• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 422 Views, 1 Comments

Jake's adventure. - Joyous Apple

Twilight thought it would be wise to send Fluttershy to the world of humans. Fluttershy met Jake, but the spell brought her back because it was a test run and it brought Jake. When Twilight tries to send him back, she ends up unleashing something.

  • ...

Jay Arrives

Have you ever sat up all night, stuck in thought, trying to figure out what to do after you got out of highschool? Well, Jake has. He was that one person who didn’t really worry about what to do, seeing how his parents would tell him what to do, and like the obedient little puppy Jake was, he did as told. Well, after a bit of time, Jake was now in his last year of high school. Sadly, he still doesn’t know what to do. His parent’s just kept telling him to do what he wants, only, he has only done what they told him to do, so he isn’t really too sure what to like. Well, this brings us to the now.

~Jake’s Adventure~

Jake groaned as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up in bed. "That...was the worst night yet…" Yawning, he looked over at the his alarm clock. still rubbing his eyes, he groaned again. It was only 7:08, and yet he was wide awake mentally. Physically, that was a different story.

Jake got out of bed and went to his messy dresser. It was cluttered with junk, from clothes to useless knick-knacks. He just moved through the mess and grabbed a worn old brown shirt, and equally worn jeans.

Something started to buzz, causing him to jump. He then started to look around for the source of the buzzing. "Come on...I know you are...around here...soooomwheerree….AHAH!" He found it under a clump of clothes. Now multitasking as he answers his phone and starts picking up some of the dirty laundry.


"Hey Jay, it's Chris. You still comin’ to the picnic today?"

'Oh yeah that was today,' he thought. "Yeah I'll be there. Need me to bring anything," he asked.

"No, you should be good, I'm sure you'll like this girl man," Chris said with a lot more enthusiasm than Jake thought was necessary.

"Dude, you know I'm not looking for a relationship right now. The only reason I'm going is because I'm trying to be nice to her."

"Yeah, but you never know." Chris said with the same levels enthusiasm. Jake just rolled his eyes but stayed quiet.

"Whatever. See you there." With that, Jake hung up.

Jake looked into the mirror after pocketing his phone. He looked himself over. He always liked his natural tan, but he kinda hated his hair, being too thick and constantly getting it cut. Other than that, and the fact he was slightly shorter than average, he was okay with himself.

"Well… time to go see if I…" Jake stopped and cupped a hand over his mouth, exhaling through the mouth and inhaling through the nose. He then scrunched his face and shook his head. "Time to go brush your teeth…"


The trees were iridescent orange, red and brown leaves, all in different hues. Jake always enjoyed Michigan for this very thing. Fall. To him, the taste of apple anything was great, save cough syrup. The festive season was great, halloween plain old fun, and seriously, who could resist a caramel apple?

Looking around as he pedaled his bike down the street to the park, Jake felt at ease. Thanks to his ADHD, he easily gets lost in thought as he rides. Without much time at all, or at least to Jake, he found himself already pulling up to the park.
With a sigh of slight annoyance, he got off his bike and pulled out the combination lock in his pocket, quickly chaining up his bike. Once that was done, he went into the park. Upon finding the spot he and his friends were supposed to meet in, he sat down and pulled out a pocket book.

Jake looked up from his book after a minute of reading. The park was beautiful by any standards, but like most great things, there was still vandalism and littering. He was glad his spot didn’t have either of those things. Smiling at his good fortune, he returned his attention back to the back.

Once he returned his attention back to his book, he heard a faint yelp and someone say ouch. Looking up, he saw a girl with pink hair and yellow sun dress sitting on the ground rubbing her rear end. Jake just chuckled to himself and got up, pocketing his book. Being good natured as he was, he started walking over toward her.
“Here let me help you,” the second he said it she jumped and froze right after. Even with the one second glance at her face, he immediately got the impression she was fragile and wouldn't hurt a fly. She quickly closed her eyes tight and looked down as if she seen a monster. Jake blinked and cracked a friendly smile, chuckling to himself.

