• Published 15th Nov 2013
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The Original Mad Scientist in Equestria - Br0nyb0y123

Nikola Tesla creates a machine that malfunctions and teleports him to Ponyville, seeing that he has become an equine horse. Will he make it back home?

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Chapter 17: Scars


A Hospital room in the Crystal Empire's general hospital. The Crystal Empire is under a new rule, Cadence and Shining Armor imprisoned and Sombra has returned, but is hospitalized and unable to use his dark shadow magic. He laid in his hospital bed, dying. He was summoned back into the world by the Brotherhood, but was betrayed by one who promised him the Crystal Empire once more.

A hooded figure entered Sombra's hospital room, Sombra's eyes then became fixated on the figure who entered, he realized who it was, he saw through the figure's dark, shadowed face left by the hood,

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sombra asked with a deep voice.

"Sombra, I came here for your help" The hooded pony replied.

"You are partially one of the reasons I lay here dying" Sombra growled.

"Sombra, I know you hate me. I know you want to see me dead" The figure said before removing his hood.

The figure revealed himself to be Nikola Tesla, now sporting an unkempt beard and his mane in a mess, unaccompanied by Twilight and the rest,

"I'm not meant to be here yet, but there's something I need to finish. And I need you to help me" Tesla said.

"Why the hell should I help you?" Sombra asked.

"This is revenge for the one you love, Sombra" Tesla said, "Because even though you hate me, I'm willing to bet there's someone you hate even more"

Sombra tried to sit up in his bed, but it hurt him. He was interested,

"Tell me more" Sombra demanded.

"I'm going to kill the same one we're talking about right now. I need your help, will you do so?" Tesla asked.

Sombra nodded, "What do I need to do?"

"Let me go through the plan..." Tesla began.


Tesla, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity have all returned back to Ponyville, disappointed by Celestia's final verdict on Tesla's machine, they all stood at the train station. Most of them knew what they were going to do now,

"Well, I'm going to head back to the Acres" Applejack said, "I'll probably see ya'll tommorrow"

"Bye, Applejack" They all said as she headed home.

"Yeah..." Rainbow spoke after, "I'm going to head home as well. I need to hit the hay"

"I need to revise for my chemistry exam" Pinkie said.

"I need to check on my pets" Fluttershy said.

"Okay, bye girls" Twilight said.

"Bye, darlings" Rarity followed.

"Bye" Tesla finished.

The three parted away from the train station, off to do what they said they would do, leaving Tesla, Twilight and Rarity at the train station. Tesla wasn't too bothered about Celestia's opinion on the machine, but Twilight felt annoyed about it,

"What are you two off to do now?" Rarity asked.

"Dunno" Twilight shrugged.

"I'm probably going to continue with the machine back in the basement" Tesla said.

"How do you feel about Princess Celestia's verdict, Nikola?" Rarity asked.

Tesla shrugged, "I'm not that fussed about it"

"Well, I still think your machine is still great" Rarity told him.

Tesla smiled, "Thank you, Rarity"

"What are you going to do when you get home, Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"Probably going to finish a dress order" Rarity replied.

"Okay then, we'll both see you later, Rarity" Twilight said.

Rarity nodded before moving on towards her home, and it was just Twilight and Nikola left at the train station. Thunder rumbled twice, a storm was two miles away from Ponyville. Twilight sighed, then went over to a bench and sat on it. Tesla was wondering what was bothering her, so he went over beside her on the bench,

"What's the matter, Twilight?" Tesla asked her.

"I'm okay" Twilight replied.

"No, you're not. Something's bothering you, what is it?" Tesla asked.

"Celestia's verdict on the machine, seemed like a waste of time" Twilight replied.

"She had reasons not to go through with it" Tesla told her.

"Like what? She didn't tell us them. How do you know?" Twilight asked.

"Well, Celestia never said anything to me, but Luna told me everything" Tesla replied, "She said that her sister didn't want us to use this kind of advanced technology, because you'd be skipping evolution, Twilight"

"Fair point" Twilight said.

"Twilight, do you want to go home? Or get something to eat? I haven't eaten since yesterday, you know donuts aren't really my type of food" Tesla suggested.

Twilight felt a little more happier, "Yeah, let's get something to eat, that would be nice"

Tesla and Twilight were now at a small cafe called Mocha la Coca. They were both sitting indoors, in a booth next to the window, Twilight was having a grass sandwich with a daisy placed carefully on the top of it and a coffee, Tesla had the same, but removed the daisy from the sandwich and gave it to Twilight. They both sat in silence for most of the time they were eating, until Tesla broke the silence,

"You on the day you kissed me..." He began.

"Don't start with that" Twilight replied.

"I wasn't. I was going to say we were having a conversation before you did so, about the threats you and the girls faced, the conversation seemed unfinished Twilight. Do you want to continue it?" Tesla asked.

"Yeah sure. Which part did I get up to?" Twilight asked back.

