• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 1,555 Views, 19 Comments

Capes and Crusaders - Starhunter

Cold Star is a Crusader - A Bat Pony sworn to defend the Sacred Night. Alone and far from her home, she is shocked to discover a group of cape-wearing young ponies who also call themselves Crusaders.

  • ...

Capes and Crusaders

Manehattan was by far the largest city in Equestria. Even well after dark, the constant roar of distant crowds and carriage traffic was almost overwhelming at street level, which was one reason Cold Star preferred the rooftops. They also offered her a vantage where she could avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself. Up here, she only had to keep safe from the prying eyes of passing pegasi, and under the blanket of night it was easy enough for a Bat-Pony to avoid being seen.

Tonight, her chosen haunt overlooked an alley near midtown. A single street lamp flickered at each end, leaving the middle a morass of dim light and long shadows. Two nights ago a young filly had been accosted by a group of colts here. They had pushed her around and taken her pocket money before she was able to make her escape. Cold Star had overheard the victim confiding the matter to her friends, explaining that she had not told the local sheriffs about the incident because she was worried about something the colts had said. They claimed to work for a stallion named Stoneheart, a local tough-guy who was now trying to make a name for himself as a gang leader. They had used his name to threaten her.

They were defilers, preying on other ponies under cover of darkness. Her Oaths would not allow this to stand. As a Crusader, it was her duty to bring an end to their wickedness.

She wished that she could have asked the filly some questions about her attackers, but her appearance would only have startled the poor thing. The last pony she would want to meet after such an attack was a masked vigilante, and going without the mask would be even worse - long ears, leathery wings and fangs weren't considered friendly features amongst the Sun Tribes. Instead, Cold Star was forced to wait patiently for her prey to return to the scene of their crimes.

She did not have to wait for long. There were three of them. All earth-ponies, just as the filly had said. They were older colts - very nearly stallions, and they had the same slicked-back manes as several other colts she had seen lately, all of them getting up to no good. She chose to ignore the fact that they were probably no younger than she herself, and that being earth ponies they were probably half-again as strong. Those details didn't strike Cold Star as particularly important. She had already cast the shadow of justice upon much bigger and meaner ponies than these.

What did prove important was their mode of dress - two of them had tossed saddlebags on the ground nearby, and all of them had tied a grey bandana around their neck or leg. It was the trademark of Stoneheart's gang. They lounged in the alley in a way that was relaxed but wary. Hunters, waiting to spring a trap.

She was tempted to swoop in on them now, before they could bother anypony else. But she fought down the urge to strike pre-emptively, reminding herself that she could not be certain of their guilt until they proved it with their actions. Until then, they were as much under the protection of her Oath as any other citizen of Equestria.

She focused on her senses, allowing them to reach out into the night. Hundreds of generations spent living in caves and under mountains had given her people many gifts: her nose was keen enough that even four stories up she could tell that all three colts wore the same cheap cologne, and her skin could feel the vibration of each carriage passing at the far end of the street. But most important were her ears, which could hear every word the stallions whispered below as clearly as if they were standing beside her. They spoke of normal things for colts their age - ditching school, the mares they were interested in, and how to get their hands on some hard cider. Cold Star paid little attention, focusing instead on another sound, much further away. It was the sound of small hoof-steps. At least three sets of them, all moving in the direction of the alley.

Cold Star made her way silently across the rooftop towards the mouth of the alley, wanting to be ready to place herself between the colts and any prospective victims if it became necessary. So it was that she was the first to have a clear view of the three small ponies that came around the corner. All were school aged, but all were of different races and colours. The only common element between them was an unusual maroon cape that each of them wore, with a blue badge sewn onto the flank. Her sensitive ears could hear their whispered conversation taking place below.

The small white pegasus fluttered his wings nervously. "Babs, are you sure this is a good idea?"

Babs, the earth pony, shook her head. "Nope. It's a terrible idea. But I ain't just gonna sit by and let somepony bully one of my friends. So I'm goin' in. You and Misty don't have to come though. This ain't your problem."

