• Member Since 26th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Comments ( 27 )

Glory to the dark gods:flutterrage:

Let this world join the legions of chaos Death to the false Emperor!

Come Elements and young drake join us. Come Crusaders do want your cutie then join well give you one of the eight pointed star:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

Waiting for update. And one for your deathwatch story as well.

:rainbowkiss: Well considering this was written in parallel with the true firs chapter to this story and the next one in Deathwatch your wait shant be to long

The Legion of the Damned approve, the Imperium will endure!

The warriors of the Inquisition approve with our Damned brothers

always good to see another 40k crossover and since your the one writing it i know its going to be good and even more awesome it takes place during the Horus Heresy i don't think that's been done before

Then I'll try not to disappoint as to avoid pissed off zombie space marines kicking my door in. :raritywink:

They shall not disappoint :pinkiehappy:

Oh stop you make me blush encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNWR1usjLDXMSm7jkn5ZSoQHHbqkI6s50hpgb4_4cV73_-CJ9p .

well I ahveseen one were Leman Russ is thrown into equesrtria and one set post Istvaan 3 involving kharn and a world bearer arriving on equestria, but it is a niche area of 40k/mlp fanfics

3478702 now that you mention it i do remember that one with kharn but not the Leman Russ one where can i find it because you know how much i like seeing a primarch in equestria

Its somewhere in my favorites and the 40k group its a comedy

Ohhhh a fanfic involving Warhammer 30k and then there even is a possibly loyalist Iron Warrior Techmarine! (Iron Warriors are best Legion btw)
How many Astartes are there in total on this ship? Because even the smallest ships would require a crew that would number in the high thousands at minimum if it is to run for any significant amount of time and not massively automated (which would only apply to Mechanicus or heretic vessels)

wow a new chapter only a day after the Prologue.
I really like that you have loyal thousand sons in this there the traitor legion i always felt the most sorry for all they were trying to do was save Horus and then warn the Emperor when that didn't work

:rainbowhuh: Iron warriors bets legion wut you talkin about fool!

but yer in all seriously they are my second fav legion right behind the thousand sons (if the D of a pre hersey thousand sons astartes looking like a pony didn't give it away I dunno what will)

well first off subtract non sential crew like cooks, cleaner repair servitors and serfs, medical serfs and servitors, taticains, loader servitors and gun crews you drop from needing about 10k in men to run a ship to I guess 5000, factor int hat an Astartes can in monitor more then a human you drop more crew, so in all i'd say around 3 or 4 thousand astartes aboard (excluding dreadnoughts) running the ship only about 200 to 500 operating vital systems at any given time.

Well I kinda wrote chapter one first then the Prologue :twilightblush:.

Yes Thousand Sons best legion (My DP should give ti away that they are my favs)

3482994 yeah Magnus and his Thousand Sons are an awesome but my favorite primarch and legion will always be Roboute Guilliman and his Ultramarines

3483063 so from your reaction im guessing your an ultra hater then

Not so much no I just fell disappoint for them since there rep is so stained with shit it gets hard to respect them at all. But I commend you in the fact you are likely an old fan of them back when they were humble dudes of awesome immune to plot armour

3483090 the new Horus Heresy books seem to be trying fix there rep The latest one the unremembered empire did a pretty good job it was an awesome book

It did but it also proved even the black library authors and readers in on tg since every single mention of big bobby G is mis pronounced (as in each audio has it said differently)

I'm not mad at you!

.....Which is odd for a Khornate. :pinkiecrazy:

Khorne technically doesn;t encourage mindless rage but controlled focused agression in his followers.

a Khornite who is calm and col;ercted is far more dangerous then a throthing beserker, for the beserker you can predict the calm one you cannot.

=3 at my local 40k club anything imperial chaos or warp related I am the go to expert.

Xenos not so much

I had always wondered how the Horus Heresy and the Imperium by the time of 40K would have changed if loyalist survivors (in the tens of thousands, since each legion was so huge at that time and about a third of each legion canonically remained loyal) managed to make it to Terra during the Siege of Terra and fought against their traitor brethren. Given the asskicking the loyalist delivered on the Istvaan Atrocity, I'd say things would have turned out far better for everyone. Maybe the Emperor would even have been able to cleanse the "traitor" Primarchs of the Warp's taint.

I put traitor in quotes because it would be more accurate to say that Chaos basically mind-controlled them.


I guess that is because Khorne does not give a crap if you are insane or not. However, someone with a cool, sharp mind is better able to spill more blood and keep spilling it instead of spilling a few bodies worth before being cut down.

Also, I would be suspicious of Naaman and the Dark Angels. After all, they should have been on deployment on practically the opposite side of the galaxy. Not to mention the fact Naaman is trying to implicate the survivors of a legion, not an individual. He isn't stopping at just the World Eater on the tape, he is accusing all the survivors of that legion. It makes no sense unless he wants the loyalists to be down multiple Astartes. Only then does it makes sense.

I think I should mention before-hand for anyone who gets confused by an Astartes being nice to an alien. The Imperium has always (even as of 40K) ignored or even made protectorates of xenos species it determines are no real threat to humanity. Excluding emergencies (such as sending a ship to exterminatus the Tau homeworld when they were discovered to make way for ships carrying refugees).

Your Princesses blindly followed our words to aid us in hunting them down to all but a few men!

Judging by how much your asses were kicked at Istvaan III, I'd say you must have lost several times the number of loyalists you killed. You would think that the traitors would realize this makes it pretty clear that Chaos is doomed to lose the Long War. They ambush loyalists with daemons and exterminatus and still lose at least twice the number of soldiers than the loyalists.

Most likely as Horus would be caught between two forces though yes one smaller then the other but he would of had to make a decision to either press his advantage on Terra or redirect force to deal with the arrival of the new support for the Emperor and his still loyal sons.

Well logar was tricked into serving since his an weak willed mooke who needs to worship something, and then tricked horus. Magnus was sorta 'Just.As.Planned' into chaos cus Tzeench is a massive dick . Iron warriors primarch whos name I cannot spell was just mad from being shat on by his bros all the time. Conrad Kurz not really sure hes space super batman so probably some silly reason. and Mortarion he followed horus since they were just BFF's or some shit and it was Typhus he feel to nurgle and his hugs.

Well considering Naaman only knows its a World Eater aboard the strike cruiser and it would be hard to narrow down which one it exactly is it makes sense he just outright names them all traitors, but yes he does have alternate motives for branding them all as traitors.

Thanks for pointing that out, I was planning on doing something like that but did not know for sure if.

oh trust me you'll learn to hate the heretics within this story with what they do.

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