"You got to the part about the Changelings and their queen, and how she disguised herself as your sister-in-law" Tesla told her.

"Oh yeah, they didn't believe me at first when I told them that my sister-in-law was acting evil, when the truth came out that she was the queen in disguise, madness broke out, me and the girls stopped her, that was the last time I saw her" Twilight explained, "She was trying to take over Canterlot with her changelings, but there was something else to it"

"Which was what?" Tesla asked.

"Her husband, the Changeling king, was killed by Princess Luna over nine thousand years ago in the Great Equestrian War, that led the Changelings to lose the war" Twilight replied.

"Wow, did she manage to make it to Luna during the Canterlot raid?" Tesla asked.

"No, Luna wasn't there to see what happened during the Canterlot incident" Twilight replied.

"Any other threats you faced?" Tesla asked.

Twilight thought about the threats she faced, both the major and minor ones, literally, the major and minor ones,

"Well, they're was a threat that was kind of major and minor at the same time" Twilight told him.

"Elaborate" Tesla said.

"Well, about four weeks after the Nightmare Moon incident, they're was this magician pony, Trixie, she was a phony magician..."

"You have magicians here as well? I thought it was..." Tesla began.

"Yeah, I don't really want to go into that part right now. Either way, Trixie was a show-off and a bad one at that, she said stuff that most ponies were gullible enough to believe, I saw through it all, it didn't seem to get past the heads of these two young guys, Snips and Snails. What they did was, they brought a threat over here and thought Trixie would defeat it, that's when everypony found out she was a liar" Twilight explained.

"What was the threat?" Tesla asked.

"It was called an Ursa Minor" Twilight replied.

"The star constellation?" Tesla questioned.

"The creature was named after that, it was a large star-like bear creature, it was a big, big thing, about twenty-five feet tall" Twilight said.

"Fuck" Tesla said in shock.

"Fuck indeed, and the funny thing is that wasn't even the adult, it was the cub" Twilight said.

"Wow" Tesla uttered.

Twilight took a sip of her coffee before thinking of other threats, she's faced many but only two stuck out in her mind the most, so she decided to talk about the cutest threat she faced,

"And another four weeks passed and then me and the girls encountered Parasprites. At first, I thought they were absolutely adorable, I kept one as a pet, the night passed, then there was over a hundred by the time I woke up" Twilight said, "Believe it or not, the one pony who knew about these things and how to stop them, was Pinkie. She saved the day after the Parasprites multiplied rapidly with music, I couldn't do anything because I went kind of mad and almost let them win, but Pinkie saved us, I wasn't expecting that"

" Is that all?" Tesla asked, "All the threats I mean?"

"No, there's one more. There's this other kingdom in Equestria, currently ruled ruled by my brother and sister-in-law, it's called the Crystal Empire, before they took over rule, I never heard of the kingdom, it was shrouded in secrecy for hundreds of years, the previous ruler was this demonic Unicorn, Sombra, the story is that his heart became as black as night, he was a horrible ruler, so Celestia and Luna imprisoned him in the Arctic North. They never told me how he became evil though. He came back to try and reclaim his kingdom, but he was defeated, in fact, I think he's the only threat I've faced that's dead" Twilight told Tesla.

"How killed him?" Tesla asked.

"This crystal heart object powered by my sister-in-law's magic" Twilight replied, "I think Spike was affected most by it because he was almost killed by Sombra, he doesn't like to talk about it much, I think the incident might have scarred him"

"Poor Spike" Tesla said.

"That's all of the threats I want to talk about, there's been more. But it's too much" Twilight said.

"I understand" Tesla said as he took a small bite from his sandwich.

"What do you want to talk about now?" Twilight asked.

"Can you tell me more about this Crystal Empire?" Tesla asked.


Mimic was in the bathroom of the small hut which he was residing in, he looked in the grimy cracked mirror at the three deep cuts that ran down his forehead left by Discord. He got some cotton and ran it under the dirty water of the filthy tap, he dabbed the wet cotton on his scars and seethed his teeth as he felt the stings. He wiped the dried blood off his forehead,

"Fuck, that's going to leave a mark" Mimic said to himself.

He then heard three knocks at the bathroom door,

"Hey, Mick. You okay?" Vaako's muffled voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, Vaako. I'm just wiping the blood off my forehead" Mimic replied.

"We're just waiting on you brother. Masai's going to tell us the rest of the prelude plans" Vaako told him.

"Okay I'm coming" Mimic said.

Mimic went over towards the door and opened it, he saw all of the Brotherhood surrounding the planning table, except from Vaako, who was just calling on him,

"Shit, Mimic. Fuck, you should flaunt that scar or something" Vaako said.

"Yeah, maybe" Mimic said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

The two made it over to the table, almost all of them there were impressed and shocked by Mimic's scars,

"Mimic, that shit is cool" Kephri said.

"How does it feel, brother?" Incognito asked.

"It feels exactly how you think it would feel" Mimic said.

