• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 2,484 Views, 54 Comments

Double Rainbow - DemonBrightSpirit

A crash seemingly robs Rainbow Dash of her memory, but that doesn't stop her from saving Scootaloo or spending a magical afternoon with the filly. But is everything what it seems?

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Best Day Ever

This is gonna hurt! Rainbow Dash braced for impact as the swirling ground charged at her. With a mighty crash she hit the ground, but, perhaps due to her sheer awesomeness, the ground gave way and somehow she splashed into a pool of water.

Pulling herself out of the water, she found herself in some sort of underground cavern. A few falling rocks and bits of dirt from a gaping hole above her indicated that it had just recently fallen in. Looking around, she didn't find anything interesting. Just rocks and mushrooms. With a grunt, she gave her wings a flap and quickly left through the hole.

Rising up and up she found herself dazzled by the view. She was somewhere above a magnificent forest and below a cloudless, azure sky. The forest stretched as far as the eye could see in one direction. In the other the trees quickly gave way to a cozy little town.

She was about to head towards the town when a piercing scream pulled her attention to the forest below her. Scanning the treetops she listened for anything out of the ordinary. Sure enough, another scream led her attention to an orange blob running down below the trees. Zooming down, she found the screaming to be coming from an orange filly that was being chased by a timber wolf.

Her first instinct wasn't to extract the filly from the danger. It was to kick the timber wolf in the face—and that's exactly what she did. The conglomeration of branches and brush fell into countless pieces, giving off a plume of dust.

"Hey! You're safe now!" she yelled to the still-fleeing filly before swooping down in front of her.

The filly slid to a stop and looked back at the remains of the timber wolf before returning her gaze to the pegasus that had just saved her with big, starry eyes. "Rainbow Dash! You really are the best pony ever!" she exclaimed as she hugged the cyan pony.

"Rainbow Dash?" she repeated the filly's words as her brow furrowed in confusion. "Is that...my name?"

The filly let go as she looked up to Rainbow Dash with a confused expression of her own. "Of course it is."

Dash rubbed her head as she tried to make sense of it. "Rainbow... Dash."

"Yeah," the purple-maned filly insisted. "You're acting funny. Are you okay?"

She nodded after a second's contemplation. "Yeah, I just...didn't remember my name."

"You...you know me, right?"

Rainbow looked down at the filly giving her a pathetic expression. As much as she hated to admit it, she shook her head, "Am I supposed to?"

"I-I'm Scootaloo!" she urged. "You have to remember!"

Again rubbing her head, she found it surprisingly empty. "I-I don't remember. All I remember is I woke up in this cavern and then...then I heard you screaming. That's it. That's...all I can remember."

"You don't remember anything?" Scootaloo fretted. "Your Ponyville friends? Your awesome aerial stunts? Anything?"

Rainbow just started dumbfounded at the filly as she shook her head a bit.

"You're Rainbow Dash! The most awesome pony ever!" Scootaloo buzzed with excitement. "You're the best flier in all of Ponyville! Your stunts are legendary! You...you don't remember anything?" she trailed off.

Dash was about to repeat her ignorance, but motion from behind Scootaloo stole her attention away. "Look out!" she scooped up the filly as the timber wolf reformed—bigger and badder than before. Flying straight up with the filly in her forelegs, she was relieved to be free from the danger. But there was something more. The wind rushing through her mane, the adrenaline pumping through her veins... It. Was. Awesome!

She had already forgotten entirely about the danger below. She did backflips, barrel rolls, and nose dives for the sheer joy of it. "This is awesome!" she cried out as she buzzed by the ground at a dizzying speed. The wind she created pulled the grass over and sent flower petals scattering in the breeze before she shot back into the sky.

Scootaloo was having just as much fun. "Yeah! Do another backflip!" she giggled.

In her ecstasy, Rainbow Dash had nearly forgotten about the filly in her hooves. She laughed at her co-pilot as she soared straight up. At the top of her run, she let the filly go.

I'm falling! Scootaloo immediately realized as she tried to fly, but her wings just buzzed uselessly. The ground was still really far below her, but that didn't make it any less terrifying. She closed her eyes as she screamed. The next thing she knew, two strong forelegs stopped her descent. Peeking an eye open, she saw Rainbow Dash smirking back at her.

"How was that for a backflip?" Dash smirked.

Now that the danger had passed, Scootaloo smiled back. Her heart was pounding and her blood was rushing faster than the wind that swept through her mane. It was nothing short of a dream come true. "That was awesome!"

