• Published 11th Jul 2011
  • 2,201 Views, 8 Comments

The Laws of Nature - Jenohart

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Unspoken laws

“There you go Mr Mousey, just like I said,” Fluttershy said tenderly as she finished removing the cast from the grey rodent’s leg. “It should be all healed up now, but do try not to do anything too strenuous”.

Mousey nodded in acknowledgement before bounding over to his mouse hole, where his family stood ready to greet him. Fluttershy turned to inspect another patient as a small white mouse ran up to him.

Daddy! Are you all better now? Mousey embraced the white mouse in a warm hug.

Yes, I’m feeling wonderful. All thanks to Fluttershy’s love and care. He stroked the top of his son’s head and looked into his eyes. I’ll play with you later son, I need to get used to walking again first.

He gently pushed his son into their hollow in the walls and turned to greet his wife.
Darling, it’s so good to see you fit and healthy again. He hugged his wife, but noticed a poorly hidden look of anxiety on her face.

Honey, what’s wrong? He asked, gently stroking her longer, softer fur.

It… it’s not too much… it’s just… she began, growing more unnerved with each stammer. You were out of work for… quite a while. We… we tried our best but… we’re running behind on… she trailed off and fixed her gaze on the floor, slightly trembling in fear. Mousey looked over to his son who, thankfully, had already ran off to his room. He knew what had happened.

Don’t worry dear, I’m back now, I’ll work extra hard to make up for the lost payments. She looked up at him and he could see relief wash over his face.

*thump, thump, thump, thump*

All trace of pleasant feelings was steadily drained from both of them as they heard the pounding footsteps of the one all lesser animals under Fluttershy’s protection feared.

Mousey, Mousey, so good to see ya hoppin’ about already. The Shy sure did a good job on ya didn’t she?

Mousey slowly turned to confront the towering white presence behind him.

She s-sure did M-Mister Angel, sir, a-and I’m v-very grateful f-for it. He felt like shrinking under the hard stare of the white rabbit. In his left paw he gingerly nibbled a small carrot. He chewed with a smirk that seemed more terrifying than the horrible… accident that crippled him in the first place.

Good, that’s good, listen I didn’t come around last month outta’ respect for yer, err… condition… but now that yer fit I figured I might as well talk to ya before I forget.

Mousey shuddered, but quickly found his nerve. He had hoarded enough food to make up for the protection offerings he missed while out of duty.

Yes sir, I have enough for the offerings I missed. This would mean they had to starve a little, but with him now able to walk he could work extra to make up for it.

Angel let out a small chuckle that disintegrated all the resolve Mousey had managed to muster.

That’s great, good on ya, real hard workin’ mouse, but listen; a few things have changed while you and The Shy were out playin’ doctor

Angel hopped closer to him. Mrs Mousey fell over in fright. Mousey tried to discretely signal to her to leave, but to his horror Angel leaned over and grabbed her, pulling her close.

Y’know, The Shy’s a real hard worker too. Always with the carin’. I keep tellin’ her she cares too much. Angel gently rocked Mrs Mousey, mimicking caring for a baby. I keep tellin’ her, “learn from that book-head, sometimes ya gotta dish out the tough love, it’s for the best” he began playfully tossing Mrs Mousey between his two paws. “Ya can’t save ‘em all Shy, ‘sides, some of us gotta eat, they don’t care what the food’s like.”

Mr Mousey swallowed hard. He knew all too well how Angel managed to keep the more… omnivorously inclined residents satisfied. He knew the real reason they were paying the protection fee.

Angel suddenly put Mrs Mousey back down.

But she ‘aint listenin’ ta me, she really loves playin’ doctor, ‘specially with the lil’ guys. He began stroking Mrs Mousey on the head.

Don’t get me wrong Mousey, ‘Imma nice guy, but critters like Sidewinder an’ Grimm are goin’ hungry, and The Shy told me that’s my problem.

He suddenly pushed her head to the floor and leaned in to glare at Mr Mousey.

And they’re goin’ hungry cuz she’s playin’ doctor too much with guys like you, so that makes it your problem. Not lifting his gaze, he let go of Mrs Mousey, who immediately scurried out of sight.

Five terrifying seconds passed, before Angel leaned back and smirked.

I talked it over with The Shy an’ she agreed with me. An’ by “talk” I mean “told” an’ by “agreed with me” I mean she knelt down and kissed my shit-matted furry scrot-hole. 20% rise on offerings.

This would make things even harder for the Mouseys. He would have to resort to stealing to meet this week’s offering. It may mean he would have to say goodbye to one of his neighbours but if that’s what it took to-

Retroactive of this month.

Mr Mousey fell off his feet. They had nowhere near enough to meet that goal, not even if they spent the next month constantly foraging and even stealing. He opened his mouth to object, but whatever words his terrified mind had conjured died in his throat as the white demon in front of him gave a sidewards glance while nibbling on his carrot.

