• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 10,160 Views, 852 Comments

For Sonnets and Harmony - The Wizard of Words

There are ponies that are born great. There are ponies that achieve great things. Then there are ponies who have greatness thrust upon them. The only question for them, is what great things will they do?

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The Harmony: Part 1

It wasn’t a hard decision for Octavia, not really. Not once she realized the obvious choice was the best choice. There was really only one mare she had trusted so much and so well throughout this little journey of hers. It only made sense she was there to help her at the end of it.

Princess Luna, the Regent of the Moon, and most importantly, one of her newest and greatest friends.

“-preferred to have the members of the Orchestra by the stage, or further from it? Closer to the right should work, though I believe your family should take precedence.” Said diarch spoke of the seating order once more, more to herself than Octavia. The gray alicorn answered her regardless.

“The Orchestra would actually prefer to be in the mid section, not too close to the stage,” she explained. “It keeps the proper balance of the instrument, without letting the louder instruments over power the others or become too quiet.” Luna turned to her, smiling with a nod.

“Yes, of course,” she answered earnestly. “How silly of me to forget the golden rule.” Without another word, the dark alicorn lit up her horn, a dark aura encompassing it. When it did, similar ethereal lights grew over a copious number of items lain over the tables.

There were three rows of them, stretching up and down the length of the dining hall, from the bannister to the higher floors all the way to the ceremonial stage, meant for grand speeches or performance. Dozens of dozens of seats were set beneath each table, all met with a proper set of plates and silverware. That aside, the tables were far from ordinary.

The glasses were all of a dark silvery color, looking to be made by artisans. The plate and silverware were much the same, jeweled with what Octavia was sure were imports from the Crystal Kingdom. She hoped so in the very least, otherwise they were of significant cost. All of these were set over a long tablecloth, one for each table.

It took the cellist no time to recognize the dark decorum that along the length of the center, flanked on both sides by trails of spotted gold. It was a table runner common among many gathering in the Canterlot Castle, or at least she’d been told. Nevertheless, she had seen it a few times, as well as the pattern itself.

It was commonly found in Luna’s quarters.

“-name plates are spread properly, with those already aware of your ascension placed closer to the entrance hall.” Luna noted again. Octavia listened to every word. “That finishes the table settings, the seat arrangement, the orchestra assembly, and the decorations as well.” There was a noticeable perk to her voice. “I believe we are finished.” That was a good reason to be happy.

“And all well before the party’s beginning.” Octavia added, her own cheer thick in her voice. She didn’t feel a need to hide it. “This all looks so wonderful, perfect even.” She wasn’t kind with that word, but Octavia was less able to lie.

“Nearly as it can.” Luna spoke, her words mimicking Octavia’s thoughts. “Now we only need to have the meals prepared to serve and we will have little else to worry about.” Her words came off as if she were counting down a list. She likely was, used to these sorts of events far more than Octavia was. Still, the cellist could only wonder how similar this was to any other gathering the lunar alicorn might have participated in.

She looked at Luna, the princess wearing nothing to signify her title. Only the wings on her back and horn on her head made her position clear, not to forget her mane that billowed ethereally. Even after their preparations of the dining hall, she didn’t appear to have a single sign of fatigue.

It was like that whenever she helped Octavia. Foregoing a moment of shock or disbelief, usually shared between them, Luna never looked as if she was out of her element. Like the conductor before a master Orchestra, or a herself holding the cello, Luna never appeared anything but confident.

That confidence only came back to aid the cellist in more ways that one, always leading her down a path that never seemed rushed or hurried. She had learned so much thanks to Luna, been shown new possibilities by her aid, and once more now, she was helping her to personally prepare for what would likely be the most important announcement of her life.

Princess was a title most were born into, but to Octavia, Luna deserved it with wings and horn aside.

“Luna,” Octavia spoke the princess name. The dark alicorn turned in wait for a response. “I wanted to thank you again, for helping me with… all of this.” She could almost predict what Luna was going to return with.

“Think nothing of it, Octavia.” She smiled with her words, a gentle smile Octavia had a hard time believing many ponies were able to see, not when they were being introduced or discussed in her royal court. “It is by no means an inconvenience to assist you with your announcement. Rather, it is what we have both worked to prepare for.” All true, but not what she was aiming for.

“And I do thank you for that as well, but that wasn’t what I was thanking you for.” Luna’s cheerful expression fell, shifting like disturbed water into a confused stare. Octavia lightly noted that she had set down the plates that were around them, focusing on her.

The only thing odd about that was how Octavia felt no worry nor fear at the direct attention.