The pale blue unicorn snorted derisively. "I think not. Squall is just worried that his Mother is going to yell at him for breaking his curfew. We'll be right behind you."

Squall sighed, then nodded. Babs smiled. "Thanks, guys. Aw'right, let's do this."

And with that, they marched into the alley three abreast, directly towards where the colts were waiting.

Cold Star moved along the rooftop at the same pace, equally surprised and confused by the actions of the little ponies below. She had lived here for several months now, and this was the first time she had seen anyone but the sheriff take an interest in dealing with criminals. Things were not as they were in Tartarus, the land where her race had long been banished. Here, ponies banded together in the face of great injustice, but were often lax in dealing with the petty vices that hid themselves under cover of darkness. To see others as troubled by this as she was refreshing. She could not help being curious. And besides, with her watching out for them they were in little danger. She was interested to see what they would do.

The three little ponies walked purposefully towards the three colts, who had roused themselves from their conversation, each of them taking on a predatory air. As the two groups converged the girl called Babs stepped forward.

"Hey. You guys. I wanna talk to you."

One of the colts grinned. "Well, well. If it isn't the Blank-flank Brigade. Nice capes, dorks."

Babs grinned back. "Thanks. Somebody gave 'em to us. Just like somebody gave you guys somethin' a couple of night ago. And now you're gonna have to give it back."

The colt stopped grinning. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Misty piped up. "Peach Tree's purse. You ruffians took it. And we're here to retrieve it."

None of the colts were grinning now, and all were on their feet, looming over the three caped ponies. "Oh, really? Because that's not how we remember things. We remember her offering to buy us all a hay-burger, and us graciously accepting."

Squall seemed to wilt a bit under their hard looks, but if anything they seemed to make Babs even bolder. She stepped forward again, putting herself nose to nose with the colts' leader. "That's funny. Because she didn't seem real gracious about it. She seemed pretty upset. And I would know - she used to have to foal-sit me." She stepped up to the tallest colt. "Y'know, personally I think you guys are crooks. So unless you want me to get the sheriff involved, you better cough up the purse and every bit you guys took from it."

The tall colt stared down at her. "What are you? A snitch?"

Babs shrugged casually. "When I need to be."

"Are you tryin' to threaten us?"

"I ain't tryin' nothin', wise guy. Purse or sheriff? Take your pick."

The colt sneered. "I've got a better idea. How about the three of you offer to take our boss Stoneheart and us out for dinner, and we let you three walk out of her on all four hooves. How does that sound?"

Babs scowled. "I don't let bullies push me around."

"Guess we're going to have to do this the hard way, then."

There was a long moment of silence in the alley, but Cold-Star could read the movements of the colt below like an open book. Hooking her cape over her wing-tips to keep them well hidden, she dropped silently into the alley below.

She crashed into the tall colt just as he brought up his front hoof to strike Babs. The angular tip of her fore-hoof slammed into the side of his head just behind his jaw, and he collapsed like a sack of potatoes. The colt menacing the pegasus fared little better, as Cold Star bucked him in the side hard enough to slam him into the wall. He sank to the street, clutching his ribs. The third, who Cold Star had rightly guessed was the most likely to panic in a real fight, had frozen as she dropped into the alley and silently dispatched his friends. Only now, as she advanced on him like the spectre of the Nightmare Queen herself, did the foolish colt have the where-with-all to run.

It didn't help, of course. Cold Star was on him before he had taken three steps, and had him pinned face-first to the alley wall with one of her cape-covered wings, using her free legs to twist his fore-leg around behind him in a manner that a pony's limbs were not meant to bend. He let out a whine of pain, but Cold Star felt no pity for him.

She turned to the small ponies gaping in astonishment behind her. She did her best to keep her accent from being noticeable as she spoke. "The wallet is in that saddlebag over there. Take it and go."

