• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


"This is the time, this is the place,/So we look for the future,/But there's not much love to go round./Tell me why, this is a land of confusion." -Genesis, ‘Land Of Confusion’

A strange, supernatural phenomena encompasses Ponyville. It doesn't take long for this 'infection' to spread across the town. With quick thinking, five survivors seal themselves off from the hordes, but the events only take a turn for the worse. Will they be able to survive this nightmarish disaster?

Image created by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 21 )

Damn dude. It baffles me how I could favorite a bleak story like that, but I did.

3428053 Sometimes the darkest and most horrific stories are the most entertaining.

Zombie apocalypse with ponies? Me gusta.

Everything moved so quickly. I mean, really, it seems to me you coulda saved a lot of time just making this a one-shot. Another thing that bothers me is Twilight claiming she was going to stay with her books; I don't know if she was just making an excuse to stick with Big Mac or what, but it all seemed rather... I dunno. You also seemed to entirely ignore Twilight's ability to teleport (maybe it's knit-picking, but it seems to me a lot of the death in this story was needless). Also, these don't seem like your average zombies; they clearly have basic deduction ability and a sense of self-preservation.

That being said, this was a good story, if a bit rushed. While I think it could have been dealt a great deal of justice had you paced yourself and tried to truly extend the time of the story (they don't seem to have lasted more than maybe an hour in the zombie apocalypse), I will say that it certainly had a lot going on. :twilightsmile:

3443981 First, thanks for reading it. Second, allow me to address each item for ya.

- I'm known for writing quick and fun things. I'm not one for writing epics. I've tried and failed, badly, so I stick to what I know when it comes to fic. So, sorry about that ^^"
-This is Twilight we are talking about her. Literature is kind of her thing and I see her almost willing to go down with the ship, so to speak. And why not have a little underscore of romance between Mac and Twi in their final moments?
-As for teleporting, where would she go? Outside? Heck, Canterlot fell. Not like she could go anywhere safe. Besides, sometimes in a panic, you forget the most basic things.
-The zombies, or 'infected' if you will, are based on Romero zombies with a few other added touches. More or less, they are based on the zombies from Land Of The Dead (since they learn), Shaun Of The Dead, and (to a degree) Resident Evil.
-I admit about the pace is a problem, particularly because I rarely have time to write nowadays. In fact, I was super happy I actually got this written in time for Halloween.

Anyway, I know I have issues with my writing. Thanks for reading though, I'm really happy to learn from my reader's feedback.

- I get that - I don't mean so much that it's short, as it is that way too much happens in a short time. Dash seems all too ready to accept death for the Zed-Word Apocalypse to have just started (her commentary suggests she desensitized to the idea almost immediately).
- I get that Twilight is a book-jockey - it's one of the things that makes her adorkable! But if she were to die for any books, I imagine they'd have to be ultra rare or even unique - there is always more knowledge to be had. That said, I am a Twimac fan, so I did like that last part. :)
- Not familiar with Romero zombies, but you lose me at the RE zombies since they kinda lost the luck of the draw when it comes to intelligence; they're the 'follow shiny objects' zombies. Must watch a Romero movie at some point.

Oh, I get wanting this done in time for the big holiday! I had wanted something done myself but it never happened. As for the whole 'time span' thing, my suggestion would have been to seperate each chapter by a period of time - maybe a day or two at first, but like... maybe by the last chapter, have a month or so having gone by? I dunno.

It was still a good story! You clearly have potential, you just gotta learn to reign it in. :twilightsmile:


- I understand that. While I wanted to stretch it out, I don't have that much time to invest into it, sadly.
- Well, my first written fic was a ship between the two, and I'm a bit of a sucker for the two of them. Sue me xD
- Well, certain Land Of The Dead zombies have the capability of comprehending, learning, and even evolve. One certain zombie, Big Daddy, learned over time not only how to fire a weapon and cross a river, but also remembered how to do his old job as a gas station attendant. (It was a dang good film) As for the RE zombies, I wanted something that would be relentless in their goal, like Nemesis Type-T (for my infected, relentless on attacking others).

Well, I understand. To be honest, I'm surprised I got this and a one-shot done in time. That's one reason I'm planning future holiday fics now.

And yes, I know I have a lot of work to do. But thanks again for reading and the kind words!

(Also, for Romero films, Day Of The Dead remake is a good start [a personal favorite], and Night Of the Living Dead is not a bad route to go [since thanks to a copyright error, you can watch it on YouTube]. And for a fun homage, Shaun Of The Dead.)

(And I do agree about RE zombies getting the short end of the stick, but what can ya do? Besides, Nemesis is too awesome to not love. How can you say no to that face?)


- I don't mean literally taking time on your fics - I mean like... "3 MONTHS LATER" type stuff, where you have some device or written line to show that time has passed. I mean, it's not like story writers out there who have stories that span years literally take so many years to write them - sometimes not even days! :pinkiehappy:
- I saw that! I think I'll be reading it later! :twilightsmile:
- That sounds cool! The thing about zombies, are they really zombies if they become intelligent? Sure they're unliving, but my understanding of zombies is usually the 'mindless beasts driven to follow instinct, and only one instinct; the need to feed.' I could be wrong, of course.


- Well, I just like watching things unfold in real time, but that's just me.

- Well, zombies don't have an exact cookie cutter formula. That's why I like it, because one can add or subtract as they wish. For example, the anime High School Of The Dead, their zombies are blind. Shaun Of The Dead, they are interested in more than just human flesh, but also other meat. As for Day Of The Dead, they can careless about non-humans and their head can survive if severed at the neck. Different stories, different zombie rules.

- Ahhh, it's a writing style choice then. While I can't say I understand, I guess I can concede to that. Everyone has their preferred methods in writing. :twilightsmile:

- I dunno - they may not have a cookie cutter formula, but there's usually constants. I maybe knitpicking of course, but I guess I just have my view of what zombies are supposed to be like. :eeyup:


- Sorry, it's how I am ^^"

- And yeah, while there are guidelines, sometimes creators don't have the zombies fall completely in line with them to mix it up. It's what made Land Of The Dead fantastic (particularly since they "evolve").

- No need to apologize. :derpyderp2: I wasn't saying that in an annoyed manner or anything. I was saying that, while I don't understand why one would be 'real time' preferred, I can understand wanting to stick to a favored style of writing. I do similar things myself. :twilightblush:

- I suppose I can concede to that, since I have played Call of Duty: Zombies (the only reason I have to play the game) and if Romero's zombies are anything like those, I think I like it. :twilightsmile: (of course, I only assume as much cause you fight the guy as a zombie in one of the maps).


- It's what makes reading interesting, seeing how one writes.

- Romero is brilliant. Just go and watch Night Of The Living Dead and you'll be hooked.

Short but well done! Good job capturing the hopelessness of a zombie apocalypse.

Before I read this I must say that the cover photo had me in tears! Their faces are hilarious!

Now I will begin.

Um sorry for asking but can we have ONE more chapter? An Epilouge maybe? Pls!

4907651 If I may ask, what would this epilogue cover?

Nice job not forgetting about Spike's bloodstained battle armor.
(CineMare Sins joke.)

I like it so far, though I feel AJ's accent is a bit exaggerated and RD is using nicknames too much and... Well actually I just saw the year this was published. I was going to say that they don't quite seem like themselves (especially how formal Big Mac is being), but given the time it was written, I'll keep it in mind as I continue.

I can't take this story seriously when Twilight, in the face of a zombie apocalypse, sacrifices her life for books.


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