don’t know what Discord did to your head, but one thing is for sure: he didn’t only turn you into a brainiac, he also turned you into a greedy pony again. I guess there still is some part of ‘new Fluttershy’ from the Iron Will incident in you, and I’m currently talking to it.”

Completely stunned by Twilight’s sudden accusations, Fluttershy said, “Why do you say such things? I’m just asking to get the general running costs paid. You know I don’t earn a single bit otherwise.”

One hundred bits to have a little chat with a squirrel?!” Twilight screamed at Fluttershy. “I don’t care what happened to you, just get better. I’m rejecting your completely unreasonable offer! And next time invent something that, I don’t know, runs on air or something.”

Without waiting for a response, she stomped towards the door and opened it.

“Good bye, Fluttershy,” she snarled while standing in the frame, and slammed the door shut behind her as she walked away. “Ah, what am I even complaining about?” she asked herself. “I’ll just fix the problem myself.”

But how?

→ Try breaking the safe open? Go to Chapter 16!

→ Try talking to the squirrel without the device? Go to Chapter 14!