The three of them nodded, and ran towards the saddlebag down the alley. She returned her attention to the defiler in her grip. "You. What is your name?"

"Gr... gruh.... Green Fields," stuttered the frightened colt.

"Green Fields. You and your allies have exploited the sacred Night-Time of the Lunar Princess to bring wickedness upon the weak and the helpless. For your crimes against the Night Sky, and those who walk in joy beneath it, I should cut off your ear to mark you as a defiler."

Slowly, she drew one of her hooves up in front of his face, scraping a furrow in the stone of the wall with her hoof-tip. It was nothing more than a parlour trick as far as Cold Star was concerned - most Bat-Ponies could carve their hooves into solid stone in the same sort of manner a pegusus might use their hooves to shape or stand upon the clouds. This type of natural magic would do nothing to harm the skin of a pony. Fortunately, judging by the fearful wriggling of her captive, he was unaware of this important detail.

"P...p...please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!"

Cold Star leaned in very close to his ear. "Anything?"

He nodded.

"Good. Then you will go this very night to the one you call Stoneheart. You will tell him what you have done, and you will tell him what I have done to you. You will tell him that I have taken an Oath to defend this city from your kind, and that if he does not keep his disciples inside after nightfall, he will answer to me for it. Am I understood?"

The colt nodded again, going limp in an effort to show his willingness to comply.

"Good. Then go."

She released him all at once, allowing him to crumple to the ground before being able to turn and face her. He stared up in awe and fear at the mare standing over him. "A... and... and who should I tell him you are?"

Cold Star considered that for a moment, then smiled beneath her cowl. "Tell him the Mare-Do-Well has come to Manehattan."

The colt nodded, scrambled to his feet, and then fled the alley as if Cerberus himself were snapping at his heels. His fellows staggered out after him, making good their chance at escape from the masked warrior behind them. Cold Star snorted her distaste, and turned to leave herself, only to discover that that the three small ponies were still standing nearby. Squall and Misty looked nervous, but Babs looked as hard-nosed as ever.

Cold Star stomped her hoof. "I told you to go."

"Yeah. But you didn't say how you knew the wallet was in his bag. If you're in cahoots with these guys, I want you to come and apologize to Peach Tree."

"I am nothing of the sort. Peach Tree wears a particularly sweet perfume. I could smell it on the purse."

Babs gave her a funny look. "You could smell it? From twenty paces? In an alley in Manehattan? Yeah, right. Tell me another one."

She considered simply take off and leave them here, but realized that it might require her to show her wings. And that wouldn't do. Cold Star sighed. "The unicorn has an unwrapped chocolate bar in her saddlebag. Your pegasus friend has two old books in his. You live above a bakery."

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes wide. Using the pause to her advantage, Cold Star swept around them and made her way towards the nearby fire escape. She heard a scampering from behind her, and Babs run up beside her, scowling.

"Hey! I ain't done with you yet. Who are you really? And why are you callin' yourself Mare-Do-Well?"

Cold Star didn't stop walking. "I am a masked pony helping people in need. Who else would I be?"

Babs cut in front of her, forcing her to stop. "Not Mare-Do-Well, that's for sure. Because Mare-Do-Well doesn't hit ponies."

"Newspapers don't always tell the whole story, little one."

"Newspapers nothin'. The real Mare-Do-Well is my cousin who lives in Ponyville. Well... my cousin and some of her friends. So I know darn well that you aren't the real deal. And I don't like you sayin' you are, and givin' them a bad rap."

Cold Star stared down at Babs, and unlike with the colt earlier Babs seemed to shrink a bit before the masked mare's intense gaze.

"Is that true? Do you really know the identity of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well?"

Babs nodded. "Yeah. I heard all about it when I visited them last year for the reunion. They'd probably be mad that you were using that name to scare people."

"Some people need scaring."

"Yeah. Maybe they do. And honestly, some guys deserve a good kick in the head. Don't get me wrong - the way you did that was totally awesome. But using someone else's name to do it ain't right. Own up to it, or don't do it."

