• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,487 Views, 151 Comments

An Empress' Wish. - overlord-flinx

Her story is as long as time itself, but her body is as young as yours or mine. This is her story... This is Megan.

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(Thoughts by Cadence) The Speech and Silence

Before the crowded collective of the Crystal Empire; Empress Megan spoke her first true words to her subjects. Words from the heart, from the mind, from the spirit, and from another world. Words that stirred generations, and spurred a lifestyle. Jeers, cheers, cries, laughs; they rung loudly to her ears. Yet she never faltered in her beliefs. She spoke not for her own good... But for the good of a people she knew nothing about; people who were not even people. But she spoke to them. Words they understood, but could not comprehend.

"My... Ponies. Ponies... No. You are not my ponies. You are my people. Where I come from, we call our equals people. Those who I once called my own looked as I do. Fleshy -much like you are under your pelts-, thin, walking on only two legs -not four-; where I came from, those were people. But now, you are what I see as people. Equals. The ones I will live with. I ask you all that you permit me this luxury... For me to call you my people. Not my subjects, not my ponies, not my servants or my serfs as some of the nobles call you. I am no better than any of you. In fact, I am much less."

Murmurs of confusion, but spouts of thanks.

"When I first came to this land, beyond all reasoning, I created this entire empire with a thought. When I first stepped foot in front of all of you, you made me your empress. When I first spoke to many of you, my words were gibberish to you; yet I could understand you. The magic that fills this world gave me the power to make this land, to understand you, to lead you. But it did not give me the power to understand what I could do, how to speak your language, or how to be an empress... That was ten years ago. I know what power I wield now, I can communicate with all of you, and I think myself a fair ruler. My mind has expanded beyond my years, yet my body hasn't.

"I have seen children in this kingdom become grown stallions and mares. I have seen families started, and even ended. Yet I remain as I always have. Why is this? Because while we are equal, I am vastly different. When I get hurt, I heal in a moment... When the next day comes, I stay the same as I did last night... I do not grow tired... I do not hunger... The energy of your world -your magic- gives me something. Because I am something different -something foreign to this realm- the magic you use has a greater change on me. Perhaps that is why I am your empress... Perhaps that is why I appeared before you those years ago.

"You hail me as this savior... This almighty being... You look at me like I'm the solution to all your problems... Where I come from, no one would ever look to a teenager like that. I would be looked to as much as a young colt just entering his first year as an apprentice. For the longest time, I did not see myself as a fit leader. Truth be told, I still don't. I would much rather relegate all my work to the council or my cabinet. But... I've learned since those first thoughts. I've learned from actual leaders; from voices of all walks of life in this empire... The Earth Ponies, the unicorns, the pegasi, the goats, the changelings; this list goes on. I've learned your pains and your plights... As an outsider.

"I do not eat the way you all do. I don't sit the way you do. I don't even breathe the way you do. I am by all stretches of the word, an outsider... But..." In a move that shocked the audience as well as her own council, the empress produced a simple dirk from her cloak. In one swift, purposeful move, the sharp of the blade was run against her palm, causing a spout of blood to gush forth from her open wound. Guards and council members jumped to go to her, but as Megan threw the dirk down to her feet, she put her good hand up to stop them. The audience became abuzz with muddled words at the empress' sudden act; while her council and guards stewed anxiously.

For a moment the empress stood there, holding her bleeding hand before throwing it into the air; palm open wide and the stream of blood sliding down her wrist and subsequent arm. "The magic of your world heals me and makes me well faster than any other... But I bleed! I bleed the same red blood as you all do! Our bodies are different -perhaps worlds apart-, but we both still hurt. I feel the sting of a cut! I feel the ache of those I've lost! I feel... As you all do. I feel the good as well as the bad... For ten long years, I have allowed others to govern this empire -the empire I built- in my stead... I called you all before my this day to ask you one question. Upon my back, I wear the cape I was given the first day I was named your empress... But it is the cloak of an empress and an empress alone. The cloak of the one who leads. Today... I will take my place as your true and direct empress.

"Will. You. Have. Me?"

The Crystal Empire was truly born that day.

So that was the dawn of the first age in the Crystal Empire? Amazing! This Megan... She was extraordinary! And aunt Celestia says I'm something to brag about. Pft. If this is only the start of the empire for her, there's no telling what else she could do.

...Could do... It didn't cross my mind until right now. But... Wait... Megan said the magic of Equestria prevented her from aging and even being hurt for long. She said she was a fast healer, after all. So... What happened to her? Chapter one's pretty much covered... Let's see...

Ah-hah! Here we go!

"'The Bell.' Chapter Two."

"On the charge of treason, we find Tirek: Guilty."

"You need to keep it together, Sombra... For everyone..."

"Starswirl, Silver; don't look back. No matter what you hear. Run!"

"I refuse to abandon my empire...! Strike me, Necromancer... You will not lay a single spell on anyone under my care! The Crystal Empire will live on!"