• Published 1st Nov 2013
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The Legend of Spike: Krazoa Island - DiabloGuapo

Fleeing Equestria for a crime he didn't commit, Spike finds himself on a magical island filled with dinosaurs. It is up to him to save the island before it is completely destroyed.

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The Test of Knowledge

It was still in the early hours of the morning when Spike awoke. He was still on the Great Fox and he could see Twilight and the others asleep on the floor of the command deck. Spike stood up and went to the window. As he walked, his muscles ached from the battle yesterday. Though Twilight had healed his wounds, he would be sore for awhile. Outside, he could see the sun rising over Cape Claw. They had landed right outside of the Ocean Force Point Temple. Spike went over and picked up his backpack. He groaned as he the muscles in his shoulder and back throbbed as he bent over to pick it up.

“Spike?” He turned around to see Twilight raising her head and blinking sleepily at him. She yawned and stood up. “What time is it?”

“Sunrise,” he told her as he placed the SpellStone of Air his bag. Twilight rubbed the sleep from her eyes and they proceeded to rouse the others. Applejack awoke with no problem. Living on a farm meant waking up at the crack of dawn was the norm. Rainbow Dash and Tricky were a little more difficult to get up. Even though she had to wake up early for Wonderbolts training, she didn’t have to like it.

“Come on, Tricky. Time to get up,” Spike said to his dinosaur companion.

“I don’t wanna get up,” the youngster complained, still in dreamland.

“The sooner we return the SpellStone, the sooner you can see your dad again.” This got the EarthWalker’s attention and he sprang onto his four feet.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” he cheered. As they walked off the airship, they stopped to take in the view. The sun hadn’t made it over the rise of the inlet’s walls yet, but they could see the shimmering reflection of the yellow sun on the sea to the south. It was calm and the only thing they could hear was the gentle sound of the waves washing up on the shore and the song of morning birds.

“Well ain’t that a purdy sight?” Applejack stated as she looked out over the beach.

“It’s so lovely,” Fluttershy agreed. Spike looked over to eastern bank of the inlet saw that the Diamond Dogs had cleared out. General Scar’s plot had been foiled. The SpellStones had been recovered, the tribes of dinosaurs had been freed, and the Diamond Dogs have been driven from tribes’ lands.

“If you think that’s something, wait until you see the Ocean Force Point Temple.” Spike was right; the seaside temple was a sight to behold. From the magic pillars made from enchanted water on the outside to the décor of the interior, the ponies were spellbound by the beautiful sanctuary. They admired the stained glass windows, the blue and aqua tiles, clear pools of water, and pillars.

Spike and Tricky led them across the electrified floor tiles, showing them the correct combination. The ponies followed them along the correct path, but Rainbow Dash just flew over it. Once inside the inner sanctum of the temple, they swam across the pools of water and walked down the halls to the stairs that took them up to the terrace. After they had looped back around to the second chamber, they walked across the bridge to the central platform and stood around the yellow altar. Using the yellow SpellStone and Tricky’s status of a royal dinosaur, they warped to the Force Point.

They stood around the central platform and Spike pulled out the final SpellStone. They all held their breath in anticipation as the SpellStone of Air was slid into place in the yellow framed slot on the pillar. The gem glowed yellow as it absorbed the remainder of the vortex of magical energy rising from the abyss. With the SpellStones of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air in their proper places, the powerful surge of energy was held back and no longer was ripping the island apart.

“Yeah!” Spike cheered and they all laughed in victory.

“We did it, Spike!” Tricky exclaimed as he excitedly hopped up and down on the platform.

“Guys, guys!” Spike called to the Star Fox Team using his communication stone. “Are you seeing this? Mission complete!”

They all waited… and nothing happened. They all looked around confused. They had expected to feel something or at least hear something. Surely giant pieces of earth landing back down on the surface would make some sort of sound.

“This that it? Did it work?” Rainbow Dash asked as she hovered in the air.

“What’s going on?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Are they broken or something?”

“We’ve placed all of the SpellStones where they belong. That should have worked,” Twilight Sparkle said to them.

Peppy’s head then appeared over the communication stone. “There must be more to it. Maybe we should speak with the Queen EarthWalker again.”

“Oh, come on. Let’s get back to the Hollow,” Spike said with disappointment. When they flew back to ThornTail Hollow, they were greeted by the orange and purple Triceratops Queen. Since the Diamond Dogs were no longer a threat, she had emerged from her security bunker and was standing outside with the ThornTail Guardian.

“Spike, something is not right,” the Queen said to the purple dragon when the group exited the airship. “The Walled City has not yet returned to the island. My husband is still stuck up there. You did return all the SpellStones.”

