• Published 20th Oct 2011
  • 27,578 Views, 1,247 Comments

Death Note: Equestria - Nonagon

A deadly notebook called the Death Note lands in Equestria. Chaos ensues.

  • ...

So, What WOULD Have Happened?

Author's Note:

So, if it wasn't already clear, Death Note: Equestria is dead.

What can I say here that I haven't already? It's been too long. I've moved on to other things. DN:E was far too ambitious a project, weighted down by some poor decisions early in the process and not worth the year of dedicated work it would take to finish it. The series had its moments, and I'm proud of what a younger version of me accomplished with it. But it's dead now, a death that I should have acknowledged much, much sooner.

In the here and now, I can barely remember what was supposed to happen next in the story, let alone how it was going to end. Fortunately, recent searches through my old computer let me dig up my original planning document. If you've been following me all this time and just have to know how the story ends, well, I can't help you there; the actual ending is a distant blur and probably would have changed hugely once put to the page. But by publishing what I can dig up and piece together of what might have been, hopefully I can answer some lingering questions and finally lay this piece of literature to rest, once and for all.

Note that my notes are extremely outdated, my memories are flawed, and pieces are missing from all around. Expect some inconsistencies. Let's go!

Chapter 35

Colgate arrives at the headquarters of the Kira Neutrality Movement the following morning. She is met by Ace, Spades, and their new ally Red Cross, who together sing a song about not letting politics get in the way of friendship. Colgate is unamused. Together they discuss the fate of Citrus Green, the name that appeared in the sky two chapters earlier. Citrus Green is revealed to be a corrupt businesspony who has "Castled" herself - no images of her exist that are available to the public, and she never shows her face.

Colgate returns to the base to find Twilight sleep-deprived. Twilight, still mulling over the implications of the existence of Echo Pie, finds it hard to concentrate on current matters. Suddenly, the base receives a message from an unknown source: Carrot Top and Dinky Doo have been kidnapped. The kidnapper will trade them back... in exchange for the Death Note.

The group argues. Twilight notes that the threat comes from someone who A) knows of the existence of the Death Note, but B) doesn't know that there is more than one, and C) knows that Derpy was working with the group, hence the choice of victims, but D) doesn't know that Derpy has since left. Ultimately, they agree to trade one of the Death Notes, settling for the one with the rules marked inside of it, in hopes that whoever picks it up will be too afraid to actually use it.

Chapter 36

Linky, acting as Sideline, makes the trade on a train, receiving Carrot Top and the promise that Dinky Doo will follow once the book is proven to be genuine. Speaking of her captors, Carrot Top says that she was blindfolded but heard a young colt and an old stallion arguing about whether they should change location, since Sunny Days has been rescued. This is the first that Twilight and Colgate have heard about Sunny Days being rescued, which piques their interest. Twilight vows to pay a visit to Celestia to find out what's going on.

Elsewhere, Scootaloo tries to cheer up Apple Bloom with a party. Apple Bloom is sad. They are suddenly interrupted by Shells, whom the pair identify (whilst screaming) as their classmate Snails, who died in a schoolhouse fire several years ago. Unperturbed, Shells asks them to join his campaign to save Equestria. With nothing better to do, they agree.

Chapter 36

Twilight arrives at Canterlot. With some careful talk and veiled threats, she convinces Celestia to tell her the truth. She's introduced to Celestia's Blight, better known as the Blight, a hidden facility beneath Canterlot where terrible things are kept in captivity and strange experiments are carried out. It's revealed that Sunny Days has been kept here, searching for the secret to her immortality. Twilight gives Celestia a vicious tongue-lashing for being no better than her original captors, which Celestia accepts without comment.

Twilight is then introduced to Warm Quilt, the Blight's chief administrator.

Chapter 37

That evening, Twilight and Co. attend a concert held by Pinkie Pie's sister, who defies expectations by being a punk rocker. Twilight draws her attention by calling her by her real name, which almost gets the group thrown out. Behind closed doors, Marble Pie reveals that she and her sisters grew up in a mysterious underground facility, neglected and experimented upon. It was only when their third sister died that they were finally set free. Something had changed in Pinkie Pie; something snapped and never went back the way it was, by some miracle for the better. She was the lucky one.

Later that night, Twilight leads a rescue and rescues Sunny Days from the Blight. Celestia catches her, but lets her go. Sunny Days, disoriented and with nothing else going on, agrees to join their cause and help them find the base of Dinky Doo's kidnappers.

Elsewhere, Shells recruits Straw Bolt and Derpy to his cause.