Cold Star paused, then bowed her head to the smaller filly. "I... see your point. I have behaved unjustly. How may I make amends for misusing their name, and also for copying parts of their costume for my own?"

Babs shrugs. "I don't know. I mean, Rarity would probably be flattered to see her design gettin' some use. The rest would probably just tell you to be more honest about things, instead of hidin'. I mean, you're doin' hero stuff, right? What's the need to hide?"

Cold Star shook her head. "It is an unfortunate necessity. I require a secret identity to... protect those that I care about."

Babs nodded. "Makes sense. Then I guess you'll just have to come up with something else."

Squall fluttered over. "Oh, I know! How about the Midnight Defender?"

Misty trotted over as well. "That's a bit too long. She needs something short, but striking. Something that is both mysterious and impressive."

Babs grinned. "Hey. Maybe would should make her a charter member. Then she could be the Caped Crusader."

Cold Star froze. "You should not speak lightly of being a Crusader, young one."

Babs continued to grin, oblivious. "Why not? We're all Crusaders. We don't mind if you want to be one too."

Cold Star could only stare at them in amazement. These three children were Crusaders? Certainly not. The Crusade was a Bat-Pony tradition, and one that only very few were permitted to undertake. But they seemed to earnest, and they had already shown such bravery that she could not help but ask.

"Are you saying that you... you three... are Crusaders?"

Babs was all smiles. "Yeah. I'm Babs Seed. I'm the head of the Manehattan chapter."

The Unicorn stepped forward, also smiling politely. "And I'm Misty Morning. I was the first to join up with Babs."

The pegasus chimed in. "I'm Summer Squall. I joined last winter, around Hearthswarming. We're pleased to meet you."

Cold Star could only stare in awe. "But... you are much too young. Who is your master?"

Babs looked confused. Squall shook his head. "Um... well, I guess that would be Babs. Unless you mean her cousin Apple Bloom. She's one of the founders."

Things began to become more clear. Babs cousin was a founder of these new Crusaders, and was also one of the Mare-Do-Wells. It all made sense. But then...

"And, may I ask... to which Princess do you owe your loyalty, as Crusaders?"

Now all three of them looked confused. Finally, Babs spoke up. "Um... well, the Crusaders in Ponyville have met Princess Celestia a few times, but they usually hang out with Twilight. Actually, she was one of the original Mare-Do-Wells, before she became a Princess..."

And there is was. The Twilight Princess, long a student of Celestia, had now begun to seek the wisdom of the Lunar Monarch, and was emulating her excellent leadership. Why else would there be fledgling Crusaders - an institution unique to Princess Luna's faithful - walking amongst the Sun Tribes?

As her name implied, Twilight Sparkle was seeking to become the bridge between the Solar and Lunar traditions. What glorious news! Cold Star could not help but beam with joy beneath her mask. Were it not for her Oaths, she would have rushed back to Tartarus herself, braving the coming dawn to spread these happy tidings. Finally, the Ponies of the Sun Tribes were beginning to welcome the dark once more. After so many centuries, perhaps the laws that kept her people hidden would finally be renounced.

The Crusaders before her were so small, but they represented a great hope for the future. Unfortunately, it was clear that they had nearly been defeated tonight. Had she not been here looking on, their situation could have become dangerous. But then, the elders had thought that she herself was too young to leave the Roost and undertake the Crusade. She had left anyways, and she had been forced to learn many things the hard way as a result. Perhaps these young ones were in a similar situation, being stationed her in Manehattan, so far from their founders and leaders. Perhaps they truly were kindred spirits.

She bowed politely before the three children, who exchanged confused glances.

"I am terribly sorry. I have given the three of you short shrift, and it was most unseemly of me. I hope that you will forgive me. I did not realize that you were Crusaders, like myself. Please, let us head up to the roof. We can speak more freely there, out of all this light."

And with that, she unhooked her wings from her cape, allowing them to unfurl. She stretched her black, leathery wings and with a flick of her wing-tips she hurled herself up towards the roof above.