“What I mean is… I want to thank you for… everything.” Her gray hoof swiped lightly in the air, motioning over the abstract thought of the past events of her life. “You’ve been nothing but… You’ve only helped me ever since this sudden… change happened to me. I honestly thought at first that I would have hide for the remainder of my life, doing my utmost to never leave home without a hat or jacket.”

Luna said nothing, not yet. Octavia could tell she was waiting for her to finish. That was good, because she needed to be as clear as possible.

“At first, when Vinyl helped bring me to you, I thought you were just doing your… royal duty, to your subjects. And I think… you might have, too.” That was a guess, an honest one on her part. But judging only by Luna’s continued silence, and slight bob to her head, there must have been a seed of fact in the conjecture. “And yet, what you have done has gone far beyond what any mare or stallion could consider a simple duty to your subjects.”

“It is because you are more than a subject, Octavia,” Luna spoke the words with heartfelt sincerity. Octavia knew because she felt them more than she heard them. She experienced much the same.

“Yes, we’re friends.” There was no question in her mind what they were. They had spoken of it before, many times before. But now, any shadow of doubt was gone forever. “A friend that I enjoy the company of, enjoy speaking to, and trust with situations in my life both critical and minor.”

“And in truth, I am more honored that you would ask of small questions in your life than larger ones.” Luna trotted closer to Octavia as she spoke.

She was taller than the gray alicorn, far taller than most ponies as well. It wasn’t an exaggeration of words to say that she towered over most. It only became all the more obvious when her wings were extended, unfurled to their greatest lengths. More than once Octavia remembered how small she felt next to the Lunar Princess.

But right now, standing side-by-side, Octavia felt only comfort by their closeness. It was like having a rock to lean on in the midst of a storm, or a seat behind her to help carry her cello’s chords. Assurance and comfort, aide without worry. Simply, a fascinating necessity that Octavia felt little else but joy for now.

She felt joy, thanks, and so much more; all so different from her worry and trepidation when this journey began. In some way, she was sure that was what Luna meant as well.

No need to act from duty or loyalty, no need to watch over her as a caretaker or guardian. Luna was choosing to help Octavia from nothing other than a sense of friendship. She did it for no other reason, and that was reason enough for Octavia to thank her.

“I have few friends, Octavia. Few aside from those who see me out of necessity.” Octavia was caught up in her melancholy, almost missing the taller alicorn’s words. “I am also glad to help those who need me, and I will hear out any pony who asks it of me. And yet, their requests only come when I am the last mare they can ask.”

Luna lowered her head for a moment, silence ruling over the dining hall in her stead. With the tip downwards, Octavia couldn’t help the metaphor that Luna was submitting to the silence. Thankfully, her next words rebelled against it.

“You are the first pony, Octavia Melody, who asks for my aid not as the last option, but a first choice.” If the smile across the dark mare’s lips was not enough, Octavia could very nearly feel the joy and gratification in Luna’s voice. It sounded no different than a cello’s solo amongst a symphony, a literal rumble among her heartstrings. “That is how I know I see you as a friend that I enjoy both the day and night with.”

“And I in return to you, Luna.” Octavia was sure she had the same tone of joy in her voice. She couldn’t imagine she’d speak with anything else while talking to Luna. “I have few friends that I can truly enjoy an evening with, many of them I have made only after this sudden change in my life. But you are a friend I wish to speak with from sunset to moon fall. I find no reason to ever tire of your company.”

Instead of words, Octavia felt Luna respond with a wing over her back.

It was sudden, surprising and quick enough to earn a small gasp of surprise from her. Her gray hooves tittered across the tiles, momentarily caught off balance by the sudden sweeping force. In all the ways she thought of Luna to respond, this was not one of them. And yet, at the same time, it was not one she found any qualms with.

“And you are a friend I can enjoy the arts of music and imagination with. Even with those, I cannot fathom a reason to ever wish for anything but your friendship.” Octavia was already leaning against Luna when she heard the words, and she heard them as she felt the elder alicorn’s warmth. It was a wonderfully complementary combination.

For a moment, she didn’t respond, instead leaning into the dark mare’s coat. She extended her own wing, carefully twisting it beneath the taller one wrapped around her, before extending it slightly up and over Luna’s back. Her feathers knit themselves into the stem of Luna’s wing, but the embrace felt comfortable enough to satisfy any level of grooming her feathers would later need. By the hum Luna gave in return, she knew the feeling was mutual.

“Perhaps when this night is done,” Octavia began. “And I have told all who do not already know about the new me, maybe we can spend the night playing a song.” It was a spontaneous idea, but if Vinyl was evidence of anything in her life, it was that the random acts sometimes led to the best results.