Chapter 38

The two teams attack the Night Castle on the same night. One group is led there by Sunny Days, the other by Straw Bolt. They are each attacked by golems but find their way inside. On the interior they discover Shears and a mysterious pony wearing a cloak identical to Sideline's. Shears is captured, but his partner escapes. On interrogation, Shears claims no knowledge of the Death Note or Dinky Doo's kidnapping.

The ground begins to rumble. Both teams are thrown around as the entire castle is lifted into the air - riding on the back of a titanic pony-shaped golem. With steps that shake the ground, the engine of destruction begins to march toward Canterlot.

Chapter 39

The teams head for the castle golem's head. There, they discover that it's being powered by multiple giant crystals as well as the Nightmare Writings, ancient dark texts of destruction. While the golem can be directed, all it can do is lash out and cause harm to ponies. Apple Bloom suggests that they crash it over Sweet Apple Acres, technically causing great harm but killing nobody. Twilight and Locket both try to do so, in the process gaining glimpses into each other's minds through the crystal. Ultimately, Apple Bloom steps up and collapses the golem over her family's land.

The two groups split up again. Shears and the hooded pony are left for the approaching Royal Guard to deal with - all attempts to remove the hood fail. Just as they leave, however, Shells unbinds the knots around Shears, leaving him to free himself. When asked about their decision not to team up, both Twilight and Shells claim that they believe someone on the other team might be the next Kira. Straw Bolt chastises Shells for putting the fillies in danger, inadvertently talking himself into staying with the team under his protection.

Confused at returning from the castle empty-hooved, Twilight leads her team back to Carrot Top's house, where she discovers Carrot Top and Dinky Doo just returning from out of town. Carrot Top claims they were never kidnapped, but received some money and a mysterious note warning them to leave town for a few days. Meanwhile, a cunning changeling uncloaks from her Carrot Top disguise and rejoins Shells. Shells reveals that he has had the stolen Death Note all along.

The Royal Guards bring their cloaked prisoner before Celestia. Celestia warns him that she has ways to remove the enchanted cloaks, and it would be for the best if he, Judas, would just do it himself. "Judas" removes his hood... and to Celestia's surprise, it's none other than Jazz, whom she recognizes. Jazz reveals that he's been working with Shells, and first traded places with his Sideline, then swapped places again with the hooded pony in the Night Castle during the chaos of the assault. Celestia is outraged, but allows him to take the cloak and return to Ponyville.

Back at the base, Locket takes Twilight aside and tells her that the crystal allowed her to see inside the other mare’s mind. She hints that she knows Twilight is Kira, but doesn’t say it outright. Just as Twilight decides to kill her, she reveals that her real name is Linky and walks away. Unsure of what to make of this, Twilight decides to keep the earth pony around awhile longer.

Time is rapidly running out until Sunny Days' death. Twilight allows her only a brief visit with her parents and then snatches her away again to begin a new set of experiments. She interrogates Echo Pie about the method to create Echoes after death, the only way she can think of to save Sunny's life. Echo reluctantly agrees, and the pair spend a whole day working - only for Echo to reveal at the final step that she had lied, and had been making the whole thing up. Anyone can cause death, she claims - but the ability to defy it entirely is too great and terrible a power for anyone to have. Twilight screams and cries, but there is nothing she can do.

That night, the clock runs out. Twilight wakes to find the filly stumbling around the library, looking for something sharp. She stops her and, seeing all the harm she has done to this little girl, tells her that she’s Kira. She comforts the filly as best she can, apologizes sincerely, and in the end helps her slit her wrists and holds her lovingly as she dies.

Then she looks up and sees Spike watching her in horror.

Cold madness takes over. As Spike tries to talk to her, Twilight advances - and beats him to death with magic and her own hooves. As the reality of what she's done to preserve her identity as Kira sinks in, Twilight howls. It's revealed that this was Mer's final curse: that Spike the dragon was to die in this way, murdered by the one he loved most.

The last light of her life gone, Twilight switches to full offence. She writes a letter to Celestia from Kira, demanding that the justice system be altered, all attempts to find Kira are to cease, and the workings of Celestia's blight be revealed. She threatens to kill first her faithful student, her sister, and then the princess herself if she does not comply. Then she ignites the letter and stomps on Spike's stomach, causing a last plume of flame to engulf the letter, hopefully sending it on its way.

The following morning, Twilight walks into the base only to be decked in the face by Colgate. Colgate read the report on Sunny Days - she knows Twilight was performing experiments on her to learn her immortality. It was because of this endless torture and experimentation that Sunny killed herself, she's sure of it. Twilight doesn't correct her. She's almost kicked off the team when Celestia makes her tearful announcement regarding Kira's letter on crystalvision.

