• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 2,510 Views, 12 Comments

Luna Plays Luna Game - Octavia_Melody

Luna plays her own infamous horror game.

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Comments ( 9 )

Kind of scared the shit out of me, so good story.

This story is amazing! Liked and fave. :pinkiehappy:


Thanks!:pinkiehappy: It's actually my worst story. My other two are alot better. :raritystarry:

3677684 Okay. My favorite chapter was 'luna'. *trollface*

Lol I Loooove This Chapter!

5088803 Your welcome! But Seriously Why is this chapter not famous everywhere??? I mean this chapter.. it is truly something. It is perfect in all ways, I congratulate you for all the effort put into this one chapter!

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