“I would enjoy that, immensely.” The words were spoken without pause, and came in return fast enough to mean little thought. Octavia may have asked the question from her heart, but Luan responded all the same. That was excellent. “Do you have one in mind?”

“No,” Octavia answered honestly. “But if my magic is meant for anything, it is to create new songs with every pull of my bow.”

“Then I would love to help you create a new song.” Octavia felt Luna pull her a little closer, their coat feathers knitting together a little harder. “I think the dreams of the land would benefit immensely from the music you can make.”

“You and I, Luna,” Octavia corrected. “Though I do enjoy a solo, I believe we can do so much more in a duet.” She giggled with her words. An expected action, perhaps, but it was one she felt like doing. Only more so when she felt Luna’s own carriage rumble with chuckles as well.

“Of course,” Luna returned with mirth. “Whatever one can make, two can make more. I believe the dreams we make from your songs will turn the dreamscape into a true Neverland.” Octavia couldn’t wait.

Slowly, the two separated, winds retracting back to their sides and folding away for another time. Octavia lightly waved her head, readjusting her long mane to a single side of her neck. She saw Luna do the same, though with far more grace and practice, hundreds of years in truth.

“But, now that the hall is prepared, we should prepare ourselves.” Luna spoke dutifully, already trotting towards the stairs to the higher floor. Octavia quickened her pace to keep up with the taller alicorn.

“Oh, yes, it would make sense to clean up after setting up.” Octavia nodded her head at the words. She was already going to be showing her friends and family the newer parts of herself. It made sense to do it with at least a well groomed mane, tail, and coat.

“Yes, though as royalty and the guest of honor, we will be the last to enter the hall.” Their hooves clopped lightly up the stairs as they reached, them Octavia looking up to Luna and Luna back down to her. Eye contact always hastened conversation, both knew this. “The ponies of the court will help seat the guests as they come, serving light entrees until all arrive. When they do, then we will enter upon our introductions.”

That was right. Octavia had seen such an entrance before, when Celestia was having have a celebration some near decade ago, before Luna had returned from the curse of Nightmare Moon. She entered last, but only when some pony announced her presence and title.

“Then I suppose Celestia and Twilight will be introduced as well?” Luna nodded to her question, even as her horn lit itself a dark aura, opening the pair of doors before them. Octavia offered them not a look as they walked through. Neither did she look around the ornate room they entered.

“That is correct,” Luna responded. “Traditionally, the youngest of royalty will enter first, trailed by their elders. You, however, as the guest of honor, will be entering last.” That made sense. But… it still was a little nerve racking. Still, she should think of it much different than being applauded by a crowd of ponies before a symphony’s beginning. Right now was more important.

Right now, with her close friend, with a mare she saw as one of her life’s greatest gifts, having finished preparing a ceremony for all those close to her, now leaving to ready herself for her entrance, Octavia knew she was as happy as she had been in all her life.

She was doing well. If not that, great.

Octavia was not okay. Far from great.

Physically, she was as near perfection as she believed she could ever reach.

Her mane was perfectly groomed, tail combed to the very tips, coat cleaned to the point that her gray fur near shined, and what was more, her feathers were preened to perfection, and her horn even shined to a finer point. Her signature lavender bowtie was secure about her neck and she even had small equally shaded, lavender, silk ribbons tied about her hooves. A dress aside, she was prepared to meet dignitaries of foreign nations.

Mentally, she was a train wreck.

Nothing had gone wrong, per say. There weren’t any surprising updates about the dining hall or any pony coming to it. No last minute emergencies on the part of either princess either. Really, if she were to look back at a detailed schedule, nothing had changed. That might have been the problem.

Nearly every part of her mind told her that something must have happened, some small bad event that would lead to an equally small change in the night. That was just how things worked. There was no such thing as a perfect plan, just like there was no such thing as a perfect performance.

Strings would play the wrong chords, brass would play a note too loud, drums would go off tempo, keys might miss an entire measure. If not one, then all. That was how everything had worked, even up to now.

Her musical session with Vinyl had been altered by the latter’s desire to “spice things up”. A weekend at Fiddlesticks had turned into a weekend of hard work, sweat, and maybe a few tears. Magic with Twilight came with a few broken pieces of pottery, flight with Ditzy was accompanied with a few falls and tumbles, even a peaceful trip home from Fillydelphia was met with Discord making a sudden entrance.

Yet right now, maybe only moments before she was meant to introduce herself all over again to her family and friends, nothing had gone wrong. That was worth worrying over.

