• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 9,935 Views, 249 Comments

The Tale of One Shadow - RadBunny

Sombra was a much more complicated pony than history lent him credit. The Crystal Heart having freed him from the clutches of his own creation, Sombra now tries to find his place in the world. But can he escape the shadow of the past?

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Chapter Six: Soft Light

They were whisked away to a secluded tower, personally selected guards of Shining's present at their door. The only thing that the two royal's had said were to stay put.

Sombra's pacing only lasted a few minutes before he sat down on some simply blue cushions; some of the simple but elegant accommodations in the room. He stared at his hooves, still hearing the cry of the guard ringing in his ears. Despite the peaceful surroundings, his mind was anything but such.

Murderer. Is that what I am?

His eyes narrowed with annoyance as his vision blurred, tension gripping his chest. Now what!?

A sharp intake of breath was his reaction as Amber Leaf walked over, looking over at him sadly. Her hoof brushed his cheek, wiping away the offending particles which had been obscuring his vision.


Since when have I cried this much?

Then again, having a thousand years to think changed things.

---- --- –

Amber's heart ached at seeing Sombra so clearly distressed. She sat next to him, wiping away another set of tears. More took its place, but the gesture was what mattered. He refused to meet her gaze, instead looking at his hooves which had begun to shake with nerves.

A gentle nudge under his chin was all it took to break down the walls. Sombra's emotional barriers shattered, and the stallion's head flopped to the ground, sobs wracking his frame. Amber scooted closer to him, cradling his head in her forehooves, gently stroking his mane as he cried.

Nobody has any idea about this side of you, do they? What did those thousand years do to you? I only suffered before the Demon was locked away. You, you had to live with it in your head.

After his family's death, Sombra became even more an enigma in Amber's eyes. Before, he always had little quirks that never ceased to amuse her. That tragic incident though seemed to cause a whole slew of problems to arise.

But, that was to be expected. You can't just weather something like that unharmed.

On the exterior, Sombra was a gentlecolt guard, excelling at offensive and defensive magic. More than a few mares had their eye on him...

Had their eyes on him, that was all it ever allotted to.

None of them understood. None of them saw Sombra for who he was. Amber's mind drifted to part of a poem she had written, not an uncommon occurrence considering her cutie mark was that of literary works.

Nobody saw the determination, the drive, only the unbridled rage.

Nobody saw the tenderness, the sensitivity, only weakness.

Amber's head shook slightly, pulling Sombra a bit close to rest her cheek against his. His tears wet her fur, and she felt his whole body shake. Was it grief? Rage? Sorrow?

All of it?

Nobody saw him that night.

It was a memory engraved in Amber Leaf's consciousness, one of the defining points in their relationship, or what used to pass as such.

It had been an anniversary of his family's death, naturally a dark day. It had been a year or two before the demon's possession. It was rather appropriate weather, since storms had covered the land for some time, snow, ice, and sleet having fallen for days.

She hadn't been able to sleep for one reason or another. Amber had gone down to get a drink of water, when Sombra had walked in through the front door. His fur had been plastered down with cold ice and hail, almost hiding his eyes.

His eyes. Now they held the same crimson color she adored, but lacked the strength and resolve of before his possession.

That night, Amber had lit a fire, wrapping Sombra in a large blanket. The stallion had been unresponsive, just staring at the floor.

Sombra had opened up to Amber before, but never like this. It was always subtle hints, as though he was afraid of what may come of revealing a weakness.

“It hurts Amber. It hurts so much!” He had whispered.

The sobs that had left his frame were like those now; unhindered and raw.

Between his clenched teeth, Sombra had said something that Amber would never forget.

“I wish, Amber, that I had a mind as strong as my magic and body.”

That simple statement had clarified what Amber had known, but only superficially.

For all your training, tearing apart training dummies, and wanting to be a guard, you have such a tender heart Sombra. One that has already been torn, almost beyond repair.

How much damage did that demon do?

Amber Leaf's mother had once talked to her about the relationship concerning Sombra, much to Amber's dismay.

“Don't get yourself involved with someone who needs fixing, Amber dear.” Her mother had said.

“You'll have enough rocky times without dealing with a broken pony.”

Amber hadn't talked to her mother for days afterwards. She usually took her parent's advice, but this was different. She hadn't been a brash and off-the-wall teenager. According to more than a few other adults, Amber always seemed a few years ahead. Her parents had experience, so she took her mother's advice with a pinch of salt.

Only a pinch.

Nobody had a right to pass judgement on Sombra, the one pony in this world who made her feel wanted, loved, and if he had issues, so be it. Could she truly judge another pony for that? No.

To Amber's slight surprise, Sombra's sobs had slowed, and he apparently was in a light slumber, ears twitching at any sound as he dozed.