Behind her, the three Crusaders watched her go, their mouths hanging open.

* * * * *

Cold Star waited on the roof for several moments doing her best to ignore the conversation of the ponies making their way up the fire escape. They were arguing about something, she was certain. She caught several mentions of "not safe" and "crazy", but she brushed them off. She was certain that overcoming old prejudice would be the smallest of hurdles placed before these young Crusaders, and if she could aid them with that, then she would do so gladly.

The first to arrive was Squall, since he didn't have to climb. He kept a good distance from Cold Star, seeming torn between fear and curiosity. That was good, for a start. The second was Babs, who seemed utterly without fear, and the third was Misty, who stayed partially huddled behind Babs.

Babs stopped a few paces back. "Those wings... are they part of your costume?"

Cold Star shook her head. "Before I answer, may I have your words as Crusaders that nothing we discuss will leave this rooftop? I will agree to the same, that we might all speak freely."

Babs nodded. "Sure. I promise." Her two friends nodded and made promises in turn. That they did not hesitate or negotiate pleased Cold Star a great deal. Sincerity was a great virtue for a Crusader. She unfurled her wings again, displaying them for the young ponies to examine.

"These are my real wings. My name is Cold Star. I am a Bat Pony, from the underground country of Tartarus. I have come to this city as a part of my duty as a Crusader."

Babs smiled widely. "Wow. So... you're like one of Luna's Guards, right? The stallions who pull her Chariot have wings like yours. I've seen pictures that Pinkie-Pie took on Nightmare Night last year."

Cold Star could not hold back a thrill. So there were still Bat-Ponies serving the Lunar Throne! Where had they come from? Where they perhaps descendants of those lost in the War Against the Light? Cold Star felt overwhelmed with excited questions. She took a deep breath and pushed her excitement down into the Darkness inside herself, just as her Master had taught her. She needed to focus on the matter at hand - answering questions from her new comrades.

"I am not so fortunate as to serve Princess Luna personally, but my Oath to serve was sworn to the Moon and the Starlit Sky. It is a very old tradition. Is your order like that?"

Babs shook her head. "Not really. I mean, our group was only founded a couple of years ago. And we don't really have a fancy Oath. I mean, we kind of did, but then Sweetie Belle decided the old one was too long, and then Scootaloo thought each chapter should have its own. But... truth is, I'm not real good with that kind of stuff, so right now we don't even have one."

"I see. Then what is the nature of your crusade?"

"Well, first we have to find out our special talent so that we can get our cutie marks. And after that... I don't know. None of us have gotten one yet."

Cold Star considered that. Perhaps the Twilight Princess wished for this stage of their training to be some kind of selection process. Perhaps she wished to see who manifested the correct skills or talents to become a proper Crusader, before exposing them to the greater secrets of their order. Or perhaps this was simply their way - the Sun Tribes had always taken a much more hands-off view of raising their children than the Moon Tribes.

"Do you have your Cutie Mark?" asked Squall. Cold Star rose and swept back her cape to reveal her grey coat and her sacred mark - a white six-pointed star that looked a bit like a snowflake in the centre of a black swirl.

"Yes. I gained it during the thawing... the spring-time... six years ago. I would have been about your age, I suppose. It appeared after I spent two days tracking down a lost foal who had wandered into the Deep Dark, and returned it to its mother. It was then that I took the name Cold Star, as is tradition amongst the Moon Tribe. The Star is believed to be a sign of great destiny, so I chose to use mine to undertake the Crusade. After my training, I left Tartarus and came here."

All of the young ponies looked quite impressed. They crowded closer to get a better look, even Misty, who still seemed a bit standoffish. As she grew nearer, Babs looked up Cold Star.

"Would you mind if we saw your face? I ain't never met someone of the Bat Tribe before."

