• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 7,736 Views, 271 Comments

Terms of Employment - chromewasp

A supervillain's henchman must take care of his boss-turned-foal.

  • ...

Hostile Contact

Dear God, I can't believe I just said that. It's even harder for me to believe that I actually did it.

I mean, if you'd told me that one day my hand would be anywhere near Slayde's posterior, I would've laughed hard enough to blow your skin off.

But right at that moment, it seemed like the most logical choice. The little brat is acting up? Set him down and give him a swat on the rear.

Okay, maybe that sounded a bit rednecky, but my nerves were a tightrope and Slayde was walking on them with ice skates. And besides, I grew up in the Ozarks--try as I might, I can never quite erase my inner hillbilly.

Anyway, it was just three quick swats—whap, whap, whap. Instantly Slayde went rigid, his words halting in his throat.

And then he started crying again. That was plenty annoying enough on its own, but far worse was the fact that he refused to move. He just wanted to keep sitting on his butt and bawling his eyes out--for all I knew, probably until this place came tumbling down.

I tried to the “I’m-gonna-pretend-to-walk-away-and-leave-you-behind” game to urge the munchkin onward, but he retaliated by crying even louder.

Sweet Jesus, why do kids need to be so goddam unreasonable?

It seemed stupid to try giving him yet another spanking; I didn't want to get stuck in some sort of feedback loop. Still, if we didn't move along soon, we would become top contenders for the annual Pancake Impersonator's Pageant.

So then I broke a precedent that had been upheld for thousands of years--I picked up Slayde and carried him on my shoulders. Thusly the tyrannical man-rides-horse paradigm was shattered, and nothing would ever be the same again.

For his part, Slayde seemed unable to grasp the gravity of this historic moment. He mostly just squirmed, whined, and sniffled before eventually deciding to quietly pout. I suppose his way of getting revenge was to soak the back of my shirt with tears and snot.

With that issue resolved, I had the chance to concentrate more on our route. The map the Sphere had provided me with was proving to be reliable, and the ruins were easy to navigate. The city's streets were straight and evenly spaced, dividing it into a neat grid.

The atmosphere reminded me much more of a giant cathedral than a city. Towering pillars supported arched ceilings that disappeared into the gloom. There were too many statues and monuments to count, (most of them themed around--you guessed it--horses) and every intersection featured a small stone fountain that gushed glowing blue liquid. I couldn’t tell if they were merely decorative, or if the inhabitants actually drank that shit.

I half-expected the city itself to be shaped like a giant horseshoe or something stupid like that, but it turned out to be built in the image of a six-pointed star. Guess I'm not the only one who got tired of the equine motif.

Although the city's layout worked in our favor, the scale did not. My first, flare-lit impression of the city's size was wildly off the mark. You know how frustrating it is when you set your sights on a landmark, but no matter how long you travel, it doesn't seem to get any closer? It wore on my nerves far more than anything Slayde could dish out, and I could've sworn my exasperation was coalescing into a murky, toxic aura around me.

Or maybe that was just my B.O. All I know is that no one was in the mood to step on my toes...which is probably why the foals never said a word for a good half-hour. As we were hiking down a gloomy boulevard lined with strange statues, I heard the foals panting heavily. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed they were lagging further and further behind.

I don't know much about kids, (or foals, but so far they were proving pretty similar) but I do know they can't be expected to keep up the same hiking pace as an adult. So it was no surprise when Chicago and XB9 got short of breath—what was a surprise was that it was Chicago who asked for a break.

The year before, Chicago had carried 60 kilos of ammo over a seven-day journey through a steamy jungle. The dumb bastard had almost gotten himself killed--and not just from his refusal to let me take off some of the load. No, it was from the fact that no one knew about the hideous swollen spider bite on his foot until we saw how he couldn’t put his left boot on anymore.

That was Chicago...always the silent sufferer. Every time, I’d make him promise to ditch that habit, and then next week he’d be marching quietly along with a cobra dangling from his nose. I always thought the day he changed his ways would be a welcome one, but now it just felt wrong.

Was this another personality distortion? Had Chicago’s spirit been broken? Once again, I had no way of knowing.

“Can we stop? Just for a minute or two?” Chicago said, her voice only just loud enough to be intelligible.

It was a Herculean effort just to keep looking at her. It was already a knife in my chest to see Chicago stuck in that piteous, inhuman shape. Seeing her trembling with exhaustion...it was like getting run through with a rusty railroad spike.