“Hey. It's okay, I don't bite,” he said laughing softly, “Or at least I would hope not. That would make me a zombie.” He reached down and offered his hand to help her. She looked at it skeptically and back at him. “Come on.” He shook his hand reassuringly.

She slowly rose her hand up and grabbed his, her face still showing that she doesn’t trust what was going on. He slowly helped her to her feet, although right when he was about to let her go, she stumbled a bit and gripped onto his arm, using him for support. ‘It seems like she never walked before… That or she really hurt her head...’ he thought to himself. When he managed to get a good look at her, he couldn't help but say she was beautiful. The natural kind of beauty you can’t get with cosmetics.

“Come on let's go sit down.” He slowly led her to a park bench and sat down with her. She sat down and closed her eyes, looking rather tense. Jake thought to himself about what to do, eventually coming to the conclusion of at least talking to her.

“My name is Jake by the way, what's yours?”

“It's fludf…” She quietly mumbled, giving Jake a hard time in understanding.

“I'm sorry, say again,”

“It's fludj…” She said the same way.

“Look, I know we just met, but you don't have to be scared. I'm just trying to help. I’m not a zombie, that was a joke earlier.” He smiled warmly at her.
She took a deep breath and with what seemed like great effort she finally gave her name. “It’s Fluttershy.”

“Well that's a funny name,” he said laughing softly.

“I'm sorry,” she said sincerely.

“No! Don't be! Never be sorry for your name. I like it,” He sighed and chided himself for that comment. “Well, nice to meet you Fluttershy." He reached out to shake her hand
She thought about it for a second before reaching out and weakly grabbing his hand. The second they closed hands though, there was a loud pop, and jakes ears started to ring as if he were shellshocked. He quickly closed his eyes as felt pins and needles all over, his body was on fire and frozen at the same time. He felt like he exploding and imploding at the same time. The last feeling he had was how hard he felt Fluttershy squeeze his hand.


When Jake came to, his head was hurt. He felt nothing but a big pressure on his whole body, oddly feeling alien. He hear muffled voices, as though the base on them was turned to the max. Although, he heard a few words here and there. He kept his eyes closed, the pressure in his head on the exhaustion he had was just too much.

His hearing eventually focused in on the source, he noticed his ears also felt off to him. “You can send him back, right twilight?” Jake thought about the sentence, ‘Twilight? What kind of name is that? Like Fluttershy?’

“I don't know, girls. I could only keep Fluttershy there for about 10 seconds. The spell needs more work," Another voice chimed in, hers sounding worried.

"Well I for one think he may bring new fashion ideas. Whole world of ideas may be in his head,” Explained a third.

“Well ya'll better figure somethin' out. Boy may be dangerous,” Explained a fourth

“He is not. I assure you.” It sounded like the girl from earlier. Fluttershy. Jake shot his eyes open at that and tried to get up, groaning as he did. Why did he feel so alien to his own body? Without much time to think on this, a flash of pink assaulted his vision and stared into his face.

“Not so fast buster! Applejack said to keep my eye on you, and I will!” Jake blinked as he sat in shock. He was staring at… a neon colored pony. A talking, sapient, pink colored pony. With hair like cotton candy.

“Y-y-y-you c-can t-talk,” Jake stammered out of shock.

“Of course I can. Except for that one time when I had my mouth disappear and all I could do was humm an-mphh” She was cut off by a orange hoof covering her mouth. The owner of the orange appendage had a blonde mane with green eyes and a stetson on. Jake blinked as he thought at that.

“You no need to fret pal, Pinkie here just gets a little excited and loses control every once an awhile. Oh and Pinkie, don't worry about him anymore, if Shy says he ain't dangerous, than he ain't dangerous. But don't take yer eye off'em,” she said, “Shy has been wrong before.”