“Of course, but… wait!” Spike suddenly remembered an important detail. “The Krazoa! They must have something to do with it!”

“You’re right,” the Queen agreed. “Maybe they are needed to put the island back together again.”

“We need to find the remaining Krazoa,” Twilight declared and then pulled out her maps. Her purple eyes scanned over the scrolls in a hurry, then came to a stop when she noticed something. “Hey, take a look at this!” They all huddled around her and saw that she was pointing to the blueprints of the royal palace in the Walled City. On top of the step pyramid was a room. The blueprints didn’t reveal any details about it unlike the rest of pyramid, but it was marked with the six pointed mark of the Krazoa.

“That must be a Krazoa Shrine,” Spike said when he saw the symbol.

“Indeed it is,” the Queen confirmed. “I don’t know too much about it, but perhaps the King might.”

“Yeah, let’s go see Dad!” Tricky said, anxious to see his father again. Just as they were about to board the airship again, Spike noticed his communication stone was glowing gold again. He hesitated and looked back in the direction of his master’s cave. “Come on, Spike! I want to see my dad again!”

“Hurry up, Spike. Let’s go,” Rainbow Dash called from the ship.

“Just a second, I’ll be right back,” he said as he started to head in the other direction.

“Where do you think he’s going?” Twilight asked the others.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go,” Pinkie Pie shrugged, thinking Spike had to use the little dragons’ room.

“Well, just hurry up so we can go!” Twilight called after Spike as he ran across the valley. The purple dragon entered the cave to the north and climbed down the fissure to the lair of the dark gold dragon. In its massive claw was a tapestry. When he heard the tinkling of gold and gems being shifted as Spike landed on a pile of treasure, the master dragon looked at his student with his glowing green eyes.

“You have done well, Spike the Purple,” the elder dragon complimented as he looked back at the tapestry that he was holding. “You have utilized the lessons that I have taught you and defeated a dragon older and stronger than yourself. You have also recovered the last of the SpellStones. I am proud of you.”

“What’s that?” Spike asked, pointing to the tapestry. The master laid it before Spike so that he could see the image of a stallion prince facing a unicorn princess with hearts in their eyes. The image looked familiar to the teenaged dragon and he tried to recall where he had seen it before. “I know that picture. It’s the story of Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“What do you know of that event?” the master tested the knowledge of his pupil.

“I know it got started because of a love potion that was more of a love poison.” Spike then chuckled as he remembered a certain Hearts and Hooves Day. “One year, some friends of mine made it and tried to hook up their teacher with one of their brothers. It was a mess.”

“I would imagine so,” the gold dragon agreed. “Go on.”

“Um, let me think. The love potion was made by some prince and gave it to a princess he liked. They became so lost in each other’s eyes, they couldn’t do their jobs.”

“Do you know anything else?”

“Uh… Oh, the poison wears off if they don’t see each other for an hour.”

“I meant about the princess and the prince,” the master clarified.

“Only there was something about a dragon, their kingdoms falling apart, and chaos was everywhere, but I don’t know what happened to the prince and princess. I guess everything turned out okay and they lived happily ever after.”

“No, they did not,” the old dragon corrected Spike. “I know, because I was there. You may know that before the reign of Celestia and Luna, the three tribes of ponies lived in their own nations and had uneasy truce between them.”

“I know this one. This is the Hearth Warming Story,” Spike said. “It wasn’t until Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead untied their tribes to form one kingdom, Equestria.”

“That is correct, but this was before then,” the master explained. “Long before the unification of the ponies, a prince of the Pegasus Nation met a princess of the Unicorn Kingdom during one of the meeting of the three clans. Her coat was like red velvet, her mane was like golden strains of sunlight, her eyes sparkled like flawless emeralds, and her cutie mark was of a red rose.” The aged wyrm had a faraway look in his eyes and smiled dreamily as his recalled the nostalgic memories. “Her name was Princess Fiore Rossa, or Rose to her friends.

“When the Pegasus Prince saw her, he became infatuated and tried to woo her. She was repulse by his attempt and not because of the strained relationships between the two clans. She saw through him and could see only lust in his heart for he only cared for her beauty. She spurned his affections and returned to her kingdom. He vowed that she would be his and concocted a potion to make her fall madly in love with him. He took a tuft of cloud, the glow of a rainbow, and stirred it with one of his feathers.

