• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 3,325 Views, 211 Comments

Perception - Valen

Scootaloo is alone. She's failed her family, her friends, her destiny - everything. Running away from her problems, Scootaloo lost herself in the sprawling city of Las Pegasus. Now, her life is meaningless... until a letter arrives from Ponyvill

  • ...

Chapter 3: Reunion



It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”


Chapter 3: Reunion

A cold breeze of wind washed over my face as I stepped out of the train and onto the platform. The floor was cold and wooden. Further down the platform, I could see ponies getting on and off the train. I looked around, trying to find my bearings and finally realised what was making my mane itch. Something felt off, but I couldn’t quite tell what. Then I noticed it.

Ponyville had changed. It was no longer the simple, rural town of my childhood. Now, it wasn’t bad per se, but it was different. Street lamps were all over the place, their electrical light sending a warm amber glow across the night-time streets. I could see examples of Equestria’s rising technology all over the place, but none of it was so overt that they looked out of place. In fact, it looked as though somepony had gone to extreme efforts to make sure the additions looked natural.

I took a few more steps forward, bringing myself fully away from the train. A high-pitched whistle sounded, and the train began to depart, puffing smoke as it moved. I turned my attention back to my surroundings, finally realising just how cold it was. A quick glance at a nearby tree confirmed my theory: It was snowing. I wondered how I had forgotten that it was nearly November.

Shivering slightly, I began walking in a random direction. It had been years since I was last here, and I honestly had no idea where anything was, or where I should be trying to go. I guess town square would be a start. Too bad I have no damn clue where it is, I thought. With no better idea, I walked in the direction I hoped it would be.

After a few minutes, I realised that I was totally lost. I looked upwards, pleading for the moon to give me direction. Oddly, I got the distinct feeling that it was laughing at me. Stupid space things, with their stupid glowy-ness, and… and… and their stupidness! I thought angrily, cursing all that wouldn’t show me where to get a cup of coffee. I stood there, continuing to think more and more obscene thoughts, until I felt light contact on my nose. Of course, when this happened I did the only sane thing one could do.

I yelped, ran backwards and tripped over a bin, sending myself flopping onto the street.

I coughed and sputtered, flailing in the ankle-deep snow. This continued for a few moments before I noticed something. Somepony was laughing! I immediately stopped my flailing, pushing myself into a sitting position to glare at a striking orange unicorn mare with a bright, fiery mane. She was rolling on the ground, pointing and laughing. At length she stopped laughing and grinned at me, wiping a tear from her deep green eyes.

“Oh man! That was just incredible,” she said in an energetic, somewhat scratchy voice. A voice I recognized very well.

“F-Firelock?! Is that you?” I asked incredulously, still struggling to my hooves. The guffawing mare stopped for a moment, before flashing a grin and striking a pose which looked like it could have been on some ‘Join the Equestrian Military today!’ poster. She stood on her hind legs, her forelegs posed as if ready to gallop into a non-existent sunset.

“In the flesh!” Firelock replied with an even wider grin. Her heroic pose was made somewhat less impressive by the bright pink earmuffs and purple scarf she wore, but the blowing wind did make it look a little bit like a cape, which admittedly was pretty cool. I slowly stood up, not taking my eyes off the unicorn. My mind was reeling. Firelock! She had been one of my best friends when we were younger, one of the ponies I had abandoned, yet there she stood as if nothing had happened. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I did the only thing I could think of.

I tackled her to the ground and gave her a nice, big hug. She responded with something which sounded a little bit like ‘Gerrof, Scootaroo! Yer crushin’ meh!’ At that moment I couldn’t have cared less, I was just happy to have a friend again. I simply sat there, laughing madly. In the end, Firelock joined me, and we both just lay there in the snow without a care in the world.

At length I sat back up, wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. I glanced sideways at Firelock who was still grinning madly. She gave me a quick nudge with her shoulder, before gesturing to a nearby cafe. I smiled and nodded, still not entirely able to use words. Together, we walked inside and grabbed a table. There were a few other ponies in attendance, but none who I particularly recognised.

The cafe itself was… homely. It had an inviting, open fire with a decorated mantlepiece, as well as several comfy chairs set in each of the corners surrounding coffee tables. This was obviously a place where friends got together to talk and relax after a long week of work. The walls were painted a soft yellow; I was reminded of Daisy’s coat. The entire place just gave off a sense of warmth and happiness.

Celestia, it feels good to be home.

We sat down on one of the couches near the fire, letting it warm our tired and cold bones. A small, brown buck came by and we ordered some coffee. He nodded after taking our orders and trotted off. I gave Firelock a nudge, turning my head towards her as I asked, “So, what were you doing out at this time of night?”