But hey, I understand, ya just got back on yer feet, ya deserve a little respite. I’ll give ya three days.

That was still hardly any time to scrounge up that much food. He didn’t object, not vocally, he knew better than to question Angel. His mind raced at what possible ways out of this situation. He only knew one critter with free access to that much food that (well, only one that possibly wouldn’t kill him on sight), but he had never met that creature and was sure it had no reason to help him. Still, it was his only chance.

He was jerked away from his frantic thoughts by the sound of a familiar squeak. Angel slowly looked over his shoulder, leaning out of the way far enough so that Mr Mousey could see his son standing in the doorframe of the stairs that lead up towards the other rooms. Mousey was about to motion him to go back upstairs when Angel hopped over to him.

Aw, would ya look’it that. Angel quickly scooped up the quivering mouse and cradled it like a baby. ‘Aint you just the cutest thing, ‘side from me that is. Nice kid Mousey.

Mousey nodded quickly. Y-yes sir he’s my pride and-

Ey Futret! Get in here and take a look at this lil’ guy.

Mousey felt his heart stop as he heard the irregular clawed steps of a large ferret from the darkness further inside the wall. Whichever hole Angel used to get in must’ve been large enough for at least one of his muscles to crawl through. Angel liked to show off his authority to the lesser animals.
The sound of claws on steel made Mousey look up to a water pipe, a long dark form slinking down to where Angel was holding his son.

Here, the white rabbit threw the terrified mouse towards the large carnivore. Be gentle, Futs
Always, boss Futret replied. He caught the mouse in one paw. Mousey junior shuddered with fear as the beast sniffed him out of curiosity, he screamed when it dared to lick him.

A-Angel please I-

The white rabbit shot Mr Mousey a look that would strike a Cockatrice dead.

That’s Mister-fucking-Angel-Sir to you. Mousey turned away and whimpered a pathetic reply of submission.

Futret was rolling Mousey’s son in his paws with amusement. Real nice appetizer boss. Wish Missus Shy would roll a few of these our way, not that we don’t ‘ppreciate all she does fer’ us. Angel turned away from Mousey to stare out the mouse hole, where Fluttershy was tending to a bird with a broken wing.

‘f it weren’t fer me she’d starve half the damn critters she looks after. “A veggie basket fer a den of ferrets”, tha hell was that damn broad thinkin’ last wrap up? Futret chuckled as she remembered how Missus Shy brought their den a large basket filled with inedible vegetables. If it weren’t for Angel working a little deal out under the table, behind the shy pegasus’ back, they would’ve started the spring starving. A lengthy… “talking” to later by Angel and the caretaker pony was more aware of the needs of her critters.

So boss, do I… Futret started, now staring intently at his prey. Angel tapped his muscular foot a few times, as if considering teaching Mousey a lesson. A tense moment of suspense seemed to stretch for an eternity as Mousey feared for his son’s life. Finally, Angel turned back to his muscle.

Pass ‘im back if yer done with ‘im Futs.

The ferret threw the mouse up in the air a few times, watching it flail with sinister glee, before rolling it back towards Angel. He stopped the pup with his foot before grabbing it by the collar and stomping back towards Mousey.

Yer a good critter Mousey, feedin’ yer family so well. Maybe ya should try takin’ care o’ the tail draggers. Yer son alone could keep one goin fer’ a week min. Angel threw the young mouse at Mousey knocking him onto his back before turning and hopping into the darkness of the hollow wall space. Mousey and his son lay there in a shaking tearful embrace as they heard the voice that represented all the critters under Fluttershy’s domain call back to them.

Three days Mousey, then Sidewinder’s family don’t gotta starve no more.

Comments ( 8 )

What is this madness!? Two fillies with few lines, no real importance and one episode appearance are selectable as story characters, but ANGEL who is second only to Spike in non-pony character importance/significance isn't!? FOR SHAME! FOR SHAAAAAAME!

Site Owner


I'll be adding loads more characters soon :P Sorry about that.

Quite alright, I know this site is in beta still.

I had to convert the .doc file of this into BBcode using a VB macro I found. A mild inconvenience that copy+pasting doesn't work outright (doesn't support the way html handles italics/bold/underline) but only an issue for me since I rely on formatting quite heavily in this fic.

#4 · Oct 2nd, 2011 · · ·

:applecry::rainbowkiss::twilightoops: I liked it but it scared me

Nine votes, five comments, a thousand views.

I added one of each. Good show.

I suspect there won't be a new page of comments by the time I find my way back here, so:

Note to future Pterrorgrine: You RiL'd this story because it's the earliest when sorting by Approved ("Swayback Mountain" is the earliest when sorting by Updated).

So this was the first story on Fimfiction? Eh, not the best (or even that great. Well at least it's not too bad), but I suppose a worse story could have been first.

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