Abruptly I averted my eyes. “Yeah...” I said distantly. “I think we can afford a breather.” XB9 seemed supremely grateful for the opportunity, and promptly plonked himself down on a nearby patch of moss.

I realized Slayde hadn't said anything in a while. Plucking him off my back, I discovered he was sound asleep. As I set him down, he brought his right hoof to his muzzle and gently sucked on it.

His big eyes twitched under their lids. “Activate the tesla beam,” he grumbled. “Unggh...bungling fools...”

I couldn't help but smile. Every bit of their old personalities showing through was a blow against the Sphere. My spirit thus buoyed, I summoned up the strength to talk to Chicago.

“How are you doing?” I asked her. She had curled up in the corner of a nearby alcove, staring blankly at the floor.

“Okay,” she said.

I cocked an eyebrow. “You're sure?”

She nodded, still not making eye contact. “I'm okay.”

I reached out to pat her on the shoulder, but then thought better of it. “We'll get through this, okay? Beers are on me.”

Chicago murmured something I didn't quite catch.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Five vodka shots,” she said simply. “Slayde said 'fool' again.”

I laughed in a way that was probably a bit more maniacal-sounding than I'd wished. But hell, who can blame me? You can't go through what I've been through without losing a bit of your sanity. Noticing that Chicago herself didn't seem all that amused, I quickly euthanized my laugh with a fit of fake coughs.

“You let me know if you need anything, all right?” I offered. “If you need a break, we'll take one. We'll get through this, all right?”

“Right,” replied Chicago. Nothing in her voice sounded convinced. Her eyes remained fixed on the floor.

“We'll get through this.”

“Yeah.” That wasn’t like Chicago at all.

“We'll get through this!”

“Mmh.” Still no trace of my friend...and something about that moment made my mind twist to a breaking point.

We will get through this!” I yelled. “We’ll get through this!” I let my voice echo off the ceiling, enjoying the way it resounded through the entire cavern, like I had a whole squad of allies out there to aid our escape, like the sound waves could reach out to the Sphere and crush it like a cheap Christmas ornament, like it would be just loud enough to wake me out of this horrible fucking nightmare where--

I collapsed to my knees and coughed. I coughed again, and again, feeling something rising in my throat and the world spinning out of control. I wanted to throw up, but I couldn't. I was dry-heaving, and it angered me that my body was too weak to finish such a miserable task. I clutched and tore at my armor, goddammit, it was too fucking hot!

I felt a small hoof touch me on the leg.

“We’ll get through this,” I heard a small voice say.

I was dehydrated, starving, tired, sick, and desperate. But Chicago was right. I was going to get through this.

Wheezing, I pulled out my water bottle. I uncapped it, raised it to my lips, and then stopped.

“You first,” I said, holding it out to Chicago. “It ain't vodka, but it'll have to do.”

“You need it more,” she protested.

“No--” I started to say. With an exasperated growl, Chicago snatched the bottle and squirted water into my flapping jaw.

“Ackpth! All right, all right!”

I took the bottle back and drank a few quick swigs. “There. No more for me. We need to conserve this as best we can.”

“Right,” Chicago said, obediently taking a drink herself.

“I'm gonna go check on XB9, okay? I need to make sure he--”

Before I could finish, XB9 bolted up to me, his sharp eyes wide with dread.

“Did you hear that?”

Distant footsteps. Slow and methodical. Purposeful.

Fear crept up my spine like a cold, slimy centipede. I got back on my feet, every muscle taut and tense.

This whole situation was fucked up beyond belief, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was something worse out there, hiding behind the faceless statues and towering pillars.

I didn't have my gun, but I still had my combat knife. I whipped it out of its sheath, relishing the blade's heft and the vicious, gleaming edge. If someone wanted to take me down, I'd make it a mutually painful experience.

Laughter echoed off the hard stone walls of the ruins. I spun on my heels, searching for a target and finding no one. Behind me Slayde stirred awake, gasping in fright.

“Who's there?” called XB9, trying his best to not sound like a scared little kid. It didn’t work.

The laughter came again. Closer now.

I brought my knife up to a combat position, feeling my stomach drop into the toes of my boots.

"That won't help you." The speaker sounded calm to the point of boredom. “That won't help you at all."