“Are you alright, Octavia?” Said gray alicorn turned her attention to the speaker of the question, bearing in mind too swift a head motion might ruin her carefully groomed hair. Her eyes settled on Princess Twilight Sparkle, equally if not better prepared for the evening.

The lavender alicorn’s hair was curled at its ends, wearing a frilly dress Octavia was sure she adorned during her own ceremony, and wearing a few metal bands of regalia about her hooves. Her accessories were superior to Octavia’s own. It made sense, she was a princess. What did she ask again?

“I’m alright,” she falsely assured. “Just… a-a little nervous.” That was the truth. She resisted the urge to rub the back of her head with her hoof. She couldn’t mess with her carefully groomed hair.

“Well that is perfectly understandable,” Twilight spoke on, trotting the short distance over to her. “I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been caught up in nervousness myself. It can be a crippling feeling, usually caused by chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters also released during levels of stress.” Octavia was sure she had learned a lot over the past few months, but she was equally sure she knew nothing about what the Princess of Friendship was saying.

“I apologize for Twili, sometimes she gets swept away in her details.” Octavia followed the voice to a pony she had must only a few hours earlier, but one who was no less important.

The Princess of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance Cadenza. Octavia was corrected to use only her first name swiftly.

Dressed in a very complimentary blue gown, she was very nearly glittering with the crystals that were on it. Her tri-colored mane waved down her neck, flowing as Octavia could only describe as colorful water. To a princess that ruled a kingdom of rocks, that was a rather ironic statement. She was just as humble as all the other members of Royalty Octavia had met. That only became clear when her first words were a request to call her by her first name. Her husband as well.

Her husband was Prince Shining Armor, the former Captain of Canterlot’s guard. Octavia didn’t need an introduction to know who he was. Namely because the fatigues he wore signified his former post, ornamented with symbols signifying his prior position. She wouldn’t say it aloud, but the blue and alabaster of his mane and coat was nearly blinding. That was likely the idea.

“It’s…” Octavia looked to Princess Twilight, who appeared sheepish at the elder princess’s words. “It’s nothing that needs forgiving. She did- you did help me to control my magic before.” The cellist made sure to focus her attention on Twilight before she spoke. It was rude to speak of some pony while they were still there. The lavender alicorn gave her a nod of thanks.

“I bet she did,” Shining Armor spoke up now, chest puffed out with bride. For his younger sister, it made perfect sense to Octavia. “My LSBFF is a natural teacher. Can’t tell you the number of times she tried to teach me about the books she was reading when she was still a foal.”

“Oh, I can second that!” Princess Cadance joined in as she raised a crystal-embroiled hoof, rather excitedly at that. Octavia spared a glance to Twilight, who seemed rather mortified by the words, face red enough to show through her lavender coat. “She loved to show every new spell she learned, trying them out whenever she could. I remember one time she was learning how to levitate multiple objects-”

Cadence!” Octavia nearly jumped at the high whine Twilight gave out. It sounded like herself when Vinyl grated on her nerves. “You promised you wouldn’t talk about that.” The gray alicorn turned around just quick enough to see the Princess of the Crystal Empire give a sheepish look of apology.

“Oh, I’m sorry Twili, it slipped my mind,” she spoke only to follow up with giggles. Shining Armor wasn’t far behind, leaning into his spouse to stifle his laughter. Neither succeeded well, though Princess Twilight foalishly puffing her cheeks made it difficult. Octavia only managed to keep her own grin away with the worries that plagued her mind. Oh right, those.

“You do have a fun number of misadventures, Twilight,” Octavia turned body and head to look at the next speaker. Well, look up to was more accurate. Princess Celestia, white as flawless clouds and shining with golden regalia, was a mare that stood above near all other ponies. Right now, she was smiling down at Twilight. “I recall one time specific time where you worried about not being able to send me a friendship report…”

The eldest of alicorns let her words hang in the air. Octavia saw it like the slow draw of a cello’s string, just faint enough to let those near know the music was still in the air, but never so loud to continue the song. It appeared to do the trick with Twilight.

“I really want to forget about that…” The Princess of Friendship whined. It only made Octavia want to know more about it.

“That is one of your little misadventures I truly regret missing to see.”

Octavia’s body shivered. She knew that voice, and what’s more, she knew it didn’t belong to any of the princesses. She looked up, hearing the rustling of clothes from the royalty around her, telling her she was not alone in the action.

The first thing her eyes set on, lying in an upside down hammock, was the venerable God of Mischief and tormentor to social norms, Discord. She wanted to know less about him.

“Discord,” Octavia heard Shining Armor say his name, a hint of disdain in his tone. At least she was not alone. “Aren’t you supposed to be with the rest of the party outside?”