Jake blinked and rubbed his eyes, keeping in mind that his head was hurting and his vision was slightly off. He could be having a fever dream, concussed, or that girl probably knocked him out and he was about to wake up in a bathtub full of ice and a note with a phone saying to call a hospital.

“Got it,” said the pink one with a salute. After that she opened her eyes wide and leaned forward staring at Jake.

He asked with much effort, “Hey, you said Fluttershy! Where is she, and how can you ponies talk,” As an after thought, since he could hardly fathom the idea he was talking to a pony, he added “That's impossible!”

“Same way you are sugarcube. Seeing how you're a pony too, ain’t ya?” asked the pony with the hat. She smiled at that, her smile a bit menacing.

“I'm not a pony!”

“Well, you see,” she said picking up a mirror and walking to him. “Yah look like a pony to me.”

She lifted up the mirror for Jake to look into, and what he saw was the biggest shock of his life, and he just learned he was talking to a pony. In the mirror he saw a pony. A orange pony with a brown mane and brown eyes.

“W-w-w-w..” He stammered as he tried to fathom what he was seeing.

“What happened to you, I take it? I'm working on it, but you're in a parallel universe,” Said a purple pony he hadn’t noticed before. He assumed it was Twilight based on the voice.

“You see, I visited your world in the past because of a magical mirror and I wanted to go back for research, but the mirror only activates every 30 moons. That was 6 moons ago. So I tried to make a spell to get there instead of waiting another 24 moons. So, I sent Fluttershy here to your world as a test and she came back too early, bringing you back with her,” While she was talking, a yellow pony with a pink mane came and stood next to her, looking down as if in trouble looking at her, he had to ask, because it was hard to believe that the girl he had seen earlier could possibly be the pony he sees in front of him now.


She answered with what seemed like a lot of effort, “Yes?”, Which proved his suspicion. It was indeed her. She even resembled herself from earlier, except for in pony form.

He looked to Twilight, eyes wide. “Can you send me back?”

“I'm afraid not. The spell could only keep you there for a set amount of time and the highest I got was ten seconds. The only way for sure to keep you there is that mirror I mentioned earlier. But, I'll try my best at making another spell to get you there,” she said ashamed.

All of this was too much to take in. Talking ponies, transformation, and moons. His headache was throbbing as the pain increased. He closed his eyes as his heart raced. He didn’t even know he passed out.


The next time Jake came to, he was more aware than he had been earlier. His vision was clear, making it easier to assess his surroundings. He was in a library, from what he gathered.

‘Well it wasn't a dream. Apparently ponies can read too.’ He thought. Jake attempted to get up, but he fell down.

‘Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm a horse’ he thought glumly. He tried to walk again, only to fail miserably. By the fifth time he fell, he swoar. “Dammit!”

Twilight came bursting in "Are you ok?! I heard stuff falling and..." She looked down at Jake as he laid down on the ground. She blinked. “Why are you on the ground?”

“I forgot where I put my manual on how to walk like a horse.”

Twilight blinked. “Ohhhhhhh… Let me help you with that.” After a few minutes of her helping Jake adapt to walking like a quadruped, and Jake’s falling multiple times, he was able to do it on his own.

“That is, by far, one of the hardest things I have done...” he exclaimed breathless.

“If you say so.”

“Thank you... Twilight?” he said, saying Twilight like a question almost.

“You’re very welcome.” She smiled at him. “Anything else?”

Jake sighed and shook his head. “Yeah… uh… can you help me out with… everything. Or at least give me a quick run down of things here?” Twilight squee’d. Jake blinked and looked at her confused.

“Of course! Where to start?” She took out a chalkboard and started to scribble on it. Jake couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was he about to get a lecture?

“Uh… Twilight… am I going to need a notebook?” He half joked, half sincerely asked.

“No, I think I can explain this easily enough. Unless you want to take notes, then I can give you a few note taking techniques.”