She smirked. “I could ask you the same question.” I stuck my tongue out at her, the universal symbol for ‘Screw you, you go first.’ Firelock seemed to be well versed in stubbornese as she simply chuckled before continuing.

“Well, I figured after everything that’s happened recently, I needed some fresh air. Alula hasn’t been able to stop crying, I think she wanted some time alone with her thoughts so I went for a walk.”

I scratched my head. Everything that’s happened? Does she mean Apple Bloom? I thought in confusion. I had assumed that she’d just gotten really sick or something, but was it worse than that? And what was that about Alula? I decided to push the more pressing matters to the back of my mind, asking the less worrying question first.

“Alula? Wasn’t she that Alicorn filly who was always making sandcastles?” I asked, thinking back to my days in school. I remembered Alula as being a very quiet filly, she hadn’t really ever talked to anyone except Firelock, Sweetie Belle and another foal—Bee Bop. She had seemed to have a fascination with castles and structures, spending hours just making bigger and more impressive fortresses out of sand. I could have sworn that she had created Canterlot palace!

I remembered talking to her one time. When I asked her what it was like being a pegacorn, she became really evasive and awkward. I learned later on that she was extremely self conscious about her wings, because all the other foals ended up likening her to a princess. The way she acted, one would’ve thought she was scared that Celestia would eat her for treason, or something!

A dumb grin spread across Firelock’s face as she closed her eyes and sighed, “Yeah, remember that quiet filly I always hung out with? Her. We’ve been dating for seven years now. We’ve had our little squabbles, but I think we’re gonna make it.” I smiled at Firelock. It was nice to know that she had found love, she deserved it.

Besides, it provided the perfect opportunity for a little teasing.

“I never knew you were into mares, Lockie!” I said in what I hoped was a sultry tone. I lowered my eyelids and leaned forwards, waiting until our muzzles were only a few centimetres away, before continuing, “Who knows, maybe I could show you a thing or two?” Firelock worked her mouth, her eyes bulging out of their sockets as she tried to formulate a response. She was blushing madly and I burst out laughing, falling back into my seat.

Firelock glared at me, still blushing. I simply flashed a grin at her. She shook her head, before picking up the newly-presented coffee and drinking from it deeply. It was funny watching her try and cover up the blush. After a few moments, Firelock had managed to get the redness under enough control to look at me again. “Anyway, where have you been Scoots? I haven’t seen you in years!”

I visibly winced at that and looked away. There it was, the dragon in the room. The question which we had both been thinking, but I had been desperately hoping to avoid. I sighed. Firelock deserves an explanation, or at least something! I thought in frustration. I looked back up at her, she had a worried look etched upon her face.

“You okay, Scoots?” she asked. I smiled back at her. No point in being all depressing now, was there?

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just… stuff,” I said vaguely, lightly waving my hoof in the air. “I’ve been, ah, living in Las Pegasus. It’s… it’s complicated.” She nodded at me. She understood, and for that I was eternally grateful. She gave me a hug, whispering in my ear.

“That’s okay, but I’ll expect a proper answer sooner or later.” I nodded in response, hugging her closer. Firelock was a good pony, she deserved that much. I took a moment to gather my thoughts; there was the obviously pressing question, but I wasn’t quite sure I was ready to ask her yet. Luckily, Firelock was already prepared to dispel any awkwardness.

“So what’ve you been up to in Las Pegasus?” she asked, taking another sip of her coffee.

“Oh, well I’ve been working as a guard for this warehouse. Wasn’t really fun or rewarding, but it got me paid.” I replied with a shrug. “What about you?”

“Me? Well, you my friend are looking at the up-and-coming captain of the Equestrian Guard!” Firelock said with a proud grin. “I’ve been training as a pyromancer for a couple of years. Luckily for me, my posting is actually here in Ponyville. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to get assigned here, we lose more guards to the Everfree Forest here than ponies on the long patrol.”

I couldn’t help but let out a little gasp. “Seriously? Aren’t the long patrol meant to be like, dragon-hunters or something?” Firelock nodded. “How can you lose more ponies to the forest than to dragons!?” I asked incredulously. That makes no sense!

“Well, Everfree seems to have gotten more violent recently. Manticores and other creatures have gotten far more aggressive—just last week, one attacked Carrot Top’s barn. Luckily, I’d been around at the time and was able to send it back.” I let out a low whistle.

“Damn Firelock, you must be pretty proud.” Her grin grew even wider at that.

“Yeah, it’s dangerous work, but I’ve gotta say that it feels good to help out ponies. I guess you could say that I take after my dad,” she chuckled. Firelock’s father had served with the Guard back when we were fillies, and I couldn’t imagine him having resigned yet. It had bugged Firelock that her dad was never around, but the two had always had a good relationship, regardless.

