• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 627 Views, 48 Comments

Be my light. - Darkened Lightning Storm

It's a beautiful, snowy, Saturday and Vine is out trotting around with his best friend in all of Equestria, Flower. But, Vine has to tell Flower something, and if he doesn't do it now, then he might never get around to telling her.

  • ...

just an ordinary day.

(Note: these are different ponies than the last chapter!)

Lightning Storm zipped through the winter air her black coat shimmering and her grey and white bangs from her mane blowing in her face. A small smile appeared across her face as she dove into a cloud sending it scattering into cloud pieces and evaporating. She had gotten better at flying ever since she came to Equestria. You see, Lightning Storm wasn't really from Equestria, or anywhere in this world. She was once a human, one year into her college studies of medication. When one night she was on Facebook when her chair fell backwards and she passed out, somehow ending up as a mare in Cloudsdaile. Now, 2 years later, she's a weather pony in Ponyville. A small sigh escaped from her mouth as she decided to practice her tricks. She folded her wings and plummeted towards a shallow river at high speeds. To a unicorn or earth pony, this would seem like a perfect way to die. But, to a skilled pegasus, this would seem like the perfect way to practice a trick. At the last moment she pulled up centimeters from the river and look down at it with a smirk, her reflection smirking back. Skimming her hooves over the surface, she pulled up somewhat and flipped over so she could look up at the clouds. It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining just right and there was the perfect amount of clouds in the sky, not enough to make the day grey, but just enough to cause a nice amount of shade. Her small grin turned into a bright, gleaming, happy smile as she flipped back over and noticed a orange stallion with a brown mane sitting by the river.

"Lowell!" Lightning Storm shouted happily as the stallion turned his head quickly and Lightning crashed into him. The stallion laughed as Lighting Storm rolled off of him cracking up.

"Hey Lighting." Lowell said as he got up and helped up Lightning Storm.

"So, what are you up to on this fine day?" Lighting Storm asked taking up his offer for help up.

"Oh nothing much. Applejack's away on some vacation with her friends, so I'm stuck here. What are you up to?" He smiled as they started to trot alongside the river.

"I was just practicing some the new moves Rainbow Dash taught me, you wanna see them?" Lightning Storm unfolded her wings as Lowell nodded and took off to the sky. Lowell chuckled slightly at the energetic mare and flew off after her. The chilly air nipped at Lightning Storm as she looked behind herself to see Lowell seeming to be struggling to keep up. Lightning Storm slowed down at and flipped upside down, looking at him. Lowell chuckled and poked her nose.

"It's seems that Rainbow Dash taught you well, young grasshopper." Lowell said in a fake, raspy voice. Lightning storm giggled as she flipped back over and flew next to Lowell's side. Something about him just reminded her of home, back when she was a human. He just, made her wonder if anyone missed her. How her family and friends were doing without her. Lowell must'v noticed her smile dimmed somewhat because he looked at her confusedly.

"You ok Storm?" He asked as Lightning Storm snapped back into reality and nodded slightly.

"Y-yea... Just thinking about home."

"Which home? Cloudsdaile or your cloud house?"

"C..Cloudsdaile... Yea... Cloudsdaile's totally the place I'm thinkin' of..." Lightning Storm sighed as Lowell gave her another confused look.

"I.. Don't think I understand..." Lowell said as Lightning Storm grumbled something and shot up to the sky like a rocket. In a few seconds she was about a mile away sitting on a cloud ranting to herself. Lowell took a moment to consider flying over there to comfort her, but she seemed really angry so he decided to give her some space.

~Later that day~

Lightning Storm hadn't moved a muscle for the rest of that day. Right as the sun was just about to set, Lightning Storm felt someone fly up and sit next to her.

"Hey..." Lightning storm said quietly.

"What did I do?" Lowell asked in utter confusion. Lightning Storm turned away from him so he couldn't see her crying as she spoke.

"I-it's nothing... Look, sorry for flying off... Do you wanna do something.. or... something...?" Lightning asked and smiled weakly at Lowell and he smiled and nodded.

"Applejack showed me this really neat trail that look amazing during winter. You wanna go?"

"Sure... Why not. I haven't gone for a jog in at least a month."


Lightning Storm smiled as she and Lowell trotted side by side. She couldn't help smiling at the crazy stallion she fell head over hooves for, he was one of the most funniest ponies she'd ever met. Lowell just was.. Lowell. His yellow coat, brown mane, and his green eyes that were always full of happiness,silliness, and adventure. But there was more to Lowell than what was on the outside. If anything, Lightning Storm wouldn't care about what he looked like if he wasn't one of the funniest, nicest stallions she'd ever met. Lowell was perfect to Lightning storm, that's why he was so amazing. Lowell's face grew from a happy grin to a questionable look as he stared at Lighting Storm.

"Uh.. Storm.. Your wings... Are you planning on taking off or something?" Lowell slowed down to a stop and pointed his hoof at Lightning Storms wings, which were sticking straight up. A deep blush appeared across Lightning Storms face as she forced the traitorous wings down with all her willpower.

"I...Uh.. Oh Look, there's a clearing ahead!" Lightning said quickly changing the subject and trotting up to the clearing with Lowell behind. The two sat down under a large oak tree and talked for awhile. Eventually, Lightning Storm found herself wanting to confess her feelings, so she did.

"Lowell, I need to tell you something..." Lightning Storm said as she stared into Lowell's green, goofy eyes.

"What's up?" Lowell asked staring back at her. Lightning took a deep breath and let it all out.

"I'm just going to come out and say it, I think I'm in love with you." Lightning Storm paused for a second, trying to take in what she was actually saying, and trying to stop herself. But her mind got the best of her and she continued.

"I'm so head over hooves for you, I can barley think straight sometimes. At first, I wasn't sure if this wasn't just some filly crush or not, but just sitting here with you, being able to talk to you about anything and everything, helped me realize that I'm in love with you." Lightning Storm was now blushing uncontrollably and turned her head away from Lowell, who was staring at her with wide eyes. Everything was silent for awhile, then Lowell spoke up.

"Lightning Storm I..."


Author's Note:

What a way to end huh? Again, this whole story was written originally for my BBFITWFF (Best Brony Friend In The Whole Frickin' Fandom ) Valentine-crin so I decided to screw up future plans and write this. Aren't I just a stinker? Lowell, the crazy stallion belongs to Val, Lightning Storm is mine so...

Funny how, This whole story was inspired off of something completely stupid. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Flower and Vine would'v never even met if it wasn't for that one muffin...

Remember the muffin Val?

Oh also, if you haven't read Mr. and Mrs. Apple then you might want to, or else the next chapter wont make much sense.

This takes place a day or two after Lowell comes home from his little trip with the doctor..

If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to tell me!