“He then went to the palace of the Unicorns in a feign attempt to apologize and offered to share a drink with her. They both drink the potion, but his plan backfired. He too was affected by the potion and they both lost their senses and forgot about everything else but each other. For days, they continued to stare into the eyes of one another. When the prince failed to return to his palace, the Pegasi believed that the Unicorns had taken their prince prisoner and declared war.

“As the two clans fought, the prince and princess were too distracted to care about the conflict around them or resolve it. They did not even notice when a young dragon came to lay siege upon the castle. The dragon snatched up Rose and flew away with her to his lair, planning to hold her for ransom and then eat her anyway after they had paid him. To the irritation of the dragon, the Princess thrashed about uncontrollably for an hour, crying out, not in terror, but for the prince. She did not even realize that she had been kidnapped or noticed the dragon.

“After an hour had passed, the enchantment wore off and she came to her senses, much to the relief of the dragon.” The master dragon then chuckled a bit. “He did not know how much more he could take her insufferable cries. Once she realized where she was and what was happening, she pleaded for mercy from the dragon. The dragon was confused by her sudden change of behavior and asked her why she was no longer pining for her ‘beloved’ prince. She told him that she had no idea what he was talking about nor remembered how she came to be in his lair. She also claimed she wanted nothing to do with the horrid prince.

“The dragon was amused by the situation and began to discover that he enjoyed the company of the princess. Since she was now herself again, he found that she was very polite and friendly for somepony that was a hostage. Her compassionate personality and charitable nature soften the heart of the dragon and he lost all desire to harm her. Rose even came to find herself warming up to the dragon and they became friends.

“Meanwhile, the war continued and the prince also came to his senses. When he found himself in the dungeons of the Unicorn palace, he accused them of kidnapping him and the Unicorn King accused him of sending the dragon to kidnap his daughter. The Unicorn King then sent his knights, led by the elder brother of the princess, to rescue the princess from the lair of dragon. When they had arrived, they were shock to find Rose unharmed, laughing and conversing pleasantly with the dragon. Though he wanted her to stay, she had to return to her kingdom and resolve the conflict.

“She explained to the angry Pegasi what had happened and what the prince had done. The prince had shamed himself before his clan and they removed him from the throne. The commander of the Pegasi army took over and their nation fell under martial law for generations until the three tribes united.

“Even though things returned to normal for the Unicorn Kingdom, Princess Rose began to miss her new friend. She would sneak out of the castle to go visit him. The dragon would be elated to see her again and would welcome her to his home. As time went on, they fell in love and, to the shock of the Unicorns, the princess conceived a child with the dragon. Enraged, the king disowned his daughter and vowed to slay the dragon. Rather than to see her family and her love fight each other, she convinced the dragon to run away with her and their unborn child. Though heartbroken for having to leave her family behind her, she and her dragon shared a happy life together.”

The old dragon with golden scales grew silent as he finished the full story of what really happened during the first Hearts and Hooves Day. Spike looked at the stitched profile of Princess Fiore Rossa on the tapestry and asked, “You’re the dragon from the story, aren’t you?”

“Yes Spike, I am,” the master somberly answered.

“But that was thousands of years ago.”

“And only a few of them were spent with her,” the gold dragon told Spike. “But I would not trade them for all the treasure in the world.”

“What happened to her?” Spike asked, though he felt he already knew the answer.

“The same thing that happens to all mortals; time took its toll,” the wyrm responded. “She grew older and older until her time came.”

“And what of your child?”

“He was the most precious thing to us. He was a child that the world has rarely ever seen; a child that was both Unicorn and dragon.”

“A kirin,” Spike whispered and his master nodded in confirmation. Just the other week, he went out to dinner with Rarity. During the date, his marefriend told him that she discovered that dragons could reproduce with just about any creature due to their magical nature, though it was very rare. Even though it was still hard to do, unicorns had a better chance since they also had a strong connection to magic.

“You once asked me why I was helping you,” the old dragon said to Spike. “When I first met you, I sensed something within you that I had not felt myself in ages; love. Your love for Rarity reminded me of my love for Rose. Though she is long gone, I know she would have wanted me to help you. Spike the Purple; I am no longer your master. You have learned everything I have to teach you. Go now and save the one you love.”

“Thank you for everything you have done for me,” Spike said with a humble bow and then started to fly out of the lair.

“Spike, one more thing,” the gold dragon called after him. Spike stopped at the fissure and looked back. “You also asked me what my name was. Aurum; my name is Aurum.”

“Goodbye, Aurum,” Spike bid the ancient wyrm farewell.

“Goodbye, Spike.”

The Great Fox soar through the sky as it headed back to the Wall City. Spike sat silently and thought about the tale his former teacher had shared with him. The others noticed his quiet demeanor and wondered what had happened while he was gone.