The voice came from directly behind me. I whirled to face the speaker, sweeping my blade in a lethal arc. My arm passed through something like freezing fog, and I jumped away in startlement.

At last I could get a better look at the interloper...and it took me a few seconds to comprehend what I was seeing. A shimmering blue image of a man staggered back, clutching his ethereal throat in mock agony.

"Yeow! You got me! Oh, why'd you have to bring a knife! It's my one true weakness!"

The voice was still unfamiliar, but I quickly recognized the apparition's face.

"I always figured your weakness was in the IQ department, Childs," I said, lowering my knife but not sheathing it. "That is, if that's who I'm really talking to."

"Yes and no. As you might guess, I'm a bit more than the bumbling idiot you thought you knew," he explained. As he spoke, it dawned on me why I hadn't recognized his voice: he sounded competent.

"I have brains. I have experience. But best of all, I have ambition," he said, making a grandiose gesture in the air. Countless tiny pictographs filled the air, and he studied them with the orgasmic glee of an English professor reading a lost Shakespeare play.

"And ambition," he breathed, "is everything."

"Dat's my line!" whined Slayde.

“Which you swiped from the third director of P.H.A.N.T.O.M.,” Childs sighed, not even looking away from the symbols.“Shame on you for that, by the way. What the Sphere did to you is only a fraction of the humiliation you deserve.”

“I had a feewing—feeling about you! I shoulda fed you to da sharks on day one!” Slayde seethed.

"Oh-hohoho, spare me, doctor. You've always had the intuition of a brain-dead slug overdosing on--”

“Enough!” I yelled. “Childs, do you have anything important to say, or are you just here to prance around and gloat?”

“I admit I got a little sidetracked,” said Childs, shrugging. “This whole experience has thrown me for a loop. I swear, it's just so complicated to betray people these days. Even with help from a man like you, XB9,” he said, casting a thin smile at the ex-spy. “I gotta say, that was a nice reward you were gonna give me for being your mole. Two million dollars, a new identity, some prime beachside property in Yeysk...but I'm afraid it wasn't quite enough."

XB9 bared his fangs at him, his leathery wings flaring and his narrowed eyes glinting in the dim light. "Not enough?" he snarled.

Childs checked his fingernails. "You see, I discovered the Coalition wasn't going to completely bury the city. No, there would be some convenient little patches that would 'miraculously' survive. Sites where the Coalition would send its scientists."

"That's a lie!" shouted XB9. "We'd never allow anyone to exploit this place!"

“Tsk, tsk. You should be more careful about what you’re fighting for, little guy. But if it’s any consolation, they wouldn’t have gotten much from the sites they wanted to study, anyway--they're even worse scientists than Slayde!"

"How dare you!" fumed Slayde. "I have studied at the gweatest--greatest universities of the world, honing my skills to a wazor's edge!"

"Yes, 'gweat' institutions like Oakbury University--tell me, do they still offer the legendary 'three degrees for only three hundred dollars' deal there?" Childs scoffed, grinning at Slayde's wounded expression. “Ah, did I hurt your feelings? Good, you contemptible little heap of shit.”

Occasionally, I find myself rating people on what I call the Punchability Scale. A "1.0" (Slightly Punchable) is that douchebag with spiky blond hair who struts around the gym and talks about how hard it was to sculpt his pecs. A "5.0" (Moderately Punchable) is the asshole in the Porsche who cuts you off on the freeway and then flips you the bird.

Childs was already starting to hover around "7.0”--Severely Punchable. And as he kept flapping his lips, I could practically see the meter rising.

“But I digress. To put it simply, there's been a change in plans. Originally, all I needed to do was stick around with the rest of the mercs while they fled—just so I could signal to the Coalition where to intercept and capture them. That part went beautifully...but then XB9 didn't report in. Naturally, they detonated the charges...and the ruins had the gall to stay perfectly intact.”

Chicago and I traded glances. Shit, Childs had that glint in his eye. That little glint that screams, “I am making my Evil Fuckwad Speech! I need to rant about my diabolical plan because this is my way of compensating for my critically low self-esteem! Fear me! Curse me! Care about me!”

It was a common sentiment among supervillains—Slayde being one obvious example—but damn, it never gets any less grating. A little tip if you ever go into my line of work: indulge the Evil Fuckwad and pretend you're listening intently. It's a good way to screw with them, even if it takes a little patience. For the more you let him build up his ego, the more satisfying it is when he falls into his own piranha pit.