“Oh Sombra, where do we go from here? How much have you changed, how much have I changed?” Amber whispered.

Her words prompted Sombra to open his eyes and look at her, an untold number of emotions playing out across his face.

“I still care about you Amber, more than.” His voice drifted off as he took a deep breath.

“When you have only a demon to talk to for a thousand years, things become distorted. I don't know what to believe anymore, and I don't know if you even want a stallion that is as broken as I am. If you do though, I would like to try. My mistake has destroyed so much. I want to rebuild. I want to know what it is like, to feel, but more than that, I want you to be happy. Of that much I am certain.” He met her gaze again, and Amber's heart leaped as she saw the flames of determination in his eyes. She knew that look. It was him.

You are my Sombra.

Amber Leaf looked at him, causing Sombra's ears to twitch with curiosity.


The simple confirmation that had finally sunk in, that the pony in front of Amber Leaf was the stallion she cared for, it reverberated through both her heart and mind. Amber could feel more tears being pushed out, her lips quivering. She had assumed it was him, suspected it, but now she knew it.

“Sombra, it's you.” She whispered.

Amber hug-tackled the stallion, which was only partially effective due to his height, wrapping her forelimbs around Sombra's neck as she took a deep breath. The scent she so missed filled her nostrils. It was subtle, a hint of spiciness among dull ash. The warmth she had so missed, that she had craved, finally seeped in through her fur. She could hear his heartbeat, and as sappy as some pony's would call it, she loved the sound. It spoke of comfort, and of strength. She was strong, but there were times she needed somepony to lean on.

“Lets try again Sombra. Even though things will be difficult, I do want to try. I still have plenty of questions.” Amber confessed, biting down on her own doubts and fears. Amber felt him nod slightly as she nuzzled his fur. They both had things haunting them, many of which couldn't be cured in a simple, short exchange. Of that she was certain.

“So, we start over?” Sombra asked, his own tears fading. Amber simply nodded in response.

“Yes, and no. We can't forget the past, but we both have changed. So I guess we both start anew, and build on the old?”

Amber couldn't help but hug him a bit tighter.

“I don't know how we'll do that. Maybe meeting my parents again would be a start. Then maybe a date?” Her voice squeaked at the end, causing a warm blush to rise to her cheeks.

“Yes. I'd, like that. I still have doubts though. About why you'd ever want to still...” His voice dropped to a whisper.

Amber glared at him, poking his cheek with a hoof.

“Do I need to slap you again?” She asked, eyes narrowed.

“I don't know what that demon told you for a thousand years, but I still care for you. I have my own doubts too. We just need to work through them together.”

The widening of his eyes and slight clenching of the jaw confirmed Amber's suspicions.

What lies did that demon try to get him to believe? Furthermore, why would those lies be about me?

You're not broken Sombra. You're the same stallion as always. Some say you are needy, clingy, aggressive, dangerous.

They can't understand, can they?

Amber had gotten past the attempted self-denial. She had first tried to justify why she liked Sombra, both for her sake and explaining to others. A romance novel hadn't ever touched her hooves!

Ok, that was a lie.

As independent as Amber liked to be, she still loved the notion of being protected and sheltered.

Apparently, quite a few stallions thought this notion to be worthy of taking advantage of, to which Amber was perfectly content to deal with. She hadn't taken hoof-to-hoof combat lessons with Sombra for nothing.

He is tough, and scary at times, yet underneath it all, a lonely pony who just wants to belong to something. His first family is gone, so now he is with mine. She let out a slight huff at the thought.

And I like to do things on my own, something he can understand. Yet that feeling when- Amber's thoughts trailed off as she let out a squeak, Sombra enfolding her in his forelimbs to hug her close, nuzzling her mane with his nose, quite an easy task considering his size.

This feeling. Knowing I'm not alone.

Amber wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. After so many years, to finally be close to the one she-


Her thoughts crashed into a brick wall, breaking away from the serenity and comfort.

Do I love him? I know how I use to feel. But now? I still have feelings for him.

We'll see.

The fact that Amber couldn't answer her own question was frightening, and the mare simply nuzzled Sombra's fur once again. It was terrifying, not knowing where things were going.

But for now, she had her Sombra back. First step, to get him introduced to her family again.

Hopefully the rest of the townsfolk wouldn't react as violently as that one stallion.


A knock sounded at the door, and Cadence slid into the room cautiously, her nervous expression breaking into a smile at seeing the two.

“Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to see how you two were holding up.” A wider, and more tender smile slid onto her features.

“I also have a bit more information on what's going on.”

Amber nodded, Sombra looking to her for confirmation. He shifted positions, settling down next to her, side touching hers for comfort.