When the airship had landed, the EarthWalkers had gathered to greet their rescuers. They bellowed in applause as they marched down the streets of the city towards the royal palace. Waiting for them at them base of the stairs was the King Earthwalker.

“My friends, on behalf of Krazoa Island, I thank you for returning the SpellStones to their rightful place,” the King declared to them.

“For what good it did,” Spike said sarcastically. “If you didn’t notice, you’re still stuck up here on this floating rock.”

“By removing the SpellStones, Scar caused our island to fall apart. Returning the stones has stopped the flow of magic energy,” the King explained.

“But we need to put the island back together somehow,” Rainbow Dash told the King.

“The maps we have show that there is a Krazoa Shrine atop of the palace,” Twilight explained

“The Queen said that you might know something about it,” Pinkie Pie relayed what the Queen EarthWalker had told them.

“Hhmm… it seems as though the power of the Krazoa is needed to return our floating lands back to the surface,” King surmised.

“Seems like we both have our reasons for finding the last of the spirits,” Spike said, referring to his mission to save Rarity.

“Go to the top of the palace,” the King instructed as he stood aside of the stairs of the pyramid. “There, you will find a Krazoa Shrine.”

“Okay, I’ll go and get. I’ll be back soon,” he said as he ran up the stairs.

“In the mean time, how about a tour of the city?” the King offered the group of five mares and three stallions.

“Oh, yes please,” Twilight eagerly accepted. “I’ve wanted to learn more about your temples of the sun and moon.”

As Tricky’s father led the ponies to the temples, Spike reached the shrine atop of the stairs and stood on the glowing yellow altar to teleport to the Krazoa Shrine. The first of the trap filled corridors the purple dragon came across had a floor switch that activated the gate on the other side. There was a chasm with powerful air currents rising out of it to form a bridge made of whirlwinds. The standard trap fire jets that shot out in intervals lined the walls. Spike could easily fly across the pit, but he wanted the experience of literally walking on air. He stepped over the side of the pit and he was lifted up by the current.

“This is so cool,” he laughed as he floated from one current to the other, not minding the flames.

The next corridor had a bridge spanning over a pit with fire bursting from grates on the bridge in intervals. Spike simply walked across the bridge through the flames to the last hall. The third corridor had another pit, but there were circular platforms rising up from it with airlifts connecting them. On the platforms were spinning fire jets. On the floor at the beginning of the hall was another pressure pad. Spike stepped on it and then flew to the other side.

Entering the final chamber, he found the Krazoa Spirit waiting for him. As far as Spike could tell, there weren’t any stone warriors waiting to fight him. Spike approached the floating spirit that had ethereal tendrils floating from the back of its mask-like form.

“Welcome to the Test of Knowledge,” greeted the blue and purple glowing being. “Correctly answer the questions I ask you. If you succeed, I will become yours to return to the Krazoa Palace. Do you accept?”

“Yes,” Spike accepted the challenge.

“Then let us begin,” the spirit started the test. “What are the two ruling tribes of Krazoa Island?”

“The EarthWalkers and the CloudRunners,” Spike answered.

“Correct. Which SpellStones are guarded by which tribe?”

“Um, let’s see…,” Spike thought aloud. “The SnowHorns guard Earth, CloudRunners guard Water, EarthWalkers guard Fire, and I guess the ThornTails guard Air.”

“Correct. Where are the Force Point Temples located?”

“Moon Mountain Pass and Cape Claw.”

“Correct. Why does the EarthWalker Tribe dwell in the Walled City?”

“To make sure the RedEyes stay in their territory.”

“Correct. What is the origin of the name ‘Dragon Rock?’?”

“Because the volcano there resembles a dragon head breathing fire.”

“Correct. Final question; what are the four sacred lands where the SpellStones were forged?”

“DarkIce Mines, CloudRunner Fortress, the Walled City, and Dragon Rock.”

“Correct. You have passed,” the Krazoa announced and then entered into Spike’s body. Well done. I will remain in your body until you release me back in Krazoa Palace.

“Okay, but now I have a question for you,” Spike said to the spirit in his head.

And what would that be? the Krazoa asked.

“Where is the final Krazoa Shrine?” Spike asked.

The voice in his head was silent for a moment but then finally spoke. The final Krazoa Shrine is located in CloudRunner Fortress, but I cannot sense of the Krazoa there.

“Huh? Then where is it?”

I sense it is at Krazoa Palace.

“You mean someone else has already released it back into the palace?” Spike excitedly asked.