"I suppose. Though I should warn you that my face looks a bit different than yours. Please do not be afraid." She removed her hat, revealing her longer, slightly furrier ears. And then she removed her cowl, revealing a muzzle full of hooked fangs and sharp teeth. She shook her head, trying to get her shortly cut black mane to lie flat. She kept her expression neutral, simply opening her jaw to allow them to see her for what she was. Only Misty seemed disturbed, and when Babs noticed Cold Star watching her she sidled in a little closer.

"Sorry about Misty. She used to live in Canterlot, until the Changelings attacked. Her family moved here after that. I think she's worried you're actually a Changeling."

"I am not. I just don't like being near strangers," Misty muttered angrily.

Cold Star nodded. "You are wise on both counts. Changelings are dangerous creatures, and strangers equally so. If it makes you feel better, sometimes Changelings sneak into our city to steal people, too. Hunting them was what first brought me to the surface."

Misty frowned. "So, are you some kind of soldier, then?"

"Not exactly. I am like you - I try to help people, and protect the things that I care about. Just as you did, when you came to this alley tonight."

"So who are you protecting?"

"The Night."


"The Night. The darkness between dusk and dawn. The night is beautiful, and full of wonders that cannot be seen under the harsh light of the sun. The duty of Crusaders like me is to guard against people who would misuse the darkness for wicked ends, and keep it safe for people who love it, as we do."

All three ponies looked at her with wide eyes and awed expressions. Babs recovered first. "That sounds like a big responsibility. How many of you are there?"

Cold Star shook her head. "Not nearly as many as their once was, and I am the only one that I know of who has chosen to bring the Crusade to the surface world once more. Most of the great Crusaders... well, they were not on the winning side of the conflict between Celestia and the Nightmare Queen."

"The Nightmare Queen... do you mean Nightmare Moon?"

"Yes. She was our ruler, for a short time. But the effect she had on the most zealous of the Crusaders was drastic. So much so, that many of them were banished to the moon along with Princess Luna at the end of the conflict. It is unknown what happened to them after that. Perhaps it is their descendants who now draw her Chariot, as you say. It was our loyalty - to the night and to Princess Luna - that caused Celestia to censure my people, and remand us to Tartarus for the last thousand years."

"Is that why I've never seen anyone like you around in Manehattan?"

"Yes. I was only able to arrive here by virtue of distracting Cerberus long enough to escape from the caves without being tracked. I was very careful. Even so, Twilight Sparkle returned him to his post in short order, and I do not think anyone else opted to leave."

Babs frowned. "That don't seem fair."

"I agree. But it is the law of the Sun Princess, and we dare not defy her. Tartarus is not comfortable, nor is it an easy place to live. But it is better than the Moon, and so we remain obedient to her decree."

"But you're here."

"Yes. I am. Because my love for the Night is greater than my fear of Celestia. And because I believe that Manehattan is truly in need of the Crusaders. If I am captured and taken before her, I will accept the consequences of what I have done. But that does not mean I expect others to feel the same. Indeed, it will be easier if I am known to be alone in my efforts. That way no blame will fall on my people for what I alone have chosen to do."

"So... is that why you're dressed up, and using a fake name?"

"Quite so. When I arrived on the surface I was mistaken for a monster by several ponies near Ponyville. It was around then I heard the stories about the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well that had appeared there. I went there, thinking perhaps we might become allies. Sadly, I did not encounter her in my short time there, and then I was forced to depart by a visit from Celestia. But I took some newspapers that had photos of her, and used them to help me construct my costume."

Misty stared at her. "Yes. I suppose that looking like that would make life pretty difficult for a Pony. Especially if you think people are going to want to arrest you if they find out about your identity."

Cold Star shrugged. "I have a few allies around the city. Mostly people that I have been able to help, and who have repaid me in kindness."

"People like us, you mean." said Squall, scratching at the ground.

Cold Star smiled slightly, trying to keep it in check to avoid showing too many teeth. "I suppose. Though if you wish to offer your help, I wouldn't refuse it. I could certainly use some help with things. But you have your own Crusade to pursue, and I don't wish to get in the way."