“This left them in quite the conundrum,” Childs continued. “They needed to find out what was going on down here, but they were reluctant to risk more of their precious little secret agents. So I volunteered for the task...and what an opportunity it is! It's both pathetic and hilarious that you abandoned the Sphere so quickly. It's not that hard to operate, and it still has enough power to do quite a lot of stuff. For instance, custom volumetric displays,” he proclaimed, gesturing at his holographic body.

“Great, you can put on lightshows,” said Chicago. “Good for you.” While it was a relief to see another shred of the old Chicago, I wasn’t particularly enthused about her provoking the megalomaniac.

Childs clucked his tongue. (Another notch on the Punchability Scale...) “Don't be so shortsighted, sugarpea. You'd be amazed at all the things they could do with this thing—they even found a way to make light imitate solid matter!”

His fingers danced along the glowing runes, and a translucent blue gate shimmered into existence in front of us. He smirked and crossed his arms. “Uh oh, looks like your little adventure has come to a dead end. What are you gonna do now?”

Panic tingled my scalp as I pushed against the unyielding gate. It had the same ethereal appearance as Childs’ hologram, but it felt like it was made of solid steel.

Scanning,” said a monotone voice. “Access granted.” The gate unceremoniously vanished.

“Shit...that wasn't supposed to happen.” I could've sworn I saw Childs' cheeks go red even through the monochrome hologram. Fortunately for his ego, he quickly recovered.

“This isn’t over, Slayde. When I return, I’ll make you pay back a thousandfold for every humiliation you put me through! I’ll break you! Crush you! Ruin you! You want to get to Site Danicus? I’ll make you and your friends scream for every step you take! I'll make it slow, Slayde! I'll make it hurt! And before it's even halfway over, I’ll make you beg! And you know what I'll do then, Slayde? I'll fucking laugh!”

We all stared in stunned silence while Childs' hologram faded away, his maddened peals of laughter echoing off of a million surfaces.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Teslaponie for his faithful prereading.

Comments ( 102 )

Holy shit it lives

And it's up! I had a great time going over this and helping with the story. Can't wait for the next chapter! :scootangel:


On a more sensible level.
Childs is a dumbass and should've been fillied cause he certinaly acts like one

Great chapter. It had some humor, suspense, and general jackassed antagonists be jackasses. 9/10.

3735560 ha ha... nice try lol
(btw he said "Finally, first comment")

Don't rub it in. I'll start the Punchability Meter. That's a 2.0.

Nice try lol, i'll detonate an emp and your punchability meter will be shitted :rainbowlaugh:

It's measured using natural bio-chemistry. Any attempts to electrically disrupt the inner workings will merely result in another addition. That's now a 3.5. I'm warning you. :eeyup:

3735600 Your efforts to seem cool seem to have no effect. Last time i checked we are on the internet which has electronic dependencies, EMP, if you don't know what that means it means Electro Magnetic Pulse, will fry your computer your router and everything connected to electricity.

Have a nice day :ajsmug:

I thought you meant my Punchibility Meter! Yes, I know what an EMP is. Electromagnetic Pulses can disable any electrical systems, hence my computer would, indeed, be disrupted.
By the way, you shouldn't be insulting my intelligence if you forget to do something as innocent as capitalize the letter "I."

Last time i checked

Now, I'll end it there since I don't want to be involved in a comment war. Please. I'm asking nicely.

Hey, at least with my story you don't have to put up with 30-second ads. You only need to put up with odd, unexplained delays that last for weeks and--

Ah, damn.

HAHAHAHAHAHA you think that it hurts me to point out i don't capitalize my i's? wow.. just wow... you must really suck at come backs if that's the best you can come up with. I don't capitalize them because i don't care, it's not like i'm going to get judged because i don't capitalize one letter.


Okay, guys, I've been in a comment war over stupid stuff (SCIENTIFIC stupid stuff!) and clogged up an author's page before, so let me just say, please, one of you be the bigger man and move over for story related comments.

In story-related news, I really like it. All the characters are good, the concept is fun, all that jazz. I tried reading the story this is a tie-in to, but that kind of story (lots of personal drama) is not something that appeals to me. Interpersonal drama, like this story, is though. It does seem, however, like each chapter covers maybe 5, 10 minutes tops of actual content each time. I'm not one to judge, honestly, but I just start building up steam and then I get shot down when the chapter ends. I don't quite ever get into "full bore," so to speak.