"Okay brothers, I know we're all impressed by Mimic's new scar, but we have to get back to business" Masai said.

"Yes, Masai" All of them, apart from Oz replied.

"Okay, with Discord now on our side. We need the bearers of the Elements and Nikola Tesla to witness the unleashing of..." Masai began.

"We barely just got Discord on our side, Masai" Ozymandias interrupted.

"Ozymandias, shut your mouth before I nail it shut" Masai told him.

"If Discord finds out we're going to betray him, he's not only going to dig his claws deeper into Mimic's skull or make sure Vaako swallows more of his teeth. He's going to target you especially" Oz said, "And he will murder you"

"Oz, whatever you're willing to share with all of us, go ahead and fucking share. Because so far, you've not done shit. You want power? I don't care, we want revenge, we want to see Equestria in it's bare bones. And if you don't want that, Oz, get the fuck out of here and die out in the wilderness. I'm sick of your bullshit. If you keep pestering me with your shit, I'll kill you myself" Masai said.

Masai went back to thinking on the plan, until Ozymandias said one more thing,

"You're all bark and no bite, Masai" He said.

"Why do you say that asshole?" Masai asked.

"You keep threatening me, but you never do what you say" Ozymandias replied, tauntingly.

Masai chuckled, "Because, if I was to bite, you'd be in a world of hurt"

"I can fight you right now and win, Masai" Oz said with cockiness.

"Let's make a deal, Oz. If you win a fight against me, I'll let you take the reigns of this operation, if you lose, we go through with the rest of my plan and you keep your fucking mouth shut" Masai said.

Ozymandias smiled evilly and happily, "It's a deal"

"Make your way towards the door, we'll fight near there" Masai ordered.

Ozymandias followed Masai's orders for once, and made his way to the door, before Masai was able to make over to the door, he was stopped briefly by Vaako,

"Brother, we can help you" He said.

"Help isn't something I'll be needing, but thanks for your concern, Vaako. I can take Ozymandias by myself" Masai told his brother.

Masai walked over to the opposite side of Ozymandias, Ozymandias had been waiting to do this for a while and was pumped up for the fight, Masai stood in front of him, calm,

"Oz, since you've been wanting to do this for so long. I'll let you have the first hit. Hit me" Masai said.

Ozymandias grinned, he got his hoof ready, then charged at him, he tried to pull a swing towards the right side of Masai's face, but Masai dodged him,

"Oz, I said hit me" Masai taunted Oz after he dodged his attack.

Ozymandias became slightly frustrated. He tried to uppercut Masai, then swipe him from the left, Masai dodged him both times. Masai laughed at Oz's attempts at hitting him, he thought he is a terrible fighter, rather than Masai thinking that he, himself, is a good dodger,

"Am I speaking a foreign language, Oz? Or are you just too stupid to understand?" Masai asked.

"FUCK YOU!" Ozymandias roared before attempting to strike Masai once.

Ozymandias' strikes all failed, he tried an uppercut there, a left hook there and a right hook there, but he was met to no avail. He tried to left hook him again, but Masai countered and grabbed his foreleg, then Oz tried to right hook him, but Masai countered once more and grabbed his other foreleg,

"Come on, Oz. Stop trying to hit and just FUCKING HIT ME!" Masai shouted.

Oz headbutt Masai and then there was a crack, Masai felt blood pour down from his nose, to check if it was really blood, he licked just above his upper lip. Ozymandias was smiling, enjoying the fact that he broke Masai's nose. Masai then looked into Ozymandias' eyes, then Oz's smile drained away into a frown,

"Bad idea" Masai chuckled whilst shaking his head.

Masai unleashed the demon hidden inside of him, similar to how he went crazy after Revi spat in his face. He punched Oz, knocking him down to the ground, then continue to punch him repeatedly from there, he punched his cheek then moved on to his nose, breaking it. Then placed his foreleg across his Oz's neck, and pressured his weight against, choking him. Masai was now laughing maniacally,

"YOU'RE GOING TO THROUGH WITH MY PLAN, EH OZ!?" Masai shouted, "Come on, nod! FUCKING NOD!"

Ozymandias nodded as he felt air lock itself out of him, he was making a clicking sound from his throat as he choked. Masai then released his foreleg from off his neck, leaving Ozymandias to lie on the cold floor, gasping for air,

"I knew you wouldn't beat me, Oz. That's why I threaten you, to keep you in check, and just as much as I love to beat the living shit out of you, I can't kill you, you may be a disrespectful, cocky and selfish asshole, but you're still a brother" Masai said as he stood up and walked back to the table, "Brothers, take Oz as an example of what will happen if you all double cross me. But at least see it like this, I won't enjoy beating you to a pulp as much as I have with that asshole lying down there, you understand, brothers?" Masai asked.

"Yes Masai" They all said.

"Good, now back to planning, we need to pay Chrysalis a visit" Masai told them, with cruel intentions in mind

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