We spent the next hour or so talking about guard work, Firelock with her epic battles against manticores and me with the occasional drunk brawl outside the Warehouse. Unfortunately, we could only go so long before things came to the inevitable question.

“So Scoots, what brought you back? You don’t have to tell me why you left, but I’d like to know what made you decide to come home.” I winced again, but this time I was somewhat more ready for it. I undid the latch of my saddlebags and pulled out the letter from Sweetie Belle, dropping it on the table in front of my friend. “Oh…” she said at length.

“Yeah. Do you know anything about it?” Now it was Firelock’s turn to wince. “Come on Fire, please?” She looked away for a few more moments, as if trying to gather her thoughts, before turning back towards me.

“There was… there was an attack. Y’know how Apple Bloom is head of a tech company?” I didn’t, but I motioned for her to carry on. “Well, during this speech of hers, she was… she was shot, Scoots. It’s a wonder she’s survived this long, but I don’t think she’s got much longer.” My heart skipped a beat. What!?

“When… when did this happen?” I asked in a shaky voice, my mind reeling.

“It was… two days ago now. Sorry, but I don’t really know many of the details. All I know is that we’ve been scrambling to find the guy who did it ever since. My boss probably knows more.” I felt a sudden burst of utter rage towards the unknown attacker. “Maybe… maybe Sweetie would be better help right now? I know you three were really close back in school.” I nodded. Yeah, we were.

“That’d be good, yeah. Could you lead the way?” I asked, still unable to really think correctly. Firelock nodded, dropping a few bits on the table before walking out the door, me following close behind.

* * *

About fifteen minutes later, we were walking towards the town square. We had made a few attempts at conversation, but it seemed that right now our minds were not really in it. We trotted along in near silence, accompanied by the occasional hoot of an owl. I glanced across at Firelock who had a thoughtful look on her face. Deciding not to disturb her, I busied myself with looking at the sky. I had never really appreciated it when I was in Las Pegasus, but Luna’s night really was beautiful. The stars looked down upon us, like thousands of fireflies. The snowing had let up a bit, leaving Ponyville covered in a majestic blanket of white.

“Hey Scoots? We’re here,” Firelock said from my side. I brought my gaze back down to look at the building before us. It wasn’t big, it was actually quite small, but it had an aura of warmth and cosiness. The thatched roof and wooden walls fitted in with the general aesthetic of Ponyville—except for the lavender door, which stood out a little from the more widespread magenta.

I was suddenly hit by a wave of fear. This is it! I’m going to see Sweetie Belle! What the hell am I going to do? Just walk up and say ‘’Hey buddy, how’s it going?’ I began to panic, this was stupid! I hadn’t seen Sweetie in years, I hadn’t even bothered talking to her. I had just run away, abandoning her and all my other friends. Why should she even talk to me? She was probably just going to shut the door in my face.

I stood there, my mind tearing itself apart in worry. I probably would have stayed there too, frozen in fear until the cold killed me. If Firelock hadn’t been there that is. She gave me a little nudge, smiling comfortingly. I gave a weak smile of my own back, sucking in a deep breath before taking a step.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Before I knew it, I was standing at the door, one hoof hesitantly raised. Could I do this? I looked at Firelock, who simply nodded at me. Her presence made things far easier, and with a little effort I knocked on the door once. Twice. Three times. I took a step back and danced on my hooves a little. After a few moments I grinned at Firelock.

“Hey maybe she’s not in? Oh well that’s too bad come on let’s g—” My sentence was cut off by the sound of a latch being moved out the way and the door opening. Before I knew it, I was face-to-face with one of the greatest friends I had ever had.

Sweetie Belle stood before me, her luxurious white coat glowing from candlelight. Her long, purple and pink mane seemed to shine with a mysterious glow, and I could see her deep, forest green eyes widen in surprise as she saw me. Quick think of something to say! I mentally yelled at myself. Something smart! Funny! Witty! Tell her you’re sorry! Tell her you missed her! Say something! Anything!

“Hey,” I muttered weakly, flashing a stupid grin.


“S-Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle asked in shock. “Is that really you?” I nodded, my smile becoming a little more sincere.

“Yeah, yeah it is.” The unicorn mare stared at me, looking caught between laughing, crying and screaming all at once. Firelock gently reached forwards and nudged her, and she seemed to break out of her reverie.

“W-Would you two like to come in?” she asked.

“Nah, I’ve gotta get back to ‘Lula, but I’ll come by tomorrow if that’s okay?” Firelock replied, gesturing in the direction I assumed she must live. Sweetie Belle nodded in response to that and began to walk inside. I was about to follow when Firelock caught me and gave me one more hug. “Good luck, Scoots. I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks, Firelock.”

“Not a problem, featherbrain. Seeya ‘round.” With that, Firelock was gone into the night. I gazed back at the house, steadied my breathing, and walked inside.