Really good, just wish that the chapters covered a little more actual content.

I've met some people who think they are all that and a bag of chips, people who think their word is law and they can tell what the fuck to do when they want it.

You are not one of those people. Thanks for being at least one of the more mature people to actually ASK not demand. I'm sure whinny britches is gone because he couldn't win. Haven't found someone who can argue with me yet :/

IT'S... ALIVE!!!

That particular problem should be solved when the story is complete. As for now I may see if chrome will consider moving to longer chapters - Although he is a busy man. - In the mean time you may benefit from going back and rereading the previous chapter (This is what I do before I even think about prereading a new chapter), or wait for the story to update a couple of times (hard I know :twilightangry2:) and binge read all the chapters then.

Thanks for the praise and trying the end the flame war that was starting. (Hopefully it will go from trying to succeeding) :rainbowderp:

Yes, it would be really nice if you two could stop going at it. If you two have problems, they do not belong in the comment section of this story.

Please tell me that he's going to fall into a pool of electric eels. And piranha. And acid. And acidic electric piranha.

Huh, I thought it was Discord.

You need to calm your tits dude.
As for the story? It is enjoyable to say the least.
Btw, electromagnetic shielding, because I can.

The Bummer finally updated something! Cute cover. And pls more updates.

3736211 Could do, I threw an item matching that description out last week.

Gentlemen, there is no need to fight. You are both wonderful, lovable people, and you have no cause to hate each other. Now come along, and we'll ride on my marvelous Air Battleship to a land of rainbows, magic, laughter, and surprisingly cheap whiskey/buffalo wings Combo Nights.
Besides, at least you can both agree that Childs is a complete asshole. And on that subject, I'm really pleased with the reaction he's getting so far.
Dude, that's just plain fucking cruel. Those poor eels and piranhas should be free and in the wild!
Childs and Discord do have some personality traits in common, but Childs fits more closely into the Smug Snake category than Discord.

3736783 I suppose you're right...

Oh! Maybe it would work for everyone (except Childs, of course (seriously, fuck that guy)) if we found a spawning point for electric eels, toss him in there for a while, and then find piranhas and let them finish him off! Afterwards, toss his bones into acid and laugh maniacally as they dissolve into nothingness!

...my humor has taken a dark turn this night.

Loving it so far. The characters have more personality than a sack filled with sassy, independent black women who don't need no man. Do wish the updates were more substantial, but that's a rather shallow gripe.

Must admit I was disappointed that the mysterious voice from the preview wasn't Discord, though.

It's alive!
*puts on the Evil Genius face*

Childs seems like a compleat a-hole. Well done.
Also I have a theory on what could happen at their destination.

3735700 3735762
I'm not gone and I'm not a whiny bitch. I'm actually really sorry. I thought I was being textually attacked, as well as having my intelligence undermined. I couldn't tell if you were joking, since your first comment about the EMP was in no way indicating that it would be used against my computer.

Nice try lol, i'll detonate an emp and your punchability meter will be shitted

It's the internet and you can't hear peoples' tone of voice when they speak/text with each other. Sorry, again.
I did not intend for that to be a brief comment battle. Honest. I didn't even think I sounded that way, at first. The first two comments were supposed to be all in good fun, but I must have started the short spiral downward. I'm really, really sorry.

Yes! Yes! The Great megolomaniac written story has been updated with enemy and problems for our "heros"!
Keep up the good work, fool!

3736261 you, don't try to be cool.

3737765 you, give yourself a pat on the back for having the balls to apologize. I'm sorry as well as it seems the joke was taken too seriously. EMPS happen to be one of my favourite things so I use them quite alot. Again, my apologies for making it seem like I'm starting a fight. Also, just because you are segueing doesn't makes you a bitch.

whinny britches

Cursing is reserved for people who deserve it, yes childs I'm talking about you you fuckwad.

3736783 you have the most important job. Your stories are among my most anguished over.

Please feed me :pinkiesad2:

Huzzah! Always nice to see stories updating, especially ones as fun as this one. I'm surprised the Sphere didn't try to ponify Childs, but I guess it doesn't quite have enough power for that. In any case, I'm sure he's going to find it much harder to impede our hero than he thinks. Still, his attempts are sure to amuse. I look forward to more.