“Oh I was, all the way until we sat down and too few eyes were set on me.” Discord waved his forelimbs in the air, trailing a line about himself. Literal eyeballs started to float in the air, all-staring pointedly at him. Somehow, they were blinking as well. It was more disgusting than disorienting. “I could have waved them all away, but I am trying to be polite tonight.”

As if to show his abilities once more, a flash of white covered Discord, specifically about his forelimbs. When the brief light vanished, he was left with doubles of his limbs. Two lion paws and two dragon claws. It struck Octavia oddly how in place they looked on the already copiously compiled creature.

“So, I hear you're worried something hasn’t gone wrong?” Discord asked curiously, three of his now four limbs stroking his beard. It appeared to have grown longer for the effect. Octavia wondered if it was worth using a chord of a violin in her to command her magic to pull it. She resisted the urge. He was just talking, in his own obnoxious way.

“In short summary, yes,” Octavia spoke as patiently as she could. Too much exertion would ruin her appearance. “But I suppose you are here to correct that, aren’t you?” Her question was met only with laughter. She sighed at the sound.

“Now, now, Octavia,” Discord spoke his name while waving his hands. They dissolved at the effort, four snapping back into two. It was weird how used to the sight she was. “Why would I ever do as you expect? Wouldn’t that ruin the fun of a surprise?” The draconequus disappeared with the usual bang and flash of white, only to reappear just behind Octavia. “Besides, don’t you remember? The real fun comes from asking questions, not giving answers.”

“Discord,” Octavia heard Celestia speak, her tone full of the order she knew the alabaster alicorn embodied. “May I remind you that this is not a party to spoil. This is a very important day to Octavia and her friends, including you.” The cellist was immediately inclined to agree.

“Oh Celestia, you old worry wart, you,” Discord answered with a twist of his. A literal twist; rotating about his shoulders in a normally detrimental fashion. It put a stab of pain in Octavia’s own neck. “I shouldn’t have to tell you where the real fun in chaos lies.”

“You’d rather watch odd events play out.” Octavia had no surprise to hear Twilight answer Discord. Luna had said that she and her friends had rehabilitated the draconequus. “I understand that Discord, believe me I do. Fluttershy made sure we all did after the Tirek incident.”

Octavia was moderately surprised to see Discord shiver at the name. She was less surprised or impressed to see him turn into a solid block of ice, fall to the ground, and shatter in pieces. It was even less amusing to see all the shards disappear in the usual glamor of light, reappearing as a reconstituted Discord above the alicorns.

“Now, why would you mention that creature’s name?” Discord seemed insulted as he asked his question. Octavia was too interested to do anything else but watch. “It would have been better to not hear it for another thousand years or so, give or take a century. Or maybe…” Discord leaned in towards the alabaster princess, his frown slowly flipping, literally, into a smirk. “You just did the opposite of what I expected.”

“Tit-for-tat, as you would say.” Octavia’s already immense respect for Celestia blossomed as the Solar Princess smiled into Discord’s mischievous mask.

“Doing as I would do, and in turn, the opposite of what I’d expect.” Discord chuckled at his words, a chuckle that quickly grew into a bellowing laugh. “Oh ha ha ha ha! Oh my dear princess, how could I ever go the centuries without playing words with you?”

“I wouldn’t care to know myself,” Celestia returned, flipping her ethereal mane over her neck. Octavia was sure she felt a shift in the air at the motion. Maybe that was just in her head. She was nervous enough. “But perhaps its best you join the rest of the party and wait for us. Wouldn’t want to ruin an already rare moment, would you?”

Octavia knew full well what that rare moment was. It was as mysterious as the color of her hair. But the words, were they true or not, were spoken just well enough to have Discord bend backwards in the air, slithering through it like the snake he partially was.

“Oh my dear princess,” he began. “You know me so well. I suppose it would be time to rejoin the festivities. It is its own form of chaos to show a God of Mischief to a family with foals. I believe Applejack described it ‘throwing a garden snake into a barrel with fruit-bats’.”

“That does sound like her,” Octavia heard Twilight mumble from behind her. She had to gently remind herself that Applejack was one of Twilight’s dear friends, as well as the cousin of Fiddlesticks. She was here twice over with invitations.

“But to you, Ms. Octavia Melody.” Octavia’s attention whirled back to Discord, her hoof lightly catching her long mane before it undid itself. “I certainly don’t want to ruin your special day, not when I haven’t seen an announcement like this in quite some time. I can’t ruin it and call it random when this event is already a treasure of its own.”