Again Rainbow Dash ushered Scootaloo high into the sky before letting her go. This time, instead of panicking, she buzzed her wings and watched as a grinning Rainbow Dash completed the backflip without her. The pegasus deftly soared by her before circling around and doing another pass so close that Dash's feathers tickled against her hide. Scootaloo may have been falling, but with Rainbow Dash up in the sky with her it felt much more like...flying. Finally, as the ground neared, Rainbow Dash caught her again.

"Wanna go again?" Rainbow Dash exuberantly asked.


The better part of the afternoon was spent soaring in the sky with her idol. By the time the sun started flirting with the horizon, Scootaloo wasn't falling whenever Rainbow Dash let her go. She never even realized it, but her own wings were keeping her aloft.

It wasn't until Rainbow Dash landed in a meadow and waved up at her did she realize that she was, indeed, flying. The ground below wasn't coming up at her. Her wings were keeping her at the same altitude! "I-I'm flying!" she excitedly squealed as she tried to flit about. Her wings might've been able to keep her aloft, but they couldn't really get her very far very well. That didn't matter to Scootaloo at all. She was flying!

Her strength gave out after only a few seconds as she set herself down on the ground next to her idol. "I flew! I flew!" she excitedly bounced around. "Did you see me? I flew!"

"I saw you," she laughed. "You did great, Scootaloo."

"I never flew before!" Scootaloo buzzed into the air. This time, she didn't come crashing back down. She stayed aloft until she chose to ease her hooves back down onto the ground.

Rainbow Dash chuckled at the filly. "Well, today you did," she ruffled the youngster's mane.

"This was the best day ever!" Scootaloo hugged Dash.

Dash returned the hug before pulling the filly away. "Yeah, but I'm starving! Where can we go to eat?" she asked as she looked around.

Scootaloo rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. She had gotten so very distracted by her good time with her idol that she had totally forgotten that Rainbow Dash had apparently lost her memories. "You...you still don't have any memories?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nope."

"You don't...even remember me?" Scootaloo tentatively asked, to which Rainbow Dash shook her head with a dumbfounded look. It hurt to know that her idol didn't remember her at all, but at least she had this wonderful, magnificent afternoon with her.

"Well...I'm..." Scootaloo trailed off as her mind shifted gears. She was about to tell Rainbow Dash that she was her biggest fan and that she had agreed to take her under her wing, but...but where had that gotten her? Sure she got to hang out with Rainbow every once in a while, but it was never like this. And she did not want this to end...ever.

Suddenly, Scootaloo gasped. She could make it last forever! "I'm your little sister!" she lied.

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. "Really?" she scrutinized the little runt in front of her. "I'm sorry. I guess I really should remember. I just...I don't"

"That's okay! We can make new memories!" Scootaloo insisted before pointing a hoof at a cloud structure in the distance. "That's your-I mean, our house! We can eat there!"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "All right," she scooped up her little sister before zooming to the cloud house in no time whatsoever.

Meanwhile, on the edge of the Everfree in a small cottage, Fluttershy was tending to yet another poor, injured critter. Though it was bigger and more...complainy than most. "I really think you should let me take you to a doctor," Fluttershy gingerly urged as she cut the medical tape and secured a bandage in place on her patient's head.

"I'll be fine!" a rainbow-maned pegasus groused as she rubbed her throbbing head. "By the time morning comes around I'll be good as new," she claimed as she looked to her taped wing. "Oh, and thanks for letting me crash here tonight, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded. "Just promise me that you'll see a doctor if you're not feeling better by tomorrow."

She sighed as she rolled her eyes. "Fine, I promise."

"Good," Fluttershy smiled. "And next time you do something so dangerous you should at least have somepony go with you, Rainbow Dash. You're lucky that you didn't run into any scary creatures in the Everfree Forest."

"If I was lucky I wouldn't have messed up and crashed in the first place," Dash complained as she rubbed her injured wing. "That spinout was pretty bad...but, yeah, walking through the Everfree Forest was probably worse. Can't believe I crashed there of all places. At least I hit water, somehow."

Fluttershy sighed as she put the first-aid kit away. "You really should be more careful."

"Thanks again for letting me stay," Rainbow sprawled out on Fluttershy's couch. "You're gonna have to let me make it up to you."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," Fluttershy dismissed as she turned to her stairs. "You just focus on getting all better."

"Good night, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash flopped over and squirmed to get comfy.

"Good night, Rainbow Dash."