Babs seemed to be getting excited. "In the way? Are you crazy? This is a great chance for us."

Misty looked over at her friend. "How so?"

"Because Cold Star is a real, actual Crusader. A full fledged one, with a cutie-mark she earned by bein' able to save someone in trouble. Doing all these odd jobs is just gonna end us up with odd jobs on our flanks. Who wants that? If I'm going to get a cutie-mark, I want to get it doing something as awesome as helping to fight crime or rescuing people from danger."

Misty glowered at her friend. "Except that it's dangerous. Not to mention that I'm guessing Cold Star is nocturnal, like other bats are. I'm already going to be in trouble when I get home, and so are you. Squall's probably going to get grounded. And it's not even midnight yet. How are we going to help out someone like her?"

"Well, maybe we could feed her information or somethin'. Or look into things in places she can't go."

"Or buy her some groceries, at least. I bet shopping is a pain," added Squall.

Cold Star chuckled. "Of all those suggestions, I would appreciate the groceries the most. I have no desire to place you in danger. At least, not until you are a bit older and have more training. Have you begun service yet, at your age?"

The three looked between themselves, confused. "What do you mean by service?" asked Babs.

"I mean your basic training. For the Equestrian Guard. Or the Air Defence Force, I suppose in Squall's case."

Babs frowned. "We... don't really do that. You're not even allowed to register for the army before you're out of school."

Cold Star just stared at her for a long moment. "You mean, you have no training? No skill with hoof-to-hoof combat or basic grappling? You don't take that as a component of your schooling?"

They all shook their heads.

"And yet you came into this alley, to face three much larger colts. Have you all taken leave of your senses?"

They all hung their heads a bit, but Babs still seemed determined. "I just don't like bullies. That's all. And they came because they're my friends. The Cutie-Mark Crusaders stick together."

Cold Star could only stare at them in astonishment. By their age she had already been in service for at least a couple of years. To face such odds in spite of their situation... they were either courageous or incredibly foolhardy. Possibly both, though if it were only the latter they never would have followed her up onto this roof. And so she made a choice, one which she was almost certain would come back to bite her somehow.

"I see. Obviously, I have much to learn about the ways of the surface world. And it is equally obvious that you have much to learn about what it means to really be Crusaders. Perhaps we could help each other remedy these problems."

The three youths before her all perked up instantly.

"You mean it?" Babs asked.

"Yes. Fall will be here soon, and they days will grow shorter. That will help solve the problem of time, if the three of you can explain away some evenings. And given how much training you will need to do, you won't be eager to see me after the first few times we meet."

They all grinned, obviously having no idea what real training would look like. For the first time that evening, Cold Star almost found it within herself to pity someone. But as she reflected on how much her own training had shaped her into the pony she was now, she pushed that feeling into the darkness and allowed them their enthusiasm. There would be time enough later for hard lessons.

"So, how soon do we learn how to kick ponies in the head?" asked Babs.

Or perhaps not. Cold Star put her hoof to her head and sighed. This was going to be more difficult than she thought. But still, if she could mold these brave young ponies into true Crusaders, it would be a new beginning for the Crusade.

She looked sternly at Babs. "Not before you can name me twelve constellations in the night's sky and point to at least six of them on command."

Squall frowned. "How does that help you fight crime?"

Cold Star grinned. "In the city, it doesn't. But I'm not always in a city, and when I'm not I need to be able to figure out where I am, and which direction I'm going. And besides, to the Bat-Ponies the Star is an important symbol of what it means to be a Crusader. Come here and look, all of you."

The night was young, and the sky was full of lights. It was just like the night, now many years past, that Cold Star had emerged from a crack in the rocks and looked up to see the true splendour of the Night Sky for the first time. Tonight she shared that view with three young ponies, who were seeing its beauty in a way that they never had before. One day, they might help her share that beauty with the world.

If Stoneheart's gang didn't decide to find her and make an example of her first. But that was a problem for another night.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

I'm always happy to receive constructive feedback.