With his lion paw over his slytherin body, dragon’s claw in the air, Octavia could almost imagine him swearing an oath to her. In a way, that may have been exactly what he was doing.

“I wish you luck Octavia. I hope you don’t disappoint.” Then, in a flash she was used to seeing from the mad draconequus, Discord was gone.

He took any tension in the room with his departure, allowing Octavia a moment to breath. She savored it like the finest of wines. Perhaps she could have a glass of it when she was finished. A part of her told her she would need it.

“Well, I suppose it nearly time to start introducing ourselves.” And with Celestia’s words, all the tension returned. Namely, because she was aware there was a very important member of the royalty missing.

“W-Wait,” her voice came out in a trip, something she instantly regretted. But, she mentally fought past it. “Where is Luna? Isn’t improper to begin entry without her?” Honestly, Octavia was surprised Luna was not already here.

They had left the dining hall together to prepare, going separate ways only when Luna was required to fulfill a few of her nightly duties. They had their hair combed together, coats cleaned, wings preened, and horns shined all side-by-side. Were they not inside the Canterlot Castle, Octavia would have seen it like visiting the spa with her friend.

“She will be here momentarily,” Celestia assured Octavia, smiling genuinely with a tone that had nothing but sincerity. It was hard not to think the best of the tall alicorn when she gave off such an aura of peace. “My sister is dutiful to the core, and that sometimes means arriving only moments before necess-”

A sudden pop in the air muted anything else Celesta had to say.

Octavia let out a small eep of surprise, backpedaling away from the sound that had momentarily rendered her deaf. It sounded like a balloon being popped right behind her. Her shock dissolved into relief, a hoof laying over her chest, as she saw exactly what had caused the noise.

“My apologies for my tardiness,” Luna spoke from her sudden entrance. “I was merely preparing some last minute arrangements.” The dark alicorn spoke the words to her elder sister, but quickly turned head and smile towards Octavia. She smiled in turn.

Luna was dressed just as she was when they had parted ways, wearing the dark regalia that sparkled like her night, a darkness that was obscured by nothing yet never cried for attention. It reminded Octavia of the double bass in the strings; an always present sound, yet never clamoring for attention.

The Lunar Princess’ coat was just as lovely, vacant as a cloudless night. Her ethereal mane still portrayed the stars of her sky, each one twinkling with the luminosity of a comet. From her regalia to her horn, Luna perfectly portrayed what it meant to be as beautiful as the night.

And yet, all Octavia cared for was the smile the princess was offering her. She only hoped she gave one just as heartfelt in return. There was no reason she would not.

“Tardiness is unbecoming of you Luna,” Celestia lightly cajoled her sister, earning an instant huff from Luna. Octavia did her utmost to not laugh at the sudden change in expression. Her perked ears could tell Princess Cadance and Twilight had not fared as well. “It is nearly time for us to make our entrance.”

“Oh, indeed,” Luna returned. “There was a cacophony of noise from behind the curtain, so I am certain near all of the guests of have arrived.” Wait… curtains?

“Um, Luna,” Octavia began, earning the taller alicorn’s attention. “What were you doing behind the curtains? We both made sure already that all the instruments are properly placed…” Her voice trailed off when Luna lightly shook her head. She didn’t need to worry of tangling a mane made of magic.

“Have no fear, Octavia,” she spoke again. “I was merely preparing a small effort on my part, one I wish to surprise you with.” The cellist’s head slowly shook, very slowly.

Perhaps it was Discord’s recent entry and exit that her the word surprise placed in a negative connotation of her mind. No, that was definitely it. There was no way in all of realities that Luna would ever do something to embarrass Octavia. It was a simple impossibility.

“It is getting rather loud, actually.” Twilight’s words drew Octavia from her small reverie, as well as the attention of Luna, who looked beyond her to the lavender alicorn. “I’m sure the rest of the girl’s are starting to wonder where I am. Rainbow especially.” She lightly laughed at her words. Octavia could not see a joke anywhere in them.

“Then perhaps the proceedings should begin.” Celestia turned as she spoke, trotting towards the door to the dining hall. She never lacked in grace or poise, that much was obvious to Octavia. Then again, even as a mare now considered of the same type of mare as Celestia, an alicorn, she hadn’t spent hardly more than a few minutes alone with the eldest of the diarchs.

Octavia’s musings were finished as the princess lightly knocked on the door, tapping it with her golden hoof. Almost instantly it opened, flooding the small foyer they stood in with noise. She could hear a dozen of dozens voices outside, everyone of them a pony that had had an impact in her life, small or large. Her anxiety returned with the increase in sound.