Whether it was for her sake or his, Amber wasn't sure. The thought that it may be both of those reasons passed through her mind.

“I apologize if this is a forward question, but is there a foal at home? We can send someone to get them and bring them here.” Cadence asked, her voice soft and gentle.

“What?! N-No!” Amber's exclamation halted as she saw Sombra's utterly shocked face. It looked like he had licked the most sour lemon-flavored crystal in existence.

“I mean, Cadence, there isn't. We haven't-I mean-only kisses Cadence.” Amber said, enjoying Sombra's blush much more than she should have. His bashful expression was adorable.

Worth it.

Cadence held up a hoof, nodding in response.

“I apologize for the mix up, but just wanted to be sure that we weren't keeping you. It should be safe for you both to leave. The guard who attacked you was part of a more disturbed group. Needless to say, they hate y-I mean-the Demon. They don't know the difference. You'll have guards follow you at a distance, the less attention the better. For now, Sombra, you can just lay low and try to acclimate. Is that alright?”

“It is, thank you Cadence.” Sombra rumbled, the first words he had spoken in seriousness in some time.

Yep. That voice still makes me happy. Oh dear Amber, you've fallen for this stallion, badly.

This will be interesting.

“Alright, then follow me please, if that is satisfactory.” Cadence said.

The two ponies nodded, following Cadence (and a few guards) down the halls.

“I take it times have changed? A foal at home unless, there is erm....” Sombra's words petered off, causing Amber to roll her eyes.

“You're seriously asking if there's another stallion in my life? Honestly Sombra. There isn't, but from what I understand, out of wedlock births are disturbingly common now. The whole honorable gentlecolt thing is a dying characteristic. I hope I'm wrong.”

“You're not, sadly.” Cadence said soberly. “That is why I had to ask. Perhaps when there were codes of honor, such a question would have been insulting. Nowadays, we can't be sure. Not our place to judge others though.” She let out a slight huff. “Although being royalty certainly gives us that apparent right, according to some ponies.” The alicorn shook her head.

“I won't bore you with politics. I am glad to see you two are getting along, and that you are who you proclaim to be, Sombra. I look forward to talking to you in the future.” Cadence nodded to Amber and Sombra, then taking her leave, two guards taking up position a fair distance away from the pair.

“I guess those are our shadows. Lets go Sombra.” Amber said, nodding to the guards with respect.

“Alright.” His tone sounded much less certain as they left the palace. Sombra's head was on a swivel, an astonished look on his features at the beautiful castle and the surrounding city in the distance, beyond the gardens and surrounding decorative areas. The sunlight reflected off the crystal structures, sending beams of light galavanting across the city.

Sombra then let out a happy sigh, standing still for a moment.

“Sunlight.” The dark-furred stallion whispered as he trotted over to some grass. Without any care in the world, he flopped down onto the foliage, rolling around this way and that.

Ponies couldn't purr, but Sombra seemed to be coming awfully close to it.

Amber trotted over, not able to resist a slight chuckle.

“Sombra, what are you doing?” She asked, the stallion still rolling around in the grass. He stopped for a moment, meeting her gaze. Amber's heart melted at the affection in his eyes as he looked her way.

“Amber, when you haven't had a physical sensation for a thousand years this feels amazing. I haven't had a chance to dwell on how amazing my senses are until now.” He explained, going back to rolling in the grass.

After a few more moments, he got up, shaking the loose grass from his fur.

“You'll try it eventually,” he quipped with a slight smile.

“I guess to your house?” Sombra's voice was subdued, his nerves showing through.

Amber nodded, walking over while fishing out something from her bag. A slight smile meandered onto her features as she withdrew the select item. She didn't say anything for a moment, watching as his eyes widened, mouth opening in shock.

“A-Amber? You-” Sombra couldn't finish, and his eyes were damp, jaw clenched to try and stem the obvious emotions. He settled to his knees, largely out of habit. About to stand as he realized that things may have changed, Sombra was stopped by a nudge from Amber. She carefully wound the scarf around his neck, tying it as she had done many times before. It was a sort of ritual between the two. Of course Sombra could tie it with his magic, but having her tie it was a familiar thing.

Both their eyes were damp now as Sombra stood, not caring that the guards were probably at a loss at what was going on.

“Y-you kept it.” He whispered, Amber nodding in response.

“I had to remember that you were... Amber couldn't finish, closing her eyes as she nudged Sombra along.

“We'll talk about it later,” she said, heading towards the main streets with their guards in tow.

I had to remember it was a demon that locked me in a dungeon, and not you.

Author's Note:

Feedback is always appreciated!

And a thank you to AppleDashFan132 for proofing, boothnat for post-proofing, and everyone who has Favorited! (I apologize for not responding to you individually!)