Jake blinked again. He took a mental note that he was going to be surprised non-stop here. He sighed as he buckled in for what may be an interesting crash course in everything pony.


When it was all said and done, Jake was surprised. Not only did he learn what he wanted to know, he learned more as well. This place was far from normal. If the talking ponies and magic wasn’t his first sign of things being abnormal. Jake just shook his head after

“Hey Twilight,” he said, finding it odd ponies talk, let alone are intelligent enough to be considered people except for the obvious reasons.

“Yes, Uhhh… What's your name?” She asked, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof, sporting a sheepish smile. Jake hadn't realized he didn’t give his name. The only one who knew his name was Fluttershy.

“Call me Jay. That's what I go by where I'm from,” he said, thinking his full name wouldn't fit in around here..

“Ok, Jay. What would you like?” She asked, walking outside with Jake trailing behind her.

“How long are 30 moons exactly?” He asked

“Well, 1 moon around here is 27-30 days, because the full moon takes that long to cycle through and so 30 moons would be like 27-30 days times 30. So about the longest it could be is 900 days. Does that answer your question?” She asked happily.

“Yeah, it does,” he said sadly.

“Oh, I see. You wanted to see how long you may be here. Well don't forget,” She said, walking over and pulling him into a wing hug. “I'll be working on a spell to help shorten the wait for you.”

“Yeah. I guess,” he said glumly. He would've left, but where would he go. Not home, that's for sure. So he settled on following Twilight on her errands and helping her. One, to be helpful, and two, to speed her up so she could get back to working on the spell to get him home, or maybe wake him up in an insane asylum.

About an hour later, Jake was more confused than ever. ‘They are way more civilized than we are,’ He had managed to conclude. This hurt his head because animals weren’t supposed to be civilized. But the truth was all around him. Talking, working, and playing. ‘This place is almost like home. Its just the ponies replaced the humans and the humans are nowhere to be seen.’

Later that day, Twilight ended up going to Sugar Cube Corner to get a few things for her weekly ‘get together’ with her friends and their pets. This made Jakes head spin, ‘Pets owning pets. Where do I sign “Clinically ill”?’

“Hey Twilight!!!” Called out Pinkie Pie, who was wearing a strange pig outfit. “Whatcha doin'? OH YEAH! The cupcakes, they're over here!” She started bouncing away and Twilight followed. Jake sat in the front awkwardly. He didn't know what to do or how to fit in.

Then out of no where, two phillies came crawling in. One had wings and the other had a horn. They looked at him. He looked back. Then they smiled and started babbling like 3 month olds would and crawled to him and started poking and playing.
Jake didn't know what to do. He just sat there trying to stay calm and was wondering where their parents were at, if they had parents. ‘Is pinkie pie their mother?’

“Hey! No fair! They like you more than me,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, coming from nowhere. This caused Jake to jump. He fell back and hit his head. His eyes spinned for a second while he tried to regain his bearings.

“Yeah, she does that a lot,” Twilight said casually. The young ones started laughing and saying “Again, again, again,”

Jake groaned. “Sorry… one time act…”


When Twilight returned home, Jake stood next to her. He was like her shadow almost. This started to get to Twilight. She couldn't concentrate. But when she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. After all, this was her fault, she thought.

“Spike!!” She yelled.

Jake was puzzled. ‘Who or what is Spike? Let me guess, talking ponies. What’s next, a dragon?’ He thought. Then out of nowhere a small purple lizard thing came barging in with a nightcap on his head. “Yes?” He groaned, rubbing his eyes and scratching his gut.

“Ahhhhh!!” Jake yelled in the fright of what he saw in front of him. "What are you?!" He asked.

“I am a dragon! Man, what is up with everyponie,” he started mumbling while Twilight started talking to him. He gave a few occasional “uh huh's” and a few nods. Jake just looked at him, then the ground. Jake smacked himself once. They both looked at him when they heard it. Spike walked up to him.