“Prepare for our entrances,” Celestia’s voice spoke through the crack in the door, doubtlessly to a pony Octavia couldn’t see. “Youngest to eldest, our Guest of Honor last.” She turned back towards Octavia, looking towards her… and the many other princesses that were in the foyer, Shining Armor included.

Octavia swallowed on nothing. This was it. She was literally moments away from revealing everything she had hidden for the past few months. She was… oh this was worse than any performance she had ever done. At least the audience knew what to expect when they came to the concert hall.

What were her family members expecting? What were her friends thinking? What would happen if something went wrong? She swallowed again, feeling nothing but dry parchment in her throat.

A dark wing settled over her coat. It calmed her almost instantly.

“Peace, Octavia,” she heard Luna whisper to her. It helped, if only a little. “You are prepared for this. I know that well.” At least some pony did. Still, one was far better than none.

“Actually, introduce myself before Luna.” Celestia’s voice cut through the air, making Octavia’s ears twist. She blinked at the alabaster alicorn, who only smiled fondly back towards her. It was only for a moment before she turned back towards the cracked door. “My sister will be the last before our Guest of Honor.”

The pony on the other side of the door muttered something unintelligible, the door shutting lightly shortly afterwards. Probably preparing a speech, like a conductor before a grand symphony. It was… more fuel on the fire in the concert hall.

“Sister, are you sure?”

“I am, Luna,” Celestia replied to Luna almost instantly. “Of all the small changes we’ve made for an introduction of a new alicorn, this is hardly the most troubling.” It was probably only the kindness in her voice that kept Octavia from assuming the worst in her words. The smile she adorned when she looked back to her helped. “We are already asking much of you, Octavia. All we can do now is help make this as comfortable possible.”

Octavia, searching her mind, could not remember when she asked for Luna to stay with her longer. There was a knock on the door, a clear a sign as any to start the march. Octavia saw Princess Twilight straighten herself, lavender aura pushing any unwanted frills from her dress.

“I’ll be going then. Good luck, Octavia.” Said cellist had only enough time to lift her hoof before Twilight began to march towards the door.

As she did, it opened for her, likely a practiced display. She couldn’t recall ever practicing it herself. But no sooner did the door open than did Twilight walk through the now open door way than did an applause of clapping hooves come barreling through it. Octavia had to stiffen her wings to keep them from jumping out of her sides.

There was a lot of noise, a concert hall’s worth of ponies at least. That many ponies, all focused solely on the mare that came walking out of the double doors. Right now it was Twilight, but soon, eventually, it was going to be her. Not her without a dozen other members of the Canterlot Orchestra. Just her, her alone, and likely full of much more shock than awe.

“Peace, Octavia,” She heard Luna whisper down to her again, the wing over her back tightening. She was truly thankful for the contact. “There is little reason to fret. You are ready for this.” Was she?

“She’s right, you know.” Octavia recognized the voice as Princess Cadance. She turned her head, only her head, to see the pink alicorn and her husband both standing side-by-side, preparing to walk through the same door as Twilight did. Why didn’t they look nervous? Octavia’s mouth was dry. “We may have only just met, but if you’re probably the only mare I’ve met that can talk to Aunt Luna without calling her princess.” She winked, but too high to be winking at Octavia.

“Besides, Twili said she knows you can do it,” Shining Armor now, smirking like Vinyl after one of her ‘sets’. “And if there’s one thing my sister will never do, it’s lie about what she doesn’t know. If says she knows something, you can take it as hard fact.” What was he saying?

Before she could ask the question, there come more mumbling from beyond the door, just as loud as before. More knocks soon followed. Octavia knew now what they were signaling. So did the princess and prince of the Crystal Empire.

“That’s our cue,” Cadance spoke in a sing-song voice. Shining Armor nodded beside her. They both gave Octavia one last look of confidence, a grin with a strong nod, before marching for the door.

As it was with Princess Twilight, the doors opened upon their approach, applause rang through and past them, and the Royal Couple entered the dining hall.

When the door shut again, it left only the diarch’s of Canterlot and Octavia in the anything-but-small waiting room. She still felt nervous enough to shake through the floor. Something was going to go wrong, horribly wrong, and she knew it.

“It’s easy to assume things will go awry,” Celestia spoke to her, earning her instant attention. She looked up to see the perfectly groomed princess smiling down at her, angling her head to make it anything but elitist. “When so much so easily goes wrong in an average day, it's almost impossible to imagine a crucial event like this could off without a hitch.” At least she understood.

“I don’t believe your words are helping, sister,” Luna spoke Octavia’s thoughts. That was fortunate, as Octavia couldn’t feel like talking through the orb in throat.