No, it is there at the palace, but has not been released. I sense a darkness surrounding it. I fear it is in danger. Fly your airship just north of where Dragon Rock is supposed be located to find Krazoa Palace and recover the final Krazoa Spirit.

After returning to the Walled City, Spike flew from the pyramid and found the tour group in front of the Temple of the Sun. As the King was explaining the significance of the symbols and carvings, the ponies listened intently. Spike noticed the red pyramid was decorated with golden suns that looked very familiar.

“Hey guys, I’m back!” he called as he landed behind them.

“Oh, Spike look at this,” Twilight said as she pointed to the sun symbol. “My theory was correct; the architecture of the Walled City was influenced by ponies from the Early Classical Era. You see, that’s Princess Celestia’s cutie mark and the temple of the moon has Princess Luna’s cutie mark.”

“That’s neat and all, but we’ve gotta go!” Spike urgently told them. “I have the Krazoa Spirit and the last one is already at the palace. The spirit says the other one is in trouble!”

“Then what are we waiting for? To the ship!” ordered Captain Pepper. As they started to run towards to the ship, Spike noticed Tricky was torn between following after them and staying there with his father.

“Hold up guys,” Spike called to ponies before walking over to Tricky. “This is it, Tricky. After this, it’ll be over.”

“Yeah, I know,” the Prince said, hesitant to leave his father again.

“Say, why don’t you stay here with your father?” Spike suggested with a smile.

“Really?!” Tricky asked hopefully.

“Sure. I mean, we already returned all the SpellStones. You’ve done your part, and now it’s time for me to finish mine.”

Tricky smile then faded a little and he said, “I know you’re right, Spike. It’s just…”

“Yeah, I know. I’m gonna miss you too.” The others then came up and stood beside Spike.

“Without your help, this mission would have failed,” Captain Pepper told the Prince. “So, in honor of your bravery; Prince Tricky, EarthWalker, you are now an honorary member of the Star Fox Team.” Captain Pepper, Peppy, Slippy, and Spike saluted the young Triceratops and the five mares also saluted him.

“Dad, did you hear that?! Me, a member of Star Fox!” Tricky then looked over to the Great Fox. “Do I get my own airship?”

Everyone laughed and Spike looked back as he followed the ponies to the ship. “I’ll come to visit you soon.”

“Just don’t make it too long, okay?” Tricky called after him. As the airship headed south from the Walled City, they saw dark rain clouds over a mountain. Due the perpetual downpour, Spike knew that Krazoa Palace must be located there.

“Look at this,” Twilight said as she looked over a map. “Krazoa Palace, Moon Mountain Pass, LightFoot Village, SnowHorn Wastes, the Walled City, and CloudRunner Fortress; they form the six points of the crest of the Krazoa. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

“But why isn’t the last spirit in its shrine?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I guess we’re about to find out.” The ship landed on the roof of the palace and everyone headed out. On the roof, they saw a giant Krazoa statue overlooking a platform with a spinning mechanism. They ran up the ramp to the platform to see Rarity frozen inside giant crystal with the other four Krazoa Spirits circling the sleeping unicorn.

“Is she okay?” Fluttershy worriedly asked as she watched her unconscious friend.

“She will be alright as soon as I release all of the spirits,” Spike answered. “Stay with her as I go release this Krazoa.”

“Don’t you worry, Rarity,” Pinkie Pie said to the sleeping unicorn as Spike headed inside. “You’ll be out before you know it.”

The Krazoa Spirit within Spike led the dragon to the second level of the rotunda. There, Spike found a doorway that took him down a hallway to an outside balcony that overlooked the island to the west. On the opposing side of the balcony was a Krazoa Sanctuary. Spike knelt down on the glowing white altar and groaned as he released the spirit into the Krazoa Face protruding from the rippling mirror on the wall. Once the Krazoa entered the statue, its eyes glowed and mouth opened as the spirit joined the others around Rarity’s crystal.

“Well look at that,” Applejack exclaimed when she saw the fifth spirit appear. “Ah guess this means Spike’s released it.”

“Yes, but where’s the final spirit?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

Back on the balcony a few floors down, Spike stood up from the altar and started to head to the doorway that led back inside the palace. He came to a halt when Rover, Fido, and Spot walked through the doorway and blocked his path.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Spike,” the purple dragon heard a voice say to him. General Scar then landed on the balcony behind him and Spike turned around to face the Doberman. Scar’s red amulet that resembled a claw or a fang emitted a black, purple, and green aura of dark magic and a curved blade of jagged obsidian formed in the leader of the Diamond Dogs’ paw. “You may have returned the SpellStones, but the war is not over yet. Now, you must face me!”