Sorry about the "bitch" thing. I was reading rather hastily and skimmed through the comment. Hoofshake? *extends hoof*

Well, it seems the battle is over, but I do have a correction to make. Emp's will destroy not disable any electronics within their range. They do this because when they fire, they induce a voltage spike in whatever electronics is not protected completely (all wires/components within shield) by a thick shield ( em shields either absorb or bend the magnetic field / microwave beam and will fail if not thick enough) so basically what is happening to your electronics is the same thing as Tinfoil in the microwave which is really, really bad for them. Plus I doubt that either of you could obtain or build anything but a small emp (you can make one that destroys rfid chips with a flash camera and a coil of wire) unless you work in the military or a research lab.
All said, "trust me, I'm an engineer" :scootangel:

Ah, good to see you two have made amends. Now come here and let me squeeze you between my boobs.
Yeah, the Sphere ran out of transformation juice, so to speak.
I don't have words for how fitting that avatar is.
I apologize for the chapter format. It's a constant challenge to find the optimal length---if I shoot for much longer chapter length, it could potentially slow the updates down even more, but if I make them shorter, it lends itself to exacerbating the problem you mentioned.
Oh? Tell me more--I always love it when I get people to form theories.
I think it's safe to say that deep inside, we all have an Inner Sassy Black Woman.
Listen to this man, y'all.

3738244 this i know. which is why you have to be careful with such things and black ops 2 is so unrealistic :P

3738140 You're stalking me, i don't associate with those that stalk me :rainbowderp:

Also, you walk on that hoof, wash it, limp back, and then i'll shake it

3738256 That awkward moment when you realize the writer is a female...

Also, if we're doing role play you're going to have to fight my (RP) mother for that right to smosh me there :ajsmug:

3738274 I'm bipedal, but I'm not anthropomorphic, so I don't walk on it. I created some leg braces to keep myself standing erect (don't even go there) whilst distributing my upper body weight to lessen physical pain/stress put upon my hind legs. Still, I've washed them in any case.
3738256 That sounds a bit too... close... for me. A hoofshake shall suffice.

3738326 *grabs dasniper4145* here ya go!

3738301 it's still a hoof though... this is awkward.
I could get my pet companion filly out to shake your hoof but i assume it wouldn't be the same :applejackunsure:

>Now come here and let me squeeze you between my boobs.
A girl, on the internet? Unheard of!
Unless these are moobs we're talking about...

Nah, I'm a dude. I'm just being ridiculous.
Hey, don't start this again. Leave that poor sniper out of this!
This strikes up a good opportunity for a mini-survey.
Which of the following words do you readers think most accurately describes me:
You're Russian, right? Hm, perhaps I could use this in my world-domination scheme, too...

3738475 but but....

Yap :pinkiehappy:. How you can use it?

I'm building a multinational army of operatives. One day, we will kidnap all major world leaders and refuse to let them go until we can guarantee that FiM will get a budget 5,000 times higher than its current one.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to flesh out the relationship the protagonist has with Chicago, and add some more depth to Chicago's character.

And I understand if you wanted more story advancement, but as I was writing this chapter, I realized that it worked best to end on something of a cliffhanger.

Not even I was sure for a while there.

Oh, yeah, and you're the author that is writing "Experiencing the Dusk." Got to gets me some more of those 5s/4 fics. Any word on the next chapter? I just checked, and by approximate math, this the longest time it's taken to update yet! (although each one has been progressively slower if you look at the dates, so yeah. - Just please don't let it die)

And Chrome, it seems I was wrong about Childs the asshole losing depth as a character if the rant was "split up" so to say. -People hate his guts!- Carry on.

are you asking what we would call you or what we think slayde would call you?
Because you don't fit any of those for me, but for slayde you may set called a "knave"
1. A dishonest or unscrupulous man. (unscrupulous with how you treat your characters? :pinkiecrazy:)
2. another term for jack in cards. (It's the main character's name! - Seriously, you aren't going to give us his name at all are you?)

3738691 omg my first 'get your ass into gear comment' i feel complete now. Anyways, i have a job that takes up about 20 hours per week and i'm also coding for a server recently plus school starts soon.
HOWEVER i'm taking today, tommorow and the next off to simply, write
i have a new story, EtD and SE to work on, plenty to do, don't worry

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