“Discord teaches with questions, I shine light on the past,” Celestia answered, eyes never leaving Octavia’s own. It felt little different than Luna’s wing over her back. It was… comforting. “Expecting what you want to happen will almost certainly make it so. Rather than worry about what hasn’t happened, might I suggest focusing on what is here?” Her head lifted to Luna.

The two shared a silent conversation, their eyes locking and saying not a word. Octavia was nearly deafened by the volume. It was only so much worse when another knock came from the door. She had missed the muted announcement from the pony beyond it.

“And now it is my turn.” Celestia sounded positively joyful. Octavia hadn’t an idea how. “Remember not to rush when it is your turn. There is all the time in the world.”

With her piece said, the Solar Princess turned from the pair, trotting towards the door with a grace no other pony possessed. They opened upon her approach, a roar of applause coming from beyond once more, full now with cheers. When the doors shut again, only Luna and Octavia remained.

She was still nervous, and nothing had fixed that.

The wing on her back tightened, holding her close to a source of warmth. Octavia took in a deep breath with it, savoring it, trying to keep it to herself. It made her forget at least, if only a little.

“Octavia,” Luna spoke her name once more, imploring more than whispering. “You are ready for this.”

“Am I?” Octavia felt herself ask, only to immediately wish back the words. No instrument in her mind, however, could command her magic to do such a thing. “I feel like a foal preparing for her entrance to school.”

“You are far greater than any foal I have ever met, and more than their parents or ancestors.” Only Luna could say those words and make sense. Well… her and her sister. “You have been thrown into a situation that no other mare or stallion could hope to understand, yet you dove through it with a strength most others would only dream of. I know, because many dreams of the night are filled with hopes for strength.”

Octavia could take Luna’s word for that. Then again, she could take the dark alicorn’s words for anything. She trusted the lunar princess, implicitly. There were no words around that.

But the wing lifted off her, releasing Octavia from the small blanket of warmth. She felt the chill in the air immediately. She couldn’t tell if she was shaking from the sudden breeze or her own nerves. But before she could deduce which, Luna trotted in front of her, stopping only when they looked eye to eye.

“I know you have thought highly of me all this time, thinking that I must be of sound mind and body to be able to aid you in this journey of yours.” She was anything but wrong. “Yet, Octavia, it is you that they will admire more than this. I am but an outsider in this journey of yours, a pony to aid you, perhaps guide for the moment, but never the one to endure what you have done.”

Octavia swallowed on nothing, parching the paper that lined her throat.

“Of all that I am sure of, I can tell you this: You have more strength in your heart than any of the guards who have patrolled our castle. You have more wisdom in your mind than many of the scholars of the past. But more than that, you have more freedom in your spirit than even the youngest of foals.”

Octavia didn’t know what to say.

“You, Octavia Melody, are an alicorn more of mind and soul than you are of body. Of any mare that was meant to have this happen to, I can see clearly why it was you.”

Her eyes were watering, dew collecting over them. Octavia could see that, but only for a moment. Not long did she have her own vision obscured by the liquid. She hurriedly sniffled it away, for fear of ruining the perfect grooming she had undergone.

The knock on the door helped.

“It is my turn,” Luna spoke not of question. “I look forward to see you once more.” She smiled down at her, Octavia back to her, before turning away.

Door opens, crowd cheers, door shuts. Now, however, Octavia was alone.

Alone with her thoughts, her ideas… and everything she had tried to stay in company to avoid. She trotted closer to the door, staring at the thick hard oak, sturdy enough to endure a pummeling from an army, yet thin enough to relinquish sound from the other side.

Nervously, like a foal late a night, Octavia placed her perked ear against the door. It was muffled still, like being spoken through a towel, but Octavia could make out the voice on the other side.

“-guests of Canterlot, I am honored to introduce the guest of honor.” Octavia’s stomach felt empty and hollow. “She is a mare all of you know, either close as family well-off as a friend, but one you recognize even with the barest of sights. A master in her craft, she has undergone a journey these past few months.” Was… was the stallion going to tell her story?

No, Octavia shook her head. That was for her to say. This was merely an introduction, the border of an outline. She would tell the rest… all of it. Breath slowly entered and left her lungs.

“Aided by the princesses, encouraged by her peers, she has finally reached the point to show you how far she has come, and why this journey of hers affects us all.”

Here it comes….

“Mares and Stallions, I give you the First Chair Cellist of the Canterlot Orchestra, Ms. Octavia Melody.”

Without a knock, the door opened.

Author's Note:

Well, hiatus is over. Next part is where the fun begins and ends.

Thank you all for your patience. I hope the product I have leaves you suitably satisfied.