“I'm Spike. I help Twilight. I like gems and... Say do you have any gems on you?!”

“Spiiiike,” Twilight called sternly.

“All right, all right. Interrupting my nap and everything. Hey Jay, you're going to hang with me today. So come on. We're gunna have some fun.” With that, he started walking off. Jake looked to Twilight who just nodded her head, then went off to put her newly obtained stuff away.

Jake followed the drake through town. He looked at ponies and pointed at him. “It’s a frickin’ dragon!” He whispered towards people. “Where are the minotaurs?!” The ponies all looked at him, mentally tagging him as creepy, parents guiding their foals away from the weirdo.


Jake and the small dragon walked around for a bit. They talked, but of small things like Jakes favorite color and why Spike was with twilight. Turns out that Spike just always remembered being with her.

After awhile, they came up to the farm. “Sweet Apple Acres.” Spike said, and started walking towards the barn. Then when a big red stallion was in sight, Spike made a beeline for him, calling out as he was walking up to the stallion, “Hey. Big Mac!”

“Holy hot hell… I am not pissing that guy off…” Jake stammered to himself. Big Mac looked up from what he was doing and looked over to spike.

“Have you seen Applejack? We are here to help and I have to tell her something for Twilight.”

The big guy answered with a simple, “Eeyup,” and pointed his hoof behind them. They turned around to see Applejack walking towards them pulling a apple cart.

“Thanks Big Mac.”


Spike and Jay met Applejack halfway. She smiled at them, tipping her hat.

“Hey boys. What’ya need?”

“We’re here to help out with the farm. Jay here needs something to do and Twilight wanted me to tell you something.”

“Okay? Tell me what she wants.”

Spike didn’t answer for a second. Luckily jay wasn’t paying attention to notice the conversation between the two, so spike pointed to Jay and mouthed something to Applejack. It took her second, but she understood and nodded her head. She walked up to Jay and patted his side. Jay jumped at the touch, but he didn’t jump enough for her to know.

“I wasn’t going to do it, I swear!” Applejack just stared at him for a second before telling him what was on her mind.

“Hey there sugarcube. Since you’re here and all to help out, maybe you could help out Big Macintosh. He usually does all the heavy lifting by himself since he is the only stallion in the family. I’m sure he’ll be a might grateful.”

“Oh… Alright.” Jake made his way towards Big Mac. After a few seconds of talking, AJ could see Macintosh was thinking of what Jay could do. He looked over to her and she simply nodded her head. He looked back at Jay. Then she could see him point to a bunch of apple bushels and Jay nodded, he then started to walk to them. He then looked puzzled. He tried to pick them up with his mouth, causing the contents to spill out. Big Macintosh just shook his head and walked over to help jay.

She looked back at spike after a second of watching the shenanigans “So, what did Twilight want me to hear?”

“Well, as you can tell. Jay needs to be taught how to live here, and Twi thought you would be best for this. Seeing how rarity is away in Canterlot again. She just left this morning, and rainbow dash just left for a Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale for a few days. And you already know with Pinkie. Fluttershy kinda hid herself away at home because she feels she ruined someponie’s life.”

‘Yeah, I would be the same way,’ Applejack thought to herself, but couldn’t find a way out of her situation. The apple family are at a pause for a month because winter is almost there and the only apples left were for the family to eat during the cold months.

“Already, I’ll do it. But it sure won’t be easy.” Applejack sighed to herself, looking back at her brother help Jay pick up the spilled apples, then coach on how to move the apples. ‘What have we gotten ourselves into?’

She sighed again and fixed her stetson. “Alright, Spike. Go help those two. I gotta go talk with Granny about things. I then need to go count the harvest again and divide it up again.”

‘This is going to be one weird adventure...’

Author's Note:

Completely redone! Now for the next three chapters!

Comments ( 1 )

Very good chapter totes ready for more!!!

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