• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 732 Views, 20 Comments

Lesser Light: My Time in the Limelight - soothsayer

A month without Diamond Tiara sounds like a dream come true for the CMC. How will they react when their own resident bully is traded in for a Bat Pony known as a walking disaster.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"BAT PONY!" yelled the ash gray night-pegasus with a outrageously wide grin. Looking out over the class she could see all of their faces were a mix of shock and glee. After a few pregnant moments of silence the class room roared into laugher again. Her wings drooped to her side, they were laughing at her again. Turning around she spotted the earth mare teacher, her left eye was twitching in annoyance.

"Pff!" squeaked the little gray filly at Miss Cheerilee's twitchy face as she pressed both of her hooves to her lips trying not to laugh at the reddening mare. The weight of the class room was lifted off of her small shoulders as she realized they weren't laughing at her they were laughing the normally well composed teacher.

"Narcissus Floret! Would you please get off my desk." demanded Cheerilee sternly as he gave the filly a hard look.

Narcissus jumped down from the desk and gave Cheerilee a nervous smile, "I'm sorry miss Cheerilee! I...I had to do it. You're not going to hold it against me are you?"

Cheerilee's gaze softened, "No I'm not going to hold it against you but you will stay after school today and help me clean up the classroom as punishment."

Gulping Narcissus let out a nervous chuckle, "Aw-shoot! Ok fine, I'll stay after class and help,".

"I still want introduce yourself to the class." prompted the teacher.

The little filly turned excitedly to her fellow classmates, "Ahem, My name is Narcissus Floret. I'm a night-pegasus from the town of Shades Valley. My dad's name is Ulysses Silvermane and he is the captain of Princess Luna's Night Guard. My mom's name is Night Lilly and she works for the Nocturnian Revenue and Business Board. I have nine siblings. I can't fly yet but I'm practicing every chance I get. My dream is to be the first night-pegasus Wonderbolt.", she said proudly.

"Hey Scoots! Narcissus is a dodo just like you." jested AB.

"Shut up Bloom!" Scoots said finishing her insult as she stuck her tongue out at the yellow earth filly.

"Now that you have introduced yourself why do you find a seat." said Cheerilee pointing at several available seats. Narcissus looked at her choices. There were three open seats the first of which was stationed next to a light yellow earth pony filly with poufy red hair, who gave her a big hopeful grin. The next was at the back of the class behind a cream colored pegagus colt and beside a green unicorn colt. They too looked way to happy about the possibility. The last seat was in between a yellow earth pony filly and a gray earth pony filly who wouldn't even look at her. A snarky smile stretched across Narcissus' lips, the gray filly was going to be her first victim. She trotted over to claim her desk.

The CMC watched Narcissus walk to her desk, "Aw yeah!" thought AB as the night-pegasus made a beeline for the Diamond Tiara's old seat.

"She doesn't have a cutie mark!" gasped Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo couldn't believe she missed something as important as a filly not having her cutie mark sooner.

"Are yaw thinking what Ah'm thinking!" exclaimed AB excitedly.

"Yeah!," added Scootaloo.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Recruiters, Yay!" the three said in unison.

Narcissus plopped down in the empty desk seat and shooting Silver Spoon a playful grin,

"You don't look happy to see me."

Silver rolled her eyes and then looked over to the nightmarish filly. The two stared each other down as Silver tried to screw up enough courage to speak. She couldn't take Narcissus glare, mostly because she couldn't see the fillies eyes behind her shades. It really unnerved her to the point that she felt a cold chill creep up her spine. Narcissus smirked as Silver shivered under her gaze, which stretched into a confident smile as her nemesis looked away.

Noticing that Narcissus' flank was bare gave Silver the much need confidence boost she needed,

"Don't mind me, I never pay attention to blank flanks like you."

Narcissus smile melted away and was replaced by a blank look. It was Silvers turn to smirk. She faced the black board thinking she had won. A warmth spread over her cutie mark which was followed by a tingly feeling from deep inside as something brushed across her mark. Jerking her head around she spotted a wing tip tracing an outline of her cute mark. Her gaze ran up the wing; to the fillies body and finally to Narcissus's face which had a confident glower painted across it,

"Your right I am just a lowly blank flanked filly! All that means is that I am still experimenting," retorted Narcissus in a sultry tone and giving Silver her an innocent rendition of her bedroom eyes. Silver knocked Narcissus' wing tip off of her own cutie mark and the raised her hoof to cover her glowing face,

"I will never forgive you for leaving me, Diamond!" she hissed under her breath.

"Wow! Ah gotta say that was the best comeback ever," giggled AB.

Narcissus turned to look at her other neighbor,

"Well it was good if I don't say so myself."

"Ah wished Ah could of thought of that, it would have saved me a lot of trouble. By the way my name is Apple Bloom and Welcome to Ponyville." beamed AB offering a hoof in greeting.

Shooting her hoof up Narcissus bumped hooves with the yellow filly,

"I'm glad to be here, I think I'm going to have a wicked time!"

Horning in on the conversation Scootaloo wasn't going to be left out,

"So you want to be a Wonderbolt?"

"I don't want to be a Wonderbolt. I'm going to be a Wonderbolt!" said Narcissus.

Scootaloo waved her hoof dismissively at Narcissus,

"You sound like my big sis, Rainbow Dash."

Narcissus' eyes glazed over, "The Rainbow Dash! As in Rainboom Rainbow Dash! She's your big sister?" she squeed .

"Well she isn't my real sister, more like she is my awesome and amazing sister/mentor," answered Scootaloo.

Sweetie rolled her eyes,

"Pony feathers! I can barely handle one Rainbow Dash fan girl. Now I've got to deal with two, woo hoo," she groaned under her breath.

"I'm Scootaloo, the fasts filly on two wheels" pointing at the white unicorn across from her, "And that white coated filly with the pink and purple mane is Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie gave Narcissus a wide smile, "Nice to meet you Narcissus!" she loudly squeaked.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" barked Cheerilee at Sweetie's loud interruption.

Groaning Sweetie gave Cheerilee an apologetic look, "Yes, miss Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee brushed her hair back and then sighed, "You will be joining Narcissus in our after school activities today."

"AW COME ON!" she shouted before she slammed her head on her desk.