* * *

Sweetie’s house was warm, something which I really appreciated. I sat on a comfortable, blue couch in her living room, where a fire gently crackled. The walls were a shade of white-ish green—Ivory, I believe—and on a table nearby was a book, entitled Strife. The entire house had an inviting feel to it.

I waited for Sweetie to return, for she had gone into the kitchen to fetch some drinks. I guessed she probably just needed some time to think. I know I would if I showed up at my door after having been gone for years. Though in that case it would probably be more of a case of ‘Oh sweet Luna there is a clone of me at my door what the heck’ than a case of ‘Should I kick this awful pony out or not?’

My thoughts on the implications of cloning and how one would deal with multiple Scootaloo’s wrecking the country was interrupted by a plod as somepony sat next to me. I turned to see a nervous Sweetie Belle passing me a mug of hot chocolate. I smiled gratefully at her, taking the drink in my hooves. The mug felt very warm and soothing, just what I needed.

We sat there awkwardly, stealing small glances at each other and dancing around the subject which we both knew had to be said. In the end, it became too much.

“So, is Apple Bloom really dying?” I asked. Sweetie yelped, nearly dropping her mug. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. Ouch. If I hadn’t already, I would have sat down hard. “It’s really happening, huh?” Sweetie nodded. Of course Firelock had already told me, but somehow It never really hit me ‘til I saw that look in Sweetie’s eyes. Before now, I could have pretended that this was all some sick joke or something, but that pain couldn’t possibly be fake.

The world was silent for a moment, nothing moving, not a single sound being made. I broke that with a resounding shout. “Fuck!” Sweetie appeared taken aback, but I couldn’t help myself. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” I repeated that word like a damned mantra, venting my anger and hatred and frustration in the only way I could without hurting anypony. “Why? Fucking why!?”

I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. This was so stupid! It had been years since I had seen Sweetie Belle and this was what she saw? Suddenly I felt hooves around me, and I turned to see Sweetie hugging me tightly. That was it, too much, game over. I broke down crying in her hooves—crying for every, single, fucking moment I had spent away from my friends.

I don’t know how long I stayed like that, but eventually the tears stopped coming. I just remained there, sniffling like an idiot.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie…” I whispered, mentally kicking myself again and again for being so fucking pathetic. She hushed me, hugging me tighter.

“It’s okay, Scootaloo. It’s okay,” she said, nuzzling me.

“But it’s not, is it? I abandoned you all, and now here I am, and Apple Bloom’s dying and I just… I just… I don’t know what to fucking do!” I shouted, slamming my hoof into the nearby table. I could feel more tears coming, but I didn’t let any get through. I was not going to break down like that again.

Sweetie Belle didn’t really seem to have an answer to that, so I just sat there. My mind kept repeating what I had been told. This was all too much, too fast. I was tired, I was angry; at that moment, all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out. I could feel Sweetie’s erratic heartbeat against my own, and was moved to hug her back.

We lay there for Luna knows how long, and I was pretty certain I dozed off at some point. Right now, this was what I needed. I needed Sweetie’s hooves around me, I needed her to tell me it was okay. I felt fragile, like anything could break me at any moment. I felt a hoof running through my mane, and I looked up into the green eyes of my childhood friend.

“D- Do you think I could see her?” Sweetie smiled a little at that.

“Yeah. Yeah, I think that would be okay. But, could we stay like this for a little longer?”

“Why?” I asked with a hint of confusion. While I did find Sweetie excessively comfortable, I didn’t really think that now was a good time to have a hug-fest.

“I just… It’s been too long Scoots. I want to make sure you’re real and this isn’t some stupid dream where I finally get my best friend back.” I gave my own small little smile back, leaning forwards and kissing her just below the horn. I could accept that, I was lucky she was even letting me inside her house, let alone talking to me. The least I could do was offer some care in return, right?

“I can accept that,” I said as the white unicorn blushed furiously. Goddesses, I missed that. With a small sigh I pulled her closer, wrapping my wings around the mare. She proceeded to nuzzle her head into the space between my shoulder blade and neck. I let out a sigh of contentment. Despite all the other crap going on, I would still have Sweetie Belle with me, and for that I was eternally grateful. I felt like I might actually be able to buck up and do better, as long as I had my friend by my side.

“I missed you Scoots,” whispered Sweetie. I closed my eyes, feeling a lethargy overtake me as I relaxed.

“I missed you too.”

Author's Note:

Well here we go, this chapter went through a lot of rewrites but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. This one was a little lighter than the previous ones, but don't worry, sad stuff is coming next! Also, it's worth noting that chapter 2 has been rewritten as well. :twilightsmile:

EDIT: Thanks to Pendrake72 for pointing out the problem with the formatting.