If you would like to see this storyline continue in subsequent stories, please let me know by leaving a comment or by giving it a "thumbs up"!

Many thanks are also owed to my lovely wife for her support, and to Raikoh-illust (http://raikoh-illust.deviantart.com/) for the use of his art on the cover of this story. Thanks again, everyone!

Comments ( 19 )

"Nope. It's a terrible idea. But I ain't just gonna sit by and let somebody bully one of my friends. So I'm goin' in. You and Misty don't have to come though. This ain't your problem."

You need to change somebody into somepony. It's a common mistake for first time writers but you need to change somethings around like instead of children it's fillies. Just change it into pony terms and you'll be gold. Also you earned this:


GAH! Thank you! Corrected! :facehoof:

Can't use fillies though - Squall is a colt. I'll just stick with the Cherilee standard of "little ponies". :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Some nice world building here.:yay:



If this story is well received, I may decide to expand this into a series. If I do, I intent to flesh out a few more of the things that were only mentioned in passing (like what Cold Star's Oaths actually entail) as well as displaying some of the weaknesses of her physiology.

I'll pipe in with my support for this being expanded into a series. I enjoyed the sort-of misunderstandings between the CMC and Cold Star which hinged upon them basically talking past each other and laughed all the way to the end. (Being set in Manehattan, too, has the advantage that they can't just go to Twilight and get clarification. That said, as Babs is an Apple, she probably could get a rather direct line to Twilight through her cousins if necessary.)


Thanks for the vote of support! I really like all four of these characters, and I feel like there is a lot of interesting stories to be told between them. All four have their hang-ups, and all four come from very different sorts of places / social situations, but all four have a shared desire to do good in the world. I think that's an interesting place to build from. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

Really starved for good stories in this contest, but this one's one of the better ones. My only advice is, don't use 'people'. It stands out as decidedly un-pony moreso than using "someone", etc. would.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you'll vote for my story if you enjoyed it - feedback helps keep me feeling motivated for more writing. :twilightsmile:

Your observation is noted, and understood. I think I need to make a check-list of words to find/replace with my word processor in future pony efforts. Most of these are obvious, but when I'm proofreading I just scan right past them. :facehoof:

Author Interviewer

It can be a hard thing to get used to.

FYI, I also liked The Nightmare Journal from the Halloween contest. :)

This story was great, and I love it! I would also really love to see more of this <3

Thumbs most enthusiastically up! I'm always keen on a good Babs story, and this mixes the bat and the Babs beautifully.


Thanks! It was a good fiction for learning on, and I'm proud of it despite it's many (MANY) foibles. :twilightsmile:


Thanks you very much for your vote of support! I'm thinking that the second instalment of this story will be my next short-story project. I have actually found myself with a lot more ideas for possible chapters than I had initially expected, so I've been having trouble choosing between them all! :twilightsmile:


I like Babs. She has enormous room for personal growth while staying true to the way the Writers originally presented her, which made her really attractive as a character to work with.

Impressive. You made me care about Mare-Do-Well and Babs Seed, and I usually don't. I'll have to check out the sequel, because this one was excellent.

By the way, watch out for dialogue punctuation. Things like this:

> service?" Asked Babs. ("asked" should be lower case)
> mean." said Squall (should be a comma, not a period)


I'm happy that you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

And yeah. I really need to sit down with Strunk and White and really get the rules for dialogue punctuation down pat. It's embarrassing that I still make these mistakes. :facehoof:

Oh wow! This story is truely amazing. The character of Cold Star is one with much potential, as well as bat ponies in general are, if you ask me. And of course the little crusaders are always good for another fiction... I'm definitely on for a sequel...

Babs cousin was a founder of these new Crusaders

You forgot the apostrophe

And there is was


This was a lot of fun, and there's a sequel, too!? I mean, bat ponies, Mare-Do-Well, and Babs? All done well? It's pretty sweet.

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