Twilight informs her team that she is suspicious of Shells and his team, claiming that she believes one of them is Kira. She also makes a point of visiting Fluttershy, giving her several pieces of enchanted paper that will let her discreetly communicate with her. She instructs her to increase her rate of killing and slightly change some of her parameters, intending to explain this increase as the arrival of a new Kira.

Luna attacks Celestia, believing that her big sister has willingly given in to Kira. Celestia tries to explain that she is protecting the ponies she loves, but Luna will not listen to her. They battle very carefully, aware that the slightest misstep could result in the deaths of hundreds of ponies below them. When Celestia is on the verge of breaking through Luna’s defenses the lunar princess flees. Celestia allows her to leave.

Luna arrives at the underground base. She is shocked to hear of L’s death, but is undeterred in her plan: she wants the group’s help to overthrow Celestia. She presents them with the stolen Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash retain their elements, but Twilight talks Luna out of including Fluttershy on the grounds that she would never agree with the plan. The remaining elements are distributed throughout the group: Spike as the Element of Laughter, Colgate as the Element of Honesty, Locket as the Element of Kindness, and Luna herself as the Element of Generosity.

Preparing to leave for Canterlot again, Twilight returns to the library to pack the Death Note. As she takes it from its hiding place it is seized by Sidoe, who becomes the haunting shinigami and is finally made visible. To his frustration he finds that this is not his Death Note either, and since it is possessed by a pony he cannot use it for himself. He tries to threaten Twilight into relinquishing ownership, but she refuses, fearing that Sidoe would try to kill her as soon as the notebook was his. As a desperate compromise, Twilight directs Sidoe towards Fluttershy, gambling that the loss of her and her Death Note would be worth it to be rid of the bothersome shinigami.

Sidoe arrives at Fluttershy’s cottage and threatens Byuk, explaining that he has very little time left to live. Having not intended to endanger the life of his fellow god, Byuk instructs Fluttershy to bring him the Note. Before she can relinquish ownership, however, Sidoe throws the book in her face and storms off. Still unable to see Sidoe, Fluttershy asks Byuk what happened. Puzzled, Byuk answers that he’d said that wasn’t his book either.

The makeshift EoH make their way into Celestia’s throne room, where she is holding open court, and attempt to use the Elements of Harmony on her. To no one’s surprise but the Princesses’, nothing happens. In a panic, Luna attempts to flee, but her botched teleportation only scatters the group around the castle. One by one, they are either captured or turn themselves in. Luna finds Colgate and pulls her into a broom cupboard, creating the impression of a frightened child. Colgate betrays Luna and kicks her out into the hall, right in front of Celestia. The solar princess puts her sister into a magically induced coma, where she will stay until the end of the story.

Twilight harshly tells Celestia that she did not defend her out of loyalty to her, and takes the Elements of Harmony for herself. She rounds up the team and starts back towards Ponyville. On the way there, she ponders what to do about Snails’ team. She can’t kill only the ones she knows, as that would point to her. However, she realizes that she’s been going about it the wrong way: it’s not a battle of teams, it’s a battle between her and the new L.

When Twilight receives Fluttershy's messages, she realizes in horror what's been going on. Before leaving Ponyville, Jazz snuck into Fluttershy's house and used his copying spell to create a duplicate of it, then enchanted the duplicate's paper so that the names written on it would appear elsewhere. Whenever Fluttershy wrote down a name, they would fake the death and report it over the news - they've been playing her for a fool the whole time. Furiously, she comes up with a new plan to take out the other team in one fell swoop.

Twilight instructs Fluttershy to write down that Snails will show up somewhere to do something compromising. She knows that Snails will receive the message thanks to Fluttershy’s fake notebook. Snails will show up anyway, hoping to trap Kira. Little does he know that Twilight had also written the same thing in her own, very real Death Note. Snails arrives at the given place, but neither reveals the names of his team nor dies. Having analyzed the plight of Sunny Days and compared the events to the known rules of the Death Note, he determined that Kira had cursed her with 23 days of life. Knowing that his life was forfeit the moment Twilight Sparkle had seen his face, he’d used the one sheet of the Death Note Jazz had left him to give himself 23 days of immortality. Knowing this, he is immune to Twilight’s influence and is able to capture both Fluttershy and the fake Death Note. Twilight is left baffled, believing that she had somehow been wrong about Snails’ name.

However, when Snails’ team returns to Carrot Top’s house, they find Carrot Top unconscious and Geldus’ Death Note stolen. Snails reveals sadly that Jazz has turned against them and become a monster: Kira 4.

oh shit, it's
